The Citizen, 1995-05-10, Page 23Child's play
Doing his part to raise funds for St. John's Anglican
Church in Brussels, Brandon Blake takes a sip of some
refreshment while enjoying the warm weekend weather.
Mennonite pastor
talks about doubt
Rev. Tim Purvis, Interim Moderator
11:00 a.m. - Morning Service
- Sunday School
9:30 a.m. - Belgrave Service
We welcome you to come and worship with us.
Rev. Cameron McMillan
Church Office 887-6259
11:00 a.m.
Manse 887-9313
Family Worship Service
"Love One Another"
Sacrament of Baptis¤mm
9:30 a.m. Ethel Morning Worship
Church School
1945 - 1995
Praise to the Lord, who, when tempests their warfare are waging,
biddeth them cease and turneth their fury to peace
You are wet-come this Sunday
Morning Prayer BCP
Ms Nancy Beale, Lay Pastor
Trinity, Blyth
St. John's, Brussels
9:30 a.m. 11:15 a.m.
Sunday 10 a.m. - Family Bible Hour
11 a.m. - Morning Service
8 p.m. - Evening Service
Wednesday 8 p.m. - Prayer & Bible Study
Friday 7:30 p.m. - Youth - Pastor Bob Lewis, 526-7441
You are `Welcome at
9:45 a.m. - Sunday School for Children and Adults
11 - 12:15 - Morning