The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-09-17, Page 14Start getting your entries ready now for the following ECIAL VENTS AT LUCKNOW FALL FAI Saturday, September 20 LOOK OVER THIS LIST OF VARIOUS CLASSES YOU CA ENTER AND THE CASH PRIZES GIVEN. 1. Decorated Bicycle $3.00 $2.00 $1.00 2. Decorated Tricycle 3.00 2.00 1.00 . (25c for all other entries) 3. Decorated Doll Carriage 1.50 1.00 ' .75 (25c for all other entries) .4. Best Costumed rider on decorated pony (Animals will not be judged) • 6.00 5.00 4.00 .5. Largest family at the fair 5.00 3.00 • 6. Longest beard '10.00 7. Oldest lady at the fair '5.00 8. Oldest gentleman at the fair 5.00 9. Couple coming the farthest distance 5.00 10. Tug of War (3:30*P.M.) ' 10.00 5100 (Elementary School Age - 10 to' a team) 11. Log Sawing Contest (men) 10.00 6.00 '4. 12. Log Sawing Contest (ladies) 10.00 6.00 4. 13. Most original entry in, parade 6.00' 5.00 3. 14. Best clown (in parade), adult 5.00 3.00 2. 15. Best clown (in parade), child 5.00 3.00 2. 16. Schools Parading in Costume 8.00 6..00 4.00 2. 17. Public School Floats in Parade 25.00 20.00 15.00 10. 18. Decorated Cars 10.00 7.00 5.00 3. 19. Antique Cars. pritr to 1930 • 12.00 8.00 5. 20. Best Society Float ' ' 25.00 20.00 15. 21. Best Comic Float , 25.00 20.00 15. 22. Best' Patriotic Float 25.00 20.00 15. %.•‘•••1••••••!.\\\O•••••••••••040%.1`."••••.• CLASS 16A - SADDLE 'HORSES Parade class (museride in parade)' Entry fee of 0.00 will be charged for section 2, 3, 4 ,ar must be paid to the secretary by 1 P.M. on fair day 2. Saddle horse, under English saddle, rider 'properly attire . • $14.00 $12.00 $10.00 $8.00 .$6.00 $4.1 3. Western Pleasure Saddle Class • • $14.00 $12.00 $10..00 $8.00 $6.00 $4.1 4. English Equitation -- Hunt Seat , Horse or pony to be shown at a. walk, trot, canter, boi ways of the ring, may be asked to back. To be judg on seat and hands of rider, manners and way of goin 'Suitability of horse to rider and appointments consid ed. Conformation not to count. CLASS 16B - RODEO EVENTS 1. Potato Race on pony (rider elementary school age) $6.00 $5.00 $4.00 $3. four events to Ale paid to the secretary by 1 p.M. fair day of5.1:h0e 4f0.00llow3i. Musical chairs on horseback Entry' fee of $1.00 per entry in eat: 3. Barrel race on horseback 10.00 8.00 6,00 4.00 4. Flag race on horseback . 10.00 8.00 0.00 4.00 2. 5. Pick up race on horseback .. 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2. 6. Keyhole race on horseback 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2. 3.00 5.40 1. / 1st Prize - $15.00 voucher and a trophy (perpetual) donated by The Tack Shack, Lucknow Other Prizes - $12.00 $10.011 and $11.00 &mated by Median's Home Hardware Best mare or gelding on grounds $6.00 $4.00 $3 , THE • LUCKNO1N SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 Named President Zippy Inflates 1 The Zippy Trinettes 4-H Club of Trinity No. 1 held their first meeting of the fill project "Let's 'Bake Bread" at Mrs. Cameron's home on Monday, September 1st, at 1.30 p.m. Our leaders are Mrs. Doug Cameron; assistant, leader, Mrs. Bill Andrew. We opened the meeting with the 4-H pledge with 6 members .present. The executive for this club is as follows: president, Mary Anne Alton; , vice . president, Sharon Alton; secretary-treasurer, Lori Hackett; press reporter, Janet Wilkins. The leaders and members partic- ipated in making freezer whole wheat bread which we shall cook at meeting 2. Mrs.' Cameron discussed what goes into the bread and about freezing the diSugh. Mrs. Andrew discussed the tools and breadmak- Mg techniques. Dungannon 3 The 3rd meeting Of Dungannon I'll 4-H club was held on Saturday, September 13 at the hOtne of Mrs. Alma Black with 6 members present. The president opened the club with the 4-H pledge, which was repeated in unison. The minutes of the last meeting were