The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-11-05, Page 1LUCK SENTINEL $0.00 A Year In Advance — $2.00 Extra To U.S.A. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER '5, 105 Single Copy 20c , 20 Paps Arena Has New Speaking System From Stewart Mann Memorial Fund Lucknow Arena has a new speaking system through financial support from the Stewart Mann Memorial Fund, created by friends following Stewart's death in a car accident last spring. Professional advice was sought on the best system to 'serve the arena: The new system was purchased through Greer TV and Electric in Lucknovii. The existing four speakers were lowered about nine feet and bear the inscription "Stewart Mann Memorial". A new amplifier and Kinsmen Seek Further Funds For . Medical Centre FM receiver was purchased, giving the arena a balanced system. The FM receiver allows use of a portable, cordless, sensitive micro- phone for use at any point in the arena. In addition, another mike may be used from the penalty box and or office. The system allows the use of AM and FM radio. The 'Mann Memorial Fund had initially approved a trophy case for the arena with a trophy to be awarded annually to a leading scorer. Two plaques in the case will also recognize the association of coaches, managers, etc. and the fact that money from the fund installed the new speaking system. 530 Lots Sold At Stocker Sale rs, returned to nnon after her grand- Mrs. Don Hodgins of tys at their Ind. .visited in Lucknow Florida to 1•I ES man Was a es and no 50 -:Year Masonic Lodge Member George Kennedy of West Wawa- nosh, in the purebred Hereford cattle business for well over 50 years, sold his Polled Hereford herd last Saturday at the Carson's' Sales Arena at Listowel where a complete dispersal sale was held. One of 'the oldest established' herds in Huron County, George bought his first Hereford at Guelph Winter ,Fair in 1920. Over the years his herd won many show events all over the province. The Kennedy farm is located on Highway 86 •between Lucknow and Whitechurch '35 lots grossed $29,320 for an overall average of $838. Pine Echo Miss Heir 3 C, a four y,ear old cow and her calf, topped the sale at $1350. The cow was champion at several fairs this fall. Purchaser was Louis Pelton of Embro. Her 2 year old daughter sold for $1150 to Wm. Vancise of Stayner and her year old son to Escaped Injury As Tractor Tips DUNGANNON NEWS Ab Brown escaped serious injury when he jumped off the tractor before' it overturned at the foot of the river hill last week. Two wagon, loads of. corn were spilled out. - James Grant, pictured in the centre, a resident 'of Chicago, received his 50-year Masonic Jewel at, last week's meeting of Lucknow Masonic 'Lodge. Mr. Grant, a native of Ashfield, still maintains his summer home in the township, and desiiite being a Ross Henderson,- •Listowel, for $1000.' This cow and her offspring sold -for a total of $3500. Sales recorded were and 'purch- asers were: Males: Ross Goll, R. 4 Wingham, $950; Kenneth Banner- man, R. 2 MOnkton, $650; Ross Henderson, R. 1 Listowel, $1000; Orland Patchell, R. 3 Tara, $550. Females: Orland Patchell, R. 3 Tara, $975; G. M. Schnurr, Shallow Lake, $1060; Maas, R. 5 Paisley, CONTINUED ON PAGE 18 Wayne Johnston of Mississauga has been honoured by receiving an award from the Insurance Institute of Ontario. He received 1st runner-up in Ontario for second highest grading in A 11C-Associate- ship in the Insurance Institute 'of Canada. Wayne is well known in the Lucknow-Holyrood area where he ,attended public and high school. He is the son of Mrs. Mark Johnston of Lucknow and is married to the former Ruth Hutton of Reid's /Corners. The award of $125 will be presented this Thursday, Novemb- er 6th at an awards dinner in United States resident for many, many ,,years, *ill continues his membership in the Lucknow Lodge. Pictured, on the left, is Ronald Alton, Master of Lucknow Old Light Lodge and, on the right, Thomas Salkeld, lodge secretary. Make Sales At Zone Sheep Sale. Two area men had consignments in the Zone 2 Sheep sale on Saturday, October 18th