The Wingham Advance, 1916-06-22, Page 13'blur" itAy, June () 1j1t)
6►d4 ■
Iii .ecialize oo 'o uIar Paced
I Outing G 1
are showing a Large and Complete
range of Ladies', Misses and Children's X
M Whitewear Garments, also House Dresses made of
`4` good wash materials, Best Values.
8178 -Lades' Waist
Sizes 34 36, 38, 40,
42, 44 inches bust
8179 --Ladies' Two -
Piece Skirt
Sizes 24, 26, 28, 30
inches waist measure
Full width, well made, trimmed with em-
broidery and lace
Corset Covers
Big range of the best styles
25cy 35C, 50C, 75C
Ladies' Ni: ht Gowns with long or short
sleeves, high or low neck, big value at
75c, $1, 1.25, 1.50
Princess Slips
Pretty styles, for women and girls, Bargains
Ladies' Combinations
Exceptional values in New Combinations.
See our special values at $1.50, $2
Ladies' Drawers
Good values in all lines
2 c3 35c, 50c, 75c
We are showing a complete range
Middies, plain white and fancy trimmed,
eight years to twenty, Big value at
• 75c, 85e, $1,1.25
See them
of Girls'
all sizes,
Outing Sliirts
Ladies' and Misses Repp and Pique Outing
Skirts, snappy styles, moderate prices. See our
Specials at -
8124 -Little Girls'
Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
House Dresses
!.fade is goo0 6419 91 Fest a?ls
Goods, Bargain at Stet)
h. Isard
Diamond R1088, I!ngagement
I Rings and Wedding VYeddin Rings
For the June Bride
Silverware of all kinds
Fancy Clocks, Cut Glass,
• and Jewelery of all kinds
u Fine Watch Repairing. a Specialty. .All
Phone 65 Wingham
eiii�8��1�iiaU LL LULU LL��L WL �L iL� fiiii�t1LL liaitlitl1Ll iUU
0 Mr 711 111111,11 C,,,,,l
e ,,91 < },.`401" /a ;
being DOMINION DAY and a pub-
lic holiday our shop will be open on
of this week from 7 to 9 p.m.
The Wm. Davies
4 Vii'•
�. .
1 14U 11 3RIId,{, �Ul {W r
Give The h Advance your next Order.
.'.t1E W]N0.1-1,AM ADVA `Of
Ontario Game and Fishery Laws for
We are here copying a few of the
items from the Ontario Game and
Fishery Laws, which are just pubiieh•
ed, and which are the most interesting
to sportsmen In this district.
Hunting and trapping license. --No
Verson shall hunt or trap fur -bearing
animals except under the authority of
a license, c e, but this shall not apply to
farmers or farmers' sane trapping on
their own lands.
OPEN S1IASON-No person shall hunt
take, kill or destroy
Deer. -.Any deer, except froom the let
day of November to the 15:h day of
November, both days inclusive.
Moose, reindeer, and caribou -south
of O,P.R,-Any moose, reindeer or
caribou in that part of Ontario lying
south of the main line of the Canadian
Pacific Railway in the Town of Matta-
wa to the Oity of Port Arthur, except
from the lst day of November to the
15th day of November, both days in-
Moose, reindeer, and caribou north
of C,P.R.-Any moose, reindeer, or
caribou throughout that part of On-
tario lying north of the main line of
the Canadian Pacific Railway from
Mattawa to the Manitoba boundary
and that part of Ontario lying south
of the Canadain Pacific Railway from
the Oity of Port Arthur to the Mani-
toba boundary except from the lst day
of November to the 30th day of Nov-
ember, both days inclusive.
Grouse, etc. -Any grouse, pheasants
prairie fowl or partridge, except from
the l5th day cf October to the 15:h
of November, both days inclusive; but
no persons shall take or kill more than
ten partridges in any one day, and no
grouse, prairie focyl or partridge shall
be hunted, taken or killed before the
155th day of October, 1918.
Quail and wild turkeys, black and
grey tquirrele,-Any quail or wild tur
key, black or grey •'rqutrrel, except
from the lst day of November to the
15th day of November in any year,
both days inclusive, and no person
shall take or kill more than six quail
in one day or twenty-five for the sea-
Ducks and other water -fowl --Duck
of any kind or any otter water -fowl,
snipe; sail, plover' or" tiny other bird
known as a shore bird or wader, ex=
sept from the 1-,t day of September to
the 31st of December Al any year, both
days inclusive, • ' J
I.ares.-ares rpay be taken by any
means at any time between the 15th
day of October and the 15% day of
November and between the 23.d day
of December and the 2ad day of Janu,
ary following, and. may be talen at
any other trine by gpy other rpeans
than shooting.
Cotton -tail rabbits,-Notwithstand•
ing anything in this Act a wood•hare
cotton -tail rabbit ma
ory be tak n
e t
kitten or (.eetruel iu any fanner by
the owner, oeel papt or teepee of any
land upon whipl1 it eal}ses apl,ual
Muskrat,- No muskrat shall be hunt-
s o killed or hadossessi(
ed, taken r kr l in p r
of any person in that part of the Prc-
vitae lying south of the French n,nd
Mattawa Rivers except from the 1 it
day of March to the 21st day of April,
and in that part of the Province lying
north of the French and lgattawa div-
ere from the 1st day of April to the 51st
day of May.
Muskrat houses, etc, --No muskrat
shall he shot or speared at any time,
nor shall any muskrat house be cut,
speared, broken or destroyed at any
When destruction of muskrats law-
ful. -Nothing in this section shall are
ply to any person destroying nny of
the animals in defence or preservation
of his property, or prevent the destruc-
tion of muskrats by any Means, at any
time, in the vicinity of dams nr drain.
age embankments where Gere is to
probability of injury being caused by
them to each dams or drainage em-
Mink -No mink shall be hunted',
taken or killed or had in poseeseion of
any person between the 1st day of
May and the let day of November
Hunting on Lord's Day. -Ns person
shall on the Lord's Day -hunt, take,
kill or destroy any game, or use any
gun or other enginedr''that purpose,
Number of neer, ettc;'which 'may be
ki 1ed'-No person shah (airing any
one year or season kill or take more
than one (leer, one brill moose, or one
brill reindeer er caribou; bqt this shalt
not apply to deer which are the private
property &Any person and which have
been killed or taken by him or by hie
direction or with his consent in or
upon his own land.
Shooting at night. -No person shall
discharge any gnu or other lrc•arin at
any game betwcon sunset and sunrise,
Hired Hunters. --No person shall for
biro, gain or reward or hrpo thereof
huntRkill or shoot any game, or em-
ploy, hire er for valuatile consideration
induce any other person so to de; but
this t:batl not apply to the bona fide
employment -of any person as guide to
accompany a person lawfully hunting
or shooting.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
A two-story brick house with
stable, Large garden and abundance
of' t for sale trot s l ata r'
bargain n a the
owner is leaving town. gBuildings
nearly new, No better value to be
bad anywhere,
Numeroua other properties for
sale at good values. We will not
list a property unless the price is
Canadian Northern Railway
Tickets to any point in the
West. Choice of routes to
Toronto. No extra charge.
Ritchie & Cosons
Ineurance and Real Estate
Agents for Canadian Northern Ry.
(Successor to• J. G. STE\VART)
P. O. Box 360 Phone 108
• a 'R.4,1QRD,
You Can Secure a
If yoti t,alce a cptlriap R'it�l us. The
de nand 'Upon its 'ler erg sited"help is
tunny times the number graduating.
Students are entering each week
You may enter at any time.
Send for free catalogue at once, it
) will interest,
D. A. hlcLACHLAII - Principals
WEST LAND RFvilltATiQt'j'ig
TB "sole hoa of ^ 'eIIT
, 05my male aver
yclrs {, inay hopes/earl a quarter-
sC t 1qavaiable cminion land iu Mani-
toba,Saskatchewan or Alberta. Applicant
musappear in
ppparson at the Dominion Lands
Agency or Sub -Agency for the Dtstrlct. Fn -
try by proxy may bo made at any D minion
Lances Agency (but not Sub -Agency on pertain
Illy'#ltd-21. months rosid}}nca uptnn and
qqu t radon of iettttrd l3 baoli A� three years
A. 'h mdsj'c a{ider spay leve within nine miles of
his a alest'c�p}I plj ft for } of at leapt 80 acres,
tprired ex opt where rC idonce is habitable performed in
the vicinity,
I •' °P:t etc may bo substituted for 01,11 q:tilpp
ur der certain conditions,
In certain tri 3t^}pt0 ; 0111esteadcr fit good
stir �clinct mai" ppr el�,�a. rthartor section along
s,ic}le his • tomditeaii ,rice 8'1 per acro,
1111TIt1 S=xis: mouths resident,• in each of
throe '(!t rs after earning homestead patent:
ni@0 ao acres e,:tra opitivat'on. Preemption
patent may be obtained as soon as homestead.
patent on curtain conditions.
AA settlor who has exhausted his homestead
right may take apurchased homestead in cer-
tain districts. Price $3 per acre. Duties --
Must reside six months In each of three years,
cul iyate 50apres and crept a Ilquso worth $300.
The area pt (1111,i -ration is subject- to rcduc:
tion in cast', f rough, scrpbby or stony land.
Lire stock nlny bcsilbs(ituted for pllltivation
tinder certain Conditions.
W. W. COM', 0. 1‘", (1.
De uty of the 111i}}js:31 of thontorior.
