The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-10-22, Page 7COWAN'S GROCERY STORE wcKNow ANNOUNCES THE FIRST OF OUR 'NO NONSENSE' SA N A CLOS NG Mfill SPECIALS T LL S T JOY 32 OZ. Liquid Detergent 85c BRIGHT'S 14. OZ, Choice Peach• Halves 45c BEATRICE 1 QT. Chocolate Milk '49c 4's SWING VA OZ. Orange Flay. Crystals 79c SCHNEIDER'S Bacon 1 lb. $2.09 VOORTMAN Dutch Style Cookies 2 pks. $1.00 KRAFT 16 OZ. Miracle, Whip 70C KLEENEX 200's Tissue 51c PHONE 528-2903 FREE 'DELIVERIES LIONS. RADIO BINGO CARDS NOW AVAILABLE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Please Note That Until Further Notice We Will Be Closing All Day Monday and Open the Rest. of the Week, a.m. to 6:00 p.m.. -- Allowing us Time To Make Alterations, Visit Suppliers, Etc. Thank You Ftineriils Got Won Vistklings Waned.* Free delivery to McKenzie Funeral Home - 524-711415 61 CIdIIRCH°BT, GODERICH Ready to nem you , 7 days a meek A Ministry of Housing Ontario Housing Corporation Advertis5 ing helps you compare. CANADIAN ADVERTISING ADVISORY BOARD own some day, I would be most happy to send it to you. Sincerely. (Mrs.) Janice Currie. District Area 22B.. NKS ate Mrs. to thank boors for ess when nd grand- and Mary thank our eighbours or cards,, ed on our .y. Special • all .those • ways to • day. • heartfelt eighbours , flowers, eart Fund Nursing incardine .ndnesses r. bereave- preciated, Needham, and Mary rely thank s, letters, e in Wing- spitals, al- the house. Drs. and apprecia- vert Reid those who y shower esbyterian always re- and kind y apprec- e to thank esponsible kie Collins Nicholson eir family ming and. h Amiiver- asion, also • and good ecial thank r such an d also for gift which rthing was OAT tractor .00D 1061 RAD'S [MBING ND ATING lovatiOn aercial al TES Ii1011111111011111 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1975 Brucelea Haven News By Annetta Schilroth Our ministers' for the month were: Rev, D. Sinclair; Victory Baptist, Hanover; Rev., P. D. Mellegers, Presbyterian, Paisley; Rev. Wm. Lake, United, Mildinay; The Salvation Army, Hanover. We also have Mass every second Thursday in our chapel at 10.30 a.m. The Gideons • have a Prayer Service at 7 p,m. the first TOsday ,of the month and a Song Service, the laSt.Eriday of the month at 2 p.m. ReV. Donavan Brown, St. Thom- as, Anglican comes twice a month, Once for Prayer Service at '7 p.m: and Communion Service at 10.30 a.rn. On Thursday, September 441, Miss Ada Thacker from Teeswater came and showed us slides of her Trip .to the Holy Land. They were Most interesting and informative. Friday afternoon at 2 p.m. the Solway Women's Institute came and pin an a most delightful program. Mrs. Margaret MacIn- Ore gave readings from old school readers, many of which our residents knew... Mrs. Osterdorff, Mrs. Vance, and Mrs. Bert Caslick put on a skit called the operation which , was very humorous. Mrs. . Harry Schnurr acted as pianist and Master of Ceremonies. Our monthly Resident Council was held in the Tuck Shop area at 10.30 a.m. on Tuesday, September 9th. The Legion Auxiliary, Branch 102 came and put on a Bingo on September 11th at 2 p.m. with a very large attendance. Friday, September 12th we had a Quiz arid Word contest with high and low prizes. Monday evening, at 7.30 p.m., the Prayer. Sing-a-long Group from Chepstow Came• and played and sang for our residents. The C.W.L. came on Friday, September 19th and put on a Euchre with high and low prizes. They served refreshments. Our monthly Birthday Party for all residents with birthdays during the month was sponsored by the Saugeen W.I., Paisley. The first number on the program was a musical duet by Dorothy, Brunton and Wilda Lamont: The next was a dance by Elaine and Yvette 'McGillivray. Isabel . Bell and Dorothy Brunton favoured us with a duet. Elaine and Yvette McGillivray did a Scottish dance dressed in their kiltS which was just lovely. The ones with birthdays during the 'month were given a suitable gift and cake and ice cream was served to bring to a close a most enjoyable afternoon. • On Tuesday, September 30th we took our residents on a bus trip to Beaver Valley to see the beautiful colours of the, leaves. On the way home we stopped at the new County Fair Mall in Hanover for a short time. ST. HELENS Mi. and Mrs. Norris Wilson, Ronnie, Randy and- Rickey of Hamilton, Mrs. Vera Errington and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wareing of Hamilton were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Errington and family. Mr. and. Mrs. Ward Shickluna of Mississauga were week end visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan McQuillin, Andrea and David of Kitchener were • Sunday visitors with his mother, Mrs. Fred McQuillin. Born: at Wingharn and District Hospital' on Thursday,' October 9th to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Todd, a son, Bruce Farm Report CATTLE STABILIZATION PROGRAM From the questions we • are gett- ing, this program still has beef producers confused. All slaughter ' cattle, except cows and mature bulls, sold live or ' dressed between August 12, 1974 and August 11, 1975, are elig- ible for a stabilization payment of 48 cents 'per hundred pounds on a live weight basis. What_ you received for your cattle when sold, has no bearing on your eligibility for .this pay- ment. Application forms are' avail- able at our office. BUYING AND SELLING CORN A lot of corn will change hands between farmers in the next month. 