The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-08-20, Page 3• • ' 5 LB:BOX DETERGENT. $1.99 • • • • 4p4 TIDE POWDER Y.?? PEANUT JABUTTE $1.88 • • • A GUST 20, 1975 ONTARIO AGO THREE .-- -- - — ••.,. _ -- , . ' Jim Clark, fourteen year old son Dr. and Mrs. Fraser Ashton, while there, Merle, Bryce and Ray of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Clark, Antoine and. Stefanie retuned to met. with Norma and Cecil Humph- Lucknow spent last week in St. their home in Lucerne, Quebec on rey of Amberley, ;who were on a 11 Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, where Monday after spending a week with day conducted bus tour. Linda and il — he underWent foot surgery and is Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton at David Courtney, who is in the , now wearing a cast. Amberley, Beach. Nancy Thomp- Navy, and a son of Donald and Ivy Mrs. Neil J. MacKenzie, Luck- On the July 1st week end Mrs. son of Lucknow returned with them Courtney of Wingham, escorted now visited two weeks with Mr. Wellington Webster and Jim to spend a few days. the friends from home on a tour of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Brown and , and Mrs. Rae Myers, Ottawa. Webster, Amberley, visited in the Athabaskan, Canada's largest Richfield, Ohio with Mr. and Mrs. Kimberley Ann of Montreal spent destroyer ship .- Later they all had last weekend with his parents Mr. Atlee Wise and Tricia and Cecil dinner together and enjoyed a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Lammert Vander-, and Mrs. Wilbur Brown, Lucknow. Miss Valerie Morningstar a • Vancouver, a -stewardess with C.P. An added attraction to the holiday Webster who is visiting with the veep have sold their farm at . Air, visited recently with her was being on board the Bluenose II Wise _family. Last week end Joe Lochalsh to Mr'and MrS'.—Max . . Rahim of Kitchener visited with Mr. and. Mrs. Elvin Wightman of parents,which was docked . in Halifax. Riegling of Ashfield, who obtain Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Webster Niagara Falls and Mr. and Mrs. , Harbour at that time. They also possession after the new year. Mr. and Jim. George Lee of Sheffield, England Morningstar, Lucknow and attend- visited by telelphone with Rev. and Mrs. Vanderveen in the vis ited on. Monday with Mrs. Earl ed the Anderson-Maize wedding on August 9th. .Laird Stirling, formerly of Lucknow meantime will continue to reside Mrs. Earl MacDonald, Liicknow, VVightinaii, Lucknow and Mr. and and George Webster, son of Mr. there. is a patient in Victoria Hospital; Mrs. Norman Wightman, Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Elliott of and Mrs. Harvey Webster of London.- George, a former member of the Lucknow flew to Halifax, Nova Lucknow. Janet Ritchie of London and . R.A.F., trained at Port Albert Scotia to spend a week visiting Bonnie. MacLeod, of Stratford left Mr. and Mrs. Reid , McKim, and during the war, and .at that tinie their son Ray, who showed them Mrs. Jack Porter of Teeswater is MondaY morning of this week for a family of Ottawa are holidaying at was a frequent visitor at the many of the beauty spots of the a resident at Pinecrest Manor, week's holiday in Jamaica: Kintail Beach for two weeks. Wightman home at Auburn. Maritime Provinces: One evening Lucknow. ° DELMONTE TOMATO JUICE 48 02 TIN 45t DEEP BROWN LIBBY BEANS WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE, 14 OZ. TIN 34t MAPLE LEAF 16 OZ. PACKAGE BOLOGNA 11111. gelP0heanTAIRMeei.I7. ECONOMY BLEND PLUS 20 FREE TEA BAGS, 40'S PKG. RED. ROSE TEA BAGS - '$1.09 VP/Hill VINEGAR 160 OZ. 1.19 CHOICE CUT GREEN AND WAX - AYLMER BEANS 14 OZ. TIN 27' FANCY BARTLETT AYLMER PEAR SLICES 14 OZ. TIN HAMBURG, HOT POG, SWEET RELISH. HEINZ RELISH 12 OZ. PURE STRAWBERRY KRAFT JAM 9 OZ. JAR PURE RASPBERRY --KRAFT JAM 9 pz. JAR 47c 49c 63c 69c IN TOMATO SAUCE, HEINZ BEANS 8 OI. TIN 4 DESSERT TOPPING, DREAM, W HIP' 3 OZ. PKG. 69c DERBY T M DOG FOOD MEX 15 OZ. TIN 511 CANADIAN PROCESS 'SINGLES KRAFT CHEESE SLICES 8 OZ. PKG. 79' Rock 110104 westoi Imo • ems, am. KHAN'S 'OPER -.MARKET LUCKNOW PHONE 528-3001