N. pnawthori5;ed pghlicatign of this
advertisement will net he paid far -1i t1,
4Az,)ul4E[.l. it 4 1751. - *9O9
Thi. imported pnla bred tttoreheron will stand
for tnare,t rfd, reason at tits own Stable. Lot
"oil, (un, 9, lrea, Wawaresti, tIve*y day •exerpt
Saturday nt each vi c +,viten rte wilt It at tt e
Nr, rest "Intel Sta')Ies In tt'ini Unfit. 'tartlet
will be nice at to yrrasonabirt dist nide by rt
pntettli:ut, Y'Ci ptahg'c'.e and dti:tari ,td,� see
Dins. • ken t e liras'„ Thous p13.3f t,
North area,
":'r"-'- lelAR SALE BY---
R. J.Caritelon
fiica wnh Dominion 'Express (lo
none 1nfJ1 P. 04 13ox 127
0.44 -9.4• -4I -e -.Earl tom As,
JOB WORK t tatty anti promptis
done at Tin AltvANt't OT'I?I('1i,
DIr. Arthur Spotlon who enlisted in Blyth and Berlin Orange celebrationp
Winnipeg in the 1211i Medical Corps was haye been called off,
in Gorrie last week visiting his mother
and other relatives before leaving for
Mrs. Rands, an aged lady employed at
the home 111
l_t r •
} ;dw'
Moore, deafer
had the misfortune to fall (Iowa the cellar
steps, fracturing her leg and dislocating
her shoulder.
Jack Roberts, an old„ Dungannon bay,
is crossing the oceau on his way to Eng-
land with the Cobourg heavy Battery,
Ills company was expected to leave Ilan -
fax last Sunday. Jack leas been in train•
Mg for some time, and shows promise of
becoming a valuable marksman. Mrs.
Roberts and the Misses Roberts spent the
last three weeks in Cobourg with Jack,
Rev, C. F, McIntosh, )3, D., of Guelph,
visited a few days with Rev. G. Gomm at
Dungannon. Mr. McIntosu had just re•
turned from the General Assembly held
in \Viunipeg and bad much interesting in-
formation regarding the Union debate."
Mr, McIntosh said what impressed hint
most was the high plane of., christian
statesmanship with which the entire dis-
cussion was characterized.
The new dog tax in Germany makes it
possible only for the wealthy people to
keep dogs, and has sounded the death
knell of thousands of animals, especially
large ones. Lately in Kiel alone 150 were
killed. The carcases were turned into
so called "fsischmehl," which is used
under different disguises for human eon.
D. Fulton, implement agent at Clinton
had a narrow escapa from drowning last
Saturday afternoon, While viewing some -
stock in his pasture fields, which adjoin
the Bayfield River, he made an attempt
to drive through 1l e strum \vile1
1♦'iorse and ll;iggy, hat unfortunately for
10th the driver and the horse, they plung-
ed nrto a swimming hole of considerable
depth, with the result that the horse was
drowned and Fulton escaped by swimming
to shore.
Duncan McLean fun,, a Hibbert to v
ship farmer, was iciIte rtil4l tel't'ibly
mangled SAX tra;a.s cl riag lost Thursday
nigljt ;it Dltlt,lrn. 1->je Wag aged atout la
yea5s.. Tl,e laAtIy was fpttnd pp the 0. P.
R trapks pe t utoraiug; with bath lege
and atx n5l'1 4{1t OA dad the trunk fright-
fttllx llrlltilat00. l'dr. McLean had been
in Drpmho buying it cow, and was return•
Mg on the train which reaches Dublin
about p.m. It is presumed he atlempteq
to alight from the train while IA wain Sllo1'
A, E. Nelson, principal of the Port
Elgin high school, has been selected to
succeed W, R, Durnin au principal of
Kinc.irdiue High school,
Lieut,J, 13 McCoy,
whose Mime d
in the casualty lis(.' a:s k tied in
action, was for a time manager of the
Luckuow branch of the Baal( or Hamil-
'1'lte funeral tat ol'the late Mrs, John Howes
whose death occurred at her !tome in Mc-
Kiliop after a long illness, look place ou.
Thursday, interment being in Maitland
Bank Cemetery, Seaford'. Mrs, Howes,
whose maiden name was Annie Maud
Mart, was tate eldest daughter of Mr. Reu.
ben hart, of McKillop and is survived iy
her husband and a family of three young
County Contstables fellow, Balkwell
and Wallis made a couple of unexpected
calls on hotels in Exeter and Seatorth re.
(surly. At Tom Newell's hotel, Exeter,
they reached a back room in time to hear
a party of well known citizens lodge a
complaint by saying: "How long is it
going to take Billy to get us those drinks?'
Newell is now wondering what the verdict
of Police Magistrate Andrews will be
The Commercial Ilotel at Seaforth was
also visited on the night of circis day and
six bottles of tvhislccy of various kinds
were seemed by the constables.
