The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-11-19, Page 5NGO ow, every of of Gold . 14 reg- Share the 30 Special on 57 Calls. e. I NG ow Leg. attend the day, Nov-. NG " coloured otographic the 1975 ed to for- aries, Mr. n on or be- ' uciging will ember 25th the Town INGO Saturday p.m. Blyth t $150 on . share the ryone wel- CLINIC c will be er 25 in the ow from will he for child: en. ME RI HARDS en Hockey Tri ber 7th, e. Luclmow the game rosin. Give p to give a ON by West be held ow, from ember 28 to vembez 29. - at Sentinel S.S. Office, d's General Cameron. be donated Fund.. CE sponsoring Saturday, 10 - 1, Music a. Aditis- T. HELENS be 'held in November inch will be 'RING will be held Saturday,. 30 p rn. for. u3d Mr. and and family. kNCE will be held ;all Rosa in' miry 2nd. Tiffin ease bring )me • /AL rchne Snow tlra:b 25 dir.e Lions :raking FARM DRAINAGE SYSTEM See the new laser plane grade Control System In Operation At The Farm Of CLETE 'DALTON Lot 6, /ConCession $ Ashfield Township • 11/2 Miles East Of Kintail On Huron Road No. 20 During Week Of NOV. 17 • NOV. 24 - BY .GOHCON LTD. DUNDALK Specialists in Farm DRAINAGE SYSTEMS throughout Ontario Acknowledged Leaders for more than 20 years • For FREE consultation and quotations call RON OR JACK GOHEEN (510 923.2527 111Mmoirft. WANTED* HELP III . The Lucknow and District Kins- men are asking for floats from any organizations or individuals in the area for, the Santa Claus Parade to be held Saturday, Dec- ember 13th. Your' support would be very much appreciated. Con- tact'Brian Johnston, .528-2900 or Jim Morrison, 528-2243. WANTED — to rent land suitable for cash crop in Dungannon - Port Albert area. Phone 529-7339. WANTED to rent 100 -150 acres of land ,suitable for crop. 'Phone 357-2095 after 6 p.m. WANTED — to rent garage in Lucknew. Phone 528-3500. HELP WANTED Experienced furniture finishers wanted immediately. Full time employment guaranteed, phone — iNGERSOLL CASKET CO., Collect day or evening. 1-485-2950. HOCKEY PLAYERS WANTED I 1 The Lucknow Atoms require more players for their hockey team. If you are of Atom age, born after Decemebr 31, 1964, and are nine or ten years of age, you are invited to attend predice on Saturday morning at 9:00 O'clock. For more information, contact Tony Johnstone, 528-3811 or 528= 2212. THE BRUCE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Requires for January 5, 1976 LUCKNOW CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL FULL TIME TEACHER FOR HOME ROM, GRADES 4 AND 5 IN OPEN AREA Apply to Stuart E. Collyer, principal Lucknow, Ontario Phone School 519-528-3113 At home 510628-3316 J. L. Bowers, A. F. Dent, Director Chairman MORTGAGE MONEY RURAL RESIDENTIAL COTTAGES FARMS If you can afford the following payments you may borrow the corresponding amounts (if approved) $ 52.74 — $ 4,000 , 105.48 — •Low 1511.21 — 12,000 329.61 — MOOD Based on second mortgage rate of 151/2%, 5 year term, 20 year amortization. First mortgages arranged Existing mortgages bought ALL ONTARIO FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS LTD. BOX 4 ARTHUR, 048-2510 BOX 309 NEW' HAMBURG 662.3110 / EVENINGS 7443507 743-16117 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express thanks to all friends and, relatives who at- tended our 25th wedding anniver- sary evening and for gifts and cards of best wishes. Special thanks to Glenda, Mary Catherine, Sheila, Shelly, Elide, Anne and members of our family, Cliff, airlene and Chad. Bob and Myna Mann I would like to thank friends and relatives for cards and visits while I was a patient in Wingham District Hospital. Special thanks to the nursing staff on 1st floor and to Dr. McKim and Dr. Corrin. Mel Ritchie I would like to say th you to my relatives, friends and neigh- bours for their visits, ca -ds and gifts while I was a patient in hos- pital and since coming home. A very special thank you to Drs. Corrin and McKim and the nurses on second floor in Wing- ham Hospital for their wonderful care. Thank you. Doris Caesar We would like to express,„ our sincere appreciation to our friends and neighbours for the 'many acts of ' kindness at the time of our fire. Glenn and 'Anne Boyd and family Our thanks to everyone for the cards, gifts and visits while in the hospital. Special thanks to Drs. McKim and Corrin, their office nurses and the staff on second floor. Marianna and Steven Porter I would sincerely like to thank my friends, neighbours and rela- tives for visits, cards and treats, while I was a patient in Winghiun Hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Corrin and McKim and Rev. W. Brown. Mrs. Evelyn Gibb I would like to thank everyone for their prayers, visits and cards while I was in the hospital. Spec- ial thanks to Dr. Leahy and the nurses on first floor. Nina McDonald SAND BLASTING BRICK BUILDINGS ALL STEELWORK AIR HAMMER WORK BACK HOEING ARNOLD STOTHERS PHONE 529-7403 FOR ESTIMATES Advertising helps you compare. CANADIAN ADVERTISING ADVISORY BOARD SPECIAL' YEAR END CLEARANCE' PRICE ON. FERTILIZEIt'SPREADERS 3 pt. hitch and trail models I 22 PLY AIRCRAFT TIRES I On 6 hole 'heavy steel rims. Ideal for loader tractors and heavy wagons SPECIAL $100.00 ONLY 10 LEFT NOW IN STOCIO NEW J A M GRAVITY BOX Over 350 Bus. Capacity ORDER NOW — LIMITED SUPPLY IN 1976 glapalllitilni01111111011111110111111•111111111HMIMMOMINIMI111.101111111111111•1111MININIIIMINIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIMMIIIII111111011111•11.1111•11111111•111111101 NEW J. and M. WAGON AND BOX --- $950.00 irunisiniorsimeommorommorieseas 1110111111MONNEININION11111 MAX A. RIEGLING Phone 395-5107 Evenings {-IF A! SIAlt 1:3N0hi 2 storey frame building on main street in Lucknow, with 400 sq. ft: store area and large apartment. 11/2 storey 3 bedroom frame house, new siding and good inter- ior on 11/2 acres at the edge of Lucknow. • We need listings. If you are thinking of selling call us today. NTEE — • •CALTO Robt. Campbell Bus. S20-2031 Res. 529-7417 •••••••••••-•44-••••••••••••••••-•-•••-•-• THE MAN TO SEE IS . McDONAGH COUNTRY HOME in Ashfield, 3 acres of land, home 'has modern kitchen, Jiving room and dining room, 3 bedrooms. Recently ren- ovated throughout. MARLETTE HOME 12 x co with expanded living-room in beautiful condition, stove, frig, broadloom and other extras. This home is situated on a corner lot in the Village of Ripley. You would be proud 'to own this home. For fur- ther particulars phone for appoint- ment. .1•0111..1••••=10 2 BEDROOM HOME located in Lucknow, 3 piece bath, full base- ment. Immediate possession avail- able. 200 ACRE FARM located in the Ripley area, approximately 180 acres workable, pole barn 48 x 98 and paved yard. Three bedroom home with all conveniences, new Oil furnace and drilled well. emmo••••••••6 5 ACRE LOT in Ashfield Town- ship, treed and open area, located a few miles from Lake Huron. Asking $8,500. TRAILER HOME 34 x 10 in good condition, located in the Lucknow area. 5 BEDROOM HOME and good barn` located in Ashfield Twp. on 24 acres of choice farm land. This property is close to the lake. If you have agricultural property, large or small acreage, and are thinking of selling, we would be pleased to talk to you. All en- quiries confidential. Uliseasam.ma WARREN ZINN Phone 529-7350 PAGE FIVE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, ins, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO COMING EVENTS asisionosownswommeimmenimipmparomis SNOWMOBILE MEETING A reorganizational meeting of the St. Helens Snowmobile Club will be held Sunday, November 23rd at 2:30 p.m. at the TOwnship Hall. All interested members 'are urged.to attend. ACHIEVEMENT NIGHT 4-H Achievement Night will be held in Ripley District School on Wednesday, November 26th at 8 p.m. IN MEMORIAM TIFFIN — in loving memory of a dear brother, Charlie Tiffin, who passed away November 18, 1968. It's lonesome here without you, Charlie, We miss you more each day For life is not the same for us Since you were called away. If we had all the world to give, We'd give it, yes and more To hear your voice and see your smile And greet you at the door. Ever remembered by sister, Valetta, brother Fred and in-laws. CARTER — in loving memory of a dear wife, Phyllis Carter who passed away three years ago on November 19, 1972. Lovingly re- membered and sadly missed by her. husband George. MATHERS — in loving memory of Mrs. Pharis Mathers (Maizie M. Hackett), wife, mother and grandmother, who passed away November 23, 1973. Though absent you are very near, Still loved, still missed and very dear. Ever remembered by husband, daughter Carolyn, son-in-law Wayne, Stephen and Jeanette. SCHMIDT — in loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather Alvin J. Schmidt who passed away four years ago, Nov- ember 19, 1971. November brings back memories, Of a. loved one gone to rest, He' will always be remembered, By those who loved him best. Ever remembered and sadly missed by wife Vera and family. LOST LOST — strayed from the farm Allan Macintyre, 2nd Concession Kinloss Township, a 900 pound Western cow. Phone 528-3519. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE OF Farm Machinery and Household Effects will be held for LORNE EDWARDS Lot 27, Concession 2, Cuirass Township, 2 corners south of Teeswater, then ,3 miles west SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22 starting at 1:00 p.m. TERMS CASH Owner Lorne Edwards , Auctioneers Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater 3924170 Grant McDonald, -Ripley 395-5353 , HUTTON SOLD The Carrick property in St. Helens to Mr. and Mrs. Pegg of Dundas. FOR SALE DUPLEX — 1 block from Main Street on large lot. Each half has separate septic systems and near- ly new oil furnaces. This property is' in excellent condition. A real opportunity to live in the one half and obtain income from the other half. 3 ACRES on a paved road with modernized 4 bedroom home, fully broadloomed throughout, new attached garage, new forced- - air oil furnace. 1 'ACRE PROPERTY close to Lucknow, with 4 bedroom house, 3 pc. bath, new oil furnace, drilled . well, separate driveway. KINLOSS —' 100 acres, brick house, modern kitchen with cup- boards, three pc. bath, barn has good steel roof. Reasonable offers considered. WEST WAWANOSH — 50 acres, spring creek, some maple bush, no buildings. TEESWATER restaurant, only 13 years old. Freezers, fryers, grill, stoves and all equipment included, asking $24,000, good terms. 100 ACRES near. Wingham, 95 workable. 77 ACRES near Wingham, new hog barn. MANY OTHER FARMS, 100 to 335 acres. MEL MATHERS Winghem 357-3208 REPRESENTING LLOYD W. HUTTON REAL. ESTATE LTD. KINCARDINE 396-2061 A PARTNER lir IN UNITED & FEDERATED APPEALS SOc SAVING ON ALL CLASSIFIED ADS PAID BY TUESDAY FOLLOWING FINAL INSERTION