The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-09-17, Page 12I Like New Used Cars At Auction Prices ! 1975 HORNET, 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic ( 2 to choose from ') 1974 BUICK CENTURY, 4 door 1974 CHEVELLE CLASSIC, 2 door 1974 ASTRA 1973 CHEWBELAIR, 2 1973 CHEV IMPALA, 2 1.973 CHEV IMPALA,_ 1973 BUICK LaSABRE, 1 .973 CHEV IMPALA, 4 ..10WWWWWWWWWWWWINIAWARAMOWWWW1 AMM'S CAR SALES LTD. BLYTH PHONE 523-43 door hardtop door hardtop door hakitop 2 door hardtop door sedan 9' NOW IN STOCK TIMEX WATCHES and WATCH STRAPS ' ALL SIZES — FULL RANGE -- GOOD SELECTION 400 IP ..11P IP /IP IP dr AIP 41,' 41.. 401. 4IP IP and all read responsively 730. Mrs. John Hunter further study 'on the topic ing with-God" and the last hymn 577 was sung. The business portion meeting followed. It was al ed that our Fall Thankoffer be 'Sunday evening, October Mrs. Audrey. Tiffin of-Wing guest speaker. The comm charge of the Community book, reported on their pro Hymn 579 was sung an Cook closed the meeting prayer. A dainty lunch w; Served by the committee in PARADOX Half the people of the are unhappy because the3 have all the things that the other half miserable. Paoli EINE THE LUCKNOIN SENTINEL, LIJCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, S.EPTEfASER 1 Kingsbridge Dentinger opened the Sept- einber meeting of the Kingsbridge Wornen's League with the league prayer in St. Joseph's Much Hall e Kingsbridge. Mrs. Torn Hogatigaire the scripture :reading and. reported on' the presentation 'of wedding gifts, to Dennis.' O'Neil, Ron Boel and Bob Hackett and also to the parishion- ers leaving the community, Mr. • and Mrs. Earl ,,Drennan and Miss Margaret FoleY. Mrs. Pat Martin gave the following correspondence: from Miss Joanne Ritchie, ae Lucknow • ' C.G.LT. member, wishing to. share some experiences and ideas from a camp she attended; thank-you note from Mrs. Sue Bellmore for the donation received for Brownie leader assistance: Father Spencer,. wrote in appreciation of Mrs. Eugene Frayne's attendance at the . Provincial Convention. Mrs. Eugene Frayne gave a brief report of the convention and outlined the views of various speakers., A gift membership was present- ed to Mrs. Bob Hackett by Mrs. Dennis Champagne. Mrs. Champ- agne read the roll call with twenty-six members answering, Mrs. Joe Courtney gave the Pro-Life report as Christian Family . Life Convener. The need for girl' guide and Brownie leaders, was discussed. Community Life Con- vener, Mrs. Carl Riegling, gave the CNIB report and urged the members to vote at the upcoming election. Fr. Dentinger spoke to the ladies - expressing thanks for the help received at the past -summer events, .the garage, sale, catering. etc. Mrs. Mark Dalton reported on the success of the garage sale and improvements to be made on future sale events were discussed and noted. Mrs. Clarence Doherty reported on the past catering events, the Boel-Hardy wedding • and reception, 'Nancy Chishom's wedding, Bob Hackett's wedding, the • Hardy-Foster wedding and reception and the dinner served after Mr. Gerald Garvey's funeral. A discussion of the events followed the report. Mrs. Eugene Frayne . mentioned the possibility of serv- ing the Huron County Plowmen's BIRTHDAY PARTY ENSEMBLES Include Place Mats, Candles, Napkins, Invitations Special 59c ea. Unit 2 U.C.W. Unit 2 of Lucknow United Church Women met at the home of Mrs. Vernon Hunter with 16 members , present. Mrs. Alton opened the e JILT with-.a reading, followed by a hymn and prayer. , The roll call was answered by an article from the Observer. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs, Eldon Henderson. Mrs. Cardis 'reported on the visiting for . July and August. Mrs. Gordon Kirkland reported on social func- tions. The Thankoffering is to be held at 8.15 on September 11 with Mr. David Kemp as 'the guest speaker. The pattern for the making of slippers was given out.- Mrs. Kirkland took charge of the program. Mrs. Gordon Ritchie read the devotional. Mrs. John Kilpatrick read the scripture and Mrs. Ritchie gave the meditation and prayer followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison.- Mrs. Kirkland directed 5 ladies in a skit "Pegs square and unsquares", followed by discus- sion on how to create interest in church work. Lori Hackett played an accordian solo. - A reading "Don't You Quit" was given by Mrs. Kirkland. • After the singing of a hymn Mrs. Alton thanked the hostess and the , meeting • closed with the Mizpah benediction. Association at Saltford Valley Hall, October 30th and the members of the catering committee agreed to undertake this proposal. Mrs. Frayne reminded the league, members of the quilt to be quilted and a decision' was made to complete this project iii the winter month's. The installation of the kitchen floor in the hall will be arranged by Fr. Dentinger in the month of September. The presid- ent, Mrs. Frayne, suggested con- tributing to Monsegnor Mahoney Foundation and the motion was made and seconded. Mrs. Antone Van ,Osch reported ;on the 4-H club "Let's Bake 'Bread". Mrs. Tena Van Diepan adjourn- ed the meeting and lunch was , served. --"Ir jr irk", w- — AJ.4)*C.f, )1 Zt44 toi411 CI:31 "V i0d IM "14.011114( Aijir 410. A. tad 1 t4,0 4./ 4 PAX Funerals. Gil Will Weddings sa iniverrles, Free delivery to McKenzie Funeral Home 524-7865 61 CHURCH ST. GODERICH Rudy to servo you 7 days a week Church Picnic For 50th Anniversary WHITECHURCH NEWS On. Saturday, September 13, Whitechurch United Church, owing to the wet weather, held their 50th anniversary picnic in Whitechurch Memorial Hall. Mrs. Milian Moore was in charge of the contests and games. Guessing the number of jelly beans in .the jar was swon by 'Mrs. Jack Gillespie; the oldest person present was Rev. Ure Stewart of Seaforth; person coming the farth- est, Scott Paterson; birthda9 near- est September 13, Kimberley Farrier of Guelph; guessing the number,' Mrs. Rev. Cox, London. Some of the games were: 'orange race, chair race, balloon race, walking race, clothes pin and many others. . On Sunday the Home Coming Service opened with a sing song of old familiar hymns. The choir anthem was, "Make Me A Blessing". The Sunday School pupils gave a presentation showing how the crest is made.. Rev. J. Ure Stewart told of the Birth of the United Church. The New Testament scripture reading was read by .Rev. Graydon Cox. An. instrumental selection was given by. Garnet and Wayne Farrier. The sermon, "Close to the Roots", was giVen by Rev. Wilena Brown. Those from' a distance present during the celebrations were: Mr. and Mrs.' Roy McInnes and Mrs. Ruby Cranston, of Goderich; Mrs. Ruth James, Woodstock; Rev. and Mrs. Ure Stewart, Seaforth'; Rev. and Mrs. Graydon Cox, ,London; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Farrier and family, Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gillespie, Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Carman Farrier and Miss Winni- fred Farrier, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Scott Paterson, Detroit; Mrs. Helen Lewis, Wingham; Mrs. Olive Boss, Mr. and Mrs. Art Laidlaw and family, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Martin, Wingham; Mrs. Grace Campbell, Mrs. Tom Magoffin, Lucknow; Mrs. Barger and family, Ashfield; Mr. and Mrs. G. Duncan, Islington; Mr. and Wk. Ted McClenaghan, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gaunt, Chatham; Mrs. L. MacDonald, Seaforth; Miss Isobel Fox, Blyth; Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Groskorth, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Rnssel Farrier, Wing- ham; Mr. and Mrs. John Gibb, 'Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Schultz, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moffat and .family, London; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer King, Brussels; Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Simmons, London. Trinity .U.C.V1L Trinity United Church Women held the first meeting for the Fall on Thursday afternoon; September' 11, at the home of Mrs. Reg Broome; with an attendance of 17. The , president, Mrs. Charles Wilkins, opened the meeting with a feW words of 'welcome, then the first verse Of hynin 579 was sung, followed by all repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. Wilkins read a short poem "A' Psalm of Thanksgiving". The roll call was answered by 'A special place I have visited." Mrs. Frank Ritchie introduced . the devotions "Working with God". Hymn 577 was sung and Psalm 720 read responsively. Mrs. Frank Ritchie gave. the meditation MONUMENTS For sound counsel and 'a fair price on a monument correctly designed from quality material, rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS • , Pat O'Hagan, Prop. ESTABLISHED OVER SIXTY YEARS WALKERTON . PHONE 8111.0234 ONTO 3 PIECE OFFEEIDENC TABLES COMPARE COMPARE AT $329.00 COMPLETE so 175.00 BALL AD CTION! LUCKNOW PHONE 528=2331 -BILL'S PLACE VARIETY Luciavow STORE FOR THE KIDDIES ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 4/14' IP 4P IP 4OP 40P IP 4IP eir. APP' EE PALLOONS. GOODY BRAND HAIR BRUSHES Special Price $2.48 pr. Pkg. Includes Full Size and Purse Size