The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-10-22, Page 10YOU'RE WHISTLING IN THE DARK... if you think that heart disease, and, stroke hit only the other -- fellow's ' family. Does your money work for you? LET ME SHOW YOU HOW Wayne M. Chandler R.R. 4 Brussels Ph. 8874121 SYNDICATE LIMITED A COMPLETE PERSONAL FINANCIAL SERVICE Special Speaker For Thankoffering WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1975 4404.4+.444,44,49-*4-4-04.4,44444 / • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO The ladies .of the Catholic Women's League of St. Mary's• Church, Lucknow, held their Oct-. -ober meeting at Pinecrest- Manor Nursing Home. Mrs. Peter MacDonald presided and led in the League prayer in the absence of Rev. Fr. Dentinger. " The treasurer's report was given and the correspondence -was read by Mrs. J. L. MacMillan which included an invitation to the Deanery meeting in Mount Carmel and the Diocesan Convention, November 4th at Delaware. A letter was read from Mrs. Albert ten Pas, activity director from Pinecrest, to be present on Thursday evenings to discuss plans for entertainment for the patients. A discussion on the subject of "Volunteerism" is one of the topics to be dischssed at the Convention and Deanery meetings. The meeting adjourned, followed by prayer and the ladies visited with the different patient's. It had been previously decided that members visit the patients regular- ly 'and take games of interest to help entertain them. St. Marys CWL KINLOUQH NEWS The Presbyterian Women's Mis- sionary Society entertained ladieS from Teeswater South' Kinloss Kinloss and the Anglican and Pentecostal groups from here at their Thank- offering' meeting on Wednesday • evening: , Miss Scott who has spent many years in Missionary workin Central India was the guest speaker. She based her 'talk on Psalm 105 and also showed slides of people and places. there. She 'was introduced 'by Mrs. Frank Maulden and thanked and presented with a gift by Mrs. Tom MacDonald. 'Mrs.. Ruth Wilson was in charge of the meeting and extended a ,welcome and gave .a reading: after which the hymn "Lead us 'heavenly father" was sung. Prayer and responsive reading followed. There was a short buSiness period: Mrs. Philip Steer faVoured with a solo "God's Will Be . Done" accompanied by Mrs. Jack Need- , ham. Mrs. Glen Haldenby • 'gave the meditation. Readings were given by Mrs. Bert Thompson, Mrs. Wayne Taylor and Mrs. Midfard. Wall. The offering was received by' Mrs.. Stewart MacDon- ald and Mrs. Jack Bari. The word for the roll call was "Thanksgiv-, ing". The hymn and prayer cloted the meeting. , 'Delicious refreshments were served: Courtesies were expressed by Mrs. Lyman Sutton for Tees- water: Mrs. Van' Sligtenhorst for Pentecostal, Mrs. Bert Nicholson for A .C.W. , Mrs. Jack Needham for South KinloSs,. Mrs. Margaret Bannerman for Kinloss ungannon To..e. Dungannon United Church *omen met on Tuesday, October 14 • in the church basement, one 4;w0k ahead of usual meeting time oh' • account of Fall Rally in Ifolthesville on October 21. ' • Dorothy' Pentland opened the • devotional , with hymn- 500. Marjorie Pentland read many short and fathiliar passages of scripture from here and there in the Bible. Dorothy Pentland kindly 'agreed to repeat her well prepared topic of Bible Study for.this meeting due to so many being unable to attend the July meeting when she gave it first. The, collection was received and dedicated. Marjorie Pentland gave a prayer and announced hymn 214. Tina" Logtenberg chaired the business part of the meeting. She asked, for a moment' of silence in memory of Audrey -Hasty and then gave a very fitting prayer. Seventeen members answered the roll call with gifts, for the cancer cupboard. Correspondence was presented. This group was asked to look after afternoon devotional for the Fall Rally at Hohnesville. Some volunteered to look after this. - A motion was made to make a donation to CNIB. Helen Dawson read the treasur- er's report. Emily Drennan gave a report on what is needed for the next bale and all Contributions are to be left in the furnace room in church basement by Sunday, October 26. A letter was read from Alma School of St. Thomas urg- ing the ladies to buy baking bags which they are selling to raise money for the school. It was decided to give a' donation to Explorers to buy craft material.• Olive 'Blake gave her report from the Official Board meeting. Tina Log,tenberg gave an interesting report on the Christmas Fellowship Training she attended for a few days in August at Alma School in St. Thomas. This was followed by a, solo by Tina Logtenberg .entitled "Who is Bigger than You and I". Grace was sung and social tithe was enjoyed with Gloria ,Pearson and Emma Rivett as hostesses. St. Augustine CWL The monthly meeting of the Catholic Women's League of St. Augustine met with 9 members and 1 visitor present.' Father Dentinger opened the meeting with prayer, followed by a spiritual reading by 'Mrs. Wm. Redmond. A demonstration was given of a, vacuum cleaner which later was purchased. Silverware was purch- ased for use in the church hall. A discussion followed atie it was decided to prepare and present a brief to the panel who will discuss "Violence on 'TV shows, also on theatre screens" at Wingham District High School on December 3. Cards were sent to Mrs. Aubrey Higgins , who is hospitalized, Mrs. Mike Foran a sympathy card on the loss .of her father, also a congratu- lation card to Mrs. Emma Franken who recently became a 'Canadian Citizen. A delegation of ladies will attend the deanery meeting at Mount Carmel, October 20. A meeting "Alliance for Living".' will be attended by the members at Kingsbridge on November 3. A letter of invitation was read asking the St. Augustine C.W.L. to, send a group to •entertain the patients at Pinecrest ' Manor at Lucknow. The meeting closed and lunch served by the hostesses in charge. THE KEY Youth' should give education top priority—it will put more oppor- tunity into their future. Donnybiook UCW The Donnybrook United Church Women met at the home of Mrs. J. Hildebrand on Tuesday evening, October 14 with 13 members and 2 children present. Mrs. J. 