The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-12-17, Page 22iffinffimmtunnitumuumnimutus taulluniam mr.r.onsiriF,airAraimp,Armarar.mour An Olymp The executive of the liucknow Lottery Tic fforticidtural NI-- tv met at the home of Mrs. Tifirin. Grant on AS A CHRISTMAS W- v afternoon. December Mk with eight members present. Plans 'were discussed and mi- grant committees chosen kr the coming Fear 119774k." fit' „limitary timeline will be held • Wediriescbm, Jam] S- 114 at 2 p.m.. ArAisrAr.amrir.a.r.dr.a.r.r.mr.e.a LES FETTER SHOES LUCHNOW Executive Plan 1976 ram PHONE Z $1, lit linds a at env A REAL. WINNER OW So 4 THE LUCNNOW SENTINEL* MCKIM* ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, VECENEEF SLIPPERS VIII - Resident Died At Age 85 Eff. AMY NIXON Haim Nixon. a prominent. h4blv esteemed of rack— now. passed] away Slialeir,..ct in WItighatro and District Hospital on y. December Scl .. lie was 85 yeast of age'. Born Nevelt/bet 112th,, /18961. he was the son off the Pate Staseph Nyman and piromr was born in'Whitedturch and spent his eady life there and as a Fang man 'moved to) w, with, his parents. He was married to China ' Belle ad on March 25thh, 119)12.. ife leaves to) truntra, his wife. two daughters.Mrs. Sack ((Evart)) filussew of W. xt... 0 a and gorFs... Clartlatorothid Mown., Lux* - now and three lie was ' atuiaa LI twa.ttiit - . 'of the Preskiterian Church- Efe was a member of the Masonic Qtel right 0.,0';. 118* and until] Isis retirement served for ears on the Eintlatow Fire Company. FOr of years he seed on the Tillage Council and always took. a Vie' anitive part in ift %Maw "fflie funeral! seryice was held fromthe MacKenzie Funeral Biome. oni .1treit 6 December elthi aitt 2 congthicted by the fleveread Glenn NOW. ,,,t; 0 raw entotn&- meat NUal% MI: South < laths& limn with resting. place_ South Maass Cemetery.- ' Pallbearers- were lames; Iktaclavirsta. lfinvey • Efollatellt.• darckin Fisher:: Una Moffat and Efenderson... tat ,311 O. It JIM ,41 Give them something to slip into on Christ- mas morn . comfy, warm slipper NOT SURE OF STYLE AND COI MAY WE SUGGEST A GIFT CERTIFiCATE JOHN t HENDERSON LUMBER LW tr LOOK% Mrs. litenrts. Maelietrzie and Neil vasited in Owen Smut& recently N•vitti- Miss Fshrat: Cook who, is, hol.ipitalized there ha .in fractured her Iript in' a while shopping. Niliss Cook, is a patient in- the Owen- Sound liovitaL Ti lowine service on Sonic at Presbyterian Church the annual Chit:'sitnros•-, prouram was waerr all' the drildttat of the ;lunch took wt.. Saw& was the .cagable titanium! Oar the ,concert which, was hallOwed bountiful lunch. Mrs, SitWt Nita:Donald is a: patient in Wingham Elospital. . cxlitr Mileiartesof Feraliasperit the Oast Ate:Alen/with his parents,. Nt-.. and. Xis, Oliver Mi...at and especially to, Mrs Simpson and family in the' sudden passing of Dratiratt. CH{RiSTMAS Of course the world cannot stand sritt - "ior bit pats: in theil; diaht. Bitt oh if we could hold at wilt; The Magic of 'delight': I A For Christmataide since time • 13las filled all hearts on earth. With friendship for eat* tkilow- meat. Die essence of CliiisiCS birth. all have a joyous Christmas and a Elappy. New. Yea). Ws, Efenry . Mat-Weirae was lioste, to the W. .S, Meeting otr, thursdipt, The ladies had • a bountiful got hick. Ituadtetitt at noon hallowed by the Chitstinas ineetina with- Mrs. Fieleit Niardertnarr charze. Mt-. and Ewan Mhereao were ne,..-eirif ViSittirs• in Londint and arnia. ' shower was, held. Saturday tr,!. • rtdatives and friends of Miss Maio* Murflortadd war .4sliffecit Ptesbrcerian Churl*. / rnpatfty. of this: community is ertentikd ti the%tgacts,on. tries IRE MOWN MINH. Pliane SM-7122 itiXKNOW PHONE S28-31