The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-10-08, Page 2Married In Wingham Church McDONALD FRANCE • --PW40 by &Brier •9•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO "The Sepoy Town" On the Huron-Bruce Boundary Second Class Mail Registration Number 0847 Established 1873 — Published Wednesday Member of the C.C.N.A. and O.W.N.A. Subscription Rate, $8.00 a year in advance $2 extra to U.S.A. and Foreign Donald C. Thompson, Publisher .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • ::.SUPPORT .11g. 11)CAL. .CANVASS. SENIOR PUPILS OF LUCKNOW CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL. WILL BE CANVASSING LUCKNOW AND AREA . IN SUPPORT OF THE CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE" FOR .THE BLIND • • From OCTOBER 11th to 18th ALL STUDENTS WILL HAVE CANVASSER'S CREDENTIALS LUCKNOW CANVASSERS:' Mark Abbott, Blair Alton, Cheri Brooks, Colin Cameron, Kevin Clark, Lynne Hilverda, Alec Purves, Nancy Thompson CANVASSERS IN SURROUNDING AREA: Beverly Bell, Bonnie Hall, Steven Hannan, Mary Helen McDonald, Kenny McFarlan, Lynne Nieolson, Jeff Thorapsou, Aldepa VanSlightenhorst, Ann Webster, Jamie Young. The Braille press in the library of The Canadian National In- stitute for the Blind provides nine magazines for blind readers in this community. Watch for your volunteer canvasser during' the current financial campaign, • and give generously. PERMANENT .".*::::•:..1•10V • x.:•?•4 • -3 ANTI FREEZE • "x•••:!::4•::.*::,:c4:M. , loucknot rid Co-op Phone 528-3024 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, opium PAMitl TINO SOUTH KINLOSS There was a ' good attendance at the Worldwide Communion Service at Sonth Kinloss on Sunday. On September 28, Mrs. Jack Needham was pianist and Murray Keith soloist on his. trombone. On October 5, Mrs. Leonard Clarke was organist and Anne Hamilton sang a solo. The group are having their weekly meeting at South, Kinloss in preparation for their Thanksgiving Service. there on October 12. Lunch. will be served following the service. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Buckton visited the last Sunday in Septem- ber with Dr. W. A. and Mrs.. Buckton and George of Kitchener at their home hi Forest. Guests Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dickie were Mr. and Mrs. Metro Nestor of Oxford, Michigan and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott of Ripley. Currie Colwell left last week for a moose hunting expedition north of Thunder Bay. Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon is enjoying a few days vacation with her sister, Mrs. Jack Wilson and family in Hamilton. Margaret, Norma and Marilynne MacIntyre were in Stratford on the week end to see the play, St. Joan. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs Jack Needham last week were,Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Needham of Corunna, Mrs. Jean Ruttan and Mrs. La Fevre of Northville, Michigan and Mr. Cecil Levitt and daughter, Mary, of Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Amster of Ripley were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Evan Keith. Mr., and Mrs. Herb Buckton visited on Tuesday with Mrs. Buckton's mother, Mrs. Janet MacConnell, who was a patient for a few days in Walkerton Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dickie visited on Sunday with Mrs. Agnes Brough and family in, Paisley. Mrs. Jim Burt received the news that her only' brother, Dalton Dawks, passed away suddenly. on Sunday night, while on holiday at Daytona Beach, Florida, due to a heart attack. The funeral will be held from Dunnville, Ontario. A pretty double ring ceremony, solemnized' amid a setting of blue and white, united in marriage Barbara Alberta France of Wing- ham and Grant Hooey McDonald of RR 1, Ripley, at 5:30 on Satur- day, September' 6, in the Wing- ham United Church. Blue and white mums and lighted blue tapers in candelabra surrounded the altar where Rev. Barry Passniore officiated. Tiny blue bells and white ribbons adorned the guest pews. Mrs. Gordon Davidson provided tra- ditional and contemporary' wed- ding music, on the organ and soloiSt Robert Rutledge, a, friend of the bride and groom, of Ripley, sang "0 Perfect Love",,and The Wedding Benedittion during the ceremony and The Wedding Prayer during the signing of the register. Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. Harold France of Wing- ham The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Murdoch McDonald of RR, 1, Ripley. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of polyester georgette with a deep V-shaped yoke of embroidered lace and pearls, high ruffled neckline and full embroidered sleeves. The full skirt fell into a long butterfly train edged with double accordion pleated ruffles. A band of embroidered flowers and pearls held her double fingertip veil and she carried a crescent bouquet of yellow roses with stephanotis' and ivy. Miss Sheila France of Wing- ham 'was her sister's maid of honor. She was gowned in white chiffon with blue and green floral sprigs, lined with delphin blue., The sleeveless gown featured a scoop neckline and semi-full skirt and was topped with a bolero jacket. The jacket had ruffles around the neckline and waistline and'featured dinner sleeves with ruffles at the wrists. A matching satin ribbon adorned' the waist- line and draped into sashes on the front of the dress. She tarried a crescent bouquet of white and blue pompon mums with long blue velvet Streamers. In similiar ensembles were the bridesmaids, Miss Linda Hender- son of Wingham and Mrs. Shirley Snowden of Lucknow, both friends of the bride. ' The groom wore a white 'peak- lapel dinner jacket, dark trousers and a ruffled shirt trimmed with blue. His boutonniere was a white carnation. His attendants wore Windscir-styled jackets in light blue with dark trousers and white carnations edged with blue. Gordon Roulston,, friend of the WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1975 AN OPEN LETTER Speaks Out On Dump Fires To all the citizens who live in the area of the dump, whether you rent Of own property, the dump has .been there long before you arrived and has been burning off and on for, many years. I think it is unfair to harass our Firemen over this matter, over , which they have very little .control. It . is against the law to use profane language over the tele- phone. Complain to the Ministry of the Environment. Jean Whitby. KINLOUGH . Mrs. Marretta Hodgins of Lon- don visited with relatives and friends here over the week end. IN MOTOR ACCIDENT The many friends of Mr. Roy Schnell& of Wingham and former- ly of here are sorry to know that he is a patient in St. Marys Hospital, Kitchener (room 213) as the result of a motor accident on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Schneller also received cuts and 'bruises. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Johnston of London spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Guest. Dr. and Mrs. D'Arcy Bruce of Bayfield visited 'with their cousins Edna, and May Boyle. PAYS DIVIDENDS Building strong friendships is a good investment for people in all walks of life—an" insurance policy for the future. OPPORTUNISTS Some fellows are so full of en- terprise that if they walked into a hornet's nest they would soon have them making honey. PLOWING MATCH 'CONTlNUEP FROM. PAGE 1 Holyrood. Class 8, Utility, 4 or more furrows, Bob Mann, Teeswater; Chad Mann, Teeawater. Class 9, Novice, David Simpson, Teeswater. Class 10, Reeves and Deputies, Bruce Connty, Duncan Campbell, Kinloss; Alex Lamont, Saugeen Township; Roy. Hammen, Arran Townshipi Wilfred Houston, Greenock Township; Nick Lang, Carrick Township; Bruce Keith, Culross Township. groom, of RR 1,' Ripley, was groomsman and ushers, were Brian MacDonald, friend of 'the groom, of London -and •Jim France, cousin of the bride, of Ripley. Dinner was served at seven o'clock in the Wingham , United Church basement for 150 guests. Bruce McCall of Brussels was master of ceremonies. A recep- tion followed at F. E. Madill Secondary School, Wingham, where Tiffin's Orchestra supplied music for dancing. The bride's mother chose a redingote lown Of. French blue chiffon with long sleeves, high neckline and embroidered trim at the waistline. Her accessories were gold and she wore a corsage of pink roses.. The groom's mother wore a long sleeved, gown of turquoise knit with jewel neckline. She chose white accessories and a corsage of pink roses. For travelling to Northern On- tario, the bride chose a forest green sleeveless dress with matching jackef. Her accessories were two-toned rust and she wore a white orchid corsage. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald will reside on the groom's farm at RR 1, Ripley. Guests attended the wedding - from Englehart, Toronto, Owen Sound; Grimsby, London, Wiar- ton, Port Elgin, Kitchener, Cam-, bridge, St. Catharines and the surrounding area. Honored guest was the bride's grand- mother, Mrs. George France of Harriston..