The Wingham Advance, 1916-04-06, Page 8Page eight. 74. x X !i4 $8.75 Our window display this ' X X iX On sale this week, sale price X $8.75. We have your size 104, 1 di X HANNA & CO. I XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ,week a rush sale of Men's Suits, ranging from $15.00 to $18.00. Sizes 34 to 42. at the low price, r Clean Up and Paint Up Ilse an occasional odd hour to do a little painting around the house and farm, Keeping everything pninted is an economy. Paint keeps everything looking epiek and span—it protects your build- ings from the ravages of the weather, and increases the value of your property. There is a Sherwin-Williams Paint or Varnish for every use, inside or outside; for every kind of surface, Ask us for color Garde. A. .j. ROSS HARDWARE Phan e8 •No Need to Send to Eaton's W. A. CURRIE will sell for spot cash, at and below Eaton's prices, anything in the line of Ric; cies, Bicycle Tires and Tubes All new fresh goods this season. Lawn mowers sharpened and repaired at a price to suit hard times. Engines (gasoline and steam) Boilers and all other Machinery sold and repaired satisfactory Baby Carriages re -tired Wingham Machine Shop • W. A. CURRIE, Prop. South of the Farmers' Home W hitechurch Mr. Alex Kennedy of Oueiph, spent a few days Last week visiting his moth- er, in the village. , New recruits—Messrs. Beth flaunt, Archie Paterson and WIlliam Ken- nedy joined the Bruce Battalion last week. Mies McKerroll of Sault St e. Marie is staying with her grandmother, Mrs. A. Kennedy, Fire of unknown origin, destroyed on Sunday afternoon the barn on the farm of Mr. R. Thomson. Remember the literary meeting on Friday, April 7th. The; program is a contest between the married and the single mea There will be no adult bible class next Sunday owing to the epidemic of measles. The guild meeting on Sunday even- ing was in charge bf the prayer meet- ing committee. The meeting for April 9th will be led by Miss Agnes Mac- Kay. No. 10 school reopened on Monday after being closed a fortnight on ac- count of measles. ANOTHER WOMAN TELLS Mow Vinol Made Her Strong BeallsVille, Obio.—r"I wish all eery vows, weak, run .doWn Women could have Vivol. I was *o run-down weak and riervoualeould hot sleep. Everything I ate hurt toe, and, the medicine 1 had ta- ken did me no good, 1 decided to try Vinol, and before long 1 could eat any- thing I tainted and could Bleep all bight. r Now 1 arra well and strong, and in bets ter health than I have bt.en for years." Mrs.Atlo MtLLleoN,l3eallsville,Oltio. We guarantee Vinol for all run-down, weak and debilitated conditions. J. WaitonMcKtbbon Druggist. W'inghttm,Ont, The glair Tonic which hag gained our confidence is lienal ' 98" Hair Tonir. All Recall Drug Stores sell it under posi- tive osi• tiveytr11ar{atttee c- a+td ' et betttee.-.f. We eKtoit, TILE WINGlikli' A ►fi ANO Special School Regulations Iu order to aid the tamer in lair dttTlculty in securing farm help, the Department of E lucatlon bas issued „cline opt►slat reguiutione whereby boys -•1 o tuteielrtl wry mg the, ormolus, lions fentrance to Normal Schmitt end O'.arulties of Education, are al- lowed to work on the forme for one month at, leant, longer than usual, and at •he ti"true time t) gain their caroti uter. ..:an • i wrt`te% th^ remote writ, In June. if girt roddtttens ntc- • coned below are supplied with (1) They roust be recommended by tile teacher fur the desired standing. (2) They must work on farms for three months at least and obtain from their employers a certificate to that effect. (3) They must enter upon their work on the farm between April 20:b and May 20th, In case of bcye writing the High School Entrance Examination practi- cally the same regulations apply. In case a student enlists the same regulations apply to suit the case, ex- cept that he must enlist by May 12th, Students, who did not intend writ- ing Departmental Examinations. but who were looking forward to promo• tions, are to be granted as much con. sideration as possible if they work on tarms between April 20 and October 1 The staff of the High School have considered these regulations and wilt do