The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-12-17, Page 5We would like to thank friends and neighbours of the Zion com- munity for their gift and enjoyable evening. Verna and Lane Gardner I would like to express my thanks to all our friends and neighbours for cards, gifts and calls while_ in hospital and since returning. home. A special thanks to Rita and Roy Webster. Their, thoughtfulness was really apprec- iated. - Ardill- Mason I would like to thank all those who sent me gifts and cards and visited me while I was ill. Heidi Pritchard Cliffoid and Rena Menary would like to thank their former neigh- bours and friends for the, lovely gift and pleasant evening. A spec- ial thanks to those responsible for organizing it. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. We wish to express thanks to friends and neighbours for the many kindnesses shown during Lorne's stay in Wingham Hospital and University Hospital- London and since coming to Pinecrest Manor, Lucknow. We wish to ex- tend, to all our good wishes for the Christman season. Lorne and Flossie Ivers We wish to sincerely thank West Wawanosh Council, Officials and Ratepayers for the dinner, social evening and gifts presented to us. This thoughtfulnm will long be remembered. -- Becky and Harvey Culbert The family of the late Harry J. Nixon wish to express their sin- cere thanks to relatives.' friends and neighbours, for the kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent bereavement of a dear husband, father and grand- father; and for the beautiful floral tributes, donations to the Heart Fund and Gideon Bible and cards of sympathy. Special thanks"" to Rev . Noble: to Dr's. Corral and McKim and nurses in the inten- sive care unit of Wingham' and District Hospital. to pallbearers and MacKenzie Funeral Home and to the WAILS, for the lovely lunch. Special thanks to all who sent baking and food to the house. We thank you; your kindness will never be forgotten_ Mrs_ Harry Nixon Dorothy and Cyril Brown Evelyn and Jack Hussey and grandchildren I mid like to thank all for, their prayers. cards, gifts, good wiaheS, phone calls, visits and all the help while I was a patient in the Wing- ham and London Hospitals and since coming Wow. SpeCial thanks to Dr. Leahy, Fathers Duffy and Nolan and the staff at both hospitals. We wish you all the best of the Christmas Se5non. Joe King I would like to thank my many friends in Lucknow and commun- ity for their enquiries about me white in hospital and since re- turning to my daughter's in Wm- cardiate. and want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, Gertie Walsh The family of the late Wm. IL Adams wish to express'sincere thanks to rel:tives, friends' and neighbours for kindness and sym- pathy shown them during their re- cent bereavement of a dear father and grandfather. and for the beautiful floral tributes., donations to Heart Fund, Cancer Fund, Gid- eon Bibles, cards of sympathy, food sent to our homes.. Special thanks to the Davidson Funeral Home. Gerrie. Rev_ John and Mrs. Brush and to the relatives who served lunch following the service. These kindnes s were very, much appreciated. Jeanette Duggan; Bob and Paul Adams: Ken and May Hoffman; Clarence and Domaine Adams; Lenore and Oliver Glenn, Ray- mend and Freda Adams. The elea-ation of a r.tan's heziti is his chief chara‘.ter Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES SMITH • ALIT PERSONS having Oaring against the Estate of the above- mentioned, late of the , Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Retired Cabinet Maker, who died on October (16th, 1975, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 27th day of December, 1975. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the Es- tate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. , DATED at Wingham, Ontario, the 4th day of December, A.D. 1975. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES Wingham Ontario Solicitors for the executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ANDREW LESLIE RITCHIE ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above- mentioned. late' of the Village of Lucknow. in the County of Bruce, Retired Fanner. who died on Dec- ember 1st. 1975. are required to file proof of same with the under- signed" on or before the 10th day of January. 