read. • Brown batter rolls were demonstrated by Sandra Pentland and Monica .Young. Brown batter bread was demonstrated by Lorna Young and Vera VanDiepen. Oatmeal batter bread was demon- strated by Judy -Godfrey and Mary Van Diepen • The rolls were cooked but there was not time to cook the bread at the meeting. Monica Young closed the meeting with the/ 4-H motto: Learn to do by Doing. Snappy Stitchers Kairshea 4-H The second meeting of the Kairshea number two 4-H group met at Irene Haldenby's with all members present. This week' she taught us , the back stitches and talked about our samples and our Learning Stitches. Mrs. Haldenby showed us how to cut out our learning stitches article. The next meeting is Monday, . September 15. Named President Of Nifty Needlers • The first meeting of Kairshea Nifty. Nee.dlers was held at., the home of Mrs. Clarence llitchie Thursday, AuguSt 28 at 7.00 p:m. The' meeting began with the Pledge Which was followed by the election of officers. The following were 'elected: president; Margaret Mae- Intyre; vice president, • Bonnie Clark; preSs reporter, Mary Ann. Ritchie. • .• We decided we would have ' a travelling secretary, We alSo decided the club name would be ,Kairshea Nifty Needlers., Sandra Keith. • demonstrated • the • colour- wheel A and told us about colour harmony. We learned the Twisted Chain Stitch. • . The second meeting of the Kairshea Nifty 'Needlers was held at the. home of Miss 'Sandra Keith., Wednesday; September 3 at 7.90 p:m. meeting began with the Pledge, which was .followed by Brenda , Phillips reading the Minut- es Of the last meeting. The roll. call was the .' "Learning Stitches" articles I have chosen to• make and why. It 'was answered by seven inembeis. °. Sandra reviewed the colourwheel and colour harmony. We all cut out our learning stitches article. The leaders showed us how to do the back stitch. , The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Clarence Ritchie Wednesday, September 17 at 7:00 o'clock p‘m. St. Helens 4-H Club St. Helens 4-H Club of Let's Bake Bread held first meeting September 8 at 7' p.m. The meeting opened with the 4-H pledge. 12 members were present. Election of officers was as follows: president, Margie Mac- Pherson; vice president, Barbara Aitchison; secretary, Dayle Mac- Donald; treasurer, Valerie Erring- ton; press reporter, Marybelle Cranston: The leaders are Mrs. Elaine Errington and Mrs. Celia Aitchison. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, September.16 at 7 p.m. There will be a 50c fee to cover the cost of flour, raisins, cherries, etc. Discussion - we discussed the contents of bread and purpose each serves: Contents are yeast, sugar, salt, shortening, liquid and flour. We agreed to do a skit at Achievement Day. The members completed a quiz on working methods in the kitchen. Did' you , knoW that all flour, even presifted, should be sifted before measuring? Did you know linen is the best tea towel? Demonstration - The leaders made Freezer Whole Wheat Bread. Everyone took a turn at kneading. We will bake it next week. Janet MacPherson and Dayle MacDonald did the dishes.. We closed with the 4-H Creed. Annabelle Stewart Is 4-H President The first meeting of Dungannon 1 4-H club ,vvas-held at the home of Mrs. Bev Maclnnis with 7 mem- bers present. Election of officers took place with the following result, presid- ent, Annabelle Stewart; vice pres- ident, Arlene Travis; secretary and press reporter, Virginia Chisholm; treasurer, Donna Young. The secretary and press reporter will rotate each week. • This unit is entitled, "Let's Bake Bread". All members helped make Whole Wheat Freezer Bread, which will be baked next meeting. The second meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Donna Young on Wednesday, 'September 10 at 7 p.m. Wendy Hamilton Is 4-H President The first meeting, of, the Clover