The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-12-03, Page 24A PANE TWONTY-FOUR The Glenndale Drive-In Is dosed as of December 1st, 1975 On behalf of the Management and Staff, we appreciated your patronage during 1975. Hope to see you when we 're-open in 'the New Year. SEASON'S GREETINGS TO ALL THE GLENNS (Pi With each $5.00 worth of merchandise you buy, fill in a ticket with your name, address and telephone number. Then you are eligible to win A $50.00 Gift Certificate ASHTON'S CHRISTMAS DRAW Tralee Kitchen Cabinets ANNOUNCES THE APPOINTMENT OF . Bill. Nelson of Lucknow as their area representative Bill would be pleased to show you the complete line of Kitchen Cabinets and Vanit- ies and provide you with free estimates, at no obligation Phone Lucknow 528-2949 imulamok, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1.975 Illisionnonsumuismanionanunnommunnuminnsummustonnywn I Pepsi & s $3 89 CASE I Coke • 24 - 10 oz.% k j be able to advise the public of what effect hydro generating plants will have on farm land; on industrializa- tion; on ,the rural community,, and also. what • effect Nuclear Power stations will have on human health, on livestock and on plant life. • Do the dangers and risk of accidents justify the continuing development of nuclear power? Mr. Luther asked the Commis- sion to consider whether the proposed requirements were equal ,to the projected future needs? whether our present plants are being, fully utilized and to consider solar energy as a source of power. About 300 people attended the meeting. All of the approximately 20 briefs submitted stressed the need of conserving our food land. Because of the great interest, several briefs could 'not be heard and another meeting is scheduled in Listowel, in January. Commissioners present in Wing- ham were: Dr. William Stevenson, George McCague, and .Robert Costello. Much Concern Is Shown At Hydro Planning Meeting By Fran McQuail The Royal Commission on Elect- ric Power Planning held its 22nd public meeting at the' F. E. Madill Secondary School in Wingham on Thursday, November 27. Three of the six commissioners were pres- ent, George McCague, acting convener; Robert Costello and Dr. Wm. Stevenson. There were approximately 300 people present. Mr. McCague emphasized in his opening remarks that the purpose of these preliminary meetings was to hear the opinions of , as many people as possible. The areas of the commission's interest are: What are the concepts which should be the basis for electrical planning? How does the public wish to be involved in the decision making process? To what extent are you, the public, prepared to conserve energy? The commission then heard presented fourteen written briefs prepared by local individuals and organization representatives. Or- ganizations participating included: Cantdu, Concerned Farmers of United Townships, Listowel Veter- inary Clinic, Huron County Beef Improvement Association, Bruce- Huron County Powerline Negotiat- ing Committee, National Farniers Union, Christian Farmers' Federa- tion of Ontario, and Concerned. Teenagers. There were more briefs to be presented, but 'it was decided to have some public discussion and have another meet- ing . January 14 in Listowel to hear., the rest of the briefs. About 45 minutes of public discussion folloived. The main opinions expressed were against the use of Class 1 and 2 agricultural land for , power station sites and transmission corridors, whether Hydro's projected electricity de- mands were realistic or -desirable, 'PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR CHRISTMAS FREE DELIVERY support the mentally retarded • PA that power stations should be located at the site where' the power was 'needed. The question of what was to be done with nuclear reactor sites after their 30 year life expectancy had elapsed and when they were'no longer safe to Work in ' because Of high, levels of radioact- ivity, was raised for the first time, according to Mr. McCague. Anyone interested' in presenting a brief at Listowel or in more inforMatiOn about the commis- sion's investigation and findings can write RCEPP, 14 Carlton 'Street, Toronto, M5B 110. ,d4mroalrorro.m.•Air sAr NOW • 528-3420 NEED PAPER For Your Duplicator? STENCILS ? MASTERS? INK? THE SENTINEL Has Them All PHONE 528.2822 PRESENT BRIEF ;, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1. for land. This Royal Commission should keep uppermost the fact that food and energy will be the two' most crucial problems facing society in the future, not only in. Ontario. and Canada, but in the world. Therefore a careful and rational approach respecting food land must be included 'in long range Planning of electric power plants. In the past. Ontario Hydro -has pursued development plans with- out consulting the public at large, ,and with a very narrow view of the consequences to the human being, the . environment or, the financial Cost. We trust your Commission can reverse this situation, and the public in 'the future will be fully aware of.long range plans and have an opportunity to influence the end results. We hope your Commission will cire,WINNER OF THE FIRST DRAW WAS Fred Guest of Kinlough TWO MORE DRAWS WILL BE HELD DECEMBER 10 AND DECEMBER 24 SHOP AT ASHTON'S. AND HAVE A CHANCE TO WIN $50.00 WORTH OF CLOTHING ft, MAKE ASHTON'S YOUR elfged."994°# "vire44, •••••••) •••••••••••••fm••••••••••••••s/ols om4s ASHTON'S LADIES' AND MEN'S WEAR Jim and Syke Sutherland Lucknow Phone 528-2126 "giviarimimmisivremorlinsmat McKAY'S '44 SCHNEIDER'S % I NO. 1 I % Side 1 Bacon i 1 LB. ! $1.69 %..dwo.irs,iinroAw....dirarmw I MARKE iedr.dwird1111,04W04111./ 4111VOAILF. %• BULK,