1916, After that date the Executor will proceed to distribute the . Estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had' notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario this 9th day of December, AD. 1975. CRAWFORD. MILL & DAVIES Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors SAND BLASTING BRICK . BUILDINGS ALL STEELWORK AIR HAMMER WORK BACK• HOEING ARNOLD STOTHERS PHONE 5241403 FOR ESTIMATES • 2 storey frame building on main street 'in Lucknow, with 400 sq. ft. store area and large apartment. 1% storey 3 bedroom frame house, new siding and good inter- ior on 1% acres at the edge of Lucknow. • We need listings. If you* are thinking of telling call us today. Robt. Campbell Bus. 528-2031 Res. 529-7417 Peter S. illacEwan Real Estate 38 ST. DAVID ST. GODERICH — S24-9531 WINGRAM REPRESENTATIVES ROSS and PHYLLIS HOGGART 257-3692 AUBURN BODY SHOP Expert Collision Repairs • Insurance Work' • Glass Replacement • We pick up and deliver Located on Goderich St. in Auburn GEORGE HEBERT 526-7576 MORTGAGE MONEY RURAL RESIDENTIAL ' COTTAGES FARMS If you can afford the following payments, you may borrow the corresponding amounts (if approved) $ $ 4,000 165.48 — 8.100 151.21 — 12.000 329.M — 25.1811 Based on second mortgage rate of 151/2%, 5 year term, 20 year amortization. First mortgages arranged. Existing mortgages bought ALL ONTARIO FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS LTD BOX 4 ARTHUR, 848-2510 BOX 309 NEW HAMBURG 662-3110 EVENINGS 744-7507 743-1687 HALF PRICE FILM PROCESSING BLACK AND WHITE Exposure Sitc. 12 -1$C KODACOLOR II Exposure $1.31, 12 - $2.24 By-pass "middleMan store- keeper", send DIRECT to processing plant and save 50%! Send film, cash, cheque or mummy order along with this ad to: Empire Photo Co. CLINTON, OWL COTTAGE located on Brindley Beach, lot size 90 x 220, 3 bed- looms, 800 ,sq. ft_ plus patio, wall to wall carpet, electric heat and winterized. This is an above av- erage property. Must be seen to be appreciated. DAIRY. FARM in Kinloss Town- ship with large modern dairy barn, new stabling and, gutter cleaner, silo 20 x 60 with unloaderi 4 bedroom home. 7 ROOM FRAME HOME in Huron ! Township; 4 bedrooms, kitchen, livingroom with corlon floors and rugs. This is a comfortable home, nicely treed. MARLETTE HOME 12 x 60 with expanded living-room in beautiful conditiote, stove, frig, broadloom and other extras. This home is situated on a corner lot in the Village of Ripley. You would be proud to own this home. For fer- ther particulars phone for appoint- ! ment. .11.1•10.1•11MilWik 2 BEDROOM HOME located in Lucknow, 3 piece bath, full base- ment. Immediate possession avail • - able. 'FRAMER HOME 34 x 10 in good condition, located in the Lucknow area . If you have agricultural property, large or small acreage. and are thinking of selling, we would be pleased to talk to you. All en- quiries confidential. ••••••••••••.•. WARREN ZINN Phone 529-7350 LYONS Electric and Aipliance Service LUCKNOW, ONTARIO FREE ESTIMATES PHONE $211-21.11 CARD OF THANKS wEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1'75 NOTICE I R 17, 1975 "N‘) ENTS ....... IGO nv, every A of Gold IL 14 reg. Share the 0 Stiecial a 56 calls. • Turkeys rites, DANC E will hold a in Ripley and horns VE rty will be Legion on list. Dane- ! Masters. 07.00 per. e Lucknow re Depart- Lble from Hamilton, the Ems, Ed Black I NCO Saturday .Blyth of 9150 on share the gone wel- NCE A Agricul- rill be held 0. 9:10 to Music by tcky Fried on, Tickets ay director 529-7202 or rickets are )ANCE and Dance, s will Es Hall oa tth at S:S) ring san4 ERVICE you to our elig• ht ser- rnber nth LueknoW Church. ERT rt will be Ale School er. 16th at ion- CER7 Car-s'Inas ill 12 h• At Chnoet run rat. at ,w-r, be mites, the and Alder D ....... ,..t woware If ne tags. may he aler obeise wee% cote ties Iowa- same en 6asz Qif wow HILRAY FARMS LTD. ABATTOIR. HOLYROOD The best in Home Grown, Dry Fed, Drug Free Beef. Try our Fresh Home Made SauSage. Cute tom killing by appointment. Phone 528-2132 NOTICE FAIRVIEW DAIRY Home delivery every Tuesday and Friday. Beatrice Quality Chekd Products SileerwoodS Creamery Butter Creamed Cottage Cheese Sam Cream 100% Pure Orange Juice TOM ANDREW Phone 528-2001 NOTICE MR. FARMER We have built a new addition to the Abattoir. All processing will be done right at the...plank Due to lower operating costs, we have lowered, our charges for custom butchering. Call us for your next custom kftL, We will, be • able to save you money. Ripley Abattoir 395-2905 or 395-2961. NOTICE Becker's Store will be closed December 25th. The store will be open December 26th and New Years Day, from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. BECKERS Open 7 Days A Week 9 A.M. TO 11 P.M. CLOSING , NOTICE Finlay Decorators in Lucknow will be closed for holidays, from Saturday, December 20th, 1975 to Saturday, January 10th, 1976 in- dasive- NOTICE "'Humanity is like a bird ,with -- its two wings the one is man, the other woman. Unless both wings are strong .and impelled by some common force, the bird can- not fly heavenward."' • . — from the Baha'i Writings NOTICE ATTENTION RE CHILD HEALTH CLINIC There will 'be no child health clinic in Lucknow until April 1976. • NOTICE Eedy's Bake Shop, Dungannon will be dosed Saturday, DeceMber Elk IN MEMORIAM PIIRDON---inlovingrnemoryof John Purdon, who passed away December 19, Wit His pathway was burdened With sickness and suffering . All ended "so quickly that day. Deth came on the whispering wings of an angel And quietly bore him away. Sadly f missed by wife Annie ,and amily, , • MacLE0D — in memory of Mary B. MacLeod who passed away two years ago, December Ilth, 1973. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by her cousin Bill Houston. CHESBRO — in loving memory of a dear daughter and sister, Esther Chesbro, who passed away 13 years ago, December 17th, 19IV.. Her smile we will always' remember, Her voice we will always recalls tier memories we will cherish forever. Of our loved one who was dear to as all. Lovinglky retnembered by Mom, Did, sisters and brothers. FOR THE LEST BUY IN J. & M. Machinery MAX A. RIEGLING LUCKNOW PHONE 1195-61117 • "1111111M6.1.111111011111111.1.11111111111111111111111111111MMINNIIIIM NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the Estate of BEATRICE REEVE, late of the Town of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce & formerly of the Town- ship 'of Toronto, in the County of Peet l' widow, whO died on the 27th day of July, 1975, are reminded to be filed with the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of Feb- ruary 1976, after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard Only to those claims then • filed. I DATED at Toronto this 10th day of December 1975. James Shannon Reyeraft. Administrator with Will Annexed REYCRAFT and REYCRAFT 330 Bay Street, - Toronto, Ontario NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF Donald (Dan) Thomson, • late 'of the Township of KMloss, in the County of Bruce, Truck Driver, deceased_ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to The Trustee Act that all. Creditors and, others having claim's against the Estate, of the late Donald: (Dan) Thomson are required to send particulars of their claims. duly verified to GOODALL and CAMPBELL. Sol- icitors. for the Executrix of the said Estate, on, or before January rah_ 1976, and that • after such date the Executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, hving regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. • , . DATED at Lucknow, Ontario, this 10th day of Decembers A.D. 1975, Agnes Mathieson Thomson Executrix of the Estate By -Iver solicitors GOODALL AND 'CAMPBELL BoX 190, Lucknow, Ontario Solicitors for' the Estate • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW. ONTARIO • PAGE FIVE The Workshop WIB HARTIN and SON R.R. I Dungannon ANY ITEM IN' WOOD. NEW FURNITURE BUILT OLD FURNITURE REPAIRED PHONE 529-7205 I .co HE .MAN TO SEE IS . . m . NTEE • •“: - ,