The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-12-17, Page 6Wit. A. (Bud) HAMILTON AGENT FOR BP OIL LTD. Gasoline Heating Fuels Burner Service and Furnace •Installations Trucks Radio Equipped For Better Service Dial 528-3006 Res. 528-3616 Wholesale and Retail NOME* LIFE* AUTO. - COMMERCIAL Co-Oporators Insurance AssoolatIoni of Guelph AGENT JEAN WHITBY LUCKNOW LTrfd.in, from CANADA LIFE I would like to take this oPportoriety express my sincere appreciation to • the many Caret 'life policyholders in north Huron, south Bruce and north Perth Counties who have mode the post year. for me, a linos, rewarding and successful .one Please do not hesitate to call me at any tone in the torning year if I may be of any service to you or 'OUT %May. At your representative for the first Canadian life ins Jrance company, I am qualified and willing to discuss regislered retirement savings plans,. income tax deductible. registered retirement annuities, mortgage insurance, immediate and deferred annuities, salary savings plans for smell ernoluvee groups, group insurance. income security plans lcr self-employed persons and most matters pertaining insurance . While it has been my determined effort to contact all Conon° f.yolicyfX:Aders each year. the. postal strike has made -extremely difficult this year. and I would li+(e to ,e,;,r,d . •SeCtsons Greetings .and .best Wishes for a happy and ho "iv New Year to all of you. W4,40 CANADA. LIFE The Canada Assurance Co•-ioz-v • DICK ESKERQD ' 425 Minnie St. , vy ingbarn .357-1276 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOWi. ONTARIO WEDNESDAY ,.DECEMBER 17, 1975' BRAY CHIROPRACTIC 'OFFICE 197 JOSEPHINE ST. WINGHAM PHONE 3574224 CHISHOLM , FUELS HEATING OILS SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS LUCKNOW Phone 529-7524 or 524-7081 . BURNER SERVICE Products For Farm, Home and Industry CULBERT'S CUSTOM CABINETS DEALER FOR CARDINAL LINE Choice of 6' styles and finishes Special consideration to builders PHONE 395-5298 OR 395-5516 INVESTMENT THE STERLING TRUST CORP. INCORPORATED IN 1910 Prevailing Interest Rates Retirement Savings Plan Your Representative ALEX Mac.NAY LUCKNOW TED COLLYER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing In ELECTRIC HEATING, ELECTRIC WIRING AND REPAIRS and ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Hydro Financing Available Lucknow — Phone S28-5802 MacKENZIE MEMORIAL CHAPEL . A MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED FUNERAL. DIRECTORS SERVICE FUNERAL SERVICE Services . conducted according to your wishes at your, Home,. your Church, or at . our Memorial Chapel at no additional charge. Luc:know, Phone 528-3432 - Day or Night Rep..: Wingham Memorials WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING. REASONABLE PRICES Rep.: MacKenzie Funeral Home BUS. Ph. 257-1910 Res, Ph. 357-1015 FRED. LAWRENCE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR HOME, FARM AND INDUSTRIAL WIRING PHONE AUBURN 528-758.5 ADMIRAL TV AND ANTENNA SALES' AND: SERVICE DON THOMPSON TV. R.R. 3 RIPLEY • TELEPHONE 395-2393 INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE & INVESTMENTS To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIQ • IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday Afternoon OFFICE IN McDONAGH INSURANCE OFFICE .R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST — GODER1CH The Square (Phone 5247661) A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 40 The Square, Goderich Telephone WO-75a South Kinloss Best wishes of the community go to Mr. and Mrs, • Donald Forster who were married in South. Kinloss Presbyterian Church on Saturday. The happy young couple are away on a wedding trip to Hawaii. Brian Keith and Miss Louise Coneybare, of Tore-it-to were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Evan Keith. Miss Ruth Graham of •Bob Jones University, Greenville, South Caro- lina is home for Christmas vaca- tion. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Graham, met her in Detrctit on Sunday morning. Mrs. Edith Londsborough and Alvin Critch of Clinton visited on Sundiy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira pickle. The. December meeting of Kair- shea Women's Institute will be held this Thursday, December 18 at 1.30 p.m. at , the home of Mrs, Harry Lavis. There will be the Christmas exchange of gifts and a Ceramics demonstration by Mrs, Ford Cunningham. Dinner guests Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ha Dickie were, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Fenwick, Marcia and. Peter. of Owen Sound and Miss Irene Parker. of Hanover. Mrs. Alvin Schmidt joined twen- ty-nine members of her family for a Christmas gzAhering at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Paul Gilmore (Laura Schmidt) in Petersburg on Sunday. LANGSIDE Intended for last week. Santa Claus paid his annual visit to Teeswarer on Saturday after- noon. Next Saturday he will be in Lucknow. A' sure sign that Christnias is not far off. Stewart MacGillivray of Luck- now, formerly of Langside, is a patient in Wingharn Hospital. We hope he will soon improve. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Moffat visited with Jim Moffat and Jim McPherson on Wednesday even- ing. both patients in Wingham Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Reed. of Kincardine • visited on Saturday evening with Mr. and 'Mrs. Wesley Voting. . • Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young. Marty, Jamie. Karen and Liane and 'Mr. and Mrs. Wesley 'Young were i dinner guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Young, William. Ken and Russell in honour of Karen's eleventh birthday. Members of the ,Langside choir are practicing with the White- church choir members for the Candlelight Service to be held in Whitechurch Presbyterian Church on the evening of December 21, Special music. at Langside Church Sunday was "I've Been Redeem- ed", sung by a quartette, Nancy and Hilda de Boer and Karen and bane Young. MURRAY MOFFAT Electrical Contractor LUCKNOW PHONE 528-2913 OR 3924061 BRAD'S PLUMBING AND HEATING Repairs and Renovation Industrial - Comniercial and Residential FREE ESMIATES 396071 Bruce Farm Report 1976 GREY-BRUCE FARMERS' WEEK To be held at the Hanover Coliseum January 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th. The time is 107.A.M. to 4;00 P.M. Noon lunch available, Women's Day , will be Thursday, January 8th at Hanover Town Hall. The following is the itinerary for the week. Monday, January 5th - DAIRY DAY - Minerals •for Dairy Cattle - Professor Don Grieve. Dairy Cattle Nutrition - Bob Lang. The small - dairy farmer can survive 7 John Benham, Orville Brodhaecker, Duncan Watson, Milk. Producers, Maintenance of Milking Equip- ment - George Garland. Monday, January 5th - • SHEEP DAY - Programs sheep producers should know about - Sheep Stabilization Program, Doug Lous- ley; Performance Testing and Ram Premium Policy, Ron Denniss; What's , Happening to the Wool Check-Off?, Walter Renwick. Flock Health - Dr. 'Geo. Wathke, I:IN-M.; Marketing lambs at the Ontario Public. Stockyards - Don Slinger; Progress report on New Zealand Electric `Fence - Don Stevenson; Raising Sheep - The ladies viewpoint - Panel discussion. Tuesday, January 6th. - SWINE DAY - Marketing Board. News - Keith Weeden; What to look for in replacement stock - Paid Simmons; Economics in swine management "- Bruce Ward; Swine Health - What about vaccination for Rhinitis - P. G. Oliver, D.V.M, and Condem- nations, Diseases and Drugs - S. J, Martin, BUMS; MRCVS; Problems in swine management - R. Robson; Panel of Producers - "How we raise LANGSIDE Next Sunday the Candlelight Service will be held in the Whitechurch Presbyterian Church at 8.00 in the evening. This service will be broadcast over CKNX radio, Rev. A. Young of Goderich was guest minister at both Langside and Whitechurch Pnesbyterian churches on Sunday. Mr. Bev Kay, our student minister, is writing exams- The Langside Whitechurch Young. Peoples held their meeting in Langside Church Sunday even- lag-. Dawn Nicholson spent a week end with her friend Heather Young at her new home in Wingham Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Young and. William were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young and family on Sunday in honour of Liane's eighth birthday. How I establish forages - Wallace Gallagher, Ron Wolfe; Corn hy- brids - George' Jones; Harvesting Corn silage - Dr. Ross. Stevenson; How silage is handled on my farm Ken Gowanlock, • Gerald Ahrens, Doug Virtue. Thur.sday,ljanuary 8th - LADIE DAY 'Hanover Town Foo4 Demonstration "Ways with Be:ef' - Carol •McDonellz; "What you see and hear" •-• Ross Hatniltort; Home • canning Ontario fruits . and vege- tables. Turnalbours "Gifi %%Tap- ping': 7 Lyra 'Ryan; "Furniture r refinishing" - Kathy Patterson:. "Rug hooking" Edith Dunlen;, "The roles of women in marriage" - Panel discussion. Friday, January '9th - BEEF DAY. Decreasing fertility prob lents in'. beef cow herds - Dr, Ed Eirtpringharn; :Transportation - issue for cattlemen - Ron Oswald; Beef .cuttle outlook - • Chark-s, Grater Supplements for grazing Cattle.- Dr. Jod BuchananSrnith.: Slatted floor systems for beef cattle H. E. Bellinan. . M. R. .3okon, Agriculture Representative. Wednesday, January 7th - FED- ERATION DAY - Ontario Fang Machinery Agency '- Bob !kitsch; C.I.A.G, Insurance - Ross Thomp- son; Canada Farm Labour Pool - Joanne Weber; Land Use Planning in Grey, and Bruce - Panel discussion; Legal and Financial aspects of land transfers - Panel discussion; Sources of farm finan- drag - Pane/ dicussion, Thursday, January 8th - CROPS DAY - How to develop a pasture system Chuck Kingsbury; Emer- gency pastures - Prof. Bob Fulkerson; Forage establishment,