The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-12-24, Page 30/000 101-tig.' WI MUM*: Lectkik.tv orxwo THE LUCICNOW SENTINEL, LOCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 197S IE We're delivering our holiday message fresh to your door2—a very merry Yule to \one and all. To our many kind patrons, special thanks for yoUr valued support. Lucknow District Co-op I *414•11441411444.44404~11.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• LOOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH. THE SENTINEL FILES CHRISTMAS THOUGHTS By. Ena Steer The days and months have slipped away, And Watt it will be Christmas Day; What does' that mean to you and me,' As all around. turmoil we see;, Are we cast down, our faith less strong. Oh how we need the . angels song, For in those' days of long ago. God sent his son to earth below; Yet even then, the world seemed mad, Evil was rampant, the people sad; Then Jesus came and there was hope. To gladden men's hearts and help them cope, - With unjust ways and heavy taxes, For that was how the Romans acted, But we're so glad that Jesus came, To show Gods love that will remain. So as we now proclaim his birth, And praise him that he came to earth. Let us be faithful all our days, And show we love Min by our ways. For He bids us hear the angels song, And follow the shepherd who came one by one;` To gaze at the babe who lay quietly there. With Mary and-Joseph so bare, An so like the wise men, Who came bringing treasure. May we bring our love, a bountiful measure. And then unto 'others, who are sick and so lonely. Share our rich blesslings. They are not for us only; To help us Oh God to kneel and adore thee, And read once again, the old Xmas • STILL AVAILABLE TOYS MITTS .AND GLOVES FOR CHILDREN LINENS FOR THE HOME HOUSECOATS AND NEGLIGEES FOR MOM SHIRTS FOR DAD in a stable story That bids us rejoice to sink and enjoy The laughter and fun of each girl and boy Who really make. Xmas in all 1.-if our homes For Jinus, the babe was •gift from his throne. • INFLATED TIMES The modern family man C;.z a . billfold full of pictures and no. ...money to speak of. WITH MARGARET THOMPSON' ••••••••••••••4 200 quilts during the previous five years. which were all donated to the Auburn Red Cross. Receptions and presentations were being held in the various I districts to honour their -service men and women, as each was welcomed back to their home community. 10 YEARS AGO DECEMBER 1965 The weather report for the month of November, as recorded by J. M. Greer. showed a high of 64. a low of 23. 7 inches of snow and 3A6 of rain. December provided an unusual month weatherwise. On December 31st. the temperature climbed to 56 degrees and gave the area the Wiest December 31st on record. The low temperature in December was 0 with rainfall 3.43 and snowfall 15,8, Only four days provided enough sun to record. December provided the second highest rainfall in 30 years. L. E. "Mel" Goyette, principal of Lucknow District High School since September 1963, accepted a position as principal of Kingsville District High School,, effective at the end of the school year.-in June. 30 YEARS AGO DECEMBER 1945 Fire of mysterious origin, which was discovered about 4 a.m., badly gutted the downtown building of Silverwood Dairies. Only a light wind was blowing and other nearby buildings were not endangered. Westfield District woinen made 50 YEARS AGO . DECEMBER 1925 Lucknow Agricultural Society. the Women's Institutes and other local organizations, crroperating with the Bruce County Department of Agriculture. were sponsoring' a Three Month's School in Agricul- ture and Home Economics. Courses included Domestic Science and General Houshold AdminiStra- don; Howe Nursing and First Aid; Sewing and Millinery; Veterinary Science and care of farm animals; Composition,. English and Public Speaking. Lucknow reeve and council were returned by acclamation for anoth- er year. namely Robert Johnston as reeve for his tenth successive term. with council members Robert Rae. D. M. Johnstone. Robert Mullin, A. E. BUsyrell. rrqs.'Srr, rrrs,