The Citizen, 2000-09-06, Page 11THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2000. PAGE 11.
Speaker’s stand on Fighting the Green War surprising
By Janice Becker
Citizen staff
For those in agriculture or
involved in groups focused on pro
tecting the environment, the
approach of Pat Tigges, a guest
speaker at a beef update meeting
held at the Brussels, Morris and
Grey Community Centre, Aug, 29, to
Fighting the Green War was some
what surprising.
Billed as a fact-based proactive
environmentalist, Tigges, from
Washington State, did not reiterate
the standard enviro-crisis talk, refut
ing many of the widely-held beliefs
about agriculture poisoning the envi
Though an activist, she says she is
pro-environment, pro-agriculture,
pro-people and pro-technology.
Tigges admitted we do have pollu
tion in the form of “toxic informa
“Ten-second sound bytes are sub
stituted for knowledge. All that bad
news is wrong. The U.S. and
Canadian environment has been get
ting better for the past 40 years.
Things are better, forest growth is
exploding and the animal popula
tions are increasing. Every measure
of the environment has been getting
Tigges discussed at length why
North Americans have so many envi
ronmental concerns.
She said affluence brings the time
to worry about other things rather
than where the next meal will come
Environmental activism has also
become a business for the organiza
tions which speak out on issues,
politicians who respond, as well as
the media which hypes the incidents.
If there is no crisis, there is no
work and no paycheque for all those
in the business of environmental
awareness, she said.
Environmentalists have been
replaced by zealots, lawyers and
“It is about money, political and
social change, not environmental
Quoting from another source,
Tigges said, “There is not a problem
until a government agency has been
created to solve it.”
Tigges stated that there are 70,000
American companies employing
over 1,000,000 paid workers who
deal with environmental matters.
“They have $150 billion in income.”
She also questioned the research
being done, stating most is political
ly motivated.
“They can’t say there is no prob
lem if they expect to get more money
for research.”
In terms of agriculturalists, Tigges
said they are “getting hammered” by
politicians. “We don’t have overpro
duction, but under-distribution. We
have to get that message to the urban
Tigges pointed out how the
improved technology has allowed
North American farmers to produce
high yields on relatively small
amounts of land and chemical addi
tives have helped maintain the soils
Using her home state as an exam-
said that if chemical
to fertilize the
just two of
Pat Tigges
es would be
needed to
feed the cattle. There would be no
land left for crops.
Food production
As part of her mandate with the
EAT First project (Environment-
Agriculture-Technology), she edu
cates people on the benefits of high-
yield agriculture.
With the rapidly growing popula
tion, in the next 35 years the world
will have to produce as much food as
it has in the last 12,000 years to feed
everyone, she said.
“Land use is the biggest crisis,”
she said, as she asked where more
arable land could be found. “Only
one-quarter of the earth is land, one-
eighth is hospitable, and we don’t
grow food on 3/32 of it because of
cities, rock, parks, too wet, too dry or
rainforests. Then the top soil from
just 1/32 is used for agriculture.”
Tigges said there are four alterna
tives to look at when considering
increased food production. The first
is to use more land. However, she
said it could only come from habitats
which have been set aside.
The second option would be to
stop the population growth. The best
way to slow an exploding population
is to increase the standard of living
through quality of food. If children
live to adulthood, there is no social
need for multi-births in a family.
While the birth rate is below
replacement in 77 countries, stabiliz-
*- ing the death rate in developing
countries would allow the birth rate
to drop eventually, she said.
The third solution would be to
ignore the problem. “We can do
(food production) better here she
said. “Seventy-five per cent of the
world does slash and burn or will
take their last animal to feed the fam
Tigges said North America also
has most of the good land here with
one acre producing as much as 2,000
would in the tropics.
Though she noted there are always
cases of mismanagment, she said it
costs less here to produce the food
than to leave it to the Third World to
fend for themselves.
In the fourth scenario, Tigges said
the world needs to produce more
food on the land now in use.
She believes production can be
increased three-fold on the 5.8 mil
lion square miles of arable land. It
would save 6.4 billion square miles
of poorer quality land through high-
yield agriculture.
Her support of technology comes
with the need for increased produc
tion. “As the Third World continues
to gain a desire for meat, milk, eggs
and cotton jeans, we cannot produce
enough for nine billion people (a
projected stabilized population) on
today’s technology.”
If questioned why it is North
America’s responsibility to produce
the food, Tigges said, “The best land
should be used for food as it disturbs
the least number of species. The best
land has the least bio-diversity as it
allows only a few species to domi
Green Revolution
Tigges said the keys to the green
revolution are all under attack.
“Plant breeding technology,
improved fertilizers, improved irri
gation and synthetic pesticides are
needed to feed nine billion affluent
Pharmaceuticals and “farm” aceu-
ticals have created miracles, she
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Jim & Darlene just got back from a
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said. During the 50 years of use, life
expectancy continues to increase.
“We can clean out water-born con
taminants, eat fruits and vegetables
all year and prevent molds and
mildews on stored foods.”
Noting that activists say pesticides
are not worth the risk, Tigges said
there has been no documented case
of a death from pesticide with prop
er use.
“The risks are estimated” she said,
“as there are no bodies to count.
Animals are force-fed. They think a
minute dose over a life time is the
same as one large dose. One hundred
aspirins at one time is lethal, but one
aspirin a week for 100 weeks is not."
She stated that 80 per cent of
American food does not have any
residue (from pesticides) and 10 per
cent is so minute it could be consid
ered organic.
According to the Environmental
Protection Agency, pesticide use has
been dropping since 1979, she said.
Insecticides are down 50 per cent.
Herbicides, which account for 80 per
cent of what is used, don’t leave a
She also extended the argument to
pesticides causing cancer. No cases
have been proven, she said, and age-
adjusted cancer rates have dropped
16 per cent in 40 years (not including
lifestyle cancers).
She attributes the apparently
increasing number of cancer deaths
to longer life-expectancy. “More
people are dying of cancer because
they haven’t died of something else
While disputing the fact that our
waters are becoming more contami
nated, she said science is now able to
find smaller and smaller particulates
in the water. Of course the water can
become contaminated, she said. Why
do you think we have water treat
ment plants? To catch the rare occur
rences. People have been dying from
contaminated water for centuries.
We forget cholera and influenza.
Much of Tigges' philosophy could
be understood through that one state
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Call 748-1914 for entry rules for
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