The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-09-17, Page 7LOWER INTEREST RATES -NOW AVAILABLE ON 1st and 2nd Mortgages ANYWHERE IN ONTARIO '. ON RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND FARM PROPERTIES Interim Financing For New Construction and Land Development FOR REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA PHONE SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS AND CONSULTANTS LIMITED (519) 744-6535 Collect Head Office — 56 Weber St. E. Kitchener, Ont. WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH DODGE CHRYSLER P[YHOlijo CRAWFORD MOTORS WINGE1AM ONTARIO PHONE . 3573862 1973 TORINO , 2 door hardtop 1972 TOYOTA, 4 door with radio 1969 PLYMOUTH, 4 door sedan 1969 METEOR, 2 door hardtop .1968 CHEV, .4 door /hardtop anfAds ION the Bell Freeman Olson Gravel Pit 1% Miles West Of Dungannon CHOICE CEMENT GRAVEL CRUSHED ROAD GRAVEL SAND, 3/4 STONE, TOP FILL FINE, MEDIUM OR COARSE PIT RUN GRAVEL' ALL LOADS WEIGHED FOR YOUR ACCURATE =MEASURE 10 METRIC TONS — 22046 LBS. How to retire in style Talk it over with the Man from Sun Life. He has more attractive retirement plans to choose from than ever before. One of them can provide just the cushion you'll need. Pay a call now and you'll be able to play later. Wm. J. Kinghan R.R. 2 LUCKNOW PHONE 3574987 SO& You'll never feel better in your life. pamiapacnonj Fitness. In your heart you know it's right. another plant. AlthoUgh we are moving more quickly towards one hundred per- cent bulk shipments, can receiv- ing is expected to be around for some time yet. The concept of all bulk shipments is being studied by the Marketing Board, Pro- cessors and Transporter Repre-, sentatives. Should the decision be made to bring an end to can rec. ceiving, there would be an ade- quate time interval given, so that can producers could assess their situation and decide whether or not to remain in the Industry. I would suggest that this period would be at least twelve months and probably greater. R. D. Ferguson, Area Fieldman Closed Doors For The Summer Septe,rnb'er is "back to school" month for the students of the area. The Canada Manpower Centres for Students in Walkerton and Hanov- er have closed their doors for this summer after a busy season of placement activity. By the end of August, 481 jobs had been filled by' the two student centres. This figure compares with 369 jobs during the summer of 1974. The Student Placement Officers, Anne Kimberley, Charlie Cleland and Teri Patterson have worked hard to provide a fast efficient service to those who placed orders through the offices. Additionilly, personal, visits were made to 365 potential employers in an effort to promote job opportunities for students. "We've had a good' response from• many .employers who hired students," said Nancy Bushell, , Director of the Canada Manpower Centre for Students. "They have found the young people to be capable, eager employees." "It. has been, a real challenge for our community to provide employ- ment for students this summer and the people of the community have certainly accepted this challenge," continued Miss Bushell. WHITECHURCH Week ,end visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Walter Elliott were Miss Nancy Price of Oakville, Miss Ruth Fereino and Miss Jennie Aikens of Kitchener. Relatives attending the Laidlaw- Elliott wedding from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Don Campbell and Scott of London, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Henderson and family of Lucknow, Mrs. Mitchell Elliott of Ailsa Craig;—Betty Elliott and friend, 'Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Elliott of Arkona, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stewart of Lambeth, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Perrott and girls of Goderich, Mrs. Cliff Aitchison of Hespeler, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Forster of Palmerston, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Forster of Ripley. Any girls in the community wishing to join the 4-H club phone Mrs. Walter 'Elliott in' the near future so as not miss any classes. Word has been received here by Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan that their daughter Doris (McClen- aghan). Leeson was married on Saturday at 4 p.m. in St. Andrews United Church, Nanaimo, B.C. to. Bruce Coleman. The community offers their congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Chapman of Washington were recent visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Riissel Chap- man. Bruce Farm Report DAMAGED LAWNS Chinch bugs have destroyed many lawns this summer. If you have patches of dead grass in your lawn, these insects could be the cause. Completely renewing the lawn by re-seeding• is the only cure. Chinch bugs can be con- trolled by a spraying program. For further information, write for our factsheet No. •6A "CHINCH BUGS, AND LAWNS". <Colin Reesor Associate Agricultural Rep. 1*. FARM MANAGEMENT AIDS AT PLOWING MATCH. The International Plowing. Mat- ch is being held this year at Os- hawa from Tuesday, September 23rd to Saturday, September 27th. The OntarioLMinistry of Agricul- ture and Food and the Canfarm Service Agency will have an ex- hibit of interest to all farmers. Several programs from machin- ery buying to dairy ration formu- lation are to be displayed. Spec- ialists in farm management will be on hand to explain the pro- grams and answer your questions relating to them. DAIRYING NEWS The Ontario Milk Marketing Board, Dairy Farmers of Canada and other Provincial Dairy Or- ganizations, continue to press the Canadian Dairy Commission, for some lowering of the "within quota" holdback. The holdback was doubled July 1st; as a result of declining world skim milk pow- der prices. Apparently progress is being made towards some alle- , viation for the farmers, but nothing concrete has been announ- ced at this time. Milk production in Grey and Bruce has continued to increase and more and more prodticers are moving from can too bulk milk' shipments. Sixty • •five producers have installed bulk coolers, bet-, ween January and August this year, and now are taking advant- age of the higher price received for "bulk milk". Apparently Ontario has the last section of can milk produc- tion in Canada, and we are mov- ing more swiftly towards an "all bulk transportation" system. The Pine River Cheese plant, famous for many years , for its high, quality cheese production, 'is the first plant in our area to cease receiving "can milk". September 1st, the plant started receiving only "bulk milk" and the remain- ing few plant producers shipping cans, had their milk moved to TODAY'S CHILD BY HELEN ALLEN NI11111111111•111111111111 THE TORONTO -.C--5711j5,\J SYNDICATE Just to look at David you, can see this 10-year-old has a zest for livid. He, is4a very active, enthusiastic boy; always in a hurry,. Anglo-Saxon. in descent, Da-Vid is handsome and healthy with light-brown hair; blue-grey eyes and fair skin. He makes a good impression on meeting strangers because he's friendly and outgoing. People who spend a lot of time with David need both pep and patience to keep up with his energy: Tests show this lively boy is average in ability but he has had problems in school, probably because it is hard for: him to concentrate. He was, in a special class but has now been in- tegrated into the regular classes. Reading and arithmetic have improved a good deal though he is still behind in spelling. David needs to be kept busy. Fortunately he Is keen on sports which helps to work off 'some of "his surplus eneegy. playS volleyball, basketball and hockey and loves camping, swim- ming and fishing. He likes music and wants to, take guitar lessons. • • David is anxious to, belong to a family. He should be the youngest and will be' a fine son for involved, active parents. To inquire about adopting David, please write to Today's Child„ Ministry of Community and Social Services, Box 888: Station K, Toronto M4P 2112. ,1n your letter please tell something of your present family and your way of life. For general adoption in- formation, please consult your local Children's Aid Society. • NEEDSAN ACTIVE FAMILY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. 197$ THE LOCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE wok 17, 1975 ALE Itiques ISER e-St of table; abinet; .1; rec- table; lumper high calker; linette; swing- swivel corner lectrie rashing :s dry- table; rack; chair; ale and bamboo 3tands; stand; k shel- Id and tables; lamp; drapes, large spring occas- nirror,; cases; filter, e stuff- is; cur- ig into metal pots; 2 antique iy bed; n suite it (like t box; glass stain- silence ge mir- e wick- rack; 2 ge and small e quo - lowers. eluding chairs; y other .loners ints in he sale a Ilagh, ort that plain of ;fortune veek, is everand services tccomp- tan Re- )y Dick )tri the ital, led tided a 'Family er band 'uments organ. Nelson ners on ronview invita- Friday at the by bus' noon to