their best to help relieve the strain and to comply with the regulations. The students, whb wish to take advan- tage of these regulation?, are being asked to remain at school till May 19, however, for several reasons. The work this term has been very much broken up due to sickness and the school bas already been closed two weeks, the students require as much. preparation as possible in order to hold their places in fpture work. Re- cruits are being allowed to return to the farms to assist in seeding and the responsibility put upon the teachere is mucn greater than usual. In case of special need, however, all possible con. sideration and allowance will be made, Wroxeter We are pleased to learn that Pte, Gordon Underwood is recovering from his recent severe illness. We bope soon to tee him in the ranks agafu. Mr. Robert J, Thompson, of Alberta died at the home of his brother-in-law Mr, It, Black. The remains will be buried in Strathroy on Thureday. Rev. and Mrs. Wesley were at Nev market last week attending the Golden Wedding of the former's par. ante, Mr. and Mre. Tboe, Ilopeeroft were in Clifford on Monday attending the sliver wedding of Mr« and Mre. John Posies. While out shopping on Tuesday afternoon Mra, Laird Ioet her puree on the street. It fen into honeet hands. howeter, Reeve Reis found it a few minutes after it Was lost and as the name of the Meney was inside be lost no time in returning it to the owner. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION About fifty of the neighbors and acquaintances met on Friday evening March 31st, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor inorder to express in a pleasant way their appreciation of the step taken by their son Roes, in offering hie servioe for the defence of his country. ` Ross was called forward and the fol• lowing address was read which expree• sed the feelings of the crowd. Dear Ross:—It seems too bad to in- terrupt the uniformity of this meeting by this reading but there are times when we must express the thoughts of our hearts. Our sorrow consists in the fact that you ere leaving us and no doubt will be missed by your circle of friends. We'bave always found you a true friend and neighbor and we are proud that we can call you a hero who answered the call of king and country in order to preserve the old flag. Al- though you will perhaps be far die. tant from 0,e, our thoughts will always remain, with you, We ask you to accept this wrist watch. from ue, n >t for its ins I sic value but that it may keep fresh in you" mind the memory of your friends, It is with a feeling of pride that we bid you farewell, trusting that God will be with you and guard you through your trials and struggles and again bring you back crowned with victory. Signed on behalf of neighbors. Ross expressed his feelings in a very fitting reply in which be thanked bis many friends and neighbors for their kindness. Wi;"r ilA,NI, MARKETS (Correct up till Wednesday noon.) Wriest, nett/ 03 to 9a Flour, per over., Patent., 3 00 to 3 00 Flour, per own. famlly3 Uu to 3 20 13�can, per ton .... 2a 00 to 26 00 'thorte, per ton .6 00 to 27 00 Cate, .... ,...«•,.,,.,„ 0:i8 to 080 N.ay klarla, nyew ,,.,., ...,.... ,,,.,,,. 11 0 0Oil tt) too 015 000 0 00a Baiter, per Ib—Dalry .. 0 28 to 0 80 Flege, per dozen .. , .. , . '1 20 to 0 22 ,c•st•tly, in. (Onto Mir euce 7 00 to 7 20 i tabs, buccttets (*home,. 7 50 to 7 75 Hogs, live weight .......10 25 to 10.00 L•tatb (cwt) 9 00 to 10 00 Hanle, per lb 0 25 to 0 25 Bacon long clear..... , . ,0 Sheep Seine 1 00 to 1 25 Rides 10 00 to 10 00 Mobilization at Clinton Tnuraday of this week, horse show day, will be a great day in Clinton, when the members of the Huron Bat. talion will mobolize there and go through various military manoeuvres, A large crowd always visits Clinton on horse shcw day, but this year it will be larger than ever, as everyone will want to see the soldiers, our own Huron boys, on parade. The 101st Band will add not a little to the inter- est of this gathering. The band is a good one and is daily Improving, 18 new instruments having just been received. The soldiers will be enter, rained to