The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-10-22, Page 19CD NW a ST CO IFIHE "Well Worth Looking For" ' FAMILY HOMO SPECIAL VALUES! • Visit Your Local Drug Store for Many More FAMILY HEALTH SPECIA S! Including the following... CePaCa arThbvIctt.." -^C,ilhAdaSn firrf• '4 fj r P1 7.1roa—. r -1 0 ' BAYER ASPIRIN CREST TOOTHPASTE CONTAC C I0's $1.19 Elmer Untbach I D A. Discount Pharmacy LUCKNOW PHONE 5284004 • • • • • Immo* • i• • ••• Sole Ends Nov. 1/75. it NM- .k4 /A& Dee -Tee cam '.THERMOMETERS • Baby' • Oral • Rectal • SPECIAL! 'ONLY Hot wATER BOTTL E Certified "Reliance" HOT WATER ,BOTTLES Special... $1199 ONLY EACH .11EATINi"ei '' A " D 11, #.* -14•14' Og ti%!: • /ft 1.D.A. "Wetproof" HEATING PADS , Spec,a1... $699 ONLY EACH I.D.A. Brand CHILDREN'S SPECIAL CHEWABLE 9 EA. Irvin R. 7 Lucknow, tied, Van Eyl Machinery; Halter,. Best halter broken beef calf, David Mewhin- ney, R. 1 Lucknow, Barry McQuil- lin, presentedby Mrs. 'Margaret McQuillin; 100 lb. calf starter' grower, Best Showmanship for Dairy Calf, Nancy Alton R. '2 Lucknow, Shur-Gain; presented by Philip Steer; 100 lb. calf starter grower, Best Showmanship for Beef Calf; David Mewhinney, R. 1 Lucknow, Murray's Store, present- ed by Ross Errington; $10.00 voucher,. Most points in flowers, Mrs. Chas. Johnston of Blyth, Simpson Sears, presented by Mrs. Alex Andrew; $5.00 voucher, Most points in photography, Mrs. Geo. McKee of R. 5 Kincardine, Simpson Sears, • presented by Mrs. Vernon Hunter; Trophy, Best Red Dose, Mrs./ Alex Andrew of Lucknow, Brooke Bond Foods Ltd., presented by Vicki Beasley, Miss Lucknow Fair 1975; $7.00 voucher, Most, points in. baking,. Mrs. Geo. McKee of , R. 5 Kincardine, Weston's 'Bakery, presented by Mrs. June. Gilchrist; $5.00 voucher, Most points in canning, Mrs.. Jim Errington of R. 2 Auburn, Carson Cleaners, presented by Mrs. Ross Gammie; $5.00 voucher, Most points in Arts and Crafts, Mrs. Cliff Roulston of Lucknow, Carson Cleaners, presented by Mrs.- Rus- sel Irvin; $10.00 voucher, Most points in sewing, Mrs. Chas Johnston of Blyth, Wingham Drive-In, presented by' Ross Er- rington; $5.00 cheque, Most points in Teenage class, Ruth Alton of R. 2 Lucknow; $3.00 cheque. 2nd in points in Teenage class, Sharon Alton of R. Lticknow; Jill Murray of Lucknow and Susan Iritin of R. 7 Lucknow tied for'3rd in most points in Teenage class, each receiving $1,.00. The previous 3 prizes were donated by Elaine and Ross Errington and presented by Elaine; $5.00 cheque, • Most points in Industrial Arts, Paul Finlay Of Lucknow and $5.00 cheque Most points in Home Economics, Rose- mary de Boer of R. 1 Lucknow, both prizes donated by Marlene and Bob Struthers and presented by Russel Irvin; 25 lb. voucher of dog food, Most`Points in pets, Steven Murray of R. 3 Holyrood; Shur-Gain, presented by Herb. Wilkins; $8.00 cheque, 1st Photographic Study, Linda McDonald of Goderich, and $6.00 cheque, 2nd Photographic Study, Sherri_ Alton of R. 7 Lucknow, both prizes donated by Huron County Historical Society and presented by Mrs. Herb Wilkins. On Tuesday, October 14th, the Lucknow Brownies opened their meeting with a game "Bumblebees and Toadstools". Fairy Queen Anne Hamilton placed the, Toadstool outside on 'the lawn for Brownie Ring. The Sixers collected Brownie Gold and Brown Owl did inspection, followed by the Brownie Prayer. At Pow Wow, Brown Owl reminded the Brownies about