Valley fall clitb A Touch of Stitchery was held on Monday, September 1 at 1.30 p.m. at the home of. Wendy Hamilton. The leader, Mrs. Hamilton, opened the meeting with the 4-H pledge. • The election of officers is as follows:" Wendy Hamilton stepped up as president. She was vice president of the last club. A motion was made by Joyce Osborne and seconded by. Donna Elphick that Kendra Elphick be vice president. It was moved by Annette Elphick and seconded by Wendy Hamilton that Joan Osborne be treasurer. It was moved by Annette Elphick and seconded by Joan Osborne that Donna Elphick and Joyce Osborne be , press reporters. Each member is to have a suggestion fora club name for the next meeting. The , next meeting will be held on Monday,, September 8, 1975 at 7.15 at the home. of Annette Elphick. A fee of of 50c was decided. Everyone is to think , Of an idea for the front cover. General information was given by Mrs. Hamilton. This included the distribution of the members' .pamphlets, outline of the project, and record books. • Sampler and Learning Stitch articles to be made by each member and Work Box for Em- broidery were discussed by Mrs. Hamilton. Mrs. Elphick discussed Selecting Colours from the Colour Wheel. Wendy Hamilton closed the meeting with the 4-H motto. Mrs. HaMilton and Wendy served a deliCious lunch. Gail Hackett Is 4-H President The first meeting of the project "Let's Bake Bread" for the Zippy Trinettes 2 was held September 1 at 1.15 at the home of Mrs. Donald Hackett with seven, members present. Our leader, Mrs. Arnold Camp- bell,. called the meeting to order and all the members stood and repeated the 4-H pledge. Roll call was "What is your favourite bread?" and was answer- ed by all the members present. The election of officers took place and are as follows: president, Gail Hackett; vice president, Darlene Hackett; secretary, each girl in press' reporter, Donna Hack- ett and Susan Irvin. We will hold the same name Zippy Trinettes and do an inside front cover With the project name on it. Our meetings will be held Tuesday evenings at 7.00, inter- changing, at the leaders' homes. Mrs. Campbell gave out members pamphlets and extra sheets' and gave the objectives of the project. Mrs. Hackett outlined the content of Unit, Record Books, Recipe Files and How to Use Recipes. Mrs. Campbell also discussed Working Methods and the girls did the extra sheet on working methods. For discussion, Mrs. Campbell discussed "What Goes i Loaf", "Tools for the Job "About Freezing Dough". , Mrs. Hackett demonstrate to make Freezer Whole Bread and all members he This dough was frozen, to be at our' next meeting. The Clover Valley 4-H club held their second meeting on Monday, September 8th at the . home of Annette Elphick at 7.15. To start ' the meeting off, we repeated the 4-H,pledge followed by the roll call, "The learning stitches article I have chosen to 'make and why"„ which was ,answered by all the memberS. Joyce Osborne read the minutes of the last meeting. We decided on the name of the club and the design and the colour for the front covers. The next meeting is being held at the home of Joyce Osborne on September 18th at 7.15. • Mrs. Elphick discussed colour' harmony and Mrs. Hamilton dis- cussed making a pattern and cutting learning stitches article. Mrs. Elphick demonstrated trans- ferring a design to the fabric and Mrs. Hamilton demonstrated how ,to embroider, pulling a thread from a skein, threading a needle and how to start and finish the thread. Then both leaders showed the members how to embroider the back stitch and their variations. • For group work we made patterns and cut our learning stitches articles, started our samp- ler by transferring the design and completing the back stitch and, starting our learning' stitches articles. We closed the meeting,' with the 4-H Motto, "Learn to do by Doing".