The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-10-01, Page 159 $5.00 iiember h tradi- rembers Lucknow Couple 65 Years Married, Mark Occasion With. A Family Dinner, 24, 1975 e IIICKNOIN SENTINEL $8.00 A Year In Advance — $2.00 Extra . To U.S.A. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1975 • Single Copy 20c 24 Pages atter to for a ion. er hoad of visitors h Mrs. other ninister wterian Dctober nd they cir son ssist ant. i'hurch, Mr. and Mrs.' T. A. Cameron, 'TiiCknoW observed their 65th wedding anniversary on Sunday, ,September 28th. A family dinner was held at their home and friends called to extend congratulations and good, wishes. Both Mr. and Mrs. Cameron are enjoying com- paratively good health. ' Clara Purdon and Thoihas Albert Cameron were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Putdon at MacDonald's GORDON FAIR Gordon Fair, ,son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fair of R. R. 3 Ripley, recently graduated from Radio College of Canada, Toronto. The graduation exercises were held on September' 19 at the Four seasons Sheridan Hotel, Toronto. Following the graduation a family dinner was held at the Centre City Tavern and Steak House. Gordon has accepted a position with Bank of Montreal in Toronto. Cprners, Lanark County, on. Sept- ember 28th, 1910. In 1918 they moved to Ashfield Township where they farmed until moving to Lucknow in 1946. As well as farming, Mr.. Cameron for many years was engaged as an insurance agent. They, have a family of one son, Ralph, of Lucknow and, a daughter, Mrs. Mason (Jean) Robinson of Wingham. Another son Glen of Powasson, died in 1952. BY AB VVYLDS Under clear sunny 'skies, two thousand people enjoyed a "day out" last Saturday, afternoon at- tending Ripley Show Day. Ripley Huron Fall Fair, billed as a friendly fair in the country - on the last Saturday in September, with a most fortunate break in a month of rains, was most successful. With CONTINUED .ON PAGE, 22 The Lucknow and District Lions Club members will .do their part this Saturday, October 4 to assist in the Canada Wide Olympathon 75. The 10 mile Walkathon will assist Canadian athletes in their training program prior to next year's Olympic Games in Canada. Half of the proceeds of the local project will go • to the Canadian Olympic Assodiation while the other half will remain' in the community to be used for local community projects. At the last Lions Club meeting, the Club voted in favour of providing financial assistance to the Liicknow School Band to Big Winner Among Olympic Tickets Sold By Sentinel :The Lucknow Sentinel sold a ticket in the Olympic Lottery that should net the owner $5000, but as of writing time, we still had not identified the lucky winner. Ticket No. 1953815 was drawn Sunday night and the holder would receive $100,000. Some time last week, among the last tickets sold, The Sentinel sold No. 2953815, one number out for the big money, but good enough for a $5000 "consola- tion" award. While The Sentinel does not have any record 'of Wintario 'numbers sold, it does have a number record of ~ all Olympic tickets sold. Six $100 winners were among Sentinel customers. We'd appreciate knowing who you are and particularly, the identity of the winner of the big prize. THE WINNER IS ... On Tuesday, just 'about deadline time, Harry Brown of Clinton advised The Sentinel that he was the winner of the $5000 referred to. Harry works foi Lavis Construction on the paving job south of Lucknow and the middle of last week, when in Lucknow for a coffee, dropped in to the Sentinel and made what proved to be a wise , purchase, an Olympic Lottery ticket. Congratu- lations Harry. Murray Keith Is Band President The Lucknow Concert Band started their new season off with the election of officers for the coming year. Murray. Keith was elected as president. Dale Lougheed as vice president, Dor- een Anderson as secretary-treasur- er and Norma MacIntyre as dues collector Last year was a very successful one . for the band members with their three day trip to Burgessville, Norwich, Oakville and Burlington, where they played several con- certs, . and Hamilton where they played in the Lions Club parade. CONTINUED ON PAGE 22 participate in a schl band trip next spring, performing at several other schools in Ontario, climaxing with their appearance at the Ontario-Quebec Lions Convention parade in Quebec City. The Lions have voted up to $1500 to be ' earmarked for the band expenses on this trip. Most of the band members,--in turn, will be helping the Lions by participating in Saturday's Walka- thon. Sponsor sheets fot interested walkers have been left at area schools or may be obtained from CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Advanced Honours For Completion Of 18 4H Chibs DIANE MacKENZIE Diane MacKenzie, 20-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacKenzie of Ashfield,:' recently was presented with Advanced Honours for the completion of 18 4-H clubs. Diane is believed to be one of the youngest persons ever to receive this 4-H achievement award in this area. The award was presented at the Achievement Day 'held at Kincard- ine on September 6th. Diane was most recently a member' of the Lucknow No. 1 Club and has taken all her 4-H clubs in Lucknow since starting at, the age of twelve. She is. presently a second-year student in nurses training at Nightingale Campus, Toronto. WINNER IN 4 TO 8 MONTH CLASS • Heather Andrea Mills, 71/2 - month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Mills of Brampton, is STUDENTS GOING HERE AND THERE Douglas Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller of R. R. 1 Lucknow, is attending University of .Guelph in his first year in AgricultUral Science. * * * .* ' Ken Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hamilton, Lucknow, has returned to University of Windsor for his second year in Business Administration and 'Com- puter Science. 4-H Winners At Lucknow Fair 4-H Calf Club winners at the Lucknow Fall Fair were: Dairy, top showman, Nancy Alton; best halter broken calf, David Elliott. ' Beef, top showman, David Mewhinney; best, halter broken calf, David Mewhinney. Top over-all, showmanship, Dav- id • Refiring Organist Gail Pritchard was honoured and presented with a gift by -members of the Lucknow United Church Choir at a pot luck lunch September 21st, following the Sunday morning service. Gail has been organist for the church for over two years. She is now attending Sir Wilfred Laurier University in Waterloo, taking a General Arts course, majoring in music. Gail is' a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Pritchard, R. P,; 1 Lucknow:.: shown with her mother folloWing the Baby Contest at the Lucknow Fall Fair. Heather won first prize in the 4-8 Month class. Heather's mother is • the former Helen Campbell of Kinloss and LucknoVv., 59 ASE 99 o 9c 9c 'KG. 3c 09 Graduates From Radio College Fine Weather, Large Attendance, Greets Ripley-Huron Fall Fair On Saturday Lions Will Sponsor Walk Saturday In Aid Of Olympic Athletes, Half The Money Raised To Stay In Community, Pledge Up To $1500 For School Band Trip Next Spring