The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-03-12, Page 15WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1975 On March 5th the Kingsbridge 4-H club held, their second meeting at Mrs. Antone Van Osch's house. They opened "the meeting with the 4-H pledge. Roll call was answered by each girl's activities. "Let's make bread" was voted on . as the next 4-H project.. Mrs. Evers read "Suit Your- self". The girls divided into groupS and discussed the types of clothing that suit their figure. / The next meeting will be held on March 12th at 7.00 p.m. in St. ' Joseph's Hall: The meeting closed with the 4-H motto. 0.M.H,A. PLAYOFFS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12 Pee-Weer — 7 p.m. Juveniles -- 8:30 p.m. Sevv . 'N . Sews buicknow Phone 528-2011 LORNE. REID ...SHOE REPAIR LES :FETTER SHOES THE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO The Sth meeting took place Friday, February 28th at 4.00 at Mrs. Hildenby's. We opened with the pledge. , Beverly Bell and Dianne Mc- Bride demonstrated how to make cheese puffs. Martha Graham*and Debbie Allan demohstrated how - to make Barbecued Hamburger Stacks. Roll 'call was answered by eight girls. The minutes were read/ and approved, Mrs. Haldenby read "Make lt , With. Bread". We judged our sourdough bread. We ate the results of this meeting which were good. We 'closed with the 4-H motto. The next meeting will be held Friday, March 14th at 4.00 at Mrs. Doel man ' s Kairshect Kitchen .Kuties The Holyrood Dough Dolls 4-H club held their 3rd and 4th meetings at Mrs. Gerald Rhody's home on Saturday, March 1st at 9.30 a.m. - The president Wilma Milker' opened the meeting with 11 members and -their leaders repeat- ing the, pledge. Members showed their own homemade bread for, the roll call. Mrs. Rhody demonstrated the making of brown batter rolls and discussed yeast products. . Mrs. Hedley made batter bread with members assisting with the beating. Mrs. Rhody made sourdough bread from starter which she began the previous Wednesday. Members made a variety,of rolls from basic dough. Some choices Dough Doffr. at belts mean greater sa this is *jot Oritatio.kdoing to make sure people know it and viOait them! In 1973, 2000 people were killed and nearly 100,000 injured in car accidents here in Ontario! Tragic? Sure. But even more tragic when you consider that many of these people could have been saved by one simple action. Buckling a seat belt. Scientific evidence proves that seat belts reduce the chanc'e of death or injury in a car accident by 50%! gaCCIII-4111111411=1 %Mar Government of Ontario William Davis, Premier r. fi So your Ontario Government is spon- soring an intensive educational program to persuade drivers and passengers — and children, too—to wear a seat belt even on short drives. The symbol of this program is the sign shown. it's a reminder to "Buckle up for safety." You'll be. seeing it often along Ontario streets and highways. It's part of a plan to help protect you, your family, and everyone in the province—to help Ontario residents live better, longer. And to make doubly-sure of it, the govern- ment_ has prepared interesting, informative booklets, a film, and a special school pro- gram on the imPortance of wearing a seat belt: For more information on seat belt safety, write: Public and Safety Information Branch, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, 1201 Wilson Avenue, Downsview, Ontario. M3M 1J8. Ministry of Transportation and Communications John Rhodes, Minister PAGE FIFTEEN were cloverleaves, parker house, braids, fan-tans, Achievement Day was discussed and the Record Book Cover design was decided on. Next meeting will be on March 8th. The Dough Dolls of the Holyrood 4-H club held their 5th meeting on Saturday, March 8th at the home of Mrs. Gerald' Rhody. Nine -mem- bers were present and the meeting opened by , repeating the pledge. Mrs. Rhody discussed "the texture; shape and flavour of a well made loaf of bread. She also pointed out faults and their causes. Some members brought sourdough loav- es of bread that they had made at _home. • Cheese puffs were made by Carol Wilson and Aldena Van Sligtenhorst and Barbecued Ham- burger Stacks were made by Michele Hodgins, Wilma Duiker, Marilyn Rhody and Marion Van. Sligtenhorst. These were later enjoyed by all present. The meeting closed with the motto: • Virginia Chisholm, Is 4-H President Theme What Shall I 'Wear?. Leaders - Bev Maclnnis and DOnna Young. The first meeting of Dungannon 1 4-1-1 club was opened with the 4-H pledge. Some mothers attended the meeting. Roll call was "Why did you join 4-H?" Officers were chosen as 'follows: President, Virginia. Chisholm; Vice President, Marilyn 'Sproul; Press • Reporter and Secretary, Wanda Park. Meetings will be held on Thursday evenings. 7.15 to 9.15.. The first meeting was held at the home of Donna Young with' 10 members present. Discussion took place on what the course covered and booklets and pamphlets were looked over. All read from the teacher's book on, "Plann,ing the Wardrobe" and answered some oral questions. Bev Maclnnis showed. some differ- ent 'pieces of material and 'talked about the blouse which each member must make for Achieve- ment 'Day. Kathy Pentland demonstrated how to take personal measurements. Virginia Chishom closed the meeting. The meeting next Thursday will be held at' the home of Bev / Maclnnis at 7.15 p.m.; BROWNIE . (1- NEWS On Tuesday, March 4th the Brownies held their regular meet- ing. T opening game was "The \ M ter an''. Judy Hunter was Fairy Queen so she, placed the Toadstool for Brownie Ring., The Brownies hopped their Brownie Gold and Brown Owl did inspection. Everyone repeated the Brownie Prayer. At Pow Wow Brown Owl presented Shirley Loree with her Neighbour Badge, The Pick sang "Happy • Birthday" to Luanne MacLeod.' Tracey McDonagh showed her geraniuni plant arid Debra Huffman had a picture she had made from seeds. Everyone that is working oh the Thrift Badge was reminded to keep a record on how they are earning their money. Tiwny Owl told the Pack that if the weather is suitable plans are to have a tobogganing party next Tuesday in place of the regular meeting. The Pack then joined to-gether for a singing game "Little Ball". Lori Stanley passed 'her test for running an errand and for skipping backwards. The meeting was brought to a close with Taps. 'Cloyer Pqrlthers The sixth meeting of the Clover Valley Dough Punchers was, held on Tuesday, March 4 at the home of Mrs. Fran Elphick at 7.15, The president opened the meeting with the 4j-H pledge. The roll call was answered by all members. We were divided into group's to make a Hungarian Bubble Ring, or a Swedish Tea Ring, or a pan of Cheslea Buns,, demonstrating as we made them. Lynn Elphick read the minutes of the fifth meeting. Mrs. Elphick discussed Fancy Breads. Mrs. Hamilton discussed Breads from other lands. We closed' the meeting with the 4-H Creed. kdelicious lunch was then served. NIGHT SCHOOL ACHIEVEMENT NIGHT Lucknow March 12 Ripley -March 13 .