The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-09-17, Page 11DON'T MISS THE MISS MID WESTERN ONTARIO BEAUTY CONTEST AT THE FAIR PHONE 528-2822 WITH YOUR ' WANT ADS. 0 1975 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1975 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN 'arch their Mrs. ich. •ge of h the ave a [Yrnn, s• was iture, ':1O. ht is •ayer. d an ovhich g the famil- Meal % of e and )es to :ty of d the olden. Fred rs. H. gave Alma Lye a with by 10 irtesy 'ed a ff the nd 5, units rlour. ction f the I told :mote trs. Ruth gave .ry on enya. ing'of. )3, the 9 Kinlough A.C.W.. KINLOUGH NEWS The September meeting of the Anglican Church Women was held at the home of Mrs. George Graham with, a good attendance. The president, Mrs. Gertrude Walsh, opened the meeting with a thought for the clay and the hymn "0 master let me walk with thee" was sung. Mrs. David Haldenby read the scripture on "Harveit". The president welcomed everyone back after the holidays• and Mrs. Ronald Thacker read the minutes followed by the correspondence. The roll call was "A man of the Bible' '. The program conveners were. Mrs. Bert Nicholson and Mrs. Ronald Thacker.. . . Mrs. Nicholson presided for the program and began with prayer. The hymn "Come ye thankful people come" was sung followed by a reading "I Meet God in the Morning". Mrs. Midford Wall gave the meditation, "The earth is the Lord's". Mrs. Art Haldenby read a poem "Quiet Places". Miss Edna Boyle read an Edgar Guest poem. Readings were given by Mrs. Roy Schneller, "Abundance" and Mrs. George Graham, "The Best of What You Are". Mrs. Ronald Thacker read "Life's Gift" and Miss May Boyle read "We See the Hand of God". Mrs. Eric Thacker read "A Cree Message" from the Living Mes- sage. Mrs. David Haldenby and Mrs. Bert Nicholson each gave a reading' and Mrs. Gertrude Walsh read "Old Recluse", also from the Living Message. The hymn "This is my father's world" was sung and prayer closed the meeting. Mrs. Ronald Thacker gave the courtesy remarks. Grace was sung and delicious refreshments were served by the hostess and helpers. Mrs. Gerald Rhody will be the 'October hostess and it will be a quilting. Mrs. Do,nalda Scott . Was WAYS Speaker The, Women's Missionary Soc- iety of the Lucknow •Presbyterian Church met in the church on Wednesday afternoon with an attendance of 15 ladies. Mrs. Morgan Henderson presid- ed, and opened the meeting by reading' a. poem "Best time of the year".' After the singing of Hynin 606 the purpose 'of the W.M.S. was repeated in.unison and Mrs. Robt. Reid led in prayer, Mrs. Sherwood had the Bible. Study on the ten lepers, reading from. "The touch of the Master's , hand". An invitation from Lucknow United W.M.S. to meet with them on September llth at 8.15 and an invitation from the Evening Auxil- iary to a pot luck supper on September 16th were read.' Mrs. Sherwood thanked those who had remembered her, while in hospital. Plans were discussed for the Fall Thankoffering and an 'invitation from Trinity United Church, to ' meet with them on October 5th at , 8. p.m. was" read. Arrangements were made for entertaining the Presbytery Group on September 7th. The visiting committee reported having made 9 calls on sick and shut ins, and cards sent. Following the offering, Mrs. Henderson made the offertory prayer. Review of September Glad Tidings was given by N. Malcolm. Mrs. W. A. Porteous read excerpts from the. Friendship Book. Mrs. Donalda Scott gave a very interesting account of her recent trip to Europe and the Holy Land. Following hymn 374 Mrs. Wil- liam Stanley closed the meeting with prayer. David Kemp Speaks On The Arctic The Fall Thankoffering meeting of the Lucknow United' Church Women was held on Thursday evening, September 11 at 8.15 p.M. As 80 , persons gathered in the sanctuary, Mary Ellen Havens entertained at the Organ. U.C.W. president, Mrs. Jack Treleaven „opened the meeting and welcomed those present. A trio 'of trumpets with Paul Finlay, Steven Atkinson and Don- ald Kreutzweiser played a medley of three, "Whispering" Hope", "Faith Songs" and "I Have to Tell The Story". • Unit 11 2 with Mrs. Harvey Houston, Mrs. Eldon Henderson and Mrs. Magoffin conducted the devotional period. Mrs. Allan Johnson led a lively sing-song. The offering was received and dedicat- ed by Mrs. Bert Alton. Mrs, Glen Walden introduced the guest speaker, David Kemp of Goderich and Clinton. Mr. Kemp spent 7 years teaching in Northern Canada, 5 years on Baffin Island and 2 years in Coppermine. Before his slide presentation, Mr. Kemp deScribed the "church" in the north, its functions and influence. Beautiful , coloured slides accom- panied his forthright, humourous and informative dialogue. His presentation described the differ- ences and similarities between' the Eastern and Western Arctic high- lighting geography, • native people and customs. Rev..'Doug Kaufman eXpressed thanks on behalf of those present to Mr. Kemp. ' Following the meeting, an enjoy- able social hour was held in the lower Church .Sunday. School hall. St. Helens U.C.W. The St. Helens' United Church Women met at Miss Isobel Miller's home on Tuesday, September '9. There were twelve ladies in attendance. Mrs. Cook, in charge of the' , worship service, spoke on the subject, "If I have a spare shirt". A hymn was sung, "A charge to keep I have". The worship service closed with a prayer by Mrs. Cook. Miss W. D. Rutherford reviewed the first three chapters of the study book and read the fourth chapter. In connection with missions, Mrs. B. F. Green read, "Don't ring it, blow it", and Mrs. Don Cameron read an article on Labrador. Mrs. Tom Todd was in charge of the business. Mrs. Frank McQuil- lin read the minutes of the last meeting and gave the treasurer's report in Mrs. MacPherson's absence. The anniv'ersary spoons have arrived and these , were examined and discussed re cost and selling price, dc. ' Mrs. Dorothy MacKenzie has designed and had painted lovely hasty notes. She has donated these to the St. Helen's U.C.W. to be ' sold and the money put in our funds. Plans for the anniversary service on Sunday were discussed and also for the October meeting. Grace was sung and a bountiful lunch served by Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Don Cameron. Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. Frank Speaks Of Bible Plants And Coins Luckow U.C.W. Unit 1 held their. • first meeting of the fall on 'Tuesday afternoon, September 2nd at the home of Mrs. Jas. Wraith.. Mrs. Sam Gibson Welcomed all and opened the meeting with a verse, "Take Time for Ten Things" followed by singing the hymn "Take time to be Holy" and-prayer in unison. The roll call was answered by ,15 members and 1 visitor present telling about their first school teather. Mrs. Clarence Irwin, convener for citizenship, gave a paper on the minister shortage: at the present time and also a note of interest on Dr. Bob McClure. Mrs. ,A1 Irwin for stewardship gave a reading "The Touch of the Master's Hand". Talent money. should be handed in to the treasurer soon. Mrs. W. G. Hunter, for social functions, gave a report 'of the weddings catered to during the summer and thanked all who had helped. She also made arrange- ments for the Fall Thankoffering meeting which is to be held on Thursday, September 11 at 8.15 when David Kemp of Clinton will speak' and show slides concerned with the treatment of Indians. It is hoped there will be a good attendance at this meeting.. : Mrs. Walter Dexter gave a reading "Friendship" and the report ,on visiting shut ins. Mrs. Nelson Raynard was convener for the devotional period which -opened with a prayer and the singing of the hymn "When mothers of Salem". Mrs. Jas. Wraith gave a reading "Friendship House". The' scrip- ture was read by Mrs. Eva McCullough and Mrs. 'Eva Free- man. Mrs. Al. Irwin gave the meditation on "Kindness, be ye ' kind to one another" which 'gave much food for thought Mrs: Eva Freeman gave a reading "If ye have the will". Mrs. Haryey Webster spoke about the flowers • and plants mentioned in the Bible of which there are over 3000, and also the coins of Bible times with special reference to "The Widows Mite". Mrs. Nelson Raynard thanked Mrs. Webster for her talk which all enjoyed and found very. interesting. The program - closed with prayer. Mrs. Sam Gibson gave courtesy remarks and closed the meeting with the benediction. After singing grace a social time was enjoyed over lunch. ATTEND LUCKNOW LES PETTER SHOES. FALL FAIR Lucknow Phone 528-2011 SEPT. 19 AND 20 LORNE REID - SHOE REPAIR Shows Slides Of Scotland Trip Unit 1 of St. Andrew's United Church Women, Ripley began their fall programs with a meeting in the Church. Hall. A spirit of good fellowship prevailed despite the chilly weather. Mrs. George MCDonald was convener of the program and led • the devotional part of the meeting assisted by Mrs. Rod MacDonald, Mrs. Morley Scott', Mrs. Wallace Pollock, Mrs. Francis Boyle is Literature Secret- ary in the 'church and had prepared a fine •book display 'and had many interesting thoughts from books. Catherine Marshall has written a new book called Something More. Mrs. Donald Blue gave a talk of her recent trip to Scbtland, and illustrated it with slides. If you can't go' yourself, this is a good substitute. She found Scotland very beautiful, but the country seemed in a low productive period. The leader, Mrs. Wm. Arnold, led in the business section of the • meeting, assisted by. Mrs. Wallace Pollock in the abSence of Mrs. Victor Gawky.. Mrs. Blue will leave a box in the basement of the church for donations to the ,Fred Victor' Mission. It will be sent at the end of SepteMber. Clothing for men and children are particularly,' needed.. Mrs. Carnochan reported, that one Talent jar was missing. Lunch was served by Mrs. Morley Scott, 'Mrs. Orah Crawford and Mrs. George ,McDonald. The October meeting will be in the Church and will be the Thankoffer- ing meeting. A note of thanks was read from Mrs.. Rod McDonald 'for assistance during the time, of the Reunion. • ' and stacks manure until you're ready to spread it! Special features make Clay barn cleaners one of ',the most rugged available. Extra heavy chain and gear driye add years of service. No open seams. in elevator to reduce manure. corro- sion. ElevatOr extends up to 40 feet, and swings, to allow stacking of big piles for later spreading. r LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS i R.R. 1 KINCARDINE ,PHONE 395-5286 1 111 0. 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