dinner and supper by the ladies of the different churches. each congregation entertaining a certain number in their own lecture -room, All the Wingham detachment intend being present. From Olivet to Calvary The Sacred Cantata, with illustrated views, given hi St. Andrew's Church on Monday evening, proved to be one of the moat enjoyable and instructive evenings spent in Wingham for some time. The pictures, which, were pre. seated by Mr, Petrie, bronght tis into the environment and made us familiar With the scenes and places of which the cantata describes. The precision and intonation displayed by the choir certainly very the showed careful training and the ready response they gave to their conductor. It le impos. eible for the writer to describe the splendid work of the soloiete, each filling their part with pathos and far- vtor, Their eonduotoa was heard after- wards to emphatically state he would not change his soloists for city talent, Mies Reynolds, the organist for the evening, most capably filled a very difileult position. Her acooMpani• Monts were very helpful to the choir, soloists and conductor, The • whole programme reflects favorably Opole Mr. Cowell and he is to be highly eon• gratulated ort the success of his eare- fui training, The soloiete:--Mie* J. Vannorman, Mien M. Currie, Mr. P. Hill, Mr. 11. Pnrkrir, Mr. W. Elliott Mr, U. L. Cowell, Heol delighted the audlenpe. SPRING OUTFITTING We've baited our lines this Spring with the most attractive and the best Spring Clothes, Hats Caps and Toggery that money can buy, We've priced everything as rea- sonable as quality would allow. Clothes that are exclusive stylish and tailored by experts. Hats from Hatters with a national reputation for making the best. Shirts, Neckwear, Hos- iery that's right and the best. We invite your inspection. i Frank MacLean Successor to W. A. Campbell NEW CRAIN THRESHER Charter Recently Granted to a Canadian Company. The Winnipeg Telegram of Satur- day, March 25th, has the following to say of a newly invented grain thresher patented by the Baldwin MaMtufactur- log Co,: A machine that will eliminate the cutting, binding and stacking of grain and reduce the cost of harvesting from $2 50 to about 50 cents an acro, is just as much a revolution in fares machin- ery as was the self -kinder when it was first introduced. Such a machine has been invented by Curtin Baldwin.' of Kaneas, and The Baldwin Manufacturing Company of Canada, Limited, with present headquarters in Winnipeg, formed for the purpose of manufacthrit g the Baldwin Standing Grain Thresher on this side of the line, has just been granted its charter. The president of the company le G. L. Constable, a Canadian. and a reel dent of Winnipeg. Other officers and' stockholders are Americans, including Curtin Baldwin. inventor and prolong- pal stockholder of the Kansas company and other stock holders and directors of the American company. NEW GRAIN THRESHAlt The Canadian company will manu- facture and distribute throughout Canada the Baldwin grain thresher. a machine that has been perfected and proven as much, if not more, of an im- provement and a time and labor saver over the now modern way as was the self binder and thresher of today over the old mowers and thresher's now ob- solete. The Baldwin standing grain thresh- er eliminates the cutting, binding and stacking of grain, is handled in the field by four horses and two men, and hoe a capacity of 30 acres daily. It handles grain in all stages of maturity and gets a larger percentage of lodged grain than any other method. The location of the factory and Warehouse site are not yet definitely decided on, but several Winnipeg sites are being considered. The temporary offices of the Canadian company are at 4013 Sterling Bank building. The President of the Company, Mr. G. L, Qpnstable, le a former Wing- hamite, and at one time conducted the barbering business now owned by J Hewer. East Wawanosh. Cyrus Scott, 8th line, lost a horse last week. Many of the farmers nate started sugar making but report a poor run of the sweet stuff. Me. Joseph Stonehouse of the side• road is recovering tclowly from his recent severe illness. 3no, 1i'ergueon; gravel road, still continue* very 111 we are sorry to hear. Jno. Wightman, gravel, is having the interior of his house renovated which will make it much more sore. fort able. Nom toomaritifteimulfromi BIRTHS lxc ttts--At the parsonage, Morrie, on Wednesday Match 22nd, to Ret. and Mrs. Rivers, a eon. Bt'srrniat•In itiwlo'es on Thursday, Match ltlth, to Mr. and Mr*. liugb ° igiori ,all464fi1/'t FIXINO PHONE CLAIMS Bo(ti r 'i HE Siiow ' Board M� att� at foo ^ . for '1'he eollcetors for doaatibus to tis .. Rttilway der ieb This Purpo#e. Mayer' Thompson, B. Cantelou and A' T. Cooper representing tin' Town °outsell and Board of Trade of (Hinton, were in Doderlcht on Ja'rulay of Iasi Week, where the Ontario Railway Board was in session to consider a tel .^phone conneeti..n between (4oderieh Townships and Colborne municipal telephone systema. For some time it has been felt by the Clinton subscribers of the leell Telephone Qonspany that they have been deprived of their reasonable rights by there being no direct con- nection between (Minton and Colborne and the railway board has issued an order Whereby the Colborne Company is to supply the neceesary material to build a trunk line from Benmiiler to Clinton and the Gaderich Townehip Company will do all necessary work and maintain the line after it is built, By thio arrangement the Clinton eubecribere, also those of all connect- ing lines, will have direct nonnection with Colborne central and Hentnlller for a rate of 10 cents. Helens. Spring cleaning is the order of the day. Two little baby girls came to glad- den the home of Mr. and Mre. Drum - met on Friday, March 31st. Congra- tulations, , Mission Band was to be held in the Presbyterian Church last Saturday afternoon but on account of, unfavor- able weather and bad roade was 'post- poned until next Saturday afternoon at two o'clock. Will hope for a good attendance. Ptee. R. Buchanan, It. Robinson and Jae, Baker of Lucknow spent 'Sunday at their homes here. A number from this burg took in the debate in Lucknow town hall last Friday evening between St. Helene and Lucknow speakore. St. Helens winning a few points. MIsses Clara and Winnie Woods oof Lucknow High School spent the week- end at their home here. Ptes, Alexander Campbell and Geo. Twamley of Lucknow spent Sunday afternoon inthis burg. $1,000.00 *REWARD. For information that will lead to the discovery or whereabouts of the person or persons suffering from Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Mouth and Throat, BIood Poison; Skin Diseases, Bladder Troubles, Special Ailments, and Chronic or Complicated Complain'ts who can- not be cured at The Ontario Medi- cal Irtstitute, 263-26E..Yongo St., Toronto.4Corrospondence invited • Thars(ky, April 0, I 1 Turnberry Agricultural Society have started out With their lists and the fol- lowing donationare now ridded to throw publitibed two weeks ago; Thos Fields .... $10.00 J, A. ..... „ ..... 10,00. 10,00 ftTgt, J. Hendorcon , ..... , 0 000 Howson & Braeklebank 5 00 W. G. (',}rely ... , PO 0.00 Bank ' f I3atniltc n.... , . . . 5 00' Dr. A, J. Irwtu 5.00 If every one interested in the tee welfare of the fall fair would do their part to help put the society in a gond financial standing the fair at Wing - ham, on Sept. 28th and 29th tbie year, and every year to come would be a grand succeee and the means of bring. ing more people to our town. There is no reason why it cannot be marls the beet fair in Huron county as Wiugliaus is possibly a little better eituated than is any other town in this dletrict. Boost for the fall fair this year. An entirely new program will be put on. Contributions may be left at THE AA' v.Ncr office with the Secretary, A. G. Smith, Collector° are requested to bring in their lists as soon at, poseTle, Morris Wm. Clegg, of the 1st line, is not so well again, bat we hope for hie recov- ery soon. Maple syrup is the order of the day. Wirt. Elston, of the 2nd line, is able to be about again. Annie Abram of the let line, who has been under the doctors care, is as well as can be expected. The measles are stili booming a round