The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-10-22, Page 9sponsored'by Kairshea W.I. Phone 528-201 Luclmow LUCKNOW PUBLIC SCHOOL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 LES PETTER SHOES 1 THE SWEET ADELINES LORRE REID - SHOE REPAIR HALLOWE'EN BINGO FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 ST. AUGUSTINE PARISH HALL SPONSORED BY S.A.Y.C. PARK [„,H: 141 .'J '04D 0 ,1)C, WED., TIOUR., FRI., SAT. -ocT. ta, 23, 241,- 23 I SHOW'NIGHTLY AT II:00 P.M. PETER WARREN FOND/1_1 DATES RALC fre HTH MiduiElif SPeciOTS11440Y, Octoiw257 " SHOWTIME.12:05 A STUNNING AUDIO- ISUAL EXPERE •V.h41Y "GOES BEYOND "A ZAPPAESOUE PERFECTION " MUSICAL PASTICHE " uvror • Aitt•I•1140/1• AT LAST THE ROCK WIZARDS ARE UNLEASHED ON FILM ADULT ENTERTAINMENT WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 29 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT , SUN. MON.. TUES. -' OCT 21, 20, 21 l 'SNOW NIGHTLY Al 8 ,01 P.M SPONSORED BY 1.0.13.E . GODEPICH CHAPTER All pc6coodt to charity GEORGE C SCOTT„ . MIKE NICHOLS him COMING THUR.. FRI., SAT'. 7. OCT 30,91. NOV I "French Connection II" Mull EtttorteltiMmit Proorsitto foaled OftWout Wilco 1949...was a time to be young! Michael Anthony James , • CAINE • QUINN MASOLA„ t..1.-!!' as TREDISIR Regardless of what the perform- ers say about Laugh-In, though, they should remember that it' made them stars. Where would Goldie Hawn be if it weren't for•Laugh-ln? Not that she didn't have the talent to make it, anyway; but just helped her make it a lot faster. All the performers went on to bigger and better things, except for' Rowan and Martin, whom I haven't heard of in ages. Which proves it doesn't •pay to be possessed with the idea of getting to the top, if 'you have to step on others', toes to get there! 11414 WANTADS Pack IOW Power k- Tfiey Ave the sweel life. but may play gafrie of SUDDEN DEATH. • • . • • • • • . 1.30 P M ALL SEATS 75c • • SAT. 25 - SUN. 26th • • • r4"17.:47,:r:itratript-•. • • 3r.:_ • IMER. , 1 HOME f3t* f.7 .i' • • fp ,t-,11.-l. ,. . . -!i-. •-i,,,e k • ii`VrIglAY`""112ZNGT" 0-.- • • .i • • I • '.• • HURRY'! Ends Thurs., Oct. 23 • ••8 9 M. .. ?Dail pa —0 .t 4.4 • Y -... Av # le • • •••••szfee4Ditameroo:riordie • • ri iv.urivv:„ • • Fri. 24, Sot, 25, Sun. 26, Mon. 27, Tuns. 20 • AT 7:00 and 9:00 P.M. 2 SHOWINGS EVERY DAY • • • • • • • _ • 10 HMV • BOY 14 SENTENCED . • • • • ' • • , • • • .• , ! ao. • six &utile 6181 13 SL • • . Tfi-E TELEGRAM • • • • • I . • • • • • BASED ON THE r a STEVEN 111.15COTT `o• STORY! rion-:-T*Of A0100 0$W • 140004100000000•41 • • LYCEUM • 1r .410.411[11r'lit AM 0,4159 ,c) P.-.0N1 I. • •••77,11.1 PAGE NINE 1975 nyder ibbon white ums, in of om. R. R. bride, and know, The dark oured tinted egion music mint gown ations ore a e knit. white hose a it with des of essor- white rip to , the bride er in ees at nott; a me of yrood; ome of and a ome of RIO By Venni Lee The. County Music Awards were the best duo. Buck Trent and Roy evening, Thanksgiving, and when the rest of us were supposed to be presented in Nashville on Monday/ Clark were the top instrumental group. The album of the year was counting our blessings, the count- Ronnie Milsap's "Legend in My ry-and-western stars were counting Time" and the single of the year .their gold records and wondering was "Before the Next Teardrop why they hadn't won for their best Falls" by Freddie Fender. seller of the year. Named song of the year was "Back Home Again", written P Eby Named best female and 'male vocalists of the year were Dolly Johnny Denver. He was competing Parton and Waylon Jennings. with Waylon Jennings, Loretta What a long • way. the little Lynn, Ronnie Milsap and 'Conway baby-voiced Dolly has come since Twitty as entertainer of the year the days she first arrived on the and Denver took it. Nashville scene!" Minnie Pearl, 'who joined the The top group of the year was the Grand Ole 'Opry in 1940 and is still Statler Brothers who on the country wearing the same hat, was named scene,• can make just about to the Country Music. Hall of Fame. 