The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-08-27, Page 10Askfield Ashfield Women's • Missionary Society summer meeting was held in the ehurch basement. Mrs. Ewan MacLean had call to worship, the theme being "remembrance, renewal and response". Hymn 545 KICKBACK It's a good policy not • to talk behind the back of a man who's stubborn as a mule. Lucknow Presbyterian Church, Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D Minister Phone 528-2740 (No Sundey School in August) 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship Joint services with Lucknow United and South Kinloss. Pretbyterian Churches June 29 - July 13 In South Kinloss Presbyterial Church July 20 - August 3 In Lucknow Presbyterian Church August 10 - September 6 In Lucknow 'United Church KINLOUGH PENTECOSTAL ' t• CHURCH Pastor Gilbert Van Sligtenhorst 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Worship Service 7:30 p.m. Eveping Service Midweek Prayer Service Wednesday at 8 o'clock C:A. (Young People) Friday at 7:30 p.m. is AO' .doP .ar LUCKNOW S UNITED CHURCH SCHEDULE FOR SUMMER WORSHIP ' Worshiping with Lucknow and South Kinloss Presbyterian Churches 11 a.m. Morning Worship June 29 - July 13 In South Kinloss Presbyterian Church July 20 - Anglia 3 In LucknOw Presbyterian Church August 10 - September 6 In Lucknow United Church dr. IP diP WEDNESDAY, AUGUSTi THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • "usoisolii","1"6"0"Maro*/ \soWtisnWra".• DUNGANNON CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (MENNONITE) Orrie Gingrich, Pastor SERVICES 10:09 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship EVERYONE WELCOME SUBSCRIPTION • .• • TO THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LANGSIDE Sherry and Timmy Lovatt of London are spending a week's holiday with their cousins Heather, Bradley and Cheryl Young. Mrs. Dave Bridle, Sherra Lee, Sarah Jane and Mary Ellen of Shakespeare spent two days with Mr. and "Mrs. Dave Moffat and visited friends in the neighbour- hood. Joanne and Christine' Bregmin was' sung.. Mr§-.---3ack MacKenzie are visiting their grandparents Mr. had the devotion on "Faith" taken and Mrs. Jan Bregman of Exeter. from Luke 8:22-25 and meditation Mr..and Mrs. Ted Brinkman and . on "Where is your faith" folloWed children visited last Wednesday by prayer. Fifteen ladies answered and Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. the roll call, "interesting item of Albert Bongertman. church history". A severe storm Saturday night A Glad Tidings reading cm Early and early Sunday morning put out day travel to worship was given by hydro almost everywhere in the Mrs. Wilmer Robb and Mrs. community besides washing out a MacLean gave a history on the first culvert and leaving 'water across minister to The Maritimes, James the road in 'many localities. Drummond MacGregor. Mrs. Dick West had from Glad Tidings, the major problems of today. a rn" story about Lucy M. Baker, who Starving people are a concern was 'the first Presbyterian mission- She concluded with a prayer. ary to teach the Indians at, Port Mrs. Gordon Rintoul gave a Albert, Saskatchewan. reading "Close to God on the A piano solo by Mrs. Duncan Farm". The roll call was answered Simpson was enjoyed by everyone. by 10 adults with' a, reading from Offertory prayer was given by Mrs. the Record or fruit of the Bible. Wilmer Robb. History on , the Mrs. Dawson Craig read the W.M.S.was given by Mrs. Ewan correspondence. It was announced MacLean and the Ashfield W.M.S. that Maitland Rally will be held at was formed June •8th, 1891. Wingham' Presbyterian • Church Mrs. Jim West conducted busin- October .22 in the evening. Mrs. ess. A thank-you was received Craig and Mrs. Emerson are to do. from Mrs. Ruth MacKenzie. Hymn research work on the material 216 was sung followed by a needed by this group and bring it to responsive reading from Psalm the September "meeting. The 636. The meeting was- closed by September meeting will be held at singing hymn "God of the ages, by the home of Mrs. John de Boer. , whose hand" and responsive The offering was received and prayer by leader and members. dedicated by Mrs. Robert Ross. Grace was sung and lunch and Mrs. Wallace Conn gave the social time followed. topic "HarveSt" and told the story of Ruth, Naomi and Orpha. Ruth remained with Naomi when her husband, Naomi's son, died and became 'a gleaner in the field of Boaz. Mrs": Bill Rintoul read a poem, Harvest. The hymn, 0 where are the reapers, was sung. The Stranger at the Gate was read by Mrs. Dori Ross. Mrs. Victor Emerson gave read- ings, God's Unchanging Love and Love and Gentle Jesus Most Holy One: The hymn, Work for the night is coming, was sung. The dosing prayer was given by Mrs. " Earl Caslick. The Ladies' Aid collection was received, grace was sung and the hostess, Mrs. W. Conn served ' lunch. Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. Gordon Rintoul. • LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. L. Van Staalduinen Pastor SUNDAY, AUGUST 31 Service 10 aim. "Joy" 8 p.m. "The Day of Little Things" Listen to the Back to God Hour Message of Today CHOK Sarnia, 8:30 a.m. Radio dial 1070 CFOS OWen Sound, 1:30 p.m. Radio dial' 560 Dungannon H Two New StrE . DUNGANNON NEVV Dungannon gained is streets last week as C Avenue (between Chas. Fol e Art Wall) was continued tw and Isabel Street (a Frank Moultons) was 'cont block north to meet C .,, pAverage_arent s Mr. and Mrs. Chas Thos. Fowler called Mr. and Mrs. John John .grandspn Johnny of Toront with Mr. and• Mrs. Russ( ston on the week end. Mr. and Mrs.. Peter Ma hosts to a family picnic las which was attended by relatives.mrs. Heber Eedy acco • Mr. and Mrs. Ralph, He' Goderich to visit rela Milverton , and Stratford last week, Friends in Crewe, King and Dungannon area were ed to hear of the death on 1 of Mrs. Gordon (Rita) Val, 55th year in hospital in I Mr. and Mrs-. Bob Jennifer and Megan of I< spent the week end with Mrs. Irvine Eedy. The t' remaining with their gran for a few days. Lloyd' and Doris Hodge and Annette, Terry anc Hodge, Sherry and To spending a week's holi Manitoulin Island. Ruth Bere, who just fi course in Business Admit at Windsor University, couple of days with Mr Bere and family. John ani Bere of London visited hi, on the week end. Mrs: Marybelle Aldhar ny, Greg, Larissa of Goder' Mary Bere, Kathy and Jan Bessie McNee, Debbie V her • grandfather Earl attended the Worthy fami near Underwood on Sund Ralph Godfrey and. Mrs Lang of Mountain Grov( Howard and Marlene God family on the week end. Mrs. Lorne Ivers retu Monday from a two weep Niagara Falls with her frie Spry, who stayed with Tuesday. The. Women's. Institute their meeting on Septem the home of Mrs. Jean E Chalmers WMS WHITECHURCFI NEWS Ch al mer: s Presbyterian Wom- en's Missionary Society held their August meeting at the home of Mrs. Wallace Conn on Wednesday afternoon at 2 p.m. The president Mrs. Bill Rintoul opened the meeting with the poem, God Gives Us " Love. • All sang the hymn Sowing in the morning. The scripture, Matthew 20: 1-15 was read,by Mrs. Wesley Tiffin and the meditation was given by Mrs. Russel Ross, who said "Everyone must eat to live. Work and food are BEFORE THE AGE. OF MIRACLES By. Dr. W.V. Johnston NOW AVAILABLE IN PAPER BACK $1.95 .THE,LUCKNQVV SENTINEL