This neighborhood was visited last
Thursday evening by the heayicst down-
pour of rain ever witnessed here, even by
our oldest citizens. The deluge, accont-
panied by considerable hail, lasted for
about half an hour, tylti( all 1pw•lj ing land
was co;allietely I1.poded, Mr. Sebastian.
?nrllrigg, near Springbank, had one field
in which the water was twcY feet deep
after the storm; he also bad about forty
good sized chickens drowned. We have
heard of several others who suffered til
wise. The storm apparently went ip sec-
lions, as a conple p.j' ;Wks, gctttlh of here
very little Ervin fell.-?ordtvich Rccot'd.
rpct(or car containing five passen
gees had a narrow escape at the G.T.R.
cr tssiug In Seaforth on 'Tuesday after -
'loon. The cat• which was owned and
driven by Mr. John Eckert a well known
farmer of McKillop, attempted to cross
time track just as the 1.20 train was pang
out, with the result that the cat• sea's. struck
ing the 1paR:Pi1
,gira a nov
shakjngamidshiis, tearingoilpvteels and.
�"pv.b ala{o1y 1ho enRi'ner was able to stop
hi6 engine itt Lime, otherwise the car
ing, And 1\'i3! t;t,i1R41 in EA Sleiitgt Sad that a woui i have been overturned and its occu
fretait;rail!, K'hicl; f lhPwod sour! tim4
lat4r, rap over the hod cat•, ,- " ants seriously Injured. The nalehmen at
yt . } ing it for a
considerable distaneb, the crossing declares that he flagged the
Boys and Girls as Workers
''Every one at work" is the call dur- Inquiry Ordered Into Alleged Violations
ing War Time. The more men re- of Motor Law
cruited. the greater responsibility on
those left at home. ,Men who have
worked hard and paved some money
so as to spend their old age in comfort
will be turning in again to help their
sons on the farina or will step in again
to take tho planes of sons who have
ylainod the Colors, Women, the busi-
est of whom neem always able to do
something more, will be dividing their
time between houeehcli duties and
outdoor work. Young men from the
farm will na doubt cut short their pass an examination and secure a
terra at school or college and lend a license which must de renewed periods
band at spring work and stay with the (ally. It is reported that chauffeurs
farm operations until the crape are whose licensee have lapsed are being
harvested. Large numbers of soldiers employed in • some places. It is also
will get temporary leave. Are there stated that the law regarding the dire
any others who can lend a hand in pro‘ playing of license numbers on motor
clueing? What abo:tt the boys and
girls who have been receiving instrec•
tion in school gardening? A pamphlet
just issued by the Dominion Depart:
rnent of Agriculture sets forth, in Was,
traced and descriptive fofirra 1\(}tv school
garden Wgtk nap hoer" carried on in all
the provinces of Canada. What are
the boys and girls doing now? What
is their education and training worth? Mr. Wesley and Miss Edna Lee return
Hero is their opportunity to demon- I ed to Port Oralbourue on Tuesday having
strate at home in a practical mannse nems home to be present at their father's
what they have been taught at ecko,l, ' tt>sleral,
The boys and girl8 pi; yt\na«da, thou, Airs, Crystler of Delhi is visiting her
sands ire u�j'wi\ er, sru\tld be able to do
thejr in conducting small gardens
at home. Boys' and girls' patriotic
gardens should produce tons upon tons
of fresh, vegetable for their home
supply and they can readily learn how
to put up the surplus for winter use.
What pleasure they can get this
year in growing food in the home gar-
den and thus helping their fathers and
mothers! Production along this line
i t pattlAtiem.
Reports that the law respecting the
operation of motor vehicles is beir g
violated -in certain sections of rural
Ontario and n in some small towns n ill
be investigated by a specialoffIcer who
has been assigned for that duty by
Mr, W. A. McLean, Deputy Minister of
Highways. It is alleged that the at nt-
utory requirements governing chat.ff•
eurs have not heen observed in some
places. Chauffeurs are called upon to
vehicles has not in all eases been res.
pected. Allegations are made that
some care are being operated without
azly Markers whatever, and that other a
boar markers leaned in 1915 with a fig-
ure "5" altered to look like a "0''.
Then what about waste material?
Old paper and rags are needed in our
the ustrieo, so are metals and bottles
and rubber and a creme of other things,
The country needs material and can
not riff srd to have waste, The saving
and use of waste are as important as
production, Boys and girls eau make
money out of scrap.
The soldiers at the front would like
toet news from home. 'lies and
g y
girls can tend them some papers.
Wrap up the papers and mail them to
etre Car,ali.An R=c1 Crtras, 14 t'.yckwl,ni
Street, London, '3. ;\%„ Eng'a- d.
"° Not a Bad Plan.
"What sort of tonna are ;•0u, on �vitlti
your look, \°at1cSSar -
''r lha worsts possilrip. 1,A tact, 1 hnvo
Leer so' titot'ottglrly dlsgrnntled that Shift
Oh'(legvp`1'o1; .spite,"
Hard to Convinc4a,
tiRalrertyl' saki Mr. Dolan, `tare Fitts
woe o' these people that never know
when they're whipped?"
"I nm not, Put t take nobody's
word for it esecl,t the t'toctor''s after'
11:0111810.". r
daughter, Mrs. J. 0. Loundesbury.
Mrs. Thos, Fairservice Sr, is seriously
ill at present with a severe attack of
Mrs, Will Crittenden bf Blyth is spend-
ing a few days with her mother, Mrs, T.
Fairservice, who is very ill at present.
Thos. Grassy lost a fire marc and colt
last week.
Mrs. Thos. G. Guzst of London spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. Wm. Carter.
Rt v. J. Abrcy, pastor of Knox church,
Londesboro, has ptychased a new Ford
Miss B. Brogden returned to London
on Saturday after spending a week with
Merida in the village.
Mr, John Scott has the brickwork of his
new house well on its way toward com-
We are pleased to learn that Mrs. C.
Parsons is able to be around again after
her long illness,
Mr, Jos Wheatley has the brick work
of his new residence completed.
Mrs N. Adams is in the hospital, Lon-
don updergoing treatment there.
1‘.;1•,,,and Mrs. Thos. Fairservice attend-
ed the funeral of thelatter's cousin, Eldon
Nethet'y of 1'3elgrave on Sunday last.
\Xye arc sorry to hem. that Mamie,
daughter of Mr. and M • 9 Win. Ross, is
suffering froth a sec e attack of Grippe
and is trot improving very much.
Mr*, Ball is able to be around again
after her recent illnes",
VVe are pleaded to hear that ltfre. M. A.
Moon is itt provcng and is able to be up
for a few hours every day,
Page rive
.I' going through our stuck. of Rugs -we lint,!
many �,
� and cwf
are going to clean these; out this summer
regardless ofprice. ,
This is a chance of a lifetime for anyone
who is thinking of getting a rug this summer
or fall as the prices on these rugs are much
less than the wholesale price of today.
Summer Dress Goods
We have one of the largest ranges of wash
goods that has ever been shown in this store,
Before buying that Summer Dress give us a
call and see our range of wash goods.
• Prices 15c to 75c yd.
Ladies' White Waists
Th,s is the white waist season. Why not
get one and be in style,
Prices 75c to $3.50
We have the very latest in Middies; both in
cut and colorings. Bia ck and White, Striped,
Khaki, White, and White trimmed . with Bine
and Red.
Prices 75c to $1.25
Serviceable Summer Footwear
The very best footwear we have ever been
able to secure and we know you will like -it.
The easy fitting, comfortable feeling, long
wearing, stylish appearing and low pricing of
our shoes appeal to the economically inclined
shopper as the best footwear values passible to
Prices $2 to $4.50
We want your wool and are prepared to. ,
bay the highest market price Cash or Trade
for it.
.,mr aerm,.G'
J. A. Mills
�, i.rta.�r oat
of the
.•'rt✓:,, s44*t' -
111111 inati
Book, _y
JI Copy for'the next Telephone Directory
closes on the above dale!
X11 Order your telephone now, so that
your name will be in the new issue!
(J Report changes required to our Local
Manager to -day.
The Bell Telephone Co. - of Canada.
rYw�•�1 K t
Leave Toronto Union gtation
10.45 P. 11. Monday,
Wednesday, Friday
For Parry Sound, Su ihury, Port Arthur, Fort
William, Winnipsg, Brandon, Resin 1. Sa ka-
toon, Calgary, Nor h Battlefcr$, +dmcn-
ton, Vancouver an 1 Pacific Covet Points
Tickets and.Borth Eceetvstione rem RITCHIESri COSENS, Agents, or wr°te 13,E L. Fairbairn,
Gen era' Passenger Agent, 08 King St., E:Toronto
°'No :mot;:
There isn't a member of the family need suffer from indigestion, siert
headaches, biliousness, fermented sto�itaeh, etc., if he or she will take
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cleanse the stomach
and bowels and stimulate the liver to healthy aettvity and tone tlp the
whole system. Take one at night and you're RIGH f in the horning.
All Irarrizte,;!5r, oil s,
bsil fgiie L`htrtnberlain Medidins Company, Toronto. t6
Good going July 1st. Valid to
return same date
Good going June 30th, July 1st.
Valid to return July 3rd
Between all stations in Canadaeast
of Port Arthur, also tp Detroit and
port Ht}rpn, Mi.b., Buffalo, Black
Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspension
Bridge, N Y,
Tickets i bw on sale at G. T. R. ticket
ooffices. H, B. Elliott, Town Agent.
♦t4. ,.. .. • �TJ`�ta
The sane way tp celebrate le a happy
day spetlt in yoilr favorite summer
pla,;g. The preperway to go is by
Canadian Pacific
Single Fare
Going July 1st Return limit July 1st
Fare- and One -Third
Going June 30th, July let, Return
limit July 3rd
Particulars frdm Canadiatl rats111c T'c.
ket Agents, or W. 11. !inward, District
a o: c• agent, r r d r lo`'u
f+ 8 g t0 to
J. W. Mchibbon,Lpsgl Agent
4Az,)ul4E[.l. it 4 1751. - *9O9
Thi. imported pnla bred tttoreheron will stand
for tnare,t rfd, reason at tits own Stable. Lot
"oil, (un, 9, lrea, Wawaresti, tIve*y day •exerpt
Saturday nt each vi c +,viten rte wilt It at tt e
Nr, rest "Intel Sta')Ies In tt'ini Unfit. 'tartlet
will be nice at to yrrasonabirt dist nide by rt
pntettli:ut, Y'Ci ptahg'c'.e and dti:tari ,td,� see
Dins. • ken t e liras'„ Thous p13.3f t,
North area,
":'r"-'- lelAR SALE BY---
R. J.Caritelon
fiica wnh Dominion 'Express (lo
none 1nfJ1 P. 04 13ox 127
0.44 -9.4• -4I -e -.Earl tom As,
JOB WORK t tatty anti promptis
done at Tin AltvANt't OT'I?I('1i,
DIr. Arthur Spotlon who enlisted in Blyth and Berlin Orange celebrationp
Winnipeg in the 1211i Medical Corps was haye been called off,
in Gorrie last week visiting his mother
and other relatives before leaving for
Mrs. Rands, an aged lady employed at
the home 111
l_t r •
} ;dw'
Moore, deafer
had the misfortune to fall (Iowa the cellar
steps, fracturing her leg and dislocating
her shoulder.
Jack Roberts, an old„ Dungannon bay,
is crossing the oceau on his way to Eng-
land with the Cobourg heavy Battery,
Ills company was expected to leave Ilan -
fax last Sunday. Jack leas been in train•
Mg for some time, and shows promise of
becoming a valuable marksman. Mrs.
Roberts and the Misses Roberts spent the
last three weeks in Cobourg with Jack,
Rev, C. F, McIntosh, )3, D., of Guelph,
visited a few days with Rev. G. Gomm at
Dungannon. Mr. McIntosu had just re•
turned from the General Assembly held
in \Viunipeg and bad much interesting in-
formation regarding the Union debate."
Mr, McIntosh said what impressed hint
most was the high plane of., christian
statesmanship with which the entire dis-
cussion was characterized.
The new dog tax in Germany makes it
possible only for the wealthy people to
keep dogs, and has sounded the death
knell of thousands of animals, especially
large ones. Lately in Kiel alone 150 were
killed. The carcases were turned into
so called "fsischmehl," which is used
under different disguises for human eon.
D. Fulton, implement agent at Clinton
had a narrow escapa from drowning last
Saturday afternoon, While viewing some -
stock in his pasture fields, which adjoin
the Bayfield River, he made an attempt
to drive through 1l e strum \vile1
1♦'iorse and ll;iggy, hat unfortunately for
10th the driver and the horse, they plung-
ed nrto a swimming hole of considerable
depth, with the result that the horse was
drowned and Fulton escaped by swimming
to shore.
Duncan McLean fun,, a Hibbert to v
ship farmer, was iciIte rtil4l tel't'ibly
mangled SAX tra;a.s cl riag lost Thursday
nigljt ;it Dltlt,lrn. 1->je Wag aged atout la
yea5s.. Tl,e laAtIy was fpttnd pp the 0. P.
R trapks pe t utoraiug; with bath lege
and atx n5l'1 4{1t OA dad the trunk fright-
fttllx llrlltilat00. l'dr. McLean had been
in Drpmho buying it cow, and was return•
Mg on the train which reaches Dublin
about p.m. It is presumed he atlempteq
to alight from the train while IA wain Sllo1'
A, E. Nelson, principal of the Port
Elgin high school, has been selected to
succeed W, R, Durnin au principal of
Kinc.irdiue High school,
Lieut,J, 13 McCoy,
whose Mime d
in the casualty lis(.' a:s k tied in
action, was for a time manager of the
Luckuow branch of the Baal( or Hamil-
'1'lte funeral tat ol'the late Mrs, John Howes
whose death occurred at her !tome in Mc-
Kiliop after a long illness, look place ou.
Thursday, interment being in Maitland
Bank Cemetery, Seaford'. Mrs, Howes,
whose maiden name was Annie Maud
Mart, was tate eldest daughter of Mr. Reu.
ben hart, of McKillop and is survived iy
her husband and a family of three young
County Contstables fellow, Balkwell
and Wallis made a couple of unexpected
calls on hotels in Exeter and Seatorth re.
(surly. At Tom Newell's hotel, Exeter,
they reached a back room in time to hear
a party of well known citizens lodge a
complaint by saying: "How long is it
going to take Billy to get us those drinks?'
Newell is now wondering what the verdict
of Police Magistrate Andrews will be
The Commercial Ilotel at Seaforth was
also visited on the night of circis day and
six bottles of tvhislccy of various kinds
were seemed by the constables.
This neighborhood was visited last
Thursday evening by the heayicst down-
pour of rain ever witnessed here, even by
our oldest citizens. The deluge, accont-
panied by considerable hail, lasted for
about half an hour, tylti( all 1pw•lj ing land
was co;allietely I1.poded, Mr. Sebastian.
?nrllrigg, near Springbank, had one field
in which the water was twcY feet deep
after the storm; he also bad about forty
good sized chickens drowned. We have
heard of several others who suffered til
wise. The storm apparently went ip sec-
lions, as a conple p.j' ;Wks, gctttlh of here
very little Ervin fell.-?ordtvich Rccot'd.
rpct(or car containing five passen
gees had a narrow escape at the G.T.R.
cr tssiug In Seaforth on 'Tuesday after -
'loon. The cat• which was owned and
driven by Mr. John Eckert a well known
farmer of McKillop, attempted to cross
time track just as the 1.20 train was pang
out, with the result that the cat• sea's. struck
ing the 1paR:Pi1
,gira a nov
shakjngamidshiis, tearingoilpvteels and.
�"pv.b ala{o1y 1ho enRi'ner was able to stop
hi6 engine itt Lime, otherwise the car
ing, And 1\'i3! t;t,i1R41 in EA Sleiitgt Sad that a woui i have been overturned and its occu
fretait;rail!, K'hicl; f lhPwod sour! tim4
lat4r, rap over the hod cat•, ,- " ants seriously Injured. The nalehmen at
yt . } ing it for a
considerable distaneb, the crossing declares that he flagged the
Boys and Girls as Workers
''Every one at work" is the call dur- Inquiry Ordered Into Alleged Violations
ing War Time. The more men re- of Motor Law
cruited. the greater responsibility on
those left at home. ,Men who have
worked hard and paved some money
so as to spend their old age in comfort
will be turning in again to help their
sons on the farina or will step in again
to take tho planes of sons who have
ylainod the Colors, Women, the busi-
est of whom neem always able to do
something more, will be dividing their
time between houeehcli duties and
outdoor work. Young men from the
farm will na doubt cut short their pass an examination and secure a
terra at school or college and lend a license which must de renewed periods
band at spring work and stay with the (ally. It is reported that chauffeurs
farm operations until the crape are whose licensee have lapsed are being
harvested. Large numbers of soldiers employed in • some places. It is also
will get temporary leave. Are there stated that the law regarding the dire
any others who can lend a hand in pro‘ playing of license numbers on motor
clueing? What abo:tt the boys and
girls who have been receiving instrec•
tion in school gardening? A pamphlet
just issued by the Dominion Depart:
rnent of Agriculture sets forth, in Was,
traced and descriptive fofirra 1\(}tv school
garden Wgtk nap hoer" carried on in all
the provinces of Canada. What are
the boys and girls doing now? What
is their education and training worth? Mr. Wesley and Miss Edna Lee return
Hero is their opportunity to demon- I ed to Port Oralbourue on Tuesday having
strate at home in a practical mannse nems home to be present at their father's
what they have been taught at ecko,l, ' tt>sleral,
The boys and girl8 pi; yt\na«da, thou, Airs, Crystler of Delhi is visiting her
sands ire u�j'wi\ er, sru\tld be able to do
thejr in conducting small gardens
at home. Boys' and girls' patriotic
gardens should produce tons upon tons
of fresh, vegetable for their home
supply and they can readily learn how
to put up the surplus for winter use.
What pleasure they can get this
year in growing food in the home gar-
den and thus helping their fathers and
mothers! Production along this line
i t pattlAtiem.
Reports that the law respecting the
operation of motor vehicles is beir g
violated -in certain sections of rural
Ontario and n in some small towns n ill
be investigated by a specialoffIcer who
has been assigned for that duty by
Mr, W. A. McLean, Deputy Minister of
Highways. It is alleged that the at nt-
utory requirements governing chat.ff•
eurs have not heen observed in some
places. Chauffeurs are called upon to
vehicles has not in all eases been res.
pected. Allegations are made that
some care are being operated without
azly Markers whatever, and that other a
boar markers leaned in 1915 with a fig-
ure "5" altered to look like a "0''.
Then what about waste material?
Old paper and rags are needed in our
the ustrieo, so are metals and bottles
and rubber and a creme of other things,
The country needs material and can
not riff srd to have waste, The saving
and use of waste are as important as
production, Boys and girls eau make
money out of scrap.
