The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-09-24, Page 18A sin eere•thanks to all those who so Willingly worked 'to help make the 1975 Lucknow Fall Fair such a success. LUCKNOW AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Now Guaranteed Investment Certificates 3, 4 & 5 Year Term Guaranteed Investment Certificates The ,enior Tovust Company devoted eittirelY u0 MS people of Ontario. Member Canada Deposot- Insurance,Corporairon WC/ ORM. GRE. Y 24-7 8 1 TRYST .1 COMPANY SINCE 7899 MANAGER J. D. 4AVE) CROSS 5 • GODERICH VG ada, CPP; UI; IT, 430.5'4; H.P. diesel fuel, 290.89; B.P. Oil,' brake fluid, 7.88; B.P. Oil, diesel fuel, 345.85; B.P. Oil, grease, 12.45; Mac Wylie Construction, pit run gravel, 3947,91; Haugh Tire Sup- ply, tire repair, 10.00; R. Jennison Construction, stock piling, 1172.07; Joan Armstrong, bookkeeping, 20.00; Bert Moss, "A" gravel, 289,40; Ken Leddy "B" 1304.10; George Humphrey, truck allowance, 280.00. Council adjourned on motion of Councillor Cranston , to 'October 7th at. §.00 p.m. ' JOAN ARMSTRONG, Clerk. Premier Prim $1 First Prize • Loterie i• olympic .:4-1,01YmPique • • ol-otterY Canada Caned* DRAW SEPTEMBER 28 GOT YOURS? Million 7 PAGE EIGHTEEN THE LUCKNOW. SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 19751 -Married In Trinity United Church For going away the bride chose a floor-length polyester dress in an autumn coloured flower print, accented with a corsage of yellow roses. Completing her ensemble • was a beige wide-brimmed hat, coffee coloured shoes and purse with matching jewellery. Follow- ing a wedding trip to Montreal the couple are residing in Barrie, Ontario. Prior to the marriage the bride -was• -honoured—with—a- shOwer in - Barrie; a community and relative shower at Trinity Church, a relative shower at the home of Mrs. Jack Aitchison, Ripley, and an evening get together and luncheon at the homeof Miss Nancy Bushell for the bride's 'attendants and other girl friends. -Photo by Hadden wearing a floor-length gown of pink chiffon over polyester taffeta, square neckline, ruffled sleeves and matching pink picture hat. She carried a wicker basket of white and pink daisies. , The bridesmaids, Miss Donna Ritchie of. Red Deer,, Alberta, and Miss Heather Hueston of Wing- ham, were similarly attired in dresses of green and yellow respectively. They carried baskets of white and tinted daisies to match their dresses' and hats. Bridal attendants wore silver and gold chokers and bangles, gifts from the bride. Best man was Ernie Miller of Barrie, ,brother, of the groom and ushers were Charlie Miller, brother of the groom and Doug Young, both from Barrie. The groom and attendants wore royal blue tuxedos with matching ruffled shirts. The dinner, at Brookside School was followed by a reception with music by Ian Wilbee and his orchestra. The bride'S mother received the guests, wearing a floor-length., sleeveless blue flow- ered dress of polyester nylon' over taffeta with a matching long-sleev- ed bolero with ruffled edges. She wore a corsage of rose coloured carnations. The groom's mother wore a long-sleeved blue and pink floor-length polyester dress .and a corsage of pink carnations.' Honoured guests were 'grandpar- ents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Nicholson and Mrs. W. 0. Hunter. West Wawanosfi Township Council met for its, regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, September 2nd. All members were in attendance and Reeve Lyons presided. The minutes of - the August meeting were read and adopted on motion of Councillors Foran` and Stothers. A delegation of . residents from Dungannon discussed the water problem in that village with Council members. The delegation decided to ' approach the village residents again to ascertain their feelings on a municipal .drain. • Donald MacTavish of Shake- speare talked to' Council about the. poSsibility of ,establishing trailer homes, sometime in the future, on his proPerty bordering the lake he constructed. Messrs. Wilson and CranSton were in attendance, and the Smyth Drain repair was discussed further. On motion of Councillors Foran and Stothers, Council instructed the Clerk to contact Art Clark, Engin- eer of VVingham, to ,prepare a. survey for the repair and/or improvement of the Smyth Drain. By-law #11, 1975,: was given third reading and finally pissed on motion of Councillors Hickey and Fork'. This by-law authorizes the Fellow Workers Many business firms and organ- izations that have , a number of people working in the same office have a new problem on their