The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-12-10, Page 11and at. London and with her daughters at Bayfield and Sarnia, returned to her home at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.' Visitors over the week end with. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson and Lois were their daughter Evelyn of Brampton and Mr. and Mrs. Harold SlessOr of Glatnis, Mrs. Margaret Herlley, Mrs. Gertrude Walsh' and Mrs. Miller Hartwick,' Kincardine. DUNGANNON Rev. H. G. Dobson preached his sermon entitled "Use the Bible" for Bible Sunday, December 7. The choir supplied music under the direction of Mrs. Judy McMichael. Next Sunday will be White Gift' Service under the leadership of the Sunday School. White gifts •and loose offering will go to the . Children's Aid Family Services. The Toc Alpha Conference for Youths 14-21 will be held Deeem- ber 27-30: Mr. Dobson has further information on this. Sympathy of the community is • Hairp.. you ...VOL your fitket Vet? • TOWER KING SILOS - Staves individually pressed under 500 tons hydraulic pressure — Plaster lining on' entire silo These factors reduce acid absorption to a minimum FOR INFORMATION WITHOUT OBLIGATION CALL: AREA SALES REPRESENTATIVE Francis Boyle R.R. 3 Ripley 3954088 Tower King Silos Ltd. Wallenstein, 669-3984 EARLY ORDER DISCOUNT BEFORE JANUARY 1st .ate IBE j 10ti 147 ICH STAL gtenhorst y School p Service ing Service er Service o'clock People) 30 p.m. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE EILEVEN WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1975 NINON rIAN rstilP MITE) h, Pastor day School g Worship LCOME Come Celebrate Birthday of a King As a final celebration of Canad, ian Girls In Training's sixtieth anniversary year, the Lucknow group will hold its annual Vesper Service on Sunday, December 14. The theme of this year's service is "Come Celebrate the Birthday of, the King" and it was written by Rev. Eleanor Geib of St. Martin's United Church, Saskatoon with the help. Of Saskatchewan girls and leaders. From Newfoundland to Vancouv- er Island those who join in the Christmas Vesper Services with CGIT's 30,000 girls and leaders will be invited to share birthday cake and punch, symbols' of Christian joy and fellowship. When these services are con, ducted across Canada in Decenv• ber, they will provide further opportunity to celebrate 60 years of ecumenical co-operation in teenage girls' work. CGIT groups are sponSored by the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the Baptist Federation of Canada, the Presby- terian Church in Canada and the United Church .of Canada. Offerings received at the Vesper Services are the only regular source of income of the National C.G.I.T. committee, which provides Bible study, leadership and other re- sources for CGIT groups and camps. extended .to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Alton and family on the death of his mother, Mrs. Sam Alton, last week. Thos. Webster returned home. from University Hospital, London on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Webster •attended the wedding of their granddaughter, Faye Bradley and Bruce Rodriguez in North Street United Church on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Thomas, Linda and Wendy of Willowdale spent the week end with Lois' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Webster and also attended the Rodriguez- Bradley wedding in Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Irvin visited their daughter Betty and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stirling, Darlene and Harold in. Thamesville last week end. Sympathy, is extended to former. Dungannon residents, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Durnin on the death of his sister, Miss Teacy Durnin, in Goderich Hospital last week. Ben Park suffered a coronary attack last Monday and was in intensive care in Wingham hospital until. Friday." He has now been moved to a regular ward and is, showing improvement. • Bill and Colleen Naylor of Sarnia 'visited her parental home on, the week end and took her mother Mrs. Ben Park over to Wingham to visit Mr. Park in the hospital. Bill and Colleen Will celebrate their fourth wedding anniversary on December 11. Miss Flora Durnin of