'anything turn into gold. Conway She' probably has seen more Twitty and Loretta Lynn made it as people come and go through the Is your phone book correct? Please tell us now, before we print your. new direc- • • tort'. Look up your listing in the current directory and, if you wish to have it changed Dial "0" (zero) and ask for Business Office Before • 4 NOVEMBER 25th Bell Canada NATIONALUNICEF DAY South Kin loss BAPTISMAL • SERVICE At. South Kinloss Presbyterian Church on Sunday Daryl Mark, son of Mr. and ,Mrs. Jai. Gibson, was baptized • by Rev. Glenn Noble. Mrs. Sharon Hoffe was soloist and Mrs. Leonard 'Clarke, organist. ACCEPTS TORONTO POSITION Brian Keith has accepted a position as assistant executive accountant with Bill Martyniuk and Associates, as Public Relations Accounting Firm of Toronto. En route home to Sudbury from a week's trip to Renfro Valley, Galtenburg, The Smoky Moun- tains, Knoxville and the D. J. Convention in Nashville, Tennes- see, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Townson and Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. Rivers were overnight guests at the, home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dickie. Mrs. Jack Needham, Mrs. Clar- ence Ritchie, Mrs. Harvey Houston and Mrs. Cliff Roulston of. Kairshea W.I. attended the Bruce County _Rally in Whitechurch on Thursday. Nine ladies from South Kinloss W.M.S. attended the Fall thank- offering in Kinlough Presbyterian Church on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Needham and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bruton visited on the week end with Mr. HANOVER CHILDREN ADMITTED FREE FOR FEATURE TIMES PHONE 364-1210 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, OCTQpER 24 AND 25 i'7 "-T ' r NWT DTERTAIII IR UESt TitER7101 at•iittems witt tm' and Mrs. Jim Tully i'n,Owen Sound. Mrs. Alvin Schmidt visited members of her family in the Paisley area recently. ,Miss Betty Hamilton of Niagara Falls and Donald Hamilton of Cochrane spent Thanksgiving week end with their parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton. MrS. Clarence. Ritchie will be hostess for the October meeting of Kairshea W.I. on Thursday, Oct- ober 23 at 8 p.m. Roll call show arid tell a hobby or handicraft you enjoy. Opry doors that anyone else. By her own admission, she has gone on stage when 'it was almost impossible to perform, most specif- ally when ' friends like. Johnny Horton, Jim Reeves, Hawkshaw, Hawkins, Johnny Horton, Patsy, Cline and others loSt their lives in plane crashes. But her motto was always "The show niust go on" and she went out there like a trouper to make peoPle laugh, though her own laughter was only oti the surface. she has personified country music and country humour throughout the years and has now been honoured by her, peers. 'Snice they did it while 'she was alive to enjoy it. The awards are given each year (this is the ninth) and winners are selected by the members of the' Country Music Association. My guess is 'that, as 'in the cases of the Oscars' and Emmys, writers vote for writers, singers for other singers, etc. Art Johnson was the Grand, Marshal of the Kitchener-Waterloo Octoberfest parade and while in the area talked•to several people about his former "Laugh-ln" days. It was interesting to note that by his own admission, it was the cast of L I that killed it. It had begun as a fun thing with everyone just having lots of laughs and not really caring who had the fnnniest lines or the biggest jokes. But as time went on, and everyone started receiving a fan following, the professional jealousy started to creep in, particularly between the cast and the two stars, Dan Rowan and Dick Martin, who thought their 'star- dom' •was being threatened and felt they were not getting enough exposure. And so Laugh-In died, because people became too greedy for 'fame, power and attention. Which was too bad. • WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, ins THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO