The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-10-22, Page 16, TON OA TWO Clay Liquid Manure System Honey Wagon ! Slurry Surrey I r 1E1 NM Mi. fill sue mem No No No LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS ILRA KINCARDINE . PHONE 395.521 MOM Ir 1111-011 Eli EN Is ow Either of these. Clay : • Liquid Manure ,Handling Systems can move a month's manure in a single day.. Either inject manure into fields or spread in controlled 25 to 35 foot' swathes. _ HOney Wagon has inside the tank, liquid cooled vacuum pump:- Slurry Surrey is impeller type system. Available i n 200,1500 & 2250 gal- lon sizes; with many options: Write for more information: New Canada Savings Bonds one of the best things you can do with your money. They offer you a great combination of securityi .jhcome and flexibility. They're secure, becauSe Canada Savings Bonds are backed by all the resources of Canada. They pay good income, an average annual interest to maturity in 1984 of 9.38%. 'Each' $100 bond begins with $8.75 interest the first year and then pays $9.50 interest for each of the remaining 8 years. • • They're flexible, because you can buy Canada Savings Bonds in amounts from $50 to $25,000 for cash or on instalments,. And they're cashable anytime, at their full face value plus earned interest. . Join the millions' of Canadians who have taken advantage of the security, income and flexibility offered by Canada Savings Bonds. They're on sale now, wherever, you bank or invest. Buy your new Canada Savings Bonds today. ,Iverage'.annual t ittftn it kirity Security •Income• exibility The Great Combination AS BONDS: THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBI HANNA -DAVIDSON into a cuff at the wrists. Floral lace trimmed the bottom of the gown moving into the back along the long train. She wore a floral headpiece which held her short veil, and The Marriage of Deborah Jean Davidson , and Reginald Victor Stewart Hanna took place -at the Argyle Citadel Corps, Hamilton on Saturday, September 6th at 2 p.m. The. altar was decorated with two floral arrangements of pink and white mums and gladioli intertwin- ed with baby's breath and small, daisies. A bible was placed betWeen the two arrangements. Pastor Gilbert Davidson of St. Catharines, uncle of the bride, officiated at the double ring Ceremony, assisted by the Major of the 'Church, Major Bowes of the •Salvation Army, Hamilton: The. bride is a daughter of ,Mr. and Mrs. Harold Adair,, Davidson of R. R. 2 Lucknow. The , groom is a. son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Earl Hanna of Hatnilton. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, chose an old fashioned. wedding dress with sheer high neckline of peau de soie with small :daisies circling the collar. From this neckline the sheer material extended down into an oval joining the floral lace bodice and fOrmed a V-shape at the waistline. This lace extended half-way down the sleeves, fromt where a full sleeve formed again BROOKSIDE HAPPENINGS On Thursday, October 9, Mr. Granger took his Grade 4 class to the Metropolitan Zoo in Toronto. He' would like to thank those parents who went along to help. Other assistance was given by the French teacher Miss Trezise and bus driver Ted' Beaker. The day was both educational and enjoy- able. • Students at, the school are making good use of the gym equipment from -the High School, especially the trampolines.. A Schedule has been set up so all classes have equal use of it. In the Cross Country, which took place at Point Farms Park on October 15, Brookside made an excellent showing. Schools taking part were Victoria,. Robertson, St. Mary's Separate from Goderich, also Colborne, Kingsbtidge and Brookside. Our school won the following pennants - Junior Boys, Intermediate Boys and "Senior Girls. Congratulations to those who took part. carried a cascade bouquet of red roses intertwined with baby's breath. Matron of Honour was a friend of the bride, April Grasby of Hamil- ton. She wore a long sleeveless gown of light pink polyester and acetate with white polka dots. White curly lace trimmed the neckline, also along the bottom of the dress and up the back to the waistline. Her pink picture hat was trimmed with matching dress material for the ribbon. She carried a nosegay .of white daisies, pink mums, baby's breath and fern. Bridesmaids were Elizabelh"and Clara Davidson, sisters of • the bride; Karen Hanna, sister of the groom; and Patti Black, cousin of the bride, as junior bridesmaids; all -of Hamilton.. Sheri Black of Hamilton was flower girl. The attendant's dresses and flowers were the same as the matron of honour's. Ring bearer was Bill Hanna of Hamilton, cousin of the groom. Groomsman was Philp, Czernda of Hamilton, friend of the, groom. Ushers were Bill Ross of Hamilton, cousin , of the, groom; and the bride's three brothers Harold, Steven and Edward Davidson, all of R. R. 2 Lucknow. The groom and his attendants all wore black tuxedos. A reception followed in St. Nicholas Church, Hamilton; which was decorated with bells, flowers and streamers. The bride's mother chose a long pink dress of polyester with a flower, design on front of the. dress and a matching long sleeve coat. Her corsage was two large yellow orchids. The groom's mother chose a long dress of baby blue polyeiter with short sleeves and beadwork trim- ming the round neckline. Her corsage • was two large yellow orchids. For travelling the light pink pant suit.' Following a weddin End,. Bahamas, the residing in Hamiltoi groom is employed Hilton Works.