The Citizen, 1998-02-04, Page 23A Look at Agriculture
Rotation, Rotation, Rotation
Ralph deVries, Crop Consultant
with Howson & Howson Ltd.
Ontario soybean acreage
exceeded corn acreage in 1997.
The doubling of soybean acreage
in the past 10 years has resulted in
dramatic shifts in crop rotation
practices on Ontario- farms. Many
farms which 20 years ago had
rotation involving two or more
consecutive years of corn, now
have rotations which contain two
or more consecutive years of
Many cash crop farmers have
also dropped winter wheat from
the three-year rotation system
corn-soybean-wheat which was
popular during the 1980s. Aside
from soybean disease concerns,
the two biggest risks with increas-
ing the frequency of soybeans in
crop rotations are loss of soil
structure and limiting potential
corn and soybean yields.
Ontario's rotation research has
clearly indicated increased corn
yields when corn is rotated with
other crops. Highest yields
occurred when forage legumes
(i.e. alfalfa or red clover) precede
corn in rotation. Research conduc-
ted by Doug Young of RCAT
observed corn yield responses to
rotation were up to 30 per cent
higher than continuous corn on
medium and fine-textures soils in
Southwestern Ontario.
Long-term rotation research
near Elora (1980-1997) by the
University of Guelph has also
found substantial corn yield
increases when corn is rotated
with other crops. Yield responses
to rotation were even higher in
conservation (i.e. chisel plow)
tillage systems than with tradi-
tional moldboard plowing on this
silt loam soil.
Research results demonstrate
that first-year corn yields after
wheat averaged about 10 per cent
higher than those with continuous
corn. Corn yields were increased
an additional seven per cent when
the wheat was underseeded with
red clover. In fact, red clover plow-
down resulted in corn yields which
were similar to those obtained after
keeping the red clover for an extra
year to harvest as a seed crop and
two years of alfalfa.
The benefits of including wheat,
and especially wheat plus red
clover, may persist beyond just the
following year. For example,
underseeding red clover into
wheat at Elora resulted in second-
year grain corn yield increases in
the moldboard system which were
almost as large as those observed
for first-year corn. In addition,
soybean yields during the third
year after underseeding red clover
were also higher than when red
clover is not included in the four-
year rotation systems.
Larger corn yield increases can
be expected when rotations
include winter cereals rather than
just corn and soybeans, especially
when the cereal is underseeded
with red clover.
Planting more and more
soybeans is increasing the
susceptibility of Ontario's soils to
erosion. In fact, the structure of
soils in corn-soybean rotations can
actually be poorer than soils which
are in continuous corn production.
The economics of any rotation
system are entirely dependent on
assumptions made about yield
levels, relative crop prices and
whether crop input prices and/or
timeliness of operations are
affected by rotation choice. Higher
corn yields, when rotated, usually
result in substantially greater
returns compared to when planted
continuously. Based on the
assumptions resented, inclusion
of wheat improved returns relative
to the corn-soybean rotation
almost everywhere.
Ontario rotation research
suggests that underseeding red
clover enhanced profitability of
the rotations relative to just wheat
alone. In fact; the value of higher
corn yields alone due to
underseeded red clover was
usually at least twice the $15/ac
underseeding cost. This does not
take into account the cost savings
associated with reduced N
requirements for corn which could
be applied most years. Neither was
there any income added to the
wheat crop for any sale of straw.
Clearly Rotation results in a
more profitable cropping system.
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TUESDAYS 9:00 a.m. Finished
Cattle & Cows
THURSDAYS 9:00 a.m. Bob Calves
Veals followed
by Goats
Sheep & Lambs
FRIDAYS 10:00 a.m. Stocker Cattle
1:00 p.m. Pigs
BRUSSELS 887-6461
Brussels Livestock report
Fed steers, heifers sell on very strong market
The sales at Brussels Livestock
for the week ending Jan. 30 were:
fed cattle, 508; cows, 341; veal and
bob calves, 306; lambs and goats,
67; stockers, 2,072.
The fed steers and heifers traded
on a very strong market. The cows
sold steady to last week. Veal
traded $2 lower with lambs selling
on a steady market. Calves sold $2
lower with yearlings selling barely
There were 319 steers on offer
selling from $89 to $98 to the high
of $103.50. Thirty-one steers
consigned by Murray Forbes Farms
Ltd., Clinton, averaging 1,387 lbs.
sold for an average of $93.76 with
a limo steer weighing 1,295 lbs.
selling for $103.50 to St. Helen's
Packers. Thirty-two steers
consigned by Cunningham Farms,
Lucan, averaging 1,450 lbs. sold
for an average of $92.94 with sales
to $103.25. One limo steer
consigned by Allan Thorton,
Gorrie, weighing 1,095 lbs. sold for
Twelve steers consigned by
Schmidt Brook Farms Inc.,
Woodstock, averaging 1,558 lbs.
sold for an average of $91.13 with
sales to $99. Thirty steers con-
signed by Kada Farms, Bluevale
averaging 1,313 lbs. sold for an
average of $93.11 with sales to
$98.75. Nine steers consigned by
Ross Battin, Monkton, averaging
1,341 lbs. sold for an average of
$91.55 with sales to $98.50. Four
steers consigned by Machan
Construction, Monkton, averaging
1,470ribs. sold for an average of
$90.33 with sales to $96.
