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The Citizen, 2000-03-15, Page 20
PAGE 20. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 2000. Brussels council briefs Council supports joint venture company Brussels council passed a lengthy resolution on March 6 essentially supporting the formation of a joint venture company for public utilities with a minimum customer base of 15.000. Clerk-Treasurer Donna White is also getting a price from Stratford PUC in the event the customer base doesn’t come up. “Basically it will just be a fall back plan. It’s also good business sense to have documenta tion that you’ve looked at an option.” *** There will be a special budget meeting March 20 at 7:30 p.m. White said this year’s budget for sidewalks and public works was overspent contributing to a deficit of $22,578.52. There is, however still an accumulated surplus of $48,537.55. One thing to be included in the budget is a new tractor at a cost of $47,500 plus taxes. *** Bylaws to provide for an interim tax levies were passed. *** Reeve Ralph Watson and Councillor Mary Strettan will serve on the restructuring transition com mittee. The next meeting is March 15 in Seaforth. *** A request to tum a vacant bam at the north edge of the village into a storage building was turned down by Brian Treble at the county planning department. Saying he “really didn’t like what he had to say,” Councillor Joe Seili agreed to contact Treble to discuss it further. “We’ve got an advantage here, someone wants to come and clean up this building that’s sat vacant for years and we’re going to tell him ‘No.’?” countered Seili. “The building was there before the bylaw.” *** Late fees are due from about 10 dog owners in the village who didn’t get their tags in time. The late charge is $15. *** The village is supplying garbage bags and tags to the Cubs and Scouts for a village clean-up. *** As no one has come forward to chair it the Block Parent program in the village is to be discontinued. White said the signs will have to be collected. *** The Brussels levy for the BMG recreation board is $26,593.23, down from last year’s of $27,498.75. *** A bylaw passed entering into an agreement with the school board for the use of the school in an emer gency. *** House numbers must be in place by April 1 in preparation for 911. *** White will attend the municipal election seminar, April 4 in London. *** A donation of $100 was given to the Huron Plowmen’s Association. *** Several resolutions were support ed. The first from the Huron Federation of Agriculture expressed concern to the province about the crisis facing rural school boards. Also council supported a resolu tion from the Town of St Marys peti tion to education ministry to recog nize the need for a rural strategy of funding for- schools in order to main tain vital rural communities. The County of Brant asked for support to petition the minister of agriculture, food and rural affairs to reinstate the full amount of grant funding that assists agricultural soci eties. *** The village received a $391 glass recycling grant from the Waste Diversion Organization. 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