Tottenham palled on friends in Dungannon last week' and spent a few days in Goderich with her cousin, Mrs. Jim Wilson. ' The official board and manse committee held a meeting in the church on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Cecil Blake visited with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kilpatrick and Anne's Mother, Mrs, Atkinson in Wing- ham on the week end. Mrs. Ross %ids, Tells Of Christmas in Other Lands Mrs. Peter Chandler presided over the December meeting of St. Helens Women's Institute which opened with the Ode •followed by. the Mary Stewart Collect. The roll call, "Bring a new Christmas card and repeat a Christmas verse" proved very enjoyable. Business was dealt with. There will be no card parties until January 8. Group .1 are in charge of planning an entertainment the week 'between Christmas and New. Years. Mrs. Ross Gammie gave a gift of appreciation to Mrs. Harold Gaunt and Mrs. Gordon Struthers for conducting such an excelleht course on "'Salute to Vegetables". Achievement Day for this will be held in January in Wingham. Mrs. Ross Errington took the chair for the program, Mrs. Harold Gaunt introduced the guest speak- er, Mrs. Ross Shiells of Lucknow who spoke on "Christmas Across The Seven Seas". She told of Christmas customs in other lands and said we should try to keep Christmas simple and not get carried away with tinsel and gaiety and forget" the true meaning of Christmas. She gave much information and many things to think upon. _She was very interesting and enjoyed by all. Mrs. Peter Chandler presented her with a book, in appreciation. Two lively sing, songs were enjoyed singing Silver Bells; Deck the Halls, White Christmas, Jingle Bells, We Wish You a Merry Christmas and 0 Come All Ye Faithful. Two good Christmas readings "Christmas Rush" and "The Spruce and Pine Trees" were given by Mrs. Tom Todd and Mrs. Ross Errington. All enjoyed a Christmas piano instrumental by Mrs. Bruce Raynard. Each chose a gift from Underneath the, tiny lighted Christmas tree and showed them to the group. 0 Canada and the Institute Grace closed the meeting. The hostesses, Mrs. Allan Cranston• and Mrs. Tom Todd and Mrs. Ross Errington, served a dainty dessert lunch. Treat Injuries At Hospital Mrs. Carol Shaw, Bluevale, was involved in a two car collision on Highway 86 at the' Turnberry Central School on December 5. Mrs. Shaw was driver and . lone occupant of her vehicle. She was admitted: to hospital with possible back injuries. Mrs. Beverly Morrison, R. R. 5 Lucknow, was driver of the second vehicle involved in the two car collision. She was treated/ for an injury to her left wrist and discharged. Arnold Morrison, R. R. 5 Lucknow, was a passenger in the second vehicle. Mr. Morrison was treated for a laceration to his forehead and abrasions to his knees. Mrs. Annita Willis, R. R. 3 Wingham, was also a' passenger. She was admitted to hospital with contusions and numbness to legs and back. Mrs. Leola Gibbons, R. R. 3 Wingham, was also a passenger in the second vehicle involved in the collision.. She was admitted to hospital with a' fractured femur. The accident was investigated by 'Constable G. Foulon, Wingham O.P.P. Mrs. Deborah Benninger, fl R. 2 Wingham, was involved ,in a head on collision in Formosa. She was treated for soreness in neck and knee areas. Investigated by Walkerton O.P.P. KINLOUGH 'Mrs. Bert Nicholson returned home from Brampton Hospital on Monday of last week and ' is continuing her therapy treatments at Wingham Hospital each day. Her many friends wish her a steady, improVement. Mrs. Margaret Bannerman of Kinloss and Mrs. Miller Hartwick went to, Brampton on Friday for the latter's mother, Mrs. Gertrude Walsh, who has been a patient in the Hospital there since November 2nd. Mrs: WalSh is at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miller Hartwick at Kincardine. Her many friends extend best . "get well" wishes' at this time. Mr. and Mrs. P.' A: Murray had metribers of their family with them over the week end and on Saturday they held their annual pre-Christ- mas party at the Holyrood Hall. Congratulations to Fred Guest, wh' was—the Welty winner of a $50.00 draw at Ashton's Store, Lucknciw. Mrs. Irene MaCKenzie, who has. been visiting with relatives here