'Hildebrand opened the meeting with Hymn 577 "Come Thankful People Come". Mrs. Hildebrand and Mrs. H. Jefferson gave passages of scripture from 1st Samual, Isaiah, Job and Proverbs. The Hymn "We plough the fieldSr was sung. Mrs. R. Jefferson gave a reading on "Bounty . and Prosper- ity". Mrs. H. Jefferson read a poem "Work" followed with pray- er by Mrs. Hildebrand. Mrs. Hildebrand gave the topic "On Being a Foster 'Parent", giving, us a glimpse of the weather, holidays, diet, clothing etc. of her• foster child's country in Korea taken from letters exchanged each month. The Korean money is a wong and it takes 399 wong to make a dollar. In Korea the last name always comes first followed with first and second names. In Korea, children are counted as one year old when born and when 1st of January comes, they are 2 years old. Mrs. T. -Armstrong gave a reading "God who touches earth with beauty" while Mrs. Hilde- brand showed slides to illustrate it. . All joined hands and/gave a prayer of Thanksgiving.• Mrs. R. Hanna' took over the business. She reminded us of the Presbyterial Rally in HolmeSville on Tuesday, October 21st. Donnybrook U.C.W. is invited to Auburn Thankoffering nn •October 23rd at 8.15 p.m. Mrs. Morley Johnston is to pack a bale next week.. Hymn "The day Thou gayest, Lord, is ended" was sung. Mrs. Hildebrand closed with prayer. Lunch was served. Mrs. Andrew Gaupt Gave Travelogue WH1TECHURCFI NEWS On Wednesday evening at 8.30 Chalmers Women's Missionary 'Society held their Fall Thankoffer- ing in the church. The president, Mrs. Bill Rintoul, opened the meeting with a poem and extended a warm welcome to visitors and members. All sang We praise Thee 0 God. Mrs. Dawson Craig led in prayer. The scripture, Psalm 107: 1-15 was read by Mrs. Victor Emerson. Mrs.Lorne Forster gave ,a Thanksgiving reading. Mrs. Andrew Gaunt showed pictures of her tour of the Holy, Land and gave an interesting Commentary. Mrs. Wallace Milligan thanked Mrs. Gaunt fors her pictures and presentation and presented her with a gift. The offering was received by Mrs. Tiffin and Mrs. Kay. Mrs. Wardrop sang a solo ,accompanied by organist Mrs. DOn Ross. The meeting closed with the singing of a hymn. and prayer. Lunch and a social time followed. Before lunch Garnet Parrier ac- coMpanied by pianist Mrs. Farrier sang The Holy City. Camp Menesetung Has Good Year Camp Menesetung, a project of Huron-Perth Presbytery of . the. United Church of Canada, has completed a successful summer of camping. The camp, which is situated three miles.• north of Goderich off No. .21 Highway, 'has become a centre of activity for the Huron-Perth Presbytery as well as other groups. Certain improve- ments have extended the season from mid May until after Thanks- giving week end. This past season the Presbytery campsinclude.d programs for Co-ed Junior High, Junior Boys, Junior Girls, Pre-Teen Girls, Parents Without Partners as well as a weekend for Teenage Co-ed Camp- ing. Outside groups using the facilities have' . been schools from Brussels, Stratford and Lambton as well as groups like the Brownies, Recreation Councils and Play- ground leaders. The Chickigami Boys', Camp from London., the. American Leadership College, and Ba Oai-Ontario Region make good use of the camp eadi year. A number of youth groups, counsellor reunions and church groups use the faCilities on week ends . with some . churches making it an annual event with a summer service and picnic. Mrs. Joe Snider of Goderich,; who has been the business manager for over 20 years, reports almOst a full schedule booked for Camp Mene- setung for 1976 with the possibility of a week end for family camping. ZION Douglas Helm celebrated his 1st ,birthday on Wednesday of last week. The. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Helm of Lucknow and Mrs. Elmer Pollard and Carol of Ripley attended the birthday party. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritchie visited Tuesday of last week. with her mother, Mrs. Mary MacAuley of Milton and also called on Miss Ruby Clark of Acton, who had a birthday that day. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Swan and family and Basil Hogan visited Sunday at Gateway Haven in Wiarton. Mr. and Mrs, John Hunter and family had as supper guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Stanley and. Jason Of Lucknow. Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D. Minister Phone 528-2740 • SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship NURSERY FOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN soles066,104,40740Woalgals\etae!"""M"."/ KINLOUGH PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Pastor Gilbert. Van Sligtenhorst 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Worship Service 7:30 p.m. Evening Service Midweek Prayer Service . Wednesday at 8 o'clock C.A. (Young People) Friday at 7:30 p.m. DUNGANNON CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (MENNONITE) Ord* Gingrich, Pastor SERVICES 10:00 a.m. Sunday- School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship EVERYONE WELCOME LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED ' CHURCH Rev. L. Van Staalduinea Pastor SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 10 a.m. Morning Service "The Heifer That Loves To Thresh" 2:30 p.m. "It Shall Not Come Nigh. Thee" Listen to, the Back to God Hour Message of Today "Our Proper Love Affair" CHOK Sarnia, 8:30. a.m. Radio dial 1070 CFOS Owen Sound, 1:30. Am. Radio dial 560 LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Km Doug' Kaufman Minister OCTOBER 26 la a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship Worship conducted by the Gideons 'Society