hands. Nonsmokers• in many offices are saying that they think the smokers ought to stop polluting their air. More and more nonsmokers are becoming aware of the fact that "second-hand smoke" - from other people's cigarettes and cigars - is a danger to them and an imposition on their comfort. So what do you do when some of the people in an office or factory smoke and others don't - and don't like breathing smoke second-hand? Some people argue that you can't just prohibit smoking for every- body. That is making the smokers unhappy and uncomfortable and cutting down their effiCiency, they say - granting that it could be enfOrced. On the other hand, many nonsmokers ask why they should be asked to endure the damage and diScomfort of other people's smoke. They argue that they have a right to expect their working conditions to be as safe and comfortable as possible - and that other people should not be permitted, because of a persistent personal habit, to impose on them. Some places of employment are prohibiting smoking. Some are permitting smoking by employees hired in the past, but hiring only non-smokers as new employees. Some have designated special smoking and nonsmoking areas, and are running smoking with-, drawal clinics. Still others have taken no action to 'date. collection of a special , rate on Lot 22, concession 4, annually, for a tile drainage loan. Gordon Smyth jr. appeared before Council and requested payment of his salary at least twice a month, rather than once. Council decided' to take no' action in this regard at present. A letter from Mrs. Leonard Chisholm regarding weeds in the village of Dungannon was read to Council. . By-law #12, 1975, was given third reading and finally passed on motion of Councillors Foran and, Hickey. This by-law authorizes Council to assume the ownership of the Bethel Cemetery, in West Wawanosh, which is in an aban- doned state. Motion by Councillors Foran and Cranston: "That West Wawanosh • Township will turn over to the Police Village of MancheAter (Aub- urn) its share of road subsidy earn- ed when the village streets were paved. The subsidy will be repaid in two instalments over a period of two years." The road accounts were ordered paid on motioft of Councillors • Hickey and Foran. The following general accounts were passed for payment on motion of Councillors Stothers and Hickey: Receiver General of Canada, postage. stamps, 8.00; James Devereaux, salary, 192.07; Receiv- er .General of Canada, CPP; IT; UI, 12.32; Municipal World, office supplies, 50.61; Village of Luck- now, fire call (1 hour), 125.00; Lucknow Sentinel, tax' notices, advertising, 170.65; Ross Erring- ton, mowing weeds (St. Helens), 10.00; Blyth District Fire Area, fire call (3 hours), 186.00; Joan Armstrong, telephone calls, 35.30; Treasurer of Ontario, tile drainage debenture, 320.58; G. Humphrey, salary, 807.36; M. Lyons, vacation pay, 86.54; G. Smyth, salary, 515.76; Receiver General of Can- WEST WAWANOSH COUNCIL MINUTES MILLER On Saturday, August 23rd. at 4 p.m., ReV. Albert Cook officiated at the double ring ceremony in Trinity (Ashfield) United Church in which Wanda Mae Hunter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hunter of R, R„ # 3 Lucknow, became the bride of Jack Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Miller of Barrie. Baskets of. pink and white gladioli were arranged in the church. Mrs. Jack Aitchison, Ripley, cousin of the bride, presided at the ors an and accompanied the soloist, Miss Mary . Anne Alton of R. R. 2 Lucknow. Miss Alton sang ,"0 Perfect Love" preceding the cere- , mony, "We've Only Just Begun" following the repeating of the Vows, and the "Wedding. Song" during the signing of the register.' The bride, given in marriage by her father, chose an original empire waist gown in white — crystalette, imported from Eng- land. The sleeves were short, pleated all around bands of white centred with a tiny cluster of blue rosettes. The gown was trimmed around the waist with blue ribbon and centred with a blue rosette. The long full skirt 'ended in a train edged with a pleated ruffle and blue ribbon. Her, headdress, a Juliet' caplet, held in place a two-tier pure silk illusion veil, trimmed around the edges with lace to match the caplet. The bride carried. a bouquet of white sweet- heart roses arranged with sprigs of blue statice and blue net. Miss Nancy Bushell, R. R. 2 Holyrood was maid of honour, A BEDS COMPLETE SET 'OF BOX SPRINGS -- MATTRESS AND LEGS 60" 48" $140.00 $95.00 54" - 39" $100.00 $85.00 BALL AUCTIONS LUCKNOW PHONE 528-2331