The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-10-01, Page 7Pat O'Hagan, Prop. - ESTABLISHED OVER SIXTY YEARS. WALKERTON, ' PHONE 881.0234 ONTARIO DBER 1,1975 SALE DN SALE inery and Items 'or IRDON ion 9, 3 Blocks East of TOBER 4 °eford cows ring calves; heifers; 16 5 gas trac- er; Case D iternational olow; Inter- or on rub- power lift '; New Hol- d 268 baler; harrows; evator with der; horse heel trailer wagon with with rack; aver; Gem grain auger glers; bur- sap pan; teel posts; tier; barn oer; plank; es; tractor bicycle; ems; some RM SOLD er not idents :lerk tioneer 357-2349 ranged d Lobb NS and .00d or le is 'a i or in East • WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1975 For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument correctly designed from quality material, rely on MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES Ontario The Ministry of Natural Resources, Wingham Dis- Arict has the following parcels of land available for -lease by fender for 1976. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Prot Conc. Area and Designated Use 4' Lake Road West 40 Acres cropland 82 acres cropland (must seed down) front 10 acres) 12 3 35 acres cropland 8 3 80 acres cropland (must seed down the front 10 acres) 7 3 70' acres cropland (must seed . down the front 10 acres) 10 4 25 acres cropland 9 5 10 acres hay and 15 acres cropland (must seed down the 15 acres of cropland) 8 . 5 50 acres cropland 7 . 5 47 acres cropland and 6 acres hay .17 6 ' . 20 acres cropland (must seed down) 15 6 75 acres cropland (must seed down the ' front 10 acres). 14 ' 6 80 acres cropland (must seed down the front 10 acres) 15 - 7 30 acres cropland Please note that the successful tenders, for properties which are to be completely or partially "seeded down" must "seed down" and not apply, herbicides with the exception of . 2-4-D-B (EMBUTOX 64), to that property or part thereof during the 1976 season. The pasture seed mixture will be 'supplied for these properties by the Ministry of Natural Resources. Successful tenders will pay the municipal taxes on the land with the balance to the Ministry. As payment, our Ministry will accept barley, 'wheat or dried shelled corn at the market price at the time of delivery, or a cheque made payable to TREASURER OF ONTARIO. With reference to the market price fo1 grain, this is 'the price the tenderer would receive if he was selling to an area mill. Grain is to be delivered and placed into the granary at the Maintenance Building located on Lot 8, Con- cession Mr Hullett Township. AmOunt of grain for payment is to' be determined by the Ministry of Natural Resources. Pay- ment must be received by December 1, 1976. Land presently used for hay must remain so. There shall be only one cut of hay and this is to be harvested no later than July 20, 1975. Land use Permits Will expire upon harvesting of the crop' or December 1, 1976, which ever occurs first. Subleasing is not permissible. Renewal options will not be considered in this tender'. A maximum of five parcels per tender can be leased dur- ing any fiscal year. No three-year options will be considered on this tender. The Ministry of Natural Resources will reserve' the right to enter upon the property and carry out any necessary manage- ment activities. There will be no compensation or adjustment for damage to crops as a result of use by wildlife and - or hunters. Persons using property of the Ministry under a Land Use Permit will do so at their own risk. Highest or any tender may not be accepted.' Tendeis for the above land will be received at the: Ministry of Natural Resources Box 490, WINGHAM, Ontario NOG 2W0 until 12:00 noon, October 16, 1975. A meeting will be held at the Hullo* Wildlife Management Area Maintenance Headquarters, Lot 8, Concession III of Hullett Township, on October 9,,1975 between 7:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M. for those persons interested in further details regarding proper- ties for lease. HULLET TOWNSHIP Lot Conc. Area and Designated Use 20 3 25 acres cropland (must seed down) E1/2 19 3 25 acres 'cropland (must seed down) 16 & El4 17 3 13 3 40 acres cropland (must seed down the PAGE SEVEN Mr. and Mrs. Alex (Sandy) Mac- Leod would like to take this op- portunity to thank their fathily, relatives, neighbours and friends 'for all kindness. shown them by visits, flowers, treats, the lovely flowerarrangement from the town of Lucknow'and all' the beautiful anniversary