The soldiers at the front would like
toet news from home. 'lies and
g y
girls can tend them some papers.
Wrap up the papers and mail them to
etre Car,ali.An R=c1 Crtras, 14 t'.yckwl,ni
Street, London, '3. ;\%„ Eng'a- d.
"° Not a Bad Plan.
"What sort of tonna are ;•0u, on �vitlti
your look, \°at1cSSar -
''r lha worsts possilrip. 1,A tact, 1 hnvo
Leer so' titot'ottglrly dlsgrnntled that Shift
Oh'(legvp`1'o1; .spite,"
Hard to Convinc4a,
tiRalrertyl' saki Mr. Dolan, `tare Fitts
woe o' these people that never know
when they're whipped?"
"I nm not, Put t take nobody's
word for it esecl,t the t'toctor''s after'
11:0111810.". r
daughter, Mrs. J. 0. Loundesbury.
Mrs. Thos, Fairservice Sr, is seriously
ill at present with a severe attack of
Mrs, Will Crittenden bf Blyth is spend-
ing a few days with her mother, Mrs, T.
Fairservice, who is very ill at present.
Thos. Grassy lost a fire marc and colt
last week.
Mrs. Thos. G. Guzst of London spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. Wm. Carter.
Rt v. J. Abrcy, pastor of Knox church,
Londesboro, has ptychased a new Ford
Miss B. Brogden returned to London
on Saturday after spending a week with
Merida in the village.
Mr, John Scott has the brickwork of his
new house well on its way toward com-
We are pleased to learn that Mrs. C.
Parsons is able to be around again after
her long illness,
Mr, Jos Wheatley has the brick work
of his new residence completed.
Mrs N. Adams is in the hospital, Lon-
don updergoing treatment there.
1‘.;1•,,,and Mrs. Thos. Fairservice attend-
ed the funeral of thelatter's cousin, Eldon
Nethet'y of 1'3elgrave on Sunday last.
\Xye arc sorry to hem. that Mamie,
daughter of Mr. and M • 9 Win. Ross, is
suffering froth a sec e attack of Grippe
and is trot improving very much.
Mr*, Ball is able to be around again
after her recent illnes",
VVe are pleaded to hear that ltfre. M. A.
Moon is itt provcng and is able to be up
for a few hours every day,
Page rive
.I' going through our stuck. of Rugs -we lint,!
many �,
� and cwf
are going to clean these; out this summer
regardless ofprice. ,
This is a chance of a lifetime for anyone
who is thinking of getting a rug this summer
or fall as the prices on these rugs are much
less than the wholesale price of today.
Summer Dress Goods
We have one of the largest ranges of wash
goods that has ever been shown in this store,
Before buying that Summer Dress give us a
call and see our range of wash goods.
• Prices 15c to 75c yd.
Ladies' White Waists
Th,s is the white waist season. Why not
get one and be in style,
Prices 75c to $3.50
We have the very latest in Middies; both in
cut and colorings. Bia ck and White, Striped,
Khaki, White, and White trimmed . with Bine
and Red.
Prices 75c to $1.25
Serviceable Summer Footwear
The very best footwear we have ever been
able to secure and we know you will like -it.
The easy fitting, comfortable feeling, long
wearing, stylish appearing and low pricing of
our shoes appeal to the economically inclined
shopper as the best footwear values passible to
Prices $2 to $4.50
We want your wool and are prepared to. ,
bay the highest market price Cash or Trade
for it.
.,mr aerm,.G'
J. A. Mills
�, i.rta.�r oat
of the
.•'rt✓:,, s44*t' -
111111 inati
Book, _y
JI Copy for'the next Telephone Directory
closes on the above dale!
X11 Order your telephone now, so that
your name will be in the new issue!
(J Report changes required to our Local
Manager to -day.
The Bell Telephone Co. - of Canada.
rYw�•�1 K t
Leave Toronto Union gtation
10.45 P. 11. Monday,
Wednesday, Friday
For Parry Sound, Su ihury, Port Arthur, Fort
William, Winnipsg, Brandon, Resin 1. Sa ka-
toon, Calgary, Nor h Battlefcr$, +dmcn-
ton, Vancouver an 1 Pacific Covet Points
Tickets and.Borth Eceetvstione rem RITCHIESri COSENS, Agents, or wr°te 13,E L. Fairbairn,
Gen era' Passenger Agent, 08 King St., E:Toronto
°'No :mot;:
There isn't a member of the family need suffer from indigestion, siert
headaches, biliousness, fermented sto�itaeh, etc., if he or she will take
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cleanse the stomach
and bowels and stimulate the liver to healthy aettvity and tone tlp the
whole system. Take one at night and you're RIGH f in the horning.
All Irarrizte,;!5r, oil s,
bsil fgiie L`htrtnberlain Medidins Company, Toronto. t6