The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-10-29, Page 12week or so. Mr. and Mrs. John Clayton Anderson became grandparents twice this month - on' the birth of Christopher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bechard (nee Carol Ander- son) on October 1 and on the birth of Gregory, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Anderson on October 7. Congratulations to the parents and grandparents. / N.F.U. NEWS By G. Austin. The food industry in Canada is characterized by the absence of price competition. The normal situation is price leadership where the largest corporation sets the prices and others' •follow. Natural- WEDNESDAY,'OCTOBEB THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Deceptive business practices hurt everyone. This is what Ontario is doing to protect you We have a new law in Ontario called the, Business Practices Act. Its purpose is to prevent unfair business practices in sales to the public. Here'S what the law does:, • it prohibits false, misleading or deceptive tactics in the sale of products and services. • it prohibits too high prices, unfair contracts and high-pressUre sales methods. • helps people get their money back if a seller has taken unfair advantage of them. The Province of Ontario wants you to get your money's worth when you buy. Expensive items such as cars and homes require a lot of thought, so the Government of Ontario has prepared some simple booklets that tell you what to watch out for when you buy, explain- ing the do's and don'ts about: "Buying a Car" "Buying Real Estate" "Buying a Condominium" "Getting a Mortgage" You can also get a booklet called "Balance in the Marketplace—The, Consumer's Guide to the Business Practices Act." If you would like a copy of any of these booklets, or if you wish to report an unfair business practice, •-• write now to: Ontario Consumer Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1Y7 Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations Sidney Handleman, Minister Province of Ontario William Davis, Premier • PAO* 11,14vg. I- Approrimately 100 Pro Life members and gnests attended the second annual dinner meeting held in the Victoria Street United Church; Goderich on Wednesday evening, October 22.. Co-chairman was Mrs. Connie Osbdrn. Grace before the meal was said: by Reverend Father Ed Dentinger, C.R., of Kingsbridge. Following a. delicious hot beef dinner, head table guests were introduced. Guest speaker, L. L. deVeber, M,D.„-F.R.C.P.(C) and Mrs. delreber,' of tondon; Rever- end Leonard Warr; Jack Riddell, M.P.P. and. Mrs. Riddell; Dan Murphy,. Q.C.. and Mrs. Murphy; Mrs. Harriet Klazinga, secretary and Mr. Klazinga; Mrs. Alice Krohmer, treasurer; Mrs. Connie Osborn and Mr. Osborn. Folk singers, Mrs. Sharon Munro and Mrs. Barbara Hodgins sang with words and music composed by Barbara. • ikck Riddell, M.P.P. congratu- lated the grOup for their achieve ments accomplished. In introduc- ing the guest speaker, Dan Murphy Q.C. told the audienee that Dr. deVeber was a Professor of Pediatrics,. the Past President of Alliance' for Life, and was just recently elected to the position• of Secretary Treasurer of Canadian Physicians For Life. Doctor deVeber complimented the Pro ,Life Groups from Goderich and Wingham on the terrific year in which "One Million Canadian signatures were presented to Parliament". You are not a minority group, but part of that huge crowd. The topic of his speech was "The Unborn Patient in Euthanasia". Mrs. Clarice Dalton thanked Dr. deVeber and presented him with a gift of money and .the book "Behold Man", by Lennirt Neill-. son, a must for every medical library. Mrs. Osborn thanked the Board of Directors for the past year and asked them to stand, Reverend Barz, Reverend Warr, Clarice Dalton, Teresa Courtney, Ann Brand, Penny Pelss, Sharon Mun- ro, Martha Kuipers; Harriet Klaz- inga and Alice Krohiner. A vote of thanks was given to retiring members Mrs. Anne Brand and Mrs: Alice Krohmer: On behalf of the nomination committee, Mis. Penny Pelss brought in the following names for the Board of Directors: John °skarn; Ken Reidy and Mrs. Agnes Carbert. Mrs. Osborn will take the position as Past Chairman. Positions will be designated at the first meeting in November. Reverend Warr thanked Mrs. Osborn for her untiring services for, the Pro Life Grdup and presented her with a marble stand , Sheaffer Pen. "The Ballad of the Unborn" was recited by Sharon Munro, accom- panied by Barbara Hodgins on the guitar. To end the evening, they sang, "Where Are You Going". DUNGANNON Ken Reath, London; Mrs. Culbert's sister, Mrs. Ethel Upthegrove of LOndon and her daughter and daughter-in-law. Miss Ada Webster and Mrs. Cecil Blake visited their cousin, Mrs. Eileen Consitt at' Zurich for the week end. U.S. BALLOON As proof that balloons do travel far on air currents, Kenny Logten- berg found a , United States shoe store balloon in the back field. on "his hoine farm. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Webster and Mr. Harvey Alton visited on Sunday with Mrs. Victor Errington. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs: Wes Alton of London. PAINFUL INJURY TO KNEE Greg Nicholson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Nicholson, had a painful injury to his knee on Saturday when a limb hit the chain saw and pushed it against his leg. The wound required a few stitches. Dungannon W.I. held a success- ful euchre party at Brookside School on Wednesday evening with, 15 tables playing. High prizes went to Mrs. Ken McNee and Nels Pierson. Second prizes' were won by Mrs. Howard. Johnston and. Bill Stirling of Goderich. Mrs. Wilbur Brown won the door prize and. Helen Brindley got a' prize for having the lucky plate at lunch. • Mr. and Mrs. Graham McNee visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Shelton of Kinlough. Mrs. K. Dawson and her mother Mrs. Olive Straughan flew to Edmonton on Wednesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. John Linton (nee Karen Dawson) and Alisa, for a ly, 'this produces highe inefficient enterprises, c vertising and unbelievabl differentiation. When we a local supermarket do need to choose froth . 10,0 Advertising is an essen the large supermarket, the cost of food. About o every food dollar is supermarket chains for ing. "Loss leaders" is given to products that a reduced prices to attract The Ontario Federation points out in its• pamph for Thought" that this t should • forewarn cons within the iron law of bust impossible to lose and 1 same time. Opposition by others that you're on' the right 1 00 Prot& Members Attend Annual Meeting lES PETTER.,.SHOES . - Phone 528-2011 1.44E1,• MURRAIN. BAND CONCERT GODERICH LAKELAND BAND Lucknow Public School November 1st at SOS p.m. REMEMBRANCE BANQUET AND DAN( Saturday, November Legion' Hall, Luckno Mr. and Mrs. Don Ceasar (nee Kathy Culbert) of Lions Head visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Culbert, last Sunday on the occasion of the Ceasar's first wedding anniversary and Culbert's 35th wedding anniversary. Accom- panied by Nick Heitman and friend of London they all dined at the Candlelight Inn, Goderich. Mr. Heitman was best man for Don Ceasar a year ago. Other visitors at the Culbert home during the week end were their daughter GuSsie and her husband, Mr. and Mrs.