Three steers consigned by Bev
Hamilton, Hensall, averaging 1,431
lbs. sold for an average of $91.66
with sales to $95.75. Twenty-one
steers consigned by Howard
Martin, Brussels, averaging 1,473
lbs. sold for an average of $90.37
with sales to $95.25. Eight steers
consigned by Murray Shier, St.
Marys, averaging 1,307 lbs. sold
for an average of $88.72 with sales
to $95.25.
There were 164 heifers on offer
selling from $89 to $98 to the high
of $98.75. Ten heifers consigned
by Ron Smith, Denfield, averaging
1,232 lbs. sold for an average of
$91.10 with a gold weighing 1,115
lbs. selling to St, Helen's Packers
for $98.75. Five heifers consigned
by John Smuck, Wingham,
averaging 1,132 lbs. sold for an
average of $93.92 with sales to
$97. Five heifers consigned by
Mery McPherson, Orangeville,
averaging 1,230 lbs. sold for an
average of $90.68 with sales to
$95.25. Two heifers consigned by
Lois Kerr, Palmerston, averaging
1,123 lbs. sold for an average of
$90.80 with sales to $95. Two
heifers consigned by Albert Miller,
Lucknow, averaging 1,173 lbs. sold
for an average of $92.84 with sales
to $94.25. Six heifers consigned by
Lloyd Weppler, Ayton averaging
1,354 lbs. sold for an average of
$89.87 with sales to $94.
Four heifers consigned by Fred
McClure, Walton, averaging 1,031
lbs. sold for an average of $90.74
with sales to $93.50. Two heifers
consigned by Mike Kerz,
Palmerston, averaging 1,157 lbs.
sold for an average of $89.76 with
sales to $93.25. Five heifers
consigned by Gerry McPhee,
Auburn, averaging 1,094 lbs. sold
for an average of $91.11 with sales
to $92.25. Four heifers consigned
by Gordon Dougherty, Goderich,
averaging 1,186 lbs. sold for an
average of $90.67 with sales to
There were 341 cows on offer
selling from $37 to $56 to the high
of $69. Three black cows
consigned by Jack Culbert,
Dungannon, averaging 1,145 lbs.
sold for an average of $65.30 with
sales to $72.50. Two limo cows
consigned by Irvin Schenk,
Petersburg, averaging 1,580 lbs.
sold for an average of $65.89 with
sales to $69. Two cows consigned
by Bill Aitcheson, Chatsworth,
averaging 1,310 lbs. sold for an
average of $63.85 with sales to
There were 18 bulls on offer
selling from $51 to $56.50 to the
high of $77.75. Two bulls
consigned by Kada Farms,
Bluevale, averaging 1,905 lbs. sold
for an average of $77.61 with sales
to $77.75. One limo bull consigned
by Jimonika Farms, Teeswner,
weighing 1,610 lbs. sold for $70.
There were 306 veal and bob
calves on offer: Beef sold $95 to
$133; Holstein, $85 to $95; Plain
Holstein, $75 to $85. Six veal
consigned by Albert Hessels,
Wingham, averaging 693 lbs. sold
for an average of $110.76 with
sales to $133. Four veal consigned
by Matt Townsend, Londesboro,
averaging 651 lbs. sold for an
average of $124.39 with sales to
$126. Five veal consigned by Jane
Van Sickle, Ripley, averaging 637
lbs. sold for an average of $112.31
with sales to $126.
Lambs, 50 to 79 lbs., sold $170
to $172.50; 80 - 94 lbs., $146 to
Sheep sold $52.50 to $75.
Goats sold $20 to $105.
Steers, under 400 lbs., sold $104
to $125; 400 - 499 lbs., $98.50 to
$129.50; 500 - 599 lbs., $98. to
$128.50; 600 - 699 lbs., $99.75 to
$126.50; 700 - 799 lbs., $97.50 to
$117.50; 800 - 899 lbs., $94.50 to
$115; 900 lbs. and over, $87.75 to
Heifers, 300 - 399 lbs., sold
$87.50 to $122; 400 - 499 lbs., $84
to $115; 500 - 599 lbs., $94 to
$116.75; 600 - 699 lbs., $85 to
$105.25; 700 - 799 lbs., $78 to
$107.75; 800 - 899 lbs., $85 to
$97.50; 900 lbs. and over, $79.50
to $95.
Plain stockers sold $50 to $65.