The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-10-08, Page 341P TENDER SWEET HALVES $2 29 lb. "11111111 111110 44% MAPLE LEAF HAMS V4 BONE IN ' $1.99 MACARONI AND CHEESE 7V4 OZ. PKG. KRAFT DINNER 4/$1 SQUIRREL .SMOOTH . 200's. PKG. 32 OZ. BTL., 14 OZ. PKG. 16 OZ. PKG. 14 OZ. 10 OZ. TINS 3 1.19 83c 1.39 59c 99' 70C 2 LB. BOX I .I 19 OZ. TIN r FOR THANKSGIVING 73 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1975 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAO! THUS gort9 3aod,Sp Mob 41 41 WHOLE CRANBERRIES 14 FL. OZ. TIN 494 1111 t%-e47e, MAPLE LEAF HAMS JELLIED CRANBERRIES 14 FL. OZ. TIN 94 4 ASSORTED COLOURS POP-UP 2 PI-Y FACIAL .. KLEENEX. TISSUE .i.:1191.D CLEAN CLEANER BIG G 'CHEERIOS. KRAFT CANADIAN SINGLES CHEESE SLICES' BONUS IRISH STEW MANDARIN,ORANGES EREYAMETTE MACARONI PEANUT BUTTER ..$1,a,'. 15 FL. OZ. BTL. 554 E. D. SMITH CHERRY AND BLUEBERRY PIE FILLING All Sizes Available HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP MENU'S SURER MARKET LUCKNOW PHONE 528.4001 District President Visits Ripley W.I. Mrs, David Ireland of Teeswater, District President, was the guest of the Ripley Women's Institute on October 3. • She brought greetings . from Bruce South and gave a very inspiring address on Women's Institute work. BrAnch Board Directors planned the program. The Directors are Mrs. Frank Scott, Mrs. James Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Violet MacKen- zie and Mrs. Ross Martyn was absent. Ripley Women's Institute displayed the list prize winning exhibit at the Fall Fair which was "Keeping Ripley Alive prepared by Mrs.- Carnochan, Mrs. Donnie MacDonald and ,Miss, Christine Robertson. A vote of appreciation ;was given the committee in charge. Mrs. James Kirkpatrick read an article on "Thanksgiving" which stated that Thatiksgiving is not merely for closing the• cottage and doing odd jobs, but a day to give thanks. Mrs. Frank Scott read a poem "A Thankful Heart". Mrs: Francis Gemmel! and Mrs. James Kirkpatrick sang two Thanksgiving duets accompanied by Violet Mac- Kenzie. Mrs. Ben Ruttle of Kincardine demonstrated fall flow- er arrangements which were very beautiful. A humorous skit on "Finding Fault" was given by Mrs. Joe Scott, Mrs: Violet MacKenzie and Miss Christine Robertson. Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. Amelia McLeod. Delegates were reminded of the Bruce County Rally in Whitechurch on October 16th and the Grey Bruce' Area Convention at Owen SOund Novern- bet 3rd and 4th. A blind canvass will be held this month. Hostesses for the meeting were Mrs. Jack McLean, Mrs. Sam Geddes and Mrs. Orah Crawford who was absent. - THE EDGE There's a very big difference between good, sound reasons and reasons that sour `1 good. he :nt ias ed for yur hrer Ise le- the by. on and d.. Roy he ital, suit day also don I at 'red of sins s is a in .nce en- into goon more rater; pson, uties, ?bell, tgeen krran tston, Lang, Leith,