The Citizen, 1998-07-15, Page 14GARAGE/ YARD SALE G COMING EVENTS COMMUNITY BRIDAL SHOWER for Connie Jamieson Friday, July 17 at 7:30 p.m. at the library downstairs. Everyone welcome. 27-2p BLYTH COMMUNITY VACATION Bible School, July 20 - 24, at Blyth Christian Reformed Chin-eh from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Ages pre- kindergarten to Grade 6. Theme - Son Light Island, Living in the Warmth of God's Love. I Corin- thians 13 verses 4 - 7. Every child welcome for a week of fun. 27-2 FESTIVAL OF THE FLAMING PIG - St. John's Anglican Church, Brussels, Pork Chop BBQ, July 19, 5 - 7:30 p.m. Adults $9.00, Preteen $5.00, Preschool free. Come chomp a chop. 27-2p SINGLES DANCE - SATURDAY, July 18 at the Kin Station, Victoria St., Listowel. Dancing from 8 - 12. Music by: The Country Trubadours. 28-Ip BRUSSELS HORTICULTURE summer picnic on Monday, July 20. Meet at the Library 1:30. Bring a picnic lunch. We will be touring local gardens. Everyone welcome. 28-1 THE FAMILY OF EILEEN (Walsh) Niergarth would like to invite you to an Open House at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Wingham on Sunday, July 19 from 2 to 4 in the afternoon to help celebrate her 80th birthday. 28-1 p COME AND CELEBRATE THE 25th wedding anniversary of Bob and Marie Johnston (nee Bernard) on Saturday, July 25, 1998 at the Clinton Legion 9 - 1. Everyone welcome. Best wishes only. 28-2 FARM TOUR, SATURDAY, JULY 18, McQuail Farm - near Lucknow. Tour starts at 10 a.m. Come see this diversified organic vegetable, apple and livestock farm. Bring a picnic lunch. Sponsored by the Ecological Farmers' Association of Ontario. All welcome. For more information call (519) 528-2493. 28-1 NOW PLAYING AT THE BLYTH Festival: Yesteryear, "A sure fire hit. A dynamite cast!''; Wilbur County Blues, "A romantic comedy of misguided affections." And in the Garage Theatre, the musical comedy Hot Flashes opens July 24. For tickets call 519-523-9300. 28-2 GARAGE SALE - CORNER Queen and Victoria St., Brussels, home of C. Kernaghan, July 24 and 25, 8 a.m. - ? Dishes (some old), clothing, books and household items. Alice Brothers. 28-1p . • . . Osteoporosis 9.1 Society '..:. :.•'.• * • • ' . of Canada Call 1-800-463-6842 for more information. GARY WALDEN Real Estate Sales Representative WILFRED McINTEE & CO LTD. Clinton and Blyth Res: (519) 482-7675 Bus: (519) 482-5991 To view property for sale, see my window display on Main St., Blyth "FOREVER YOUNG" Patrick David Magee Wingham: 17 years Kevin Wayne Rintoul Lucknow: 16 years (KILLED BY A DRUNK DRIVER JULY 1994) Lovingly remembered by the Rintoul Family Lovingly remembered by the Magee Family Members of MADD Huron/Bruce 519-357-4552 irisINTEE Rea Estate 19 Albert St., Clinton 482-5991 ************************************** ***** ***** YOUR McINTEE TEAM Peter Damsma 482-9849 John Duddy Associate Broker 482-3652 Tony & Mary Vanden Hengel 233-3168 Gary Walden 482-7675 OPEN HOUSE Saturday, July 18th 1-3 p.m. Step back in time to this 1901 brick school house, renovated with original wainscotting and ceilings. Claw foot tub, 3 bedrooms, upper loft, large bricked fireplace in living room. 32' x 24' garage workshop. Featured on 1/2 acre of land. $115,000. Dir: 5 miles west of Walton on County Rd. 25, north side. One acre country property with scenic setting. 3 bedrooms, oak kitchen with ceramic tile flooring, forced air heating with central air. OPEN HOUSE Saturday, July 18th 1:30-3 p.m. Spacious 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bathroom home. Convenient to schools and all amenities. Heats easily by gas, well insulated. Survey on file. $89,000. Dir: 193 High St., Clinton - between Kirk St. and East St. Great family home in Blyth. 3 large bedrooms, 2 baths, main floor laundry. Totally renovated throughout. Hi-eff oil furnace (1996). New wrap-around veranda included. Great 3 bedroom family home with insulated attached garage. Patio doors overlooking deck and bird feeders, large modern kitchen with pine finished cupboards, newer gas furnace, 2 baths. Very good condition. Blyth. - - Great starter home featured on double lot. 3 bedrooms, enclosed front porch, main floor laundry room. Single car, detached garage with hydro. Low taxes. Londesboro. rAt.at 14. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1998. X,•••641,,IMN2 r. ,„ ,M0,5 zd• /4", 11.k.5,0P apggafgRWWW4WW0.0".4k%ft11.A44 •r, • : 0:03`'.:MiNIVA§ Ftle. VNE FA TWA VIC& V;M:WW. eAra A?„ xv " • • .4/ ti• HAY/STRAW LARGE QUANTITY CLEAN wheat straw in the field, Blyth- Brussels area. No Sunday calls. 887-6594. 28-1p H HELP WANTED JOB OPPORTUNITY - PART- time worker at Brussels Mennonite Fellowship to work with an active youth group (about 30). Avail- ability on weekends, organizational skills, approachable personality, essential. 10 - 12 hours per week. Salary negotiable. For more information contact Linda Camp- bell at (519) 357-1648 or e-mail (lind.camp@ bmts.com) Forward applications to Linda Campbell, RR 1, Belgrave, ON NOG 1E0 by August 7, 1998. 28-3b HOG FARM WORKER REQUIRED for large farrow-finish swine operation. Duties: breeding gilts, trucking and general farm duties. Must possess good communication skills, ability to work well with others and a valid driver's license. Contact Bob Robinson, Vista Villa Farms Ltd. 345-2317. 28-2 FULL-TIME POSITION AVAIL- able on modern 800 sow SEW farm near Brussels, experience required, good pay for the right person. Call Harry Koelen after 6 p.m. 887- 6549. 27-2 BRUSSELS BASKET WELCOME Service is looking for a volunteer(s) to continue this community greeting service for newcomers to our village. Businesses have supported this in the past. Funds available. For more info call Pauleen 887-9422. 26-3 IN MEMORIAM JEFFERSON. In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Barry, July 11, 1988 and Wesley, husband, father and grandfather, July 31, 1988. Gone but still loved, Missed but never forgot. - Eilleen and family. 28-1 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF H. MILLAR RICHMOND Late of the Village of Biyth, County of Huron. All persons having claims against the Estate of H. Millar Richmond, the above named deceased who died on or about the 25th day of February, A.D., 1998, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of July, A.D., 1998 their names and full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. Dated at Wingham, Ontario, this 24th day of June, 1998. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES Barristers & Solicitors Box 1028 Wingham, Ontario NOG 2W0 Solicitors for the Estate Trustee 26 -3 HIGHEST PRICES PAID for crippled, disabled cattle. Must be alive and drug free (OFAC approved). Winch equipped truck. Phone Earl Lannin, RR 2, Atwood, 519-356-2479 or 1-800-661-0078. 01-50p WE BUY AND SELL LIVESTOCK dairy, beef and horses, crippled and poor- doing cows PAY IMMEDIATELY LICENCED DEALER CLARENCE POORTINGA 887-9747 Canada has one of the highest rates of multiple sclerosis in the world. Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada 1-800-268-7582 IN MEMORIAM LOST/ STRAYED LOST - IN THE BLYTH AREA, Saturday, July 4, a blue electrical cord that coils with chrome fittings on each end. Reward of $25. Please take to The Citizen's Blyth Office. 28-1 FOR SALE - JOHN DEERE 6600 combine, good condition, straw chopper and dial-a-matic. Contact Bob Thomas, 887-9383. 28-3 FOR SALE - Westeel Rosco 5000 bushel bin with unload auger and bin switch, $1500 or best offer. Also Westfield 7 x 46 pto auger at $1200. Phone 887-6750 after 8 p.m. 28-2p SIBERIAN HUSKY - ALASKAN malamute crossed pups for sale, beautifully marked. Phone 523- 9229. 28-1 R REAL ESTATE RETAIL SPACE FOR RENT - Commercial space suitable for retail store or office, Queen St., Blyth - all utilities included. Available August 1/ 98. Phone 523-4700. 28-2