The Citizen, 2000-03-08, Page 15THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 2000. PAGE 15.
Brussels Livestock report
285 heifers range from $98 to $104
Total receipts at Brussels
Livestock for the week ending
March 3 were 2,177 head of cattle
and 358 lambs and goats.
Fed steers and heifers sold on a
fully steady market. Cows traded $1
to $2 higher. On Thursday veal and
lambs sold on a steady market. On
Friday all weights of calves and
yearlings sold on a strong market at
prices $ 1 to $2 higher.
There were 308 steers on offer
selling from $98 to $104 with sales
to $108.75. One blonde steer con
signed by Earl Foster, St. Marys,
weighing 1,365 lbs. sold to Ryding
Regency for $108.75 with his over
all offering of forty-one steers aver
aging 1,409 lbs. selling for an aver
age of $102.18. One charolais steer
consigned by Ken McAlpine, Ailsa
Craig, weighing 1,435 lbs. sold to
MGI Packers for $107 with his
overall offering of twelve steers
averaging 1,394 lbs. selling for an
average of $102.79. Twenty-five
steers consigned by Paul Johnston,
Bluevale, averaging 1,480 lbs. sold
for an average of $103.58 with sales
to $106.75.
Six steers consigned by Louie
VanHooydonk, Alvinston, averag
ing 1,373 lbs. sold for an average of
$102.91 with sales to $106.25. Eight
steers consigned by Murray
Johnston, Bluevale, averaging 1,376
lbs. sold for an average of $101.18
with sales to $105.75. Four steers
consigned by Rolar Farms, Atwood,
averaging 1,473 lbs. sold for an
average of $100.94 with sales to
$104. Eleven steers consigned by
Gerald Rathwell, Brucefield,
averaging 1,402 lbs. sold for an
average of $100.56 with sales to
Two steers consigned by Jean
Leitch, Goderich, averaging 1,535
lbs. sold for an average of $100.33
with sales to $104.25. Fifteen steers
consigned by Leonard Black, Proton
Station, averaging 1,435 lbs. sold
for an average of $100.13 with sales
to $103.25. Nine steers consigned
by Brian Bearss, St. Marys, averag
ing 1,349 lbs* sold for an average of
$98.55 with sales to $103. Twelve
steers consigned by Schmidt Brook
Farms Inc., Woodstock, averaging
1,538 lbs. sold for an average of
$97.49 with sales to $104.75.
There were 285 heifers on offer
selling from $98 to $104 with sales
to $111.75. One black heifer con
signed by Perry Sereda, Crediton,
weighing 1,130 lbs. sold to Norwich
Packers for $ 111.75 with his overall
offering of forty-four heifers averag
ing 1,238 lbs. selling for an average
of $104.29. Four limousin heifers
consigned by Bill Kerslake, Staffa,
averaging 1,171 lbs. sold to
Dominion Meat Packers for $110
with his overall offering of thirteen
heifers averaging 1,128 lbs. selling
for an average of $103.79. One
heifer consigned by Irvin Schenk,
Petersburg, weighing 1,300 lbs. sold
for $106.
Two heifers consigned by Arnold
Lamb, Goderich, averaging 1,378
lbs. sold for an average of $104.13
with sales to $106.75. Twenty-nine
heifers consigned by Keith Kirk,
Shallow Lake, averaging 1,251 lbs.
sold for an average of $102.95 with
sales to $109.
Eleven heifers consigned by Hugh
Love, Atwood, averaging 1,259 lbs.
sales to $107.75. Eight heifers con
signed by Tom Ellerington,
Centralia, averaging 1,173 lbs. sold
for an average of $102.48 with sales
to $106.35. Eleven heifers con
signed by Kada Farms, Bluevale,
averaging 1,217 lbs. sold for an
average or $101.58 with sales to
$106. Ten heifers consigned by
Lyle and Dave Noble, Glencairn,
averaging 1,296 lbs. sold for an
average of $100.91 with sales to
There were 242 cows on offer. D1
and D2 cows sold $56 to $62 with
sales to $85; D3, $51 to $56; D4,
$46 to $51. One limousin cow con
signed by Steve Moran, Lucknow,
weighing 1,420 lbs. sold for $75.50.
Two blonde cows consigned by
Mike Henry, Brampton, averaging
1,760 lbs. sold for an average of
$70.67 with- sales to $72.50. Three
cows consigned by Mike Wolfe,
Neustadt, averaging 1,267 lbs. sold
for an average of $64.76 with sales
to $71.
There were 14 bulls on offer sell
ing from $62.50 to $78.50 with sales
to $79. One Santagertrude bull con
signed by Derrick Keeping, Ayton,
weighing 1,580 lbs. sold for $79.
One limousin bull consigned by Bill
Regier, Dashwood, weighing 1,945
lbs. sold for $78.50.
There were 243 veal on offer.
Beef sold $110 to $150; Holstein
$90 to $100; Plain Holstein, $75 to
$90. Two veal consigned by Richard
Horst, Listowel, averaging 683 lbs.
sold for an average of $149.48 with
sales to $150. A black veal con
signed by John Martin, Lucknow,
weighing 750 lbs. sold for $144.
Two veal consigned by John Martin,
Lucknow, averaging 702 lbs. sold
for an average of $135.54 with sales
to $137.
Lambs, under 50 lbs. sold to $174;
50 - 64 lbs., $162.50 to $170; 65 -
79 lbs., $162.50 to $173; 80 - 94
lbs., $148 to $156; 95-110 lbs.,
$129 to $155.
Sheep sold $67.50 to $84.
Goats sold $23 to $100 per head.
Steers, 300 - 399 lbs,, sold $123 to
$168; 400 - 499 lbs., $138 to $165;
500 - 599 lbs., $130 to $166.75; 600
- 699 lbs., $117.50 to $144.50; 700 -
799 lbs., $112 to $127; 800 - 899
lbs., $111 to $125; 900 - 999 lbs.,
$100.50 to $122.50; 1,000 lbs. and
over, $91.75 to $113.50.
Heifers, under 300 lbs., sold $141
to $150; 300 - 399 lbs., $122 to
$130.50; 400 - 499 lbs., $128.50 to
$147; 500 - 599 lbs., $11 1.50 to
$142; 600 - 699 lbs., $108 to $136;
700 - 799 lbs., $102.50 to $127; 800
- 899 lbs., $108 to $119.75; 900 lbs.
and over, $87.25 to $109.50.
OFA asks government
to drop fuel excise tax
sold for an average of $102.81 with
Great Food Fast offers tips
on eating balanced diet
With diesel fuel prices at record
highs and very little chance the
price of crude oil will drop for
several months, the Ontario
Federation of Agriculture is calling
on the federal government to
remove the taxes charged farmers
for both diesel and gasoline.
Before the Goods and Services
Tax (GST) was implemented by
the federal government, farmers
were able to apply for and get a
rebate of the federal excise tax, but
that option disappeared with the
introduction of the GST. Because
fuel prices represent almost six per
cent of farm input costs, the OFA
wants the governments to provide
some relief to fanners by removing
the taxes on farm fuels, President
Jack Wilkinson said.
Farmers are paying four cents per
litre for farm-use diesel and 10 cents
per litre for farm-use gasoline in
federal excise tax to the federal gov
Based on OFA’s calculations, a
17 per cent increase in the cost of
fuel for farmers comes down to a
five per cent reduction in net cash
income for Ontario farmers.
“This is something Ontario’s
farmers can’t live with, in addition
to everything else that has been
eating away at their incomes,”
Wilkinson said. As fuel prices con
tinue to increase, he said, farmers
could see 10 per cent chopped off
their net cash income.
OFA has been working with the
Ontario Transport Association
(OTA) in an effort to develop a
joint strategy to take to the federal
government on this matter,
Wilkinson says, and as well, the
Canadian Federation of Agriculture
(CFA) will be providing input
as the effort is intensified.In. keeping with the theme of
Nutrition Month, Great Food Fast,
here are some tips on fast and easy
ways Canadians can make sure that
vegetables and fruit are part of a
balanced diet:
Be a planner. Take five minutes in
the evening to think out or plan
what you are going to eat for the
following day. Are you going to eat
breakfast at home? Do you need to
pack a brown bag lunch? Should
you put some snacks in your brief
case or purse? Do you need to take
anything out of the freezer for din
ner? As simple as it sounds, these
five minutes can make all the differ
ence between a happy, healthy eat
ing day and a grab-what-you-can, if-
you-can kind of day.
No matter how busy your morn
ing, don’t forget breakfast. It takes
mere minutes to start your day with
a delicious fruit shake. Simply
blend 250 mL (1 cup) of fresh or
frozen fruit with 125 mL (1/2 cup)
low fat yogurt and 125 mL (1/2 cup)
fruit juice. Drink up and smile.
For those mornings when break
fast at home simply isn’t an option,
grab a piece of fruit and a whole
grain muffin to enjoy in the car -
this is dashboard dining at its best.
Before you head out the door each
day always pack some fruit or veg
gie snacks in your briefcase or
purse. By having healthy snacks
always in reach, you’ll never go
hungry, no matter how busy your
day. Great portable options include
apples, pears, bananas, clementines,
canned fruit cups, baby carrots,
cherry tomatoes, dried fruit, grapes
and juice paks.
If you bring a brown bag lunch to
work each day, don’t let your sand
wich get lonely. Make it a habit to
throw some baby carrots and a piece
of fruit into the mix.
When dining out start your meal
with a salad made with nutritious
greens like spinach and romaine let
tuce. If your entree doesn’t come
with a vegetable side dish, make it a
habit to order extra veggies on the
No time to cook. Have soup for
supper. Enjoy a big bowl of soup
chock-full of nutritious goodies like
vegetables and beans. Serve with a
glass of milk and a whole grain roll.
Fill your freezer. Frozen vegeta
bles are a convenient and economi
cal alternative to fresh. They are
just as nutritious, keep well and
reduce chopping and preparation
time. Canned fruit is also a nutri-
tious, delicious time saver.
Use your microwave. It’s fast.
It’s easy. It’s one of the best ways to
preserve nutrients when cooking
vegetables. And remember for per
fect veggies, remove them from the
microwave when they’re barely ten
der and let them stand three to five
minutes to finish cooking.
Buy convenience at the supermar
ket. Never before have there been so
many pre-peeled, pre-cut and ready-
to-eat items at the grocery store.
Stock up on washed and bagged sal
ads, baby carrots, celery hearts,
broccoli and cauliflower crowns,
cherry tomatoes, shredded cabbage,
salad bar produce, sliced mush
rooms, roasted red peppers (in a
jar), ready-made dips for veggies or
fruit. Eating more vegetables and
fruits has never been so easy.
Division of Gamble & Rogers Ltd.
Fed Cattle,
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