the Hallowe'en Party and ask some of the girls to bring, lunch. Each Brownie is trying to sell calendar to earn money for the Pack. 24, 1971 It was ave turkey er party in rty is to be mes on the nswered by hy". This greping that giving their singing of Bart of My y Wanderer re Women's Mrs. Elgin poem, "The published in d a ,message aitland W.I.,, uty". Janet. nstrumental, re Women's y Mrs.,.Torn ide Hoodless r women in f women is . Housewiv d be heard. ardrooms of any women. arents don't ghters to be awyers, Why rn as much as not? Because and demand veil by Mrs, ed to meeting to take place leader for tu's new baby 'S majority in tire conducted rous contest. e were sung. the committee up their own ,and wrong cordingly. ABM ,GE ILATIONS ,ASTIC takes 470 ,ERTON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1975 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCICNC0*.ONTARIO, First Lucknow Night Agricultural Staid Society, By Trophy, Best Halter Broken Pairy Calf, David Elliott R. '1 Lucknow, Royal Bank,• presented by Joe Hilverda,; 1 gal. antifreeze, Most points in sheep, Sam ante R. 2 bale of hay, Andy Gaunt R. 1 Lucknow, Dunn's Farm Seeds, presented by Ross Errington; -1 unit of seed corn, Tallest and most mature, cobs, Austin Martin, R. S Hope To Be Annuai Event Elmwood, McNay's Store, present- ed by Glen Walden; Eaton's Lucknow, Dekalb Corn, presented by Russel Irvin; 1 unit of seed corn, Special, Most points in sheep, Most points in ensilage corn, Evan Ludknow Agricultural Society Miller; SO lb. mineral, Best Halter cattle or swine; Sam Emke, R. 2 Keith R. 5 Lucknow, Stewart staged their first awards night in Broken Beef Calf, David Mewhin— Elmwood, T. Eaton Co., presented Seeds, presented by Vernon Hunt- the, town hall on Tuesday of last ,ney R. 1 Lucknow, Allan R. Miller; by Glen Walden; Trophy, 1st in er; 1 unit of seed corn, Most points - week. The event was quite successful and 'it is hoped to 50 lb. mineral, Champion Female, Andy Gaunt R. 1 Lucknow, English Equitation, Michele Flow- ers of, Clinton, Tack Shack, in grain corn, Tony Miltenberg R. 1 Dungannon, Funk's Corn, present- continue this in the years to come. International Stock Food co., presented by Mrs: Ken Taylor; ed by agent Bill MacPherson; Seed The prize; what it was won for; presented by. Blake Alton; 50 lb. Most points in grain, Austin Martin for 1 acre, Most ',joints in hay, the winner and the donor are listed mineral, Beef Cow with Calf at R. 5 Lucknow and Ken Alton of R. 7 Blake Alton R. 2 Lucknow, Glen in the following writeup, in that side, Brian Rintoul R. 3 Wingham, Lucknow tied, each receiving a Green Seeds, presented by agent order. Bob Farrish; 50 lb. mineral, 2nd $10.00 voucher from Otto Pick and Eldon Bradley; Set of Tools, Best 50 lb. mineral, Best Herd, Andy Best Fat Steer over 800, Gordon Sons Ltd., presented by Ross average in 3. field crops, Evan Gaunt R. 1 Lucknow, Allan R. Alton R. 7 Lucknow, Bob Farrish; Errington; Seed for 1 acre, Best Keith R. 5 Lucknow and Russel • PAGE NINETEEN During work period, Brown Owl' worked with Luanne MacLeod and Helen Maclntyre showing them how to wrap ii parcel for mailing. Packie 'conducted games for the Brownies while Tawny Owl worked with the Tweenies learning about the Brownie Promise and Law. Rosemary Gilmore passed her., test for throwing and catching a ball. The meeting closed with the Squeeze and Taps.