The Wingham Advance, 1916-06-15, Page 5a® Thursday, lune is 1310. .1111E WUtGHA. ADVANCE ItXXXXXIOXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIC WoSpeciaIizeon PopolarPricod Outing,Garments N • WE are showing a } Large and Complete range of Ladies', Misses and Children's XWhitewear Garments, also House Dresses made of Jrgood wash Materials, Best Values,alk 8178 -Lades' Waist Sizes 34 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 Inches bust measure 8179 -Ladies' Two - Piece Skirt Sizes 24, 26, 23, 30 inches waist measure Underskirts Full width...well made, trimmed with em- broidery and lace Prices75,$1,1.25,1.50,2.00 Corset Covers Big range of the best styles 25e, 35c, 50c, 75c Towns Ladies' Ni:ht Gowns with long or short sleeves, high or low neck, big value at 75c, $1, 1.25, 1.50 • Princess Slips Pretty styles, for women and girls, Bargains $1, 1.50, 2.00 Ladies' Combinations Exceptional values in New Combinations. See our special values at $1.50 $ 2 Ladies' Drawers Good values in all lines 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c Middies We are showing a complete range of Girls' Middies, plain white and fancy trimmed, all sizes, eight years to twenty, Big value at 75c, 85c, $1, 1.25 See them Outing Skirts Ladies' and Misses Repp and Pique Outing Skirts, snappy styles, moderate prices. See our Specials at 8124 -Little Girls' Dress $1,1.25,1.50 Sizes ,4a t, s, 10 House Dresses Made in good style of Best 'Wash $1.00 Goods, Bargain at H. E. Isard & Co, X X Xi X X X `r✓•� � �`'� .r Ori ✓ W ✓ `'.0 11�✓ J �,/ �•d A/' W ems` � � /� +•`ili�,��/Olti✓1���� �����6�OHd1�0®ilt�/8�� /L� DIVIDEND NO. 36 Notice is heraby given that the usual half yearly Dividend at the RATE OF 6 PER CENT. per annum has been declared for the six months ending June 30th, 1016 upon the paid up Capital Stoic of the Company and the same will be payable at the office: of the Company on and after- July 3rd, 1910 The Transfer books will be closed from June loth to J tine 30th, .bulb • days inclusive. The TRUSTS and GUARANTEE Oe., Limited, Brantford JAMES J. WARREN, President, • TORONTO Calgary E. I3. STOCKDALE, General Manager, At the Camp in London Yee, or in England, would that boy storyours not appreciate TDE ADVANCE s a weekly visitor. It would be like a letter from home. Until July lot only we will send THE ADVANCE from now till Jan, lit, 1017 for only 50 cents. • Can't Fool the Farmer -- Regina, which has tried daylight raving for the last two stammer;, has decided to advanea the cloaks one hour rgain this year. The townspeople will thus line up with the dwellers in the country places. The only difference f,a that the farmer rices with the sun in the busy season no matter what the hands of the clock say. He needs no time -piece to fool him into thinking that 5 a, m, is 6. ' Cromwell and Quinine. We owe to Sir e:Irl routs Markham the introduction 01' qu.inine yielding trees to British India and the conse- quent cheapening of the drug from a guinea to a halfpenny an ounce in Cal cotta, but the medicinal properties of clnchona bark had lona; been known 'They were discovered by the Jesuits, After whom it was called Jesuits' bark Concerning thet, Sir Clements used to relate nn odd cclncidence. Oliver Cromwell cried of tertian Ague, and Ctlipine might have saved him. In the very newspaper In which his death was announced, the Mercurius Politieus there was an advertisement of Jesuits' 'bark for sale. But the name of Jesuit was abhorrent to the Puritans, and hence Cromwell's medical advisers world have nothing to do with it.- I4otld4i# C#r011icle, MYR sss.- we▪ lt New. Spring Stock of ,...a a 1 61. Pap er MMIIIIMMEIMMONINOM -..; •�li 6c to 50c a Roll Now is the time to make your selection when you have the complete stock to choose from. Jl✓'VVEIC..Elt.and C�P'Y'';jCIA1V IV 1. •^ Al♦ M. KNOX f i'hnnet 65 W iitgilarn -.