The Citizen, 2004-04-08, Page 2Spring Clean with gig Suds .eau ncharnat BRUSSELS Double & Triple Load Washers 2 wash & 3 rinse cycles with high speed water extraction 80,000 BTU dryers ne washer dedicated to barn clothing & animal blanket NOW OPEN 7 0 am 'til 8:30 DAYS A WEE COMING EVENTS at the BRUSSELS LEGION SATURDAY, APRIL 10 Euchre Tournament downstairs at 1:00 pm. Bring your own partner. Cash Prizes. Admission: $5. per person. Lunch. SUNDAY, APRIL 11 Easter Sunday. No Singles Dance. SUNDAY, APRIL 17 Brussels Legion Fish Fry from 5:00 pm 'til 7:00 pm Adults $10.00. Children 12 and under $5.00 Preschool: Free SATURDAY, APRIL 24 Euchre Tournament downstairs at 1:00 pm. Bring your own partner. Cash Prizes. Admission: $5. per person. Lunch. SUNDAY, APRIL 25 Singles dance from 7:00 - 11:00 pm Admission: $8.00 per person Lunch. Enjoy "Ken Scott Orchestra" FRIDAY, APRIL 30 Silent Auction - Viewing and bidding from 7:00 until 9:00 pm SATURDAY, MAY 1 Silent Auction opens at 10:00 am and viewing and bidding until 4:00 pm Info and general inquiries at 887-6562 or 887-6570 HUBBELL TURF MANAGEMENT "For all your lawn maintenance needs" Call now for a free estimate on power lawn sweeping 887-9054 Toll free 1-888-393-3003 Brian Hubbell Brussels Optimist Club Annual Dinner & Auction APRIL 10TH BMG Community Centre in Brussels Doors open at 5:30 pm Dinner at 6:30 pm All-you-can-eat BBQ steak supper Catered by The Brussels Optimist Club and Cardiff Catering Proceeds go to Cystic Fibrosis and Community Betterment Entertainment provided We are looking for donations or donated items for our Audtion - Contact Don Sholdice 887-6836 or Kevin Deitner 887-6502 is Tickets available from any Optimist Member Only 350 tickets sold mosimi*. PAGE 2. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 2004. FROM BRUSSELS Greeting at Melville Presbyterian Church last Sunday morning were Mike and Lori Vader with their children Jasmine and Anthony. Flowers were placed at the front of the church in loving memory of Jack McCutcheon by the family. The sympathy of this congregation goes out to the McCutcheon family and also to the family of Marguerite Krauter who passed away April 1. Rev. Cathrine Campbell led in the Call to Worship. The senior choir sang the anthem, Because He Lives, during the congregational greetings. The responsive reading of Psalm 31: 9 - 18 led to the singing of the children's hymn, We Come as Guests Invited, as the youngsters moved to the front of the church for their storytime. Rev. Campbell pointed out the beautiful roses and talked to the children about how while roses are attractive to see, they're also a symbol of the love and affection felt by those who have placed them there in memory of a loved one. She talked of eating and how it too is sometimes symbolic and means more than to just quell hunger. At the Branch By Jo-Ann McDonald The week at the Brussels Legion started with a meeting on Monday evening hosted by Brussels Agri Services and Gallagher Power Fencing. A packed house listened to guest speaker Dave Pratt speak on livestock, grass, money and you. He specializes in intensive grazing and livestock management systems. The 4-H Club members sold coffee and donuts as a fundraiser. These were supplied by Brussels Agri Services Ltd. The general meeting was held on Referring to the communion table draped in preparation for the sacrament, she reminded all that Jesus was the instigator of the first Communion feast. Rev. Campbell also reminded everyone of the Easter breakfast to be held at the church on Easter Sunday at 9 a.m., and how funds raised from this meal would enable the Sunday School classes to sponsor Geri, their adopted foster child for another year, through World Vision. The scripture lessons for this morning were Isaiah 50: 4 - 9, Philippians 2: 5 - 11 and Luke 22 with Julia Mitchell assisting Rev. Campbell. Following the hymn, 0 Master Let Me Walk With Thee, the sermon, Come and Dine, was presented. Starting out with the words of Auntie Mame in the movie by that name, Rev. Campbell said, "Life is a banquet and most poor souls are starving to death because they're afraid to come". She said people are grateful they are called to dine and can accept. "Ours is the richest banquet in the world because we are called to the Tuesday evening with only nine in attendance. The winter has been tough financially with high costs to run a facility and low usage of the place as well. The auction will hopefully help out immensely. Get your pledge sheets in and save someone the time of having to call. Donations were approved for Grey Central Public School and the Wingham high school history trip. The dart league had 12 players out. The first-place team was Sandra Josling and John Harrison. In second place were Lisa Glanville and Steve Thom. The high shots were John Harrison with By Betty Graber Watson Call 887-6236 887-9231 Yippee!! The sun is shining, the breezes blowing, the bulbs are peeking and the robins are hopping about. It seems it may be spring. The palm branches were in motion on Sunday at many area churches. This is part of our history as we recall the parade with Jesus as the honoured guest A party was needed, a welcoming or homecoming parade with all the joy and laughter that comes with this kind of gathering. And so as we begin Holy Week once again after 2,000 years of Holy Weeks we need this welcoming joy, for we know what _happens in the story on Friday. So as the week passes the horrors of our world then and now are pondered. We also know Lord's table to celebrate what we,are given by God." Speaking of , the communion sacrament, she pointed out that just as Jesus sent Peter and John to make preparations for Passover in the finest dining room they could find, Christians also use their finest linen and best utensils to celebrate- the feast of the Lord. Just as Jesus shared that.feast with one who was plotting to betray him and another who was weak and would deny him, Christians also are not perfect, but welcomed to participate in the community of faith. The offering was taken up by Maurice Douma, Bill Aitchison, Jeff Cardiff and Bill King, during which time the solo anthem, I' Believe in a Hill Called Calvary, was sung by Margaret Mclnroy. Then the elders moved to the front of the church and after everyone recited The Apostle's Creed, the sacrament of communion was given. From the announcements, the Maitland Presbytery has offered to send one of the Sunday school children to camp. From a drawing of names Matthew Pipe is the lucky 133 and Lisa Glanville with 119. Men's high start was Norm Dobson with 102. The Friday night supper of roast pork was attended by over 40. As this week is Good Friday we are closed. On Saturday the fish fry crew was off to Stratford to serve 140. Helping out the crew were Dave Stephenson, Randy White, Rick and Jo-Ann McDonald, Carmen and Mary Bernard, Norm Dobson and Judy Lee. They had a good day and were even home by 8:30 p.m. Anniversary wishes were sung to George and Maxine Adams on the the conclusions — the very reason we are Christian today. So every year we honour this week as we prepare to celebrate the risen Christ. so the significance of new growth, new life and reassurance are ours again each spring. The release of the_movie called The Passion of The Christ last month will have a lot more people thinking about the historical and real Easter. This year perhaps this brutality and many other horrors and injustices in the world will be very real. Our world and its people continue to struggle for power and might, so someone else always loses. Perhaps soon we could learn to share all. Ah the reason for the Easter story. For the chocolate lovers of the world, life just improved. Check out the west side of Turnberry Street. A dream house for you has just opened. Don't forget to contact Darlene Hemingway about vocal lessons. She's here on Mondays. We need to use her time well when we have her in Brussels and we'll all benefit. Have a Blessed Easter with the ones you love. Bye now, Betty G.W. youngster who will spending a week at Camp Kintail this summer. "There will be a combined junior and senior choir practice on Thursday night, and a fundraising meeting on April 12. occasion of their 55th wedding anniversary on Friday night. They had one of their daughters with them to help celebrate. Welcome home to Glenn and Jean Bridge who have been in Florida for a while. Get well wishes to Harry Smith who is recovering from surgery. We are still hoping for more comrades to come forward and sit on the executive. Elections are this month, April 20 at 7:30 p.m. Interested parties should contact Rick McDonald. Extra recognition When Brussels-area youth Aaron Richmond was honoured with a nomination for Jr. Citizen by the Ontario Community Newspaper Assocation, part of his recognition came as a result of his contribution at Huronlea, County Home for the Aged. Thursday, county council said well done also, when warden Bill Dowson presented Richmond with a certificate for his achievements. (Keith Flouiston photo) Breakfast funds help sponsor adopted foster child Branch looks for more comrades \TIP, jr/lir ire' .00 F, Plikil,t, 11,:, 1 or Blessings Oi; 'hether it's traditional Easter lilies, hydrangeas, a cheerful bouquet of brightly coloured mixed 'ill flowers, or a fragrant arrangement, we have \\ i the perfect flowers for any occasion f i "01 Order early for best selection Vie\ 1 911-3. t For You ;et tr 5f i Flowers and Gifts ,I( fl/' 0). Turnberry St., BrusseI4 ...41 A . 4 rri J, - - W. - 887-9731 - *at Wk., Atlisic. 9 .72irrr\te VII