cards of, congratu- lations for their 60th wedding an- niversary. They also received a message of congratulations from the Queen, plagues from Prime Minister Trudeau and Premier of Ontario, William G. Davis. Also thanks for the get-well cards sent Sandy while a patient in UniVer- sity Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Boughner, Drs. Corrin and McKim and nursing staff. All this kindness was deeply appreciated. Mrs. Lloyd McNall would like to thank friends and relatives for cards, gifts, flowers and visits while a patient, in Victoria' Hos- pital, London. A special thanks to the women of the South Kinloss Church' for the box of fruit. Words can never express the acts of true friends. We wish to thank our relatives for cards and gifts sent while a patient in Un- iversity Hospital, London. Also thanks to the ladies of' South Kin- loss Church for the lovely box of food. Most of all thanks to the ones who prayed for me and res- tored me back, to health; to Leon- ard Irwin for staying at our place at the week-ends, to Dr. Passi, Dr. Corrin, ambulance drivers and nurses on 8th floor. These acts of kindness shall never be for- gotten. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the. Estate of • FRANCIS JOSEPH MORAN ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above- mentioned, late of the Township of Tuckersmith in • the County Of Huron, (formerly of the Village of Lucknow in the County of Bruce) Retired Farmer, who died on August' 27th, 1975, are re- quired to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 18th day of • October, 1975. After that date the Executor will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 26th day of. September, A.D. 1975. CRAWFOltD, MILL & DAVIES Wingharn, Ontario Solictors for the Executor We would like to thank our friends and relatives for coming and helping Make our. 30th An- niversary such a happy occasion, also for all • the cards, gifts and good wishes we received. Special thank you to our family for such a lovely evening and also for the lovely dinner and gift, which they gave us. Everything was greatly appreciated. Dick and Noreen Park Margaret Mole would like to thank her friends and relatives for the .many cards, gifts ' and visits, while in Victoria Hospital, London, also the ones who helped out in • many ways at home. The family of the late Thomas Dykstra wish to' thank friends and neighbours for flowers, donations and other expressions of sym- pathy at the time of his death. Thanks 'also to Drs. Corrin and McKim, Mrs. Bob Gilchrist and Mrs. Ben Malda. All Was deeply appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. Jelle de Jong and family I would like to' sincerely thank everyone for their visits, flowers, gifts and lovely cards 'during my stay in Wingham Hospital. Special thanks to 'Dr. Corrin and Dr. Mc- Kim and the nurses and staff on tst floor for their great care. Margaret. Haldenby CARD OF THANKS Notice To Creditors CARD OF THANKS We would like to convey our thanks to all for the kindness and help shown us during our sorrow in the loss of a dear husband and father; also for the help of neigh- bours and friends, for all dona- tions, the ladies of St. Peters Ang- lican Church, Rev. Garratt. Many thanks to the dectors and staff of Wingham Hospital during his ill- ness. All was deeply appreciated and will be remembered. Mrs.' Dan Thomson and family, BALL AUCTIONS NOW LOCATED IN LUCKNOW AND COUNTY FAIR PLAZA — HANOVER ON HWY. NO. 4 Cabinet Model Stereo with AM-FM Radio, 8 Track Tape Deck and Record Player REAL ESTATE BRANCH MANAGER BERT W. PESTELL, REALTOR . established in Bruce. County The person we are looking for will have management abil- ity and at least two years recent experience as a real estate person. We offer an attractive financial arrangement. With head office in Waterlpso offers an interesting and exciting position in a new Branch to be AT 1:00 P.M. Consisting of Steers, Heifers and Calves FOR CONSIGNMENTS CONTACT: Victor Hargreaves (519) 482-'7511 Clinton Barry Miller (519) 235-2717 Exeter or (519) 229-6205 Kirkton Saturday, October 4, 1975 Stocker Sale 1200 HEAD HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES LTD. AUCTIONEERS: Hector McNeil and Larry Gardiner CALL MR. SCOTT WATERLOO, ONTARIO 579-5260 A confidential interview will be arranged $275.00 STEREOS COMPARE AT $429.00 MURRAY MOFFAT Electrical Contractor R.R. 3 HOLYROOD PHONE 392-6061 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO