The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-02-12, Page 6HANOVER.. TOURS. HOLIDAY FLORDIA LEAVE IN WINTER .. RETURN IN SPRING Special LONG STAY Tour to DAYTONA BEACH: 29 days departs March 7 FLORIDA. SIGHTSEEING TOUR Try our 15 day Florida Circle Tour leaving February 22 FLORIDA SPECIAL TOUR Our 21 day tour leaving March 1. The . Florida Special tour features Gettysburg, Washington, Myrtle Beach• and Jeicyll Island on route. Ask about our variety of FLORIDA tours for the mid-term break GOLF Special Golf Tour to Myrtle Beach departs March 14 and returns March 23. Join members of the Hanover Whispering Hills Golf Club for this tour. KINCARDINE S TRAVEL ERVICE 831 Queen St. 396-3478 HOME. LIFE* AUTO. COMMERCIAL Co-Operators Insurance Associations of Guelph AGENT 'JEAN WHITBY LUCKNOW CULBERT'S CABINET SHOP AMBERLEY STYLES DISPLAYED Pioneer, tempra, provincial, winchester, carriage house FINISHES teak, walnut,\,cherry and white PHONE 395-5298 AND 3954516 GET ATTENTION REW and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday Afternoon OFFICE IN McDONAGH INSURANCE OFFICE Wingham Drive-In Cleaners Is now picking up dry' cleaning three after- noons per week, Tuesday, Thursdity and Saturday at the SEPOY VARIETY STORE Lucknow Machine Shop Is discontinuing the servicing of snowmobiles because of an increase in volume of work in their machine shop and wrought iron division. ALL PARTS IN STOCK FOR JLO, HIRTH, SACH AND KOHLER SNOWMOBILE ENGINES BEING, SOLD AT Greatly Reduced Prices DEALERS WELCOME ARIENS SNOWBLOWERS WITH LAUSON TECUMSEH ENGINE 5 and 8 Horse Power Sold At Cost PHONE. 528-3835 mirmios. 111 'mg.-Aux • .“tivalv. • • .• ..ate iAreA4' . - THE • LUCKNOW SENTINEL. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1975 WM, A. (Bud) HAMILTON AGENT FOR BP OIL LTD. Gasoline Heating BinelS Burner Service and Furnace Installations i‘ Trucks Radio Equipped For Better Service . Dial 52873006' , Res. 5283616 Wholesale and Retail CHIROPRACTIC ASSOCIATES HEALTH CENTRE R. BRAY, D.C. D. LEE, D.C. 197 Josephine St., Wingharn . Phone 357-1224 CHISHOLM FUELS HEATING OILS, ' SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS LUCKNOW. Phone 529-7524 or 524-7681 FREE BURNER SERVICE Products For Farm; Home and Industry ALLAN'S ALUMINUM SALES and SERVICE ,WINDOWS, DOORS, CANOPIES, AWNINGS, SHUTTERS, ETC. Increase the value, of your home •. or, cottage. by Phoning 3924065 for free estimate‘ INVESTMENT THE STERLING TRUST CORP. Prevailing Interest Rates. Retirement Savings Plan Your Representative ALEX MacNAY LUCKNOW 4 ' TED COLLYER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing In ELECTRIC HEATING, ELECTRIC WIRING AND REPAIRS and ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Hydro Financing Available Lucknow — Phone 528-5802 MacKENZIE MEMORIAL CHAPEL A MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED FUNERAL. DIRECTORS SERVICE FUNERAL. SERVICE ' Services conducted according to your wishes at your Home, your Church, or at our Memorial Chapel at no additional charge. Lucknow, Phone 528-3432 Day or Night Rep.: Wingham Memorials VVINGHAIVI MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING. REASONABLE PRICES Rep.: MacKenzie 'Funeral Home Bus. Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph. 357.1015 FRED LAWRENCE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR HOME, FARM' AND INDUSTRIAL WIRING. PHONE AUBURN 526-7505 ADMIRAL TV AND ANTENNA. SALES AND SERVICE DON THOMPSON TV R.R. 3 RIPLEY TELEPHONE 395-2393. INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE INVESTMENTS To , Protect Your Jack, Insure With' Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST —7 GODERiCH, The Square (Phone 524-760) A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 40 The Square, Goderich Telephone 524-7562 WITH ADRIAN VOS, At a farmer's meeting I attend- ed, the 'farmers were asked to fill out a questionnaire stating among other things what the value ,of their farm, egnipment and livestock is. Another question asked theiir aver- age income over the last five years. The result was rather shocking. Eighty percent had a value of between $100,000 and $300,000 invested. The income from this investment for 70% was less than $10,000 over the last five years. If one compares this with the $13,000 income per year that the postman are asking, one must ask Oneself: "What am I doing farming? Why not take a job from 8 to .5 that requires no investment, and in many cases, little, brains, and sell the bloody farm". Well; I guess you know the answer. We don't work for the money alone. We like, to be our own boss. We like to make our own decisions and where else can one expect ,to do this better than on the farm. We are nuts, but we are by and large contented nuts. So be it. A story in McLeans magazine bewailed ,the fact that so much grain is fed to livestock. It is by and large a good article even if the writer's facts about the amount of grain needed to produce a pound of meat are way off. base. If his figure was accurate, not one pound of meat would be produced, because the Price would be so high that only the very rich could afford to buy it. His concern about the underfed peoples of the world I share. However, before we as farmers -should feel guilty for producing meat,, and consumers for buying it, we should first get our priorities right. Enormous amounts of number one wheat, barley and corn are used to produce gin, beer, and whiskey, while the grain used for , livestock feeding, is' lower grade, which, is not used for food. After society cuts out the use of alcoholic drinks' and stops eating pastry, then I would feel guilty if there is a shortage of grain. I! one western society would lift import restric- tions on products from 'the poorer world and pay them a reasonable price for their product, they would be' able to buy ' our grain at, a reasonable price, or better still they could afford to irrigate their crops and put on enough fertilizer so they could grow their own crops.. Reid 8i Peierson CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS" Wingham 3571522 J. A. PETERSON, C. A. Res. 528-2804 B. W. REID, C.A. AGRICULTURAL. 'I9)611S