here. Mrs. Peter McIntosh of Kincardine, is attending ber sister, Miss Annie Abram who ie i11. Mr. Philip Steward and Pte, W, C. Rush, of Lucknow, spent the week- end at the home of Mr. Jos. Robb, let line. Mr. Neil Robb he has rented his fa' m and moved to Stratford where has se- cured a job as fireman on the railroad. Enemy Propaganda in West. German politics are taught by Ruthenian and Ikranian teachers in many of the Public Schools of the province, and all people of this na- tionality in Manitoba aro advancing the German propaganda, according to the statements of V. P. P. I11ladyk, editor of the ,weekly paper, Russian People, He said the Ruthenians did not represent a nation, but a political party, built up by Germany for war purposes, "Any teacher who does this is a traitor,” he said, "and it is a lie that 20,000 Ruthenians are fighting in the Russian army. r will do anything for him if he can prove there are ten," he added, in referring to Ivan Petrushevich, editor of The Canadian Ruthenian, who had claim- ed that 20,000 ,Ruthenians were in the ranks of the Russians. MARRIED CAMERON—SHEILL—At the St. Ar. draws Mans... Wingbam,on Wed°. s- day, March 29tb, Miss Annie Sne1l1 to Mr. John Cameron, both of Turnherry, userommmuil QUEEN QUALITY S The. Famous Shoe for Women Conoid; ered to be the Best in the world New Spring Styles of Queen Quality Shoes have just been received. Queen Quality Shoes are not faddy but just that classy, beautiful, perfect -fitting style of shoe that every women likes, in fact they are as near PERFECTION as shoes can possibly be. We take spepiaEl orders for Queen Quality Shoes in cases who -e we have not got the kind you want or in cases of of pecia]ly wide or especially narrow or for any other reason. W. H. H WILLIS• Sole Agent _ FOR For The .$HO , LADIES Phones, Residence 57 Garage i92. ANNOUNCEMENT We have moved to our new Garage on the Front Street and are in a position to supply the public with a complete line of the follow- ing:—Auto Tires and Tubes, Repairs for all makes of Cars, Presto Tanks, Monarch Gas Engines, Gasoline, Coal Oil, Lubricating Oils, and Grease and a full line of Auto Accessor- ies. First-class cars used for livery purposes. ROBERTSON & TURNER MozrATT--At Langside, on Wednes• 'day, March 20 b, Jane Thompson, beloved wife of Mr. George. Moffatt. aged 66 years. HAMILTON—In Howick, on Monday, March 27th, Margaret Kerr, relict of the late William Hamilton, in her 82nd year. giummousammoMMINSIMMIIIP 20 DAYS assesaasses ,es4..4,oi,-,.; • e MAKE your DOLLAR do it's duty by attending this S31e and supplying all your wants. All wool and cotton goods are inclined to -be much dearer, so get in early on this sale. New and Fresh Stock. Mill {, 9. ". Mill Ends Mill Ends They are good buying while they last Ends Print, Only •" Gingham "t Cretonne " " Towelling oresIse , 20C for 1212 c , , 18c for 12.4c . . only Tgl Dress Goods A big bargain in all wool fashionable Dress Goods, most all shades, worth $r yard for 59c yd Here is an exceptional offer. All our $1,50 to $2.00 Dress Goods, blacks, browns, blues and greens, Sale price , . $1 a yard GROCERIES, All Fresh 13 pounds $est Granulated Sugar 2 Large Boxes i:ddy Attaches for 3 Cans Corn or Peas for . 4 Packages toe jello for 4 Bottles Extract for Comfort Soap for . . Comfort Ammonia 45c Tea, black or green for . $1.00 25c 25c 25c 25c 4c 4n 25c Shoe Values Men's Heavy $4 0o Shoes for " Mediums Shoes for Fine $4.5o Shoes for , Fine $6.00 Shoes for .. fr $2,98 . 2.69 3.48 4.48 . Ladies' Shoes Ladies' Heavy Shoes, Sale . 1.48 Fine Shoes for 1.98 and 2.50 " Fine Shoes Reg. S4 for . . 2.98 Children's Shoes u Gids Boys Boys Shoes . . Shoes . Shoes $3 00 line for 98c to $1.75 98cto1.98 $1.98 Men's and Boys' Suits Clearing all boys and men's bloomers at HALF PRICE suits, pants and Ladies' Gloves and Hosiery Aprons, 3 Underwear, j Corsets, Print White Waists, Middies Dresses at Bargain Prices 13 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar $1 Ladies' Hose 9c pair ��.�.�.�sdrrrir�wNr�ir«rs.rYrrtlw 75c Bleached Table Linen hoc i leached ono R. L ShFeting yd HIGHE T PRICES FOR I QGS AND BUTTER IN TRADI