-w NPR weaffle .0▪ 11 1.041.0 MOO 1 •.w QU ,RTERMAST1 R 191ST CAPT. W. B. ALLEN " Born in Hullett Twp., has served four years in Canadian Ordanee Corps, and is Quartermaeter with the 101st. MINNmow FRONTIER LAW. The Magistrate in the North-West Compromised With bootlegger. "Laws is laws, but common sense is greater than all of thein!" A justice of the peace in North- western Canada, noted for eccentric and freakish decisions, thus deliver- ed himself in answer to the technical quibbling raised by a practitioner in questioning one of the magistrate's unusual findings. Yet, north of the fifty-fifth parallel of latitude in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Mackenzie territory, this type of man is found frequently holding of- fice. Here, in addition to the Mounted Police, and for the purpose of hearing such cases as may be brought up, these local justices of the peace are appointed, Generally some old timer of good reputation, and who has the confidence of the scattered population of his district, is chosen. Seldom, if ever, is the appointed one possessed of the least glimmerings of law; very often he is illiterate to a degree. This results often in legal findings that are al- most unbelievable in their ludicrous features. Too, given position and power, instances have occurred where the man on the bench temper- ed justice to suit his own personal interests, as will be seen in one of the stories that follow. With men in the northland, per- haps from the very monotony of existence, the eternal sameness of things, John Barleycorn is in high favor, A bottle of "booze" is the one best visiting card. .And yet, to eine phasize the irony of man-made laws, no liquor is allowed to be sold north of fifty-five. The northland is thus the stamp- ing ground of- the boot-legger — the illicit seller of intoxicants. And be- tween these men and the mounted police is a never ending struggle, On one occasion the King of all the northern boot-leggers, known as "Baldy Red," succeeded in running the gauntlet of the mounted police and arrived in a settlement at the upper end of Lesser Slave Lake with two ten-gallon kegs of whiskey, tt hitherto unheard of amount - to get through with. AA ten dollars a bot- tle, the average price in these dile tracts, the shipment represented a small fortune, for out of this amount, by the addition of burned sugar and a goodly percentage of water, the twenty gallons would be swelled into at least sixty gallong. Shortly after his arrival the hoot, legger was arrested on a charge of illicitly selling liquor. There wast really no direct evidence against him. However, the magistrate found him guilty oft general principles, Now the man on the bench was possessed of an all -consuming thirst. After finding the culprit guilty and delivering a,scathing diatribe on the evil of his calling, the justice eyrie/',; ed the constable to clear the court, While the few stragglers from the settlement, who had, been in attends nce, were moving out, the justice led the prisoner i0tc1+ his own private room. Here, in most dignified tones, he offered the bootlegger his free-, dors on condition that the location of the cache of booze .be given. But the guilty one was equally as clever ail the justice, At the worst hist fine could not be more than a hundred dollars, which sum was as nothing compared to what his liquor would bring, So very politely he refused, But, having gone this far, hie -For, ship was not to be balked, 6,nd after a lengthy parley the whiskey runner was given his freedom in return for half of his stock. Probably with an eye toward future operations in the district and as an insurance for the good will 'of the magistrate, did the bootlegger agree to this, as even halt the cache was worth more than his tine, ��� t i b � t i l� itiitiittitt•� 65 Years in East Wawanosh Mr. James Woods, of East Wawan- leh, while in conversation with the editor of the Standard on Saturday evening, intimated that it was 05 years on May 22nd since the,Woodsfa- rnily arrived in East Wawanosh, cors . ng from garlton County by way of Hamilton and Goderich arid from the latter place to their new home near Auburn, At that time it was a dense fdreet from Auburn to the -homestead tnd when the family arrived at the elan ••aver, they had to bring their b • g togs acroas on a scow at a paint abut where the dam now le, Oo the night of their arrival they witnessed the sew Crest electric storm they have known In alt these yeare. The original Wo- ods family consisted of eight members, of whom three still live and reside on the homestead, namely, Misses Jane, Martha and Eliza. raw families have experienced the bitter hardships of pioneer life as the Woods. Money in those early days was extremely scarce and the mode of conveyance of the necessaries