The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-03-12, Page 20FINAL WINTER 2 FOR 1 sad On . Boys' Long Sleeve Shirts Boys' Perma 'Press Slacks Boys' Dress Pants Sizes 8 - 14 and 16 - 18 Spring Fashions. Arriving Daily 9c ASHTONI [AWES MEN'S WEAR ucknow Phone 528-2126 Trustee Lloyd Ackert said price adjustments are not the answer. Efficiencies of the various cafeterias must be checked into, he said. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL offers a complete selection of wedding ahnouncenionts styled for the discrim- inating ask for . . V tl et ft is ti n ti ai •13 PAGE TWENTY " THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12,1975 SEE PAGE 15 FOR FINLAY DECORATORS WALLPAPER & PAINT LUCKNOW FRUIT MARKET YOUR "LOWEST PRICES" FOODLAND RIGI-IT IN FOR SUPER FOOPOIINGS SWIFT 12 OZ. Luncheon Meat SAVE TO 19c Only 79c Huron Bd. will protest govt edict The Huron Comity Board of Education voted unanimously to make an appeal to the Ontario Ministry of Education who refused any capital allocation for building projects, for schools under the board's jurisdiction for the 1975 fiscal year. The Board had budgeted for , $900.,000 in its five-year forecast which was to include $2'10,000 for renovations to Exeter Public School, the construction of an industrial arts and home economics complex in Exeter, Turnbe'rry and Brusselseach to cost approximately $200,000 and also $40,000 for a mini computer for South Huron Secondary School. The computer facility, if it' was approVed by the Ministry, would have been installed as a pilot project and under the Board's approval similar facilities would have been installed :in other high schools in the area. D.J. Cochrane, Director of Education, told the board that he was sure the Ministry would cut back on ,expenditures but was surprised that they got nothing at all. He stated that the only course of action was to appeal the decision to the Minister. A letter froth. the regional office of the Ministry of THAT Ivan Mawhinney of Lucknow was driving a snowmobile on' February 23 when it came in collision with a parked car of Dr. M. H. Corrin on Outratn Street in the village. Mr. Macwhinney was taken to Wing- ham Hospital, x-rayed for leg injuriesand released. The accident was investigated by Constable Jackson Of Kincardine Ontario Provincial Police. THAT Joan Hamilton and Tom Barger, members of the Lucknow Skating Club, 'placed 6th in the Novice Dance Class at the Interclub Figure Skating Competitions on Sunday, March 2nd in Wingham. Twenty couples were entered in thiS class. Over 200 figure skaters from 12 district clubs participated in the various competitions held through- Gilt the day. Education in London stated that the region received its proportion of provincial ftin ding and unfortunately all, t needs or requirements cannot be met. Board , member Charles Thomas' said that the Board should challenge the decision since the building projects were not only important from art educational standpoint but it would also be good for the economy by providing. jobs. Since 'the " Board Cannot' prOceed with, any .project and building must be put off a delegation of three members, Cayley Hill, Harry Hayter and D.J. Cochrane, were elected to approach The ministry con- • cerning grants for the regkin. THAT Harvey Irwin, Highway 86 West, was the winner of $979 in the' A,.t • Goderich Legion monthly .50-50 Draw. The winning ticket was sold by Willard. Downey of Kinloss. THAT Andy Whitby., sort of Mrs. Sid • Whitby of Lucknow and a member of the Oshawa. Generals Junior A hockey team, is on crutches and, has a cast' on his leg after suffering torn knee ligaments. THAT Mrs. Morgan Henderson 'of Lucknow returned on Monday of this week from a six week holiday in Hawaii. During that time her daughter, Miss Betsy Henderson of London, holidayed with her for three and a half weeks. THAW Mrs. George (Shirley) Forler, Julie and Eric of Barrie visited Sunday with Shirley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moffat 'of Luck- now. It was the occasion of Mr. and Mrs. Moffat's 48th wedding anniversary. THAT The Sentinel earlier published a story about the 1949 Lucknow Pee Wee hockey team, who were champions of Goderich Young Canada tournament the first year it was established, being" scheduled to play an exhibition "old-timers" game against the Goderich team of 1949. The game was originally scheduled. for March 15,' but because of scheduling problems, it has now been set for Saturday, March 22 at 7 p.m. at Goderich arena. CHE'SLEY — Students will pay more 'for lunches .. in school cafeterias,. in BrUce after: the spring break. The Bruce .board of educa- tion was told Tuesday that the anticipated cafeteria' deficit of $10,000 for 1974 was exceeded by nearly,50 per 'cent and some boar members favor dropping the school lunches. Superintendant 'of business Roland Swanson said in- creased cost of food and.. wages has been responsible 4 for the cafeteria losses, Ile also noted the large discre- pancy between schboLs., Five'secondary and two ele.= mentary schools have, cafete- rias.,Chesley high school is in Huron Native Died At Buffalo DONALD GRANT CAMPBELL Donald Grant Campbell of St. Catharines passed away suddenly Monday, February 24th in Buffalo, New York. • Born in Huron Township on April 24th, 1920, he was the son of the late Robert and Alice Campbell of Huron Township, In 1950 he was married to Lois Morris of St. Catharines, Giant is survived by his wife Lois; six sons, Gordon, Donald, Janies. Keith, Kevin and John. He is,also survived by two sisters and two brothers, Kathleen of Clark- son, Louise of Willowdale, Gordon of Ottawa and Robert of Huron Township, t Funeral services for the late Mr. Campbell were 'conducted from the Butler Funeral Home, St. Cathar- ines by Rev. K. Russ, pastor of the United Church, on Thursday after- noon and interment was made in Pleasant Memorial Gardens. SUNSPUN 11 OZ. Coffee Creamer COLGATE '50 ML. Toothpaste Sale KRAFT 16 OZ. Peanut Butter MARCH 13, 14, 15 SAVE HERE TOOT Only 79c BANQUET DINNERS. Chicken or Turkey REAL MONEY SAVER Only 79c BUY AND SAVE , Only 79c /VALUES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY,' FRIDAY, 'SATURDAY ..ccifeterict deficits force lunch hikes 'PHONE LUCKNOW 528-3420, SAVE TO 12c 79c' the' deepest trouble with its cafeteria and Chesley trustee George Loucks said the cafe- teria program, throughout the, ' ,county should be dropped. Mildmay trustee Lloyd Lie- 'semer disagreed: "Why should schools like Walkerton. where the operation. is ef- ficient. be penalized beeause another school has heavy losses?“ The 1974 deficit per plate•at Uhesley was 37 cents com- pared to two cents at Walker- ton..' • Mr. Loucks said that unless all 34 schools in Bruce had meals, none•should. "That's all right for /you who liVe 'in town. Children from the country should have school lunches," said trustee Wilfred Pegelo of Cargill. The board authorized the administration to raise lunch prices and review the menus and portions. Mr. Swanson said a continuation at present prices would result itva $35,- 000 to $40,000 cafeteria deficit .for 1975.'