The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-12-17, Page 14THIS YEAR IS NOW NEAR ITS END . TIME TO SEE M.J. SMITH NOW IS THE TIME TO RUT NEXT YEAR'S NEEDS AT 'TES nArs PIKES. BENEFIT BY'LOW, LOW !MIKES There is a market surplus of fertilizer, which means that right now prices are way, way down. 40 FREE BULK STORAGE UPIUL SPRING why wad until spring to buy ferbTaer. Came °never to M3. Smilh for some real sound savings — then store oil free until sPring- • ri•••••••••••••••••••••01•0110111004110040401111111.114•11100411111111110111461.0 600: • BALER (G(IDEN iliktVfST) TWINE • 0, • 1 1000 FEET $16095 . 0 0 i • i 0 • 4.0•000411011111111100•411•010000•000041101,0011001.4114110 1004,01,04110 11141110111,1100110411 0 WE CARRY A LARGE 'SELECTION OF .MI6E:RS0)1 PERTILIZERS in both bags & hark for all your fertilizer needs. MON= NITRATE:: WE ALSO HAVE AN EXCELLENT SELECTION OF • • e • e • • a • 4.` 6-24-24 16-16-16 8-32-16 MANY OTHER ANALYSIS AVAILABLE 45% UR 1846-0 • • • • • SWAN a: CHEMICALS 0 LIQUID 90 • • • • • ..EPTAN ATRAZINE • • • -4), ALCP..k. SPRAY s • AATREX •Zvi • • 24D MAT • • . 1•1110010•00•00•41,004••••••••4110000 •0011,04141100011041110004110006111140011 00 0 .• • NO NEED TO TRY :THEWS ONLY ONE PLACE TO BUY WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. ht• )• SMITH. (=) LTD PHONE CHATHAM a62-4490 PHONE PORT ALBERT 5294135 • .• • • • • • • • • 41111111111111111N111111111.1111111111„ _ THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY* DECEMBER 17, 197s , •IN I.UCKNOW • NEXT TO LES FETTER SHOES PHONE 528-2526 PROPRIETOR JOYCE ADAMSON WHITECHURCH Thig community extends sym- pathy to Mrs. Velma Falconer in the passing of her sister Mrs. M. Bosman. Paul Falconerof Sarnia spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mowbray. Visitors 'on the week end with Mrs. George Currie were Randy Cousins, Miss Kimberley and Jackie St. Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry St. Marie, Kelly and Trudy, all'of London. They also visited at Wingham Hospital with George Currie. Allan MaCConnell and Carey Purdon, attending University at London, were /week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kugcha. We are sorry to report That George Currie was admitted on Friday to Wingham Hospital. The community were sorry to, learn of the car accident on Saturday, due to icy road, involving Mi. and Mrs. Jim' de Boer, 2nd concession and Aldon Pardon of Wingham. We are pleased to report no one had to he hospitalized for any length of time. lionoured With Birthdpy Dinner On Sunday, December 14th Mr and Mrs. Walter Alton were taken completely 'by surprise when their family and friends gathered at The Log Cabin restaurant to help them celebrate Their bhthdays. Altol's KWh birthday had been the pmvions Tuesday, December 9th, Mrs. ,4%.1ton's birthday is in July. A delidiuus meal was served to forty relatives and friends from London, Listowdi, Goderidh, Sea- forth, Ripley and LtielMOW. • All enjoyable afternoon spent in visiting. 1444604. FARRISII - to Mt. and Mrs. Jim Farr* of IL IL 7 Lucknow on Wednesday., DeceMber 10, 195, a 4auginer4 Kimberly Brooke. MARIN to Mr. ,and 'Mrs. Car] Martin' of IL -IL 3 Wingham on Saturday., December 13th. 1975, a son, Thomas Carl. was WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Donnelly, Angela andJill of Streetsville were Sunday visitors with her parents. Mr. and Mrs Wallace Milligan and helped celebrate Clara Milligan's birth- day. Helping her cerebrate were School chums Beverley Bell, Lynn Nicholson. Alice Vander Kfippe and Alvina Van Sfigtenhorst. Visitors on Friday evening with Mr. and. Mrs. Gershorn Johnston were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ritchie. Donald and Mary Anne of 2nd concession, 1Cmloss. On Sunday Mrs_ Ella Johnston and George Grigg visited friends at. Huronview. Clinton and visited after with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Woods of Clinton. Mrs. Bessie Mullis arrived home Sunday eveningafter visitizzg a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Faw of Thornible- Mr. and Mrs. Dave Oberholtzer. Jeffery and Julie of Wingham were Sunday visitors with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul. Word was received here by MIS.. Orville Tiffin that her sister (Sidney) Mrs! Gordon Jamieson of Goderich had suffered a heart attack while attending the wedding of her grandson Deng Splan., She was ,taken by ambulance to Goderich Hospital. The commimity wishes her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Beecroft, Kevin, Shannon and , Heather of %%Own were Sunday visitors with his parents Mr. and Mrs_ E. W.. Beecroft and Karen. RECEIVES AWARD On Friday Lori Jamieson of Fist WawanOsh for her poem sent to Lucknow Legion on Remembrance Day received first prize. Congrat- ulations Lori. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and family attended the reception in Lucknow Legion Hall for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Forster (nee Sandra Keith). Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stewart. Susan. Heather and Mark of Lambeth were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs_ Walter Elliott and family. On Sunday Mrs. Agnes Mott of Wingham and grandson Paul Elliott attended the christening of Jennifer Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Elliott, at ABS* `Craig Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs. Pau/ Litidlaw of Windsor spent the week end with their parents and attended the weld ling reception of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Forster, at Luckaow. Joey Tan visited on S with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sri Lucknow.