of life meant much time and vreary travel, Flour had to be brought from a mill near Oederioh and sin e danger abs colons supply bac the su orally low, but notwithstanding all these trials incident to pioneer life, the =un of prosperity shone brightly upon them and they are now enjoying the fruits of their early labour,' Myth Standard, CHANGE OF .AGENCY Mr, C. R. Copeland, hav- ing enlisted in the 161st Battalion for overseas ser- vice, his Fire Insurance Agency has been xrarlsfer'red to us, and we hope to retain all his old'custorners and as many new ones as possible. Winghatu, ,Tune 2, 1010 Having sold my Fire Insurance business to Messrs, Ritchie & Oos- ene, I hereby request my policy holders to deal wit h this firth in the future. 0, R, COPELAND Ritchie & Cosens Insur'rnce and 1 -teal Estate Agents for Canadian Northern Ry, J. W. DODD (Successor to J. G STEWART) FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT and HEALTH INSURANCE P, O. Box 306. Phone 108 WINGI-IAM, ONT. ly�i.,•.,rrwwv.w�....•s�nivwv 1 CENTRAL TRATFORD. ONT. You cant Secure a Position If you take a course with us. The demand upon us for tra ined help is many times the number graduating. Students are entering each' week, You may enter at any time. Send for free catalogue at once, it will interest, L.:), A. 21 CLACHLAIB • Principal,.} • ...,..o....••• SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE solo head of a family, or any male over 18 years old may homestead a quarter - section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. Applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the Distrtct. En- try by proxy may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not, Wub-Agency on certain conditions. DfTIES-Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land`in each of three years. A homesteader may livewithin Win m of his homestead on aYfarm of at least 80 acres, on certain conditions. A habitable house is re- quired ex'opt where residence Is performed in the vicinity. Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under certain conditions. In certain districts a homesteader in good Ftanding may preempt a quarter section along side his homestead. Price $1 per acro. DUTIES ix months residence in each of throe years after earning homestead patent: also 50 acres extra cultivation. Preemption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent on certain Conditions. A settlor who has exhausted his homestead right may take apurchased homestead in cer- tain districts. Price $; per acro. Dutio?- Must reside six months in each et three years, cul ivate 50 agrps and erect a house worth 8.31t). The area at cultivation is subject, to reduc- tion in case of rough, scrubby or atony land. Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under curtain conditions. w. W. COitY, C. M. G. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N. B. - Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for -1141: V•Ii Are You Going West? HOmesockers' Excursion EACH TUESDAY March? to Oct. 31, inclusive Tickets valid to return within two months inclusive of date of sale. WINNIPEG and return $35.00 EDMONTON and return $43.00 Proportionate low rates to other points in Manitoba[, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Full particulars and tickets nn ep• plication to agents U. B. Elliott, Town Agent, aertoseesse.weeseetratese NewsPserasos COAL WOOD --FOR SALE 3Y -- R. J. Cantelon Office with Dominion 'Express 00. Phone 199 P. 0. Box 127 itswAParsaftsP4.8.esatfri+►si s AND init=101 Charles Potter PAINTER and DECORATOR Orders left at ROSS' Hardware will receive prompt attention raw......". H. DAVIS lis8uer of Marriage Licenses CUSTOM OPFiZR, WINGHAM 3013 WORK neatly and promptly (ifltla '31J A.l)VA,Iv('ty 0.ixtei:, 'age dive 00.1104 00100010~00,041111141.000.11101.1.10 P'ar RICT NEWS OF JNTEREST Pte. Homer Cantelotr was killed in act• ion on May 22nc1. Ile is the first Clinton boy to fall in the great war, The Kincardine school board decided to not re-engage either of their high school or public school principals, The annual meeting of the People's Salt and Soda Company, Limited, of Kincar- dine, will be held in Toront,aon June 25, A (;rand Trunk freight trait) crushed to death the nineteen mouths old child of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Miles