The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-08-20, Page 24410'. Ar 411. 41. 41/. 4/0" 40, 41, +OP APIP 41IP. 401P diP 41, .ar. 40.. dp do. SHOP AND SAVE ON THIS WEEK'S REG i2 59 Tide 5 lb. for $2.39 'ride 10 II). fo STOWSERRY AND RASPBERRY York Pure Jam REG. 53.•39 $4.93 24 U. $1.39 11 OZ. JAR — SAVE epac $2.39 1 us. TUNE SAVE t me Gay Lea Margadne 59c MARKET PHONE 528-3420 MEADOW GOLD V2 Gal ice cream SAVE 34c '$1:59 24 -10 OZ. CANS Pepsi & Kist REG. $6.00 $4.89 24 - 10 OZ. CANS Coke REG. $6.011 $4 49 MAXWELL HOUSE Instant • COME I N AND SEE wi4,Ars NEW elefeeatett WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1975 RIVALS. Fail Fashions by ris Starand __Jantzin beluding Slacks, Blouses Skirts and Jackets, Sweaters, Shells, in Lovely Fall Shades THE 'RED CROSS SERVES.. ...P.SMANIAMMOMMAN0100.100011.RIVRAAPv...1110.4r044.1.410...~•••••••640.,......."..11.0.••••••••••••• ASHTON S Ladies' and Men's Wear Jim and Syke Sutherland Lucknow Phone 528-2126 Died in Guelph Tont MacDonald of Guelph paste away ott Thumlay, August 14'eliQ in; l3as t>tith, wear. The fu eta/ service was held at . the wan Chapel.. Guelph en., Saturday, August• ltielt , with inter- eta , in 'Guelph. Cemetery. • The late Mr. I .•a d is,: survived b' his wife. the. former Jitine Coliyer rf Laelieww. his WIis ONTARIO LOTTERY TICKET $1,00 each ON SALE AT THAT 1.ucknow Village Works Depart- ment has scheduled the flushing of village hydranti on Thursday and Friday of thiseweek. Residents are asked to take. note. THAT The Ludknow Craft Festival, sponsored by Lucknow Agricultural • Society on the Friday and Saturday of Civic Holiday Week end, had a" full compliment of exhibitors. Both • exhibitors and those attending, as well aS" Festival workers, had„ to 4intend with the extreme heat wave which prevailed at that time. THAT Mr. and Mrs:. Norman Matheson a Oregon. Ohio were in Lucknow recently. Mr. Matheson lived in Lucknow from 1904 1916 and visited with relatives.here for many years after. He is the son of Duncan Matheson and grandson of Norman Matheson. While in Lticknow he lived in the house now occupied by Mr,, and Mrs, Harvey Meize. THAT Mrs". 'Ann Collins., R.R. Ripley, was the lucky person who won the lovely quilt made by 'the Lucknow i. Jr. Women's Institute, The kicky tick was drawn by Ross. Erring- ton. THAT Mrs. Henry Ha rtes sons Bernie 14 and Alex, months,' have returned froth a four- week visit to HoBand with her mother. brother and sister and with Henry's family. While there, • they visited the Canadian War Cemetery at Groes.- beek. it is four years since Mrs- Hartent'rik's , list visit to her homeland and 20.. yeirs since .she came to Canada to reside. Agnews Celebrate 23th kiniversary Friends and relatives- gathered in the Luelisiow arena Saturday even- ing. At gust te honour Mr. and Mrs. Joe Agnew of ttc.linow on the occasion of their 2Feth anniversary. A 'dinner was held ax the Agnew home prier to the evening. recep- tion. • Joe s the son of Mr. and Mrs.: "6„:eeerd Agnew of Lucknow and Mrs. .1,4new is the former Dean whore of VC/OtiStLICIL. • They were married &agust 5. 1956 in wind- eor They. have three dalighters Mrs. Jim, Judy Lakes of Waene. Michigan. Pam- who will eurnmence her second year at- Huron College this fail. Joanne who will be in Grade 10at F E. 14adill 'Secondary School this Joe and Dean lived in Detemit for .21 'years • und they oaAne Lucknow 3 years ago and purcit ad the Schmid' s Jewellery and China.' from Bill Schmid. Joe and Dean received. many kilts among Which was a ier u.g.gage.. ;tern :heir family • needier Of Guelph. also three sisters and two „ brothers. Lucinew resident He is. sun -rived by his. W 4ie WiPeile; one dAnglittrMts.' : ! (Lois)' Ross., one `4eri Br e imandc n and fear - 00 90 - Carl. Cecile Fred and Funeral service was h&c Corse :17 t: , best ever peir-t eaveer OL tree. ei.eit Trutore arni best e.xterarpairt s CUSBUTOPLOR 411* ralaUttall Died in B.C. Charles. A. Radford died Sudden-. Ty in Vencouver„ British Cotaintbia on July btlt. The late Mr. Radford was a THE I.U..5.1CtIOW SINTINEL 1.UCKNO114 ONTARIO 115an lames eternieling hitteits • -.Ai 'nen trtteci Elta.ritl ialalt14104 alentiaitt a is Me e ei40.4 ic:1:77 1111131 f? ';tin '!eluen, yet m eiu •:reee: