The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-09-24, Page 14News and Views From Huronview . The Clinton Horticulture Society arranged the Family Night pro- gram which included a lovely flower display, a corsage for •each' of the residents and coloured slideS. The president of the Club, Mrs. McCann, introduced the guest for the evening, Mrs. Homuth, -who--showed pictures taken while on a recent trip to' the British Isles and several slides of the Clinton Centennial parade.. The members of the society presented twenty-five bouquets to the .residents which included the eldest, the youngest, those over 90' and special birthdays. Mrs. ,Elsie Henderson' played piano instru- mentals .during the intermission. Mrs. Bessie Elliott thanked the ladies for the lovely flowers and Mrs. Homuth for the very interest- ing commentary and pictures. The residents have been very interested in the recent "Provincial election with. 185 taking advantage' of the opportunity to vote. cGEE PONTIAC BUICK. CADILLAC GMC TRUCKS Hamilton St., 524-831 Goderich „ 'ma . LUCKNOW sopman, .LUCKINQW, ONTARIO INEDNESDAY;, SEPTEMBEI RIPLEY .DISTRICT SCHOOL 8414. 'AUCTIONS REG. SIZE — CARTONS (ONLY) — BRAND NAME LIMIT 2 CARTONS PER FAMILY LUCKNOW PHONE, 528-2331 R. D. S. ELECTIONS The great shove-off On Friday, 7 September 12th started the cam- paign for the officers of the Student Council. Executive. The campaign managers for each candidate kept the campaign in full Swing until Wednesday, September 17th vOhen all the posters came down. The election was held Thursday: Sept- ember 18th at noon hour. All ci.ndidates made, it a fun and successful campaign. We would like to thank last, year's Student Cciancil for making it a successful year. A special thanks goes to the • Executive . of President, Janice Reeves; Vice President, Carol Mac- Kay; Secretary, Barbara Grubb; Treasurer, Julie McGuire for doing a really great job. Congratulations go to the new Executive, President, Ken MacKay; Vice President, Donna Gallant; Secretary, Jane Ann Coiling; Treasurer, Laurie Colling. On Friday, September 19th each He's the man Who can provide a complete per- sonal financial service— mutual funds, guaranteed certificates, life insurance and annuities, pension trusts and estate planning. class held elections for- class representatives for the Student Council. The results are as follows: Level 5, Nancy McGuire, Barry Marshall; Level 4, Priscilla Zipfel, Kevin Cook; Level 3, Janice • Farrell, Chris McGarvey; Level 2A, Jean Huston, Mike. Pollock; Level 2B, Marilyn Rhody,. Mike Rowland; Level 1, Shelly Hackett, Jamie Gallant; Grade 8(1), Heather MacDonald, Torn Wilson; Grade 8(2), Mary Kempton, Paul Hamil- ton; Grade 7, Debbie Lowry, Robbie Farrell; Grade 6 and 7, Janice Elliott, Paul Culbert. Thanks' goes to Mrs. Collins who is the staff adviser for the Student Council and who looked after the election, helping to make it a success. VOLLEYBALL The Junior Girls Volleyball team was chOsen' this week by their coach, Mr. Coultes. ,Those making up the team are "Laurie Colling, Janice Farrell, Donna Gallant, Shelley Hackett, Denise Huber, Donna Huber, Karen McGarvey, Helen Peet, Dawna Rutledge, Mary Margaret Smith, Alice Stein- inger. They are practising real hard and their first game is on Thursday against Saugeen Second-. ary School. Good Luck Girls!!! FAIR The classes are busy this week getting exhibits ready. Mrs. Henderson is collecting all the exhibits to show at ,the fair. The Grade 9's are busy gathering articles they made in Science, Shop - and Home Economics. So if you're at' the fair on Saturday, make sure you look for the R.D.S. display!! ZION Mrs. Gordon Kirkland, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stobo ,of Teeswater and Mrs. John McPherson, also of Teeswater, attended the relative funeral of Jim Wilson of Goderich on Thursday of *last week. Gordon Kirkland was unable to attend as he was working at the electioti polling booth. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritchie and Mrs. Cameron MacA uley of Ripley accompanied Mrs. Ritchie's moth- er, Mrs. Mary MacAuley, to Milton after spending the week with her daughter. Her brother, Jack Swan of Wiarton and many friends of the Lucknow area visited while 'in Zion. Attending the, Lueknow Fair on Saturday and trying to harvest corn with the wet weather kept the community busy the past week. For Farm, Town and country Home Owners! Can You Use ;1,600 to $20,000 ? If you can afford monthly payments of $21.66 you may borrow.., $1 $40.6d you may Inwrow $3 $67.67—you_nvay borrow $94.73 you may borrow $7, The above loans' based on 16% per annum 5 year teren — 20 year amortization Borrow for any worthwhile purpose: To consolidate y debts, fib the car, buy cattle, or a cottage! FAST .— COURTEOUS SERVICE -- PLEASE CALL Gerald H. Wolfe PALMERSTON 343-3632 Representing Arnold Highman Realty Ltd. Kitchener, 1-519•-7446251 Member of Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association Goderich McGEE' 197! R SHOVE FREE DRAW ofie 20" COLOUR TV VALUED AT $789.95 Draw to be made at 9:30 p.m.. Friday THIS FRIDAY ONLY . 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. $5.50 per carton AVAILABLE AT The reward for good deeds often goes toAhe wrong person. • SYNDICATE LIMITED A Complete Personal FinancmI Service In Spacious comfort at the. dealership Hamilton Street ittt (00. • 10- 603 Bring the Entire Family • • + Compact Sunbird and Acadian + New Firebird Formula + 9 Passenger Buick Estate Wagon + Large Pickup Truck Display , See the exciting new '76 Pontiac, Buicks, Cadillacs, GMC Trucks ANTIQUE 3 FULLY RESTORED GM Make Cars On Display