The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-10-15, Page 201111 .1111 Greer TV and Electric Lucknow Phone 528-3112 McGRAW-EDISON OF CANADA LINAITD I EVERY B1RGE WALLCOVERINGS BUYER SAVES 25% AND HAS A CHANCE 10 N $1 70 0 0 AT THE SEGE HOUSE" (sweepstakes dose October 31, 1975) BERGE VVallcoverings fc==xs==xICI=uc==xx INUIPETING CUENIONFLOR AND LINOLEUM yam coma= a twoolatiiiia caw= BLUEPRINT It's necessity that creates the will to change-.first comes the vision, then the plan. FINLAY Le w, Oirttuis WALLPAPER AND C.I.L PAIN IE THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1975' McKAY'S FRUIT MARKET SHOP AND SAVE PHONE 528-3420 SEE . By The Sentinel Available as a, built-in or portable unit: in avocado & white: •pushbutton 6-cycle; with, Hygienic Cycle & Rinse-'n-hold for later washing; ..soft-food disposer (eliminates pre-rinsing),; • 16-place setting Capacity; . • roll-out baskets '& two direct water supply spray arms; '•handsOme hardwood cutting board top. • To Hear. Of . Work With Mustard Seed Wingham area is to have the unique opportunity of hearing in person, one of the world's out- standing missionary-humanitar- ians, Mrs. Lillian Dickson speak at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church/ on Friday, October 24 at 7.45 p.m. This little woman has become a living legend in our time, the personification of pluck and per- ,severence against heavy 'odds, the undaunted heroine in many an encounter with the elements on dangerous mountain trails, with hostile chiefs among former head- hunters in Formosan fastnesses, with corrupt officials, with sickness, tribal poverty, -and ignorance., Here is a woman who, -• practically single- handed, - has taken on monument- al tasks and, with the help of an "angel at her shoulder" has established in Taiwan an organiza- tion of nationals as Aedicated as herself in bringing .to the people not only the saving gospel of Christ, but His personified love for the weak, the fallen, the distress- ed. Moved by compassion for the' multitudes around her when she was only "a missionary-wife" she began a quarter;century ago to rescue boys out of prison,, lepers from suicidal depression, mount- aineers dying from tuberculosis, girls about to be sold' into, prostitu- tion. A work so small, so nondes- cript, probably merited the name she gave it: The Mustard Seed Mission, but today it has grown far THAT Many of the meeting reports of local groups which come to the Sentinel each week contain infor-' mation on election of officer's. One' such. meeting had an appointment Of a certain young lady as "call girl". 'We assumed this to be a position whereby she would phone other club members advising of meeting dates, etc. Then again, we were not 'absolutely sure of the overall objective of this office.' What would you guess? THAT An error in the heading of a story in last week's paper had the Kingsbridge Junior Ball team champion for the 3rd year in' a row, when actually they have 'been champs for 5 years in a row in the area softball 'league. Sorry Kingsbridge! THAT A tractor fire at the farm of Harold Maize, west of . Dungannon, did several hundred dollars dam- age on Wednesday of last week about 10 a.m. Adjacent buildings were cause- for concern until the fire was quickly brthight under control. THAT In last week's coming events the Sentinel erred in the ad for the Lucknow United Church Hot Turk- ey Supper. The day of the supper should have read Tuesday, October 21. LILLIAN DICKSON beyond thought or expectation, with sixty projects working at full speed in preaching, medical work, hospitals, clinics, prison-visitation, schools and orphanages, etc., Mrs. Dickson will be warmly welcomed by many in the area who have learned to love and admire her, and who have become pirtners with her_ by sponsoring orphans, or young people in training in Taiwan and Papua. She will be bringing news of the. latest outreach of her tribal mis- sionaries who.have left their homes to preach the gospel in Borneo, and of the new trade-schools she is establishing in Papua-New Guinea. Everyone is welcome to this meeting! Anti-Freeze GAINE'S Gravy Train MAPLE LEAF Bacon SCHNEIDER'S Margarine 2 ROLL PKG. -- REG. 63c Delsey Tissue STERLING Salt LIBBY'S 19 OZ. F'ork 'N Beans I Died At Walkerton Mrs. Alex (Sandy) Hackett, a former Lucknow resident, pa'Ssed away at Bruce County Hospital, Walkerton on Saturday, October li. She was 87. The funeral service was held on Monday, October 13th at McLen- 1 Gal. $5.49 4 LB. BOX — REG. $1.79 NoW $1.59 $1.99 1 11;. 1 LB., TUB REG. 71C 59c SAVE 14c Now 49c 1 LB. 10 OZ. 29c REG. 59c 2 for $1.00 nan-McCreath Funeral Home, Ri ley, with interment in Riple Cemetery. Stay awake during the, day and you can afford to sleep at night Some husbands find that th best cure for a cold 'shoulder i the touckof mink. THE HOT TURKEY SUPPER IN THE LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH ON Tuesday, October 21st 5 - 8 p.m Looking For A Bargain! COME TO Adults $2.75 — Children 12 and under $1.50 THE. U.C.W. URGES THOSE WHO CAN TO COME EARLY OTHER UNADVERTISED SPECIALS WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES PRICES EFFECTIVE. OCTOBER 16, 17, 18