at Britton, near Listowel. A Red Cross celebration for Dominion Day is being -planned at Brussels, It is proposed to put on an old thne program of games and sports. . Rev, J. L, McCulloch, Presbyterian pastor al •Cranbroolc and Ethel, had a bone broken in one of his limbs by a kick from a colt last Wednesday. Mrs, Margaret Busby, owner of the east half of lot 12, con, 3, Carrick, hereby gives notice that all tresspassers in her berry ground will be prosecuted, Lieut, J, G. McLeod. id. D., who for the past yea* has been in the service of the British Arniy Medical Corps, at Alex- andria, Egypt, returned to Kincardine, on Thursday night, The 21th of May sports committee of Clinton has handed over about $1,100 to Lieut. Col Combe, of the 101st Battalion to be used in -buying mess tents and other supplies for the needs of the officers and men. It is rumored that Rev. D. B. McRae of Arntow, Ont , who is to retire from the Presbyterian ministry next fall, may locate in Brussels, where he has a son, Dr, T, T. McRae, and a daughter Mrs. John Ferguson, The selcbration at Walkerton on May 21th, netted about $1300 over all expenses. The money goes to the battalion muds and will be expended in the purchase of mess tents for the battalion. There were nearly 7000 people in the park, Wm; Davidson, 0th line of Morris, has a barred rock hen that is not' satisfied with doing ordinary stunts but is establish- ing a record this spring for blg eggs. The largest was measured. 01x8 inches It will take a good going biddy to beat this, "Singing Jimmy" Hunter, of Lucknow, attended the races here last Friday, and with a little persuasion on "Jake" Miller's part, entertained the audience in front of the grand stand by sioging that old Scotch song, "The Forty-Twa."-Kin. cardine Reporter. Three sons of J, A. Mackenzie, real estate agent of Kincardine arc in khaki, viz: Sergt R. C. Mackenzie, 9th brigade, C. F. A. Bramshott; Pte. W, J. NIaeken- zic A.1 CrI . C ,West Cliff Hospital, al .fl OS 1 p , Folkestone and Gunner F. A, Mackenzie, C. F. A, Bramshott. Rev. George Jewitt of Blyth received the good news last week from his son, A. V., who went to England with the 33rd Battalion that he had received his pro- motion and was now Colonel of his battal- ion taking the place of Col, Wilson, who is returning to Canada, Mrs. Thomas Strachan clied in her 83rd year on Thursday. Her husband, who was reeve of Grey Township for •many years, predeceased her two years ago. Four sons and two daughters survive, The funeral took place Wednesday after. noon to Brussels cemetery. While assisting to run a manure spread- er out of the barn at Mr. Ed. Doepel's, near Fordwich, Johnnie Totten had his riget arm badly twiskd and cut by get- ting it caught in the spokes of one ot the revolving wheels. The doctor dressed the injured member, one cut requiring six stit ches. Rev. D. 13 McCrae of Armow formerly of Cranbrook, has asked for a superan• sated relation, to come into effect next September. Rev. Mr. McRae has enjoy- ed a long, happy and successful period ot faithful service and is well entitled to a relaxati£tn, although still hearty and vigorous. . Rev. J W.•Steven, late of Avenue Road Presbyterian Church Toronto, will have charge of the services in Knox church in Kincardine the next and the following Sundays in June. Rev, M. McArthur is in Winnipeg this 'week, attending the general assembly of the • Presbyterian Church of Canada. A serious outbreak of typhoid is report ed tit Teeswater, is clue to the infection of food or drink in use, C. F. Smalley of the Snuffles Manufne. to [ring Company. Manitouac, Wisc., was In Exeter last week with a view of start- ing a branch factory, in connection with tyre Connor Mach Inc Company, Owing to the scarcity of men the company will partly manufacture the goods and have them finished at Exeter, The annual meeting of the South Huron Liberal Association will' bechele at Hen - salt on Tuesday, June 20th, at 130 o'clock p. m , for the election of officers and other business, Thomas Marshall, M. P. P„ and .the Liberal candidate will address 1 the meeting, All friends of the Liberal cause are invited to attend, The many friends of W. J. Perrin, eldest son of Rev, Mr, Perrin of Hamil- ton, formerly of Wroxeter, were deeply touched to learn of his death which oc- curred at Coniston