The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-09-17, Page 917, 1'975 Ripley efeated cries 3 team t 'game Walton le next . Inesday est of 5 173 NIGHT SCHOOL PROGRAM RIPLEY DISTRICT SCHOOL REGISTRATION AND FIRST CLASS OF THE NIGHT SCHOOL PROGRAMME AT RIPLEY DISTRICT SCHOOL BEGINS Thursday, October 2 at 8 p.m. "1" "1" 4"" 40" 4P 4P 4P 4P APP .4P /IP ARP •11. •OP •9IP COURSES OFFERED ARE: WEAVING UPHOLSTERY LIQUID EMBROIDERY PHYSICAL FITNESS (Women) SEWING OIL PAINTING BASIC AUTO MECHANICS CHINA PAINTING LEATHER WORE LAW FOR THE LAYMAN LEARN TO USE METRIC (% Coutte), COURSE SCHEDULE October 2 — December 4 January 8 — March 11 Fee $14 Per Course • Phone 395.2695 William Turvill, Principal Name Address Phone No Course NIGHT SCHOOL WCKNOW CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL Phone — 528-3113 Principal S. E. Collyer 1. OIL PAINTING 2. UPHOLSTERY 3. LIQUID EMBROIDERY 4.: SEWING — (a) Beginners (b) Stretch and Knit Fabric . . CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH PLUS — any course for which sufficient registrations are received REGISTRATION AND FIRST CLASS Wednesday, October 1, 8 p.m. ALL CLASSES TO BE 'HELD IN LUCKNOW CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL FEE — $14.00 Per Cotirse Anyone wishing to register by mail, please complete Fornr below' and mail to the Principal by Monday, September 29, 1975. LYCEUM T EC ALT IPA ' WED. 17.1HURS. 18, FRI. 19, SAT. 20 " 2 COMPLETE SHOWINGS DAILY at 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. • 0 • 0 • • • 0 OPEN WEEKENDS FitioAr, SATURDAY, SUNDAY • FIRST SHOW AT DUSK ORM IN TAtAnt LORNE-GREENE — EARTHQUAKES — FIRESTORMS — STAR IN: . . PLUS Deathmakers ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ' DmITTABICE „..7„rwr01 nu ydu we 90110 IlONt FIGHT DIRTY' "CIIIIAis the wtural successor to Bruce Leer introducing the incredible SONNY CHIBA a 'one man demolition ,sguad! PLUS •- Blood Of The Dragon PROGRAMS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE WEDNESDAY,' SEPTEMBER 17, 1975 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,' ONTARIO Happy Hearts Meet At Ripley The Ripley Happy Hearts Club met Friday, September 5th, for a Pot Luck Lunch at the Legion Hall, at 12 noon. Seventy-one people paid the membership fee for the coming- year and there were several visitors in attendance. A sing-song was led by Reg. Moore with Violet MacKenzie at the piano. Marion Munn, rendered 2 solos, "Morning" and "Idlle- weiss". Mr. arid Mrs. Howard Heritage' also took part in the program. Mr. Heritage sang 3 numbers accompanied by his wife, the former Vera Crawford. We were pleased to have these people from Toronto taking part in our program and certainly enjoyed hearing them. Thank you all, you Made such a fine Contribution to our program. We especially enjoyed "The Sleigh" and Mr. Heritage's fine tenor voice. Mrs. Rhoda MacKenzie showed us slides of trip she had taken across Western Canada this sutn- mer. They were very good and well received. She was thanked by Violet MacKenzie who 'had also been on this trip, as well as Mr. and Mrs. 'Lohne's. The business meeting ,was then conducted by Mrs. Arnold with Mrs. Blue as secretary. New booklets of our programs, and names. of officers for the coming year were given out. We were reminded that bowling starts October 1. ' Two History Books were presented, one to Brucelea - Haven and one to Gateway Haven. We were asked to find some pictures of interest to the community 'to be shown at the Fall. Fair: Delegates to the Ottawa Conven- tion of Senior Citizens held at Ottawa University during this summer told of their experiences and of the convention. Reg. Moore_ and Reg. Godfrey told their stories in a. humorous way and Gladys Arnold, who also attended, added ' to the messages brought back. Reg. Godfrey reminded us we must not be too demanding in our requests as he felt some of the 64 resolutions presented were expect- ing just too much. Reg'. Moore told us they were welcomed by the, mayor of Ottawa. Margaret Birch, member of the House of Parlia- ment, spoke. to the delegates, reminding them to appreciate all' we have in Canada and to come alive in 75, even at 75., The resolutions submitted here are taken before the United Senior Citizen's Organization and then to government. • Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. Adeline Martyn. The meeting closed by singing the Senior Citizen's theme song. SOUTH KINLOSS Rev. Glenn Noble was guest minister for Glarnis anniversary on Sunday. Rev. Peter Mellegers of Paisley preached at South Kinloss. Mrs. Leonard Clarke was organist and Mrs. Philip Steer, soloist. South Kinloss will join with Lucknow for. the Baptismal Service on September 21 and Mission Films will be shown at South Kinloss at 8 p.m. Mrs. Lorne Sparks is a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. Mrs. Lloyd McNall, and Alex MacLeodi a former 2nd concession resident, are patients in University ,Hospital', London. We wish them all speedy recoveries. The Presbytery of Bruce-Mait- land met in South Kinloss Presby- terian church on Tuesday evening.': Rev. Glenn Noble who has been moderator is to be followed by Rev. at VANASTRA MUSIC BY "THE, COUNTRY COMPANIONS' Refreshments SERVED Watch for our next dance on OCT. 4 AT VANASTRA MUSIC BY "FOUR OF A KIND" Douglas MacDonald of Port Elgin. Mrs. Bob McVay jBeverley Sparks) and two little girls of Indiana have been visiting at the home' of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Sparks. Jane Needham of Vancouver is pome for a vacation with, her parents Mr. and Mrs. John A. Needham. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dickie visited with friends in Collingwoocl on' Sunday afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. Aqdas Kuraishi spent a few days with Heather's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacKenzie after returning from summer work at Dryden, Ontario and before returning to McMaster University, Hamilton to further their studies there. Rod MacKenzie of Toronto and cousin Tommy MacKenzie of St. Clair Shores, Michigan, enjoyed a vacation trip to the West Coast where they visited with Connie MacKenzie in Vancouver. Ntirp^asitoNwi"oseNiamoNaar^mme THINK! - DON'T SINK! BE WATER WISE! CHILDREN ADMITTED FREE . FOR FEATURE inns PHONE 364-1240 FRI., SAT., SUN., SEPT. 19, 20; 21 PAGE NINE • • • • 0 • •• IN A GEORGE ROY 1111.1. FILM ' • WALDO. • :Se D 0 N,STUBNE. 2E daily • 002 •Showings e ie O 707a7:9;0•0 7.7,.... 1,,AABAoRNR.2A2S,ENSTuETEDE:. ENTER TAINMENT TO SPEND a • • 96 MINUTES IN A DARK ROOM' • i/ ' HOOKER • • • • • • • 411••••••••••••• FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 10 SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 11 • THE RED CROSS SERVES PARK,0 GODIMCH INI COurri rum t7I ,A sit <0x0riloslo FINAL NIGHT — THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER ) 1 § it 4 117 I 111 Ali ASTRM FICUS LTD \Mil 1 THE TELEGRAM. B BOY 14 SENTENCED TO HANG, it11.1.0 4 A MOHRAY MANKOWITT tRM • Relenwl "•I FRIDAY to tioUlaDAV. MP-I-EMBER 1943 HE WAS TAKEN BY EVERYONE,FOR EVERYTHINGHEHE 1 . . ., / ,. 1 _ • 4. , *II. —4 • •,- - .- ..‘ • , ..,, s‘k _ Tkal 'Walking Tall' ..—,......, man is backl JOE DON BNB ,,,... MY VAN DYKE . "FRAM E154 ire RI I. DELI SIN PIGMY BROM PETERS WAIN 411111406 SEPTEMBER W TO OCTOBER 7 The Way We Were ENTERTAINMENTADUL ' COMING OCTOBER '1 A IN C eNtEARITUALITNMENT PROGRAMS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Busy Buddies The Lucknow Busy Buddies started off the fall with a deliciouS pot' luck supper. After the main course was completed. the business section of the meeting was transacted. This consisted of a financial report, a discussion on topics for meetings in the coming year, a discussion on projects for the coming year, and selection of meeting committees. The meeting was closed as Mrs. Jim Wilson led the members in prayer. The members then enjoyed their dessert. THE RUBDOWN Be on time for appointments- -. all your friends and neighbors spend the time you make them ' wait ,summing up your faults., • • • O. • • • • • • HANOVER 4 I,