'The following is a fair dealing guideline: 1. Determine where and how the, moisture is to be measured, also the weight. We can offer 'a moist- ure testing service at our office. Most electronic moisture testers are not accurate over 25% mois- ture. 2. Arrive at base price. Radio and newspaper quotations can. be used. 3.Make alterations to base price for delivery, drying charges etc. The Ontario Grain and Feed Dealers Association 1975 drying charges per bushel of 15.5% mois- ture corn are: 17c from .21.1 to 23%; 18c from 23.1 to 25%; 20c from 25.1' to 27% 21c from 27.1 'to 29%; 22c from 29.1' to 31%; 25c from 31.1 to 33%; 27c from 33.1 to 35%. When corn is delivered to.an ele- vator, it goes over a cleaner to re- move trash, before the scales. Then the price is determined from the chart which gives the 15.5% moisture equivalent. Without a chart, you can use the formula --- wet weight times the % of 'dry matter, divided by ' 84.5, then subtract 1/2 of .1% for, handling and storage loss. We can provide charts on re- quest. M. R. Bolton, Agricultural Rep. FARM SAFETY PUBLIC SPEAKING COMPETITION The Public Speaking Competi- tion finals which was to be held on Thursday, November 6, has been changed to Monday, Novem- ber 10 at 8:00 p.m. at the Paisley Central School. The Bruce County Farm Safety Council and the Women's Institutes invite all to attend this competition of grades 6, 7 and 8 students.. Door prizes will be given out in addition to the prizes to the eleven contestants. -See everyone there. QUEEN'S GUINEAS COMPETITORS FOR 1975 This year, Bruce County will be sending 24 4-H members to the Royal Winter Fair, to compete in the Queen's Guineas competition. The showing of calves starts at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, November 21. It would be d' very nice jesture if as many people as possible could, be present to give support to our 4-H members. -Congratu- lations and good luck to those al. ready nominated to compete. Randy Williek, Extension Assistant, Seeks Information Of Toronto Friends . Of Years Ago The following letter was received by District Lions Governor Grant Chisholm of Lucknow from a resident of. the United States who noticed his name in a Lions magazine. The, author of the letter is trying to trace friends who are known to have ,a connection with Lucknow. Grant Chisholm would be pleased to learn of any information which might be of help to Mrs. Currie. 818,Applewood St., . Easton, Md. 21601, October 14, 1975. Dear Mr. Chisholm: I found your name in last month's issue of Lion's magazine and am writing you in hopes that you may be of some help to me. As a 'child and teenager, I grew up in Toronto and had some very dear friends who lived doWn the street f,rom me. Unforturiately, as time passes, one loses track of people and I find myself often wondering what became of them. My reason fOr seeking you out is that they had, relatives who lived in LucknoW and used to visit there quite often. I found in my atlas that the population of Lucknow is very "'small so I thought that perhaps it might not be too difficult to locate their relatives by asking at one of your meetings if anyone might know about these people or the whereabouts of their relatives. The family I am speaking about is the Wilson family, the mother and father's names are Jane and Pat, they have three boys, Donald is the eldest, Herbert and then Wayne. All I remember is that they used to visit a family who had a Robert, a boy about Doriald's age which would be,around 41 or 42 by now. I don't even know if their names were Wilson or not. Perhaps this task might be too difficult or perhaps you may not have the time or the desire to undertake it and if that is the case, then please do not hesitate to let me know and I certainly thank you for your time in- just reading this . letter. My husband has, been a Lion 'for about 3 years now and loves it. Coming from a large poultry area, the way of making -money here is by having chicken barbeques and-you will .find Lion's running all over the ,highway during the beach season trying to . sell chicken to travellers on their way to Ocean City for-the day or week end. Even the children will be out there helping. they have a ,delicious barbeque sauce which is' used for most barbecues in this area and if you would like it in case you, may like to have one of your Modified Tenders are invited for the Construction of 20 Senior Citizen *its in the VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW ONTARIO These units are to be sited on land now owned by the Corporation PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS ARE' SUPPLIED Preliminary drawings, bid forms, specifications and information may be obtained from the Toronto offices of the Corporation, 101 Bloor Street West, 12th Floor. Submissions for this project should be physically received at the Corporate Secretary's office on 'the 13th Floor, of Ontario Corporation at the Read Offiee, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto, or the Central Ontario Branch Office, 101A Holiday Inn Drive, Cambridge, 'not later than 2:30 p.m. E.S.T., Wednesday, November 12th, 1975, BIDS WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED ON THE DATE SPEC- IFIED ABOVE. The lowest priced or any bid not necessarily accepted. Enquiries for additional information and documents must be directed to the Development Manager (Central Region) at 965-9644. An Agency •of the Province, of Ontario , 2 1916 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN Oi