on June lst, He was an electrical engineer and we understand that his death was due to his coming in coptact with a live wire. Thee remains were interred in the Kincardine cemetery on Monday, June lith, The Highland battalion, long expect- ed for Western Ontario, has been author- ized at length, and according to orders from Ottawa received at the first district headquarters London on Saturday, Capt. W. L. McGregor, 21st. Essex Regiment, as officer commanding, with the rank of lieutenand-colonel, is authorized to or- ganize and recruit the 212th Overseas Battalion, as a Highland battalion, Mrs. Wm, Welsh, Kincardine, passed away on Tuesday afternoon of last week, her death following an illness of several weeks. The late Mrs. Welsh was for- merly Miss Standish, of Georgetown, and before coming to Kincardine resided for some years in Huron Township. Her husband and three married daughters, one being Mrs. James Taylor of Saugeen Road, ICidcardine Township, survive. In- terment was made in the Kincardine Cem- etery on Thursday, Word was received here Monday of the death in Michigan, N. D., of Mrs. Barker Harrison and her daughter, Carrie, who were well-known residents of this village a number of years ago; living where Mr. John Barber's residence now stands. We have no particulars except that the word cane in a telegram to Mrs. Emma Dil- worth, of Minto, from the deceased s son, George, and just stated. --"Mother and sister instantly killed."-Fordwich Re. cord, Clifford Lobb, second son of W. H. Lobb, reeve e e of Goderich Township, has bought Percy Cole's farm on the lOth concession, getting possession November 1. The placeconsists of sixty acresand the price was five thousand dollars; This may seem a good figure, but the farm is well adapted for small fruits and garden truck, in which Mr. Lobb purposes specializing, and in which he has been en- gaged in the London district for some time. This will be the second of the Lobb boys to settle on the pith. The rumor of the death of Pte. Robert N. Nesbitt, who left Goderich in 1914 'to join the first Canadian contingent for war service, has been confirmed by the re- ceipt of a letter from his sister, at London England, addressed to 111r: W. Laotian, of the Union Hotel, Goderich, with whom pie. Nesbitt boarded while in Goderich. The sister had received word trom his captain that he had been killed in action. Pte, Nesbitt worked for two years at the organ factory here and previously at the Western Canada flour mills. He was not tnarried. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Geary met with a sefious accident on a recent afternoon. They were driving down Main street, Seaforth, and Mr, Geary's driver being a colt, he turned onto Mill street until a train that was standing on the siccing should pull out. Unfortunately the gaso- line engine at the clothing factory was running and a sudden explosion from the exhaust just as they were opposite it frightened the animal and it wheeled and plunged into the ditch, upsetting the • buggy and throwing both occupants out. Both were badly bruised 'and Shaken up, Mrs, Geary being the more seriously in- jured. Bluevale Prayer meeting at she home of Mr. Geo. Peacock on Tuesday of this week The Woman's Institute held a very in- structive and entertaining ,meeting on June 8th, all were well pleased with the speaker, the subject. "Our bit or Woman's Patriotism," we all received many helpful ideas in this present busy time. The many friends of Mr. Jon, Sellers, san,, are sorry to heat' of his serious ness but hope soon to hear of an improve - Item, Mrs, Milvert Seller's is very i11, suffer. ing from appendicitis, we all hope she may soon be much better. Mr. John Messer and Jos. 13reckcnridge were appointed delegates foe the Forres. ters to meet at London on June 20th. Wedding bells will be gaily ringing on the Turnberry boundary on Wednesday afternoon of this week. bliss Flossie Scott and Mr. Fraser being the most interested parties. We wish them mini) happiness as they journey through this life hand in hand. The Planner's Institute and 'lVom eta'st Institute hold their annual meeting at Gerrie MI June 21st. we hope to see Blue - vale web represented. We are pleased to say Mr. Gey. Pea- cimproving g slo 1 . ockis p g w y Mrs, P. Scott of Dresscls, has bee 1 visiting her friend, Mrs. iobt, Sleek. 