The Citizen, 1997-02-26, Page 15THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26,1997 PAGE 15.
Duff’s United parish hears about end of violence
Leona McDonald greeted
worshippers at Duff’s United
Church on Feb. 23.
Rev. James Murray gave the Call
to Worship and the congregation
joined in singing Joyful Joyful We
Adore Thee. Geoffrey Banks read
the gospel lesson. The choir sang a
Lenten hymn called Wonder and
Rev. Murray called the young
worshippers forward. He read them
the story about Abraham and Sarah.
They learned that Abraham and
Sarah were in covenant with God as
He made promises to them. He told
Abraham that he would be father to
many nations and that Sarah, would
be mother to many nations as well.
He told them to trust Him. He even
promised them a child although
Abraham and Sarah laughed at that.
Sarah did deliver a baby boy named
Isaac, which means laughter. God
always keeps His promises, Rev.
Murray said.
His sermon was called, 'Pick up
your Cross'. For Rev. Murray, one
of the most stirring moments in the
whole Bible is when Jesus gives
the invitation for people to come
and be his disciples. Yet, he said,
the scene is incomplete because it
never says how the people receive
the invitation. Jesus said, "If you
want to become my followers, let
them deny themselves and take up
their cross and follow me. For
those who want to save their life
will lose it and those who lose their
Boomeronics and Our Investments
By Linda Henhoeffer
Financial Advisor
When the cold winter wind howls snow against our kitchen windows,
most of us Canadians like to snuggle up to a good book. I have just read
David Foot's newest book Boom Bust and Echo. I recommend that
everyone reads this book, especially parents and teachers.
David Foot is an economist and an expert in demographics.
Demography is the study of human populations; for example, how many
seniors are there in Canada aged 100 or older? Knowing how many babies
were bom this year in their community will help school boards plan the
number of kindergarten teachers they will need to hire in five years. In his
book, David Foot proves that the use of demographics is a powerful tool
to help us understand the past and to foretell the future.
The Baby Boomers
After World War II, Canada, USA and Australia experienced a huge
increase in babies. Between 1946 and 1966, nine million babies were bom
in Canada. These 'ba,by boomers' are one-third of the Canadian
population. Whatever they do causes a tremendous wave in the Canadian
In the 1950s, elementary schools were built to handle the larger number
of students. In the 1960s, new high schools were constructed and in he
1970s universities expanded their facilities? Then came the real estate
Real Estate - Boom and Bust
During the 1970s, housing prices started to rise dramatically. At this
time, the first baby boomers were finishing their schooling, getting
married and settling into their new homes. As more of the baby boomers
'nested', the demand for houses drove prices higher and higher.
Of course, the demand for borrowed money to finance all these
mortgages also pushed interest rates higher and higher. By the 1980s,
everyone assumed this story would continue indefinitely. But, by 1989
most of the baby boomers had bought their homes and since there were
fewer babies bom after them, i.e. the baby bust, the demand for housing
plummeted. The Canadian economy also went into a severe recession at
this time, further dampening the housing market.
David Fool uses demographics in his book to predict housing prices will
remain fairly stable into the new century as there will be little demand for
housing by the 'baby bust' generation.
Interest Rates
During the peak house-buying years by the boomers in the 1970s and
1980s, the demand for borrowed money to finance their mortgages was
extremely high. This pushed interest rates to unprecedented highs. Today,
the oldest of the baby boomers are turning fifty and they are starting to
save money for their retirement. This reduces the demand for borrowed
money. Instead, there is a surplus of money needing to be invested. This
will push interest rates even lower.
Mutual Funds
With lower interest rales, baby boomers are turning to other investments
to save for their retirement. According to Garth Turner's statistics,
Canadians have invested $220 billion in mutual funds! David Foot
suggests today's students should consider a career in financial
management as this is one of the fastest growing industries in Canada.
There are many changes in our lives today. Reading David Foot's book,
helps us to understand why these changes are happening. Then we will be
better prepared for them and perhaps we can even turn them to our
life for my sake, and for the sake of
the gospel, will save it."
Rev. Murray asked, "Who among
us honestly desires to lose
themselves? What many of fool
seeks the death penalty as the
natural consequence of their faith
in God? It was the death penalty for
political crimes of treason."
The apostle Peter was upset with
Jesus for saying this. It made it
hard to follow Jesus. Most people
won't willingly die for something
they don't understand, or believe in.
But if they do believe in it, no price
is too dear. In today's social
environment, there are very few
ideas people are willing to die for.
The largest social uprising in the
country in this decade was all the
letters and phone calls which were
sent to Ottawa to protest increases
in Cable TV rates, Rev. Murray
said. "One could say that this is
truly our great concern in our lives
today. Not the future of our nation,
but that we are comfortable and can
enjoy our TV in peace."
Martin Luther King, a Baptism
minister who led the American civil
rights movement in the 60s, wrote,
"A man dies when he refuses to
take a stand for that which is right.
A man dies when he refuses to take
a stand for that which is true. So we
are going to stand up right
here...letting the world know we
are determined to be free."
It has become significant, Rev.
Murray said, to realize that an
ultimately violent event lies at the
centre of faith, a very violent cross.
The cross kills. "Pick up that which
is killing you, and live the life that
God has given."
"The cross, to James, represents
the tragic violence which ends all
need of violence. For it takes a
senseless act of violence for us to,
realize how senseless all violence
truly is. If we pick up our cross,
and lose our life, we can find it in
Jesus and God."
Walton WI marks event
Continued from page 14
Readings told of the history of
the institute foundation. The past
branch work of reaching out into
the community and the work at the
hall were recalled.
The president spoke of events in
the future that the branch will
undertake - a hall log book, WI
members autobiography written,
and a 100 idea for the community
(Bulbs or trees, etc.).
Collection was to Headquarters
Members were pleased that
Marjory Humphries was a winner
of a Centennial Award given to 100
outstanding WI members at the
branch level. Congratulations.
The lunch was interesting as it
was made up of goodies.that would
have been served 100 years ago,
Johnny Cake with maple syrup,
gingerbread cake with whipped
cream, sugar cookies and baking
powder biscuits with jam.
Grey council
Continued from page 14
$110,989.70 or 6.7 per cent of the
tax collector's roll.
In other business council
approved a grant of $350 to the
Cranbrook Cemetery for 1997.
The next regular meeting of
council is scheduled for March -3 at
9:30 a.m.
"Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country"
The Baby Boom Advantage
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* at MVCA, Wroxeter
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Linda Henhoeffer
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