The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-12-24, Page 25IDs IN GANNON s Season appiness r be filled blessings Sincerely s. R. C ;han the tfoly season May the manyi . blessings of Christmas fill your hearts with peace and happiness. JOUWSMA MARKET GARDENS & GREENHOUSES ININGHAM. May each of us follow ; -., "'s.„ . 011(\-', his own star to° % , ,,.. * •....., .,.;4,..b...1, .00.- peace and joy! ,s. ... ,A<*.'4 V4100.,,,,,. • ,„„ • . .4w, 'IN lt :1'. '°"-. , 4 ta, :':•"'"••:" • v \ • •••,•• ‘-',•-• I 1 • 5, rl 5, FAIRVIEW DAIRY TOM, HILDA, MARK AND MICHELLE THERE WILL BE DELIVERY. ON BOXING. DAY, DECEMBER 26 Thank you all. • isr 4 FtMA 4 „•. \ • , • A CALCULATOR.r SALE RECHARGEABLE WITH HYDRO ADAPTOR Regular $29.95 FOR A LIMITED TIME ' $22.95 • 111E1,41 "V•4111\i,4011:wil4. -1•• _ ° "OF' <•."7111111. 4.• LUCKNOW SENTINEL SENTINEL IER dDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24.191$ THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW. ONTARIO PAGE TWENTY-FIVE On. V Word 'Manger .Has 2 Meani ngsu The Bible tells us • that the, newly-born Christ-child . was "wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a 'man- ger," a word derived from the French "mangebir", or frame. to hold animal feed, It is interesting that the other common English word for a cattle-feeder, crib, which is derived from the German ,krippe, also means a baby's bed. . Even the French word . creChe, which, is often used,. to deScribe the nativity scene displayed in churches, homes, and other places at Christmastime, has the double meaning ,of "man-: geoir" and a pubic shelter for the care of . infants. • . . You can't convince any man by mfusing him a chanCe to speak. 0.1 Mind if I make a Suggestion? N. 4 svAkkk‘to*A‘ ".: Jam .. THIS CHRISTMAS GIVE Key to T The evidence that the inurney of Mary and. Joseph from • Nazareth to Bethle- hem took place • in the' dry season. • that is. before the onset of winter. depends to some extent on what. we know about the climate of Palestine .today, which. scholars• believe, is not very different from what it Was dining the time of Jesus. The annual mean tem- perature • is ;a pleasant enough 62,8 degrees Fah= renheit. with a range from a high of 112 degrees to a• low .in winter of only 12 degrees.. While the lowland plains. nearer the • Mediterranean Sea. receive heavy rains'. from NoyeMber to April, winter in the hills can brine biting frost, bitter winds. and even snow, ime of Holy Birth • Nazareth, the city, of ' Jesus, was a town of some note in. southern Gali1ee, near the western 'edge , Of . the fertile plain of Esdra- elon. This ..area provides more . clues to the time of the journey for scholars Who look to the still fertile and well-watered hills of Galilee and into the less favored hill country of Judea, where the cultivation of grains, olives and vines tended to give way to the .grazing of sheep, especially in the dry, season. • . . So it can also be assumed that the holy journey was during the dry season by lookine to the Bible in which. Saint Luke says that in the same country were 'shepherds looking, over their Socks, IC OLYMPIC LOTTERY TICKETS Someone on your Christmas List is sure to appreciate an %Topic Lottery Ticket for the. January 25 draW. You will receive a special. Christmas gift card at no extra charge. °TICKETS $10 EACH THE KNO W SENTINEL