4 g1ALEl) TENDERS addressed to the and+r: signed, and endorsed "'Tender for Supply- ing Coal for the Dominion Buildings," will be received at this oillco until 4 0) P.W. on Wed- nesday, June 28, 1916 for the supply of coal for the Public Buildings throughout the Doman- ion. Combined speotfloatlon and form of tender can be obtained at this Department and on ap- plication to the caretakers of the different Do • miction Buildings. Persons tendering aro tintiOrQ that: tenders Wilt not fro considered unless made on printed forms supplied, and signed \wilt ,their actual elgnatures, Each tender must be accompanied by an an- t bankpayable t a cheque int a chartered 0 Corte 1 chest the order of tate honorable the Minister cf. Public Works, equal to ten per cent (10-p e.) of the amount tate tondo", which wilt bo forfeited if the person tendering decline to enter into a contract whoa Called upon to do so or fait to comp'eto the contract. 11 the tender be no accepted thBqe ehoqueorder, will be returned. R, O. DESROOIDIRS, iledrotary. Department of Public Werke, Ottawa, Juno 7, 1916. Newspapers will not bo paid for this. -sell or� lisetnent if they insert it withou(/ituthority from the Depart,nt tit, Protection, A man who employed a number of boys to oleic raspberries was ignite anx- ious to protect them from mosquitoes, •;o he had vests lu..de to tie down irotuul the neck. The boys were very erantefut for his kindness until they 'n ut that 11 re were ne nosuito s n that locality and also that they ntrldn't cat any berries 'with those tells on, The "pl'otecttolr" tv>1,$ of an' other sorte Men's Spring Clothing 111111011111111111111111111111111111111 If you w t to be sure you are stylish, cor- rectly and i comingly attired this spring and summer, bri ig yourself to us to clothe from hat to shoes, then you will know the job will be done up right at the least possible cost to you, not forgetting of course, that good goods THE ONLY KIND WE CARRY are the least expensive: Suits any man would ap- preciate. $10, $12, $15, $18, $20 --0^-- —0— A Big Assortment of Boys' Clothes Makes the selection of your Boys' Spring Suit a pleasure, New fabrics tailored in regu- lar man styles gives assurance of good service $3.00 to $10.00 MEN'S HATS Good looking Hats for all heads, hats that will prove satis- factory in fit, style and service —0_ -- SOFT HATS AN -D DERBYS in the newcst blocks and in preferred shades $1,50 to 2.50 — 0---- —0— Buy your Furnishing goods here. 'Every new fad and fancy for men, youths and boys can be found at this store. — 0— —0— Raincoats for Men A big assortment of Raincoats at a very low price, quality considered. A variety of patterns and a good range of sizes $6.00 to $12.00 —0— —0— Specials in Men's Raincoats . About 15 Men's Coats, a good strong ser- viceable coat in light olive shade, sewn seams, all sizes,. Regular $5 value for $3.75 each. J. A. Mills PNHOE 89 WINUI-IAM, ONT- trrls�ritm®tea ' ors tI NE IIIIINIMMOMENINI sissmiumissasemseiessottemessnassaannatimassoss II WALTOt MOKIBBON Druggist ,Wingham Expurgating It. "li)tfrec'ifl, what did your father say when he beard that 1 had been hero calling on yon?" "It% sand ;you were ,'t iunnslatll, a mollycoddle and a jolterllead." "Is that all?" "That's s all. Guy -except the 'Ojeda fives." Strategy. "Pa, *What is strategy?" "Web, ny son, suppose yort sh ottl see (t man coining toward you with a borrowing look in his eye; their It is gtrattegy to burry and ask hint for u loan before he can risk you," - The Michigan Special, New Night traits; Between Toronto Detroit Chicago ' Via Canadian Pacific Railway. A new tii(eitt train, "1110 Michigan Special'► now 1eaves Toronto 1159 pan. dairy, arriving Windsor (M. 0. )8.30 a.m. eastern time; Ire. teeth (n . It. 810 n M. •coated time; leaving Detroit (M. O: It.) 823a.m central 130time• arriv- ing Chicago, t;11. C. 11.) reef) p. in, ceetra'1 time. Note the do:reoet-nt hour of departure, ens abling enesengor+) to ),.trend the entire evening in Toroute. reacting Detroit at a most tit Gtr. able hour in the morning. y. ' n crit in ova.) dtt.ti) in la't t 1 nnant is rod td Ing elect 10I glued standLrd sleeping eat', To. ronto Detroit and Toronto- Chiango. Ilarticnlnra (rent any Canadian Pacific 'Tick. 'et Agent, or W. B, lionard, District Pimento, Agent, Totulitlt,