at Keady. Allan Miller of West Wawanosh sold 10 ewe lambs at 82.50 each. Austin Martin of Huron Town- ship sold four. yearling ewes at $110, $110, $97.50 and $97.50. Austin sold two rams at $150 and $175. Top prices were a ram consigned by Murray Emke of Elmwood at $230 and two Hampshire ewes consigned by George Woods of Fergus at $160 each. Toronto by J. C. Campbell, President of the Insurance Institute of Ontario. The top student winning the Diamond Jubilee Shield for highest marks in Ontario was from Ottawa. The Associateship is a general insurance course - requiring nine credits. Wayne is now taking his Fellowship which requires a further seven credits, one of which he has completed. He expects to finalize the Fellowship in two years. Wayne is. Risk and Insurance Manager for Marathon Realty Company Waited, the real estate subsidiary of Canadian Pacific Railway. The Lucknow and District Kins- men Club is making a further • appeal for more funds for equip- ment for the Lucknow and District Medical Centre. Approximately $4200 has been contributed to date by individuals and, organizations.. Equipment was ordered some time ago and some has already been received', with the remainder expected shortly. ,' To pay for the necessary equipment, another $1500 is re- quired., Many individuals indicated that they were prepared to make further donations if more funds were needed. Others may not have contributed and may wish to do so. The Kinsmen Club is appealing for your support for this important facility. Your donations can be left at the Lucknow Sentinel or at the Bank of. Montreal,. Lucknow. Official receipts for taxation purposes have yet to be issued and will be forthcoming in the very near futUre. awoo mpomeo. Receives Degree MARY ELLEN TAYLOR Mrs. Mary Ellen Taylor received - her Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in Economics, from Wilfred Laurier University at the Fall Convocation held in Kitchener Memorial Auditorium on Novem- ber 2. She is on the teaching staff of Clifton School, Mississauga. Mary Ellen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Shiells of Lucknow. 530 head of cattle went through the auction ring at_ the sale of stocker cattle at Lucknow Commun- ity sale •on Monday. 10 heifer 'calves, averaging 445 lbs., were sold by VVina. Uuldriks of Wingham to Jack Alton of Ashfield at 36.60. 5 heifers averaging 685 lbs. were , sold by Wm. Ferguson of Amberley to Ron Menary of Ashfield at 34.25. 8 steer calves averaging '420 lbs. were sold by Harvie Thompson, R. 3 Ripley to Orville Elliott of Lucknow at 44.35. 20 steers averaging 830 lbs. were sold by Lloyd MacDougall of Kinloss to Tom Helm of, Ashfield at 46.10. • 15 steers: averaging' 1020 lbs. were sold by J. Shea, Mount Forest to Jim Coultes,' Belgrave at 45.5Q. 180 Attend Annual Ladies Night Lodge Banquet The annual Ladies" Night Ban- quet for the Old Light Masonic Lodge, Lucknow was held at the ,Lucknow Legion Hall on Tuesday evening of last- week, October 28th. About 180 attended. Barbara Cameron provided piano music while the . crowd was gathering and during the meal hour. FolloWing Grace by Lodge Chap- lain Wallace Conn, Ronald Alton; ' Worshipful Master of the Lodge, proposed a 'toast to the Queen. Ronald Alton acted as chairman for the evening and introduced the head table: Mac Inglis from a CONTINUED ON PAGE 19 ' Killed In Auto Crash Friday Near Amberley Joseph Francis Merrigan, 23, of R. R. I Kincirdine, was killed Friday night when a car driven by his brother Kevin left Highway 21 one mile south of Amberley. Goderich OPP said the car hit the edge of the road and flipped into a culvert containing 2 1/2 feet of water. Kevin• Merrigan was reported in fair condition in *Goderich Hospital following the accident. lion Silver Lake and other e Kincard- at Village and other , Advance- ffices in the Tees‘vater, )ungannon, the normal will be the mail, Over 50 Years In Hereford Cattle Business, George Kennedy Holds Complete Dispersal Sale On Saturday Wayne Johnston Stands Second In Ontario In Studies While Obtaining His Associateship In Insurance Institute