The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-05-21, Page 20•;• WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1975 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PA TWENTY LIBBY'S 14 OZ. SAVE TO 15c Spaghetti In Sauce 3 Tins $1 SUPREME LARGE GREEN. 105 LOW, LOW PRICE Garbag e Bags Only 79c 9 MAXWELL HOUSE, 6 OZ. SAVE TO 25c Instant Coffee Only $1,74 HEADQUARTERS FOR VEG. & FLOWER PLANTS ALSO DUTCH SETS KLEENEX -- ECONOMY SIZE SAVE TO 27c Facial Tissue Only 2 Boxes 99c REPEAT OF SUPER SELLOUT! SCHNEIDER'S 6 OZb SEVEN VARIETIES. COOKED MEATS SALE BUY TWQ PKGS. REGULAR PRICE GET ONE FREE. . . VALUES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MAY 22, 23, 24 PHONE LUCKNOW' 528-3420 Men's Casual Pants Reg. Value to $21.95 014 sm' $9.99 Short Sleeve Shirts and Knit Slacks IN A WIDE VARIETY OF SIZES AND COLORS GOOD SELECTION OF Men's 81 Boys' Denim Jeans AND ALSO Jean Jackets ASHTON'S WILL BE OPEN FRIDAY NITES STARTING MAY)‘30TH WE ARE OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK MONDAY 'THROUGH SATURDAY LADIES!, COOL SLEEVE AND SLEEVELESS Summer Dresses Sizes 12 - to, 14% - 24% Buy no* while sizes and selections are good ALL LADIES' Spring Jackets and Dress Coats ON SALE With savings up to 50% THAT Steven Bruce Mosher, son of Beverley and Roy Mother of Oshawa, was baptized Sunday at the service of Lucknow United Church. THAT Lucknow Business Men's Assoc- iation, .at a meeting last week, decided to open on Friday evenings until 9 p.ni. commencing Friday, May 30th and continuing until September 5th. THAT The Dominion Life Choir • of Waterloo presented an enjoyable evening of music in the Lucknow Presbyterian•Church on Tuesday of last week sponsored by the Busy Buddies, a local young women's group. Rev. Glenn Noble of Lucknow extended 'a welcome to those present. Arbor Day Memorial To • Joe MacIntyre , Arbor Day for Separate School No: 2 Kingsbridge was marked by a memorial tribute to the late Joseph McIntyre of Kiritall, former road superintendeni of Ashfield, who also attended. St. Joseph's High School yin the 30's. • Grades one to four were present at a tree planting ceremony singing "0 Canada" and repeating a recitation and poem on trees. A blessing was given by Father Ed Dentinger. The Norway Maple was given by Mrs. Beruardine Kinney in grateful memory of a loyal and dedicated member of the ' parish and community. The students then enjoyed a picnic. EASY SAILING The fellow who finds pleasure in his chosen work has picked a profession that fits his ability and talents. THAT Mrs. Clarence Ritchie of Kinloss received a certificate at the recent 4-H Achievement Day at Lucknow in recognition of 5 years service as a 4-H leader.. DUCHARME - LAIDLAW Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw of Whitechurch are pleased to an- nounce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Joanne Louise, to Joseph Francis Ducharme, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Ducharme of Zurich. The wedding will take place Saturday, June 7, 1975 at 3.30 p.m. at Chalmers Presbyterian Church, Whitechurch. KURAISHI- MacKENZIE Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacKenzie wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Heather Kathryn, to Dr. Aqdas Sarfaraz Kuraishi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sarfaraz Kuraishi of Toronto. The wedding is to take place on May 31, ' in Hamilton, Ontario. • McGEE - MAIZE Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Maize of Lucknow are 'pleased to announce , the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Brenda Joanne, to Robert W.• J. McGee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McGee. of Wihg- ham. The marriage will 'takeplace Saturday, June 7th 1975 at 3.00 p.m. in the Lucknow United Church. LUCKNOW FRUIT MARKET YOUR "LOWEST PRICES" FOODLAND FOOD VALES DELSEY. ASSORTED COLOURS SAVE TO 20c Bathroom Tissue 4 Rolls 95c SHIRRIFF'S 12 OZ. SAVE TO 10c Mashed Potatoes Pkg. 79c I ASHTON'S LADIES' AND MEN'S WEAR Jim and Syke Sutherland Phone 528-2126 90th Birthday, Father Operated Oatmeal Mill Mrs. Elizabeth Swenson, Assini- boia, Sasktachewan, was honored at a family supper held at the Lodge Hotel, Assiniboia, Saturday evening, March 29th, the occasion being her 90th birthday. Mrs. Swenson was born on, concession 5 Kinloss Township, Bruce County, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander (Sandy) Smith. Her father operated the Sandy Smith oatmeal mill. She remem- bers when in the process of making standard oatmeal she spent many hours on a platform by the big bins on the 3rd floor with a wooden hoe, keeping the oats from plugging up, the works when the bins filled up. It gave her a feeling ,of importance as a child being left alone performing this very important task. Elizabeth attended the Langside Presbyterian Church and 'still has her diploma received July 16th, 1904 for reciting correctly' at one time the whole of the shorter catechism. She attended. school at S. S. No. 5 Kinloss, passing the Entrance Exams in 1906, 'afterwards attend- ing Wingham Business College where she received her stenog- rapher's diploma. She worked in lawyer's offices and also in the office of John Joynt, a man who had 80 teams on the road collecting wood ashes which he shipped for fertilizer to places as far away as Florida. Penman's Mills was another place of employment, her salary being $5,00 per week and half the amount was taken for hoard. She married Albin Bernard ' Swenson, Apri1.9th, 1915, and went to live on a farm in the Maxstone district of Saskatchewan, later moving to Assiniboia. The Swensons had a family of seven, three sons and four daugh- ters. A son and daughter are deceased. Elizabeth is the fast surviving member of the Smith family, her brothers William and John and sister Margaret, Mrg. Allen Turn- yeer'ars"a g vino.g .passed away several Mr. February Sw3redn.soln912.passed away Fe Lu.cknow