The Citizen, 1998-02-11, Page 9INCOME
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You may also drop off or pick up
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Stitches by MJ, Queen St., Blyth
There are no limits on the
number of RRSPs you can have;
the limits are on the total amount
you can deduct.
According to John Wonfor, CA,
national tax director of BDO
Dunwoody, most people find it
simpler to have only one or two
plans, making it easier to keep
track of their RRSP investments.
If you are investing in assets
which are insured by the Canada
Deposit Insurance Corporation
(CDIC), though, he advises that it
may make sense to have more than
one RRSP with different RRSP
"The CDIC only insures up to a
specified limit of assets with each
member financial institution.
Therefore, by having RRSPs with
more than one institution, you can
increase the amount of your
investments that are covered by the
Ask your chartered accountant
what makes sense in your
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Tips to help you plan RRSP contributions
Self-Directed RRSPs
Are you short on cash but still
want to make your annual
contribution to your registered
retirement savings plan (RRSP)? If
you have a self-directed RRSP, you
might consider transferring some of
your investments to it. This will
allow you to make your annual
contribution without actually laying
out any money. There can,
however, be some drawbacks to
doing this. Ask a chartered
accountant for details.
When to take RRSP deductions
To be deductible for a particular
taxation year, an RRSP contri-
bution must be made on or before
the 60th day of the following year.
Therefore, the last day an RRSP
contribution can be made to be
deductible for 1997 is March 1,
has to be made to your own RRSP,
not a spousal plan, and is in
addition to your regular
contribution limit. Ask a chartered
accountant for details.
Using your RRSP to buy a home
First-time home buyers can take
advantage of the newly revamped
RRSP Home Buyer's plan, which
allows you to withdraw up to
$20,000 toward the purchase of a
house from your RRSP without
paying tax. You can do this as long
as neither you nor your spouse have
.owned a house and lived in it for
the five years preceding the
The money you take out is
considered a loan, which must be
repaid over a period of 15 years or
less. If the required repayment is
not made in the timeecified the sP ,
1998.a mount outstanding will be
RRSP contributions do not have included in income. Ask a
to be deducted in the year in which chartered accountant for details.
they are made, however. They can Using unused
also be deducted in any future year. RRSP contribution room
You might consider deferring the If you don't make an RRSP
deduction of your contribution if contribution this year or you
you don't have much taxable contribute less than your maximum
income in the current year and limit, the unused amount is carried
using it in a year when your forward and can be used in any
marginal tax rate is higher. You future year. Under previous rules,
will then save more in taxes. But you could carry forward your
there are other factors to consider unused contribution room for only
before doing this. Ask a chartered seven years. The 1996 Federal
accountant for details. budget eliminated this restriction.
Extra RRSP contributions The RRSP contribution room that
If you will receive or have Revenue Canada shows on your
received an amount from a former Notice of Assessment includes all
employer on your dismissal or your unused room from prior years.
retirement in 1997, you may be Ask a chartered accountant how to
eligible to contribute extra money use your unused contribution room
to your RRSP or registered pension to save the most taxes.
plan (RPP). This extra contribution How many RRSPs?
Are you investing enough?
Over half of Canadians (5/9 per their RRSP little 1.4 little every
cent) are unaware of their RRSP year.
contribution limit for this year, and
"Those who contribute sooner
fewer than four in 10 plan to rather than later — even if they have
maximize their RRSP contributions to take out a loan — typically
this year, according to this year's benefit more from the power of tax-
Scotiabank Investment Poll, free compounding of interest. And
conducted by Goldfarb Consultants this should be reflected in the
and released in December, 1997. ultimate size of their RRSP
Still, more than eight in 10 (85.6 portfolio," said Armstrong.
per cent) of Canadians who are not- The Scotiabank survey found that
yet-retired expect to live better or most people expect to earn at least
the same in retirement. nine per cent on their investments.
"Clearly, there's a disconnect "Therefore, if they can earn more
here," says Bruce Armstrong, than six per cent on their
Scotiabank's director of retirement investment, they'll come out even
services. "The majority of further ahead by borrowing," said
Canadians expect to maintain or Armstrong.
improve their standard of living in
retirement, yet they do not appear
to be using all the tools available to
them to maximize their unused
RRSP contribution room, and the
amount continues to grow.
Armstrong is particularly
concerned about Canadians' lack of
propensity to borrow. Of those who
have never borrowed to make an
RRSP contribution, more than eight
in 10 *(82.6 per cent) said they are
not likely to take out a loan to
make an RRSP contribution.
Armstrong otters two good tips
when borrowing to invest in an
RRSP - using the tax refund to pay
down the loan and keeping the
loan's repayment period to a
minimum. That way, a person's
investment immediately starts
generating returns, which accrue
tax-free until retirement, and the
loan is repaid as soon as possible.
Even factoring in RRSP loan
interest costs, Armstrong says a
person could expect to earn greater
RRSP returns by catching up on
their unused RRSP contributions —
rather than trying to catch-up on
RRSP's 1 1 I I 1
Karen Kleist Pauline Atton
357-4378 335-3979
224 Josephine St.
WINGHAM • 357-2669
WHERE YOU BANK, do they allow you to share in the
profits they make? Or do they keep it for themselves?
WHERE YOU BANK, do they reinvest your deposits in the
Community? Or do they send it to a Head Office or to a
foreign country?
WHERE YOU BANK, do they insure each and every
individual RRSP's or RRIF you have to $60,000.00? Or do
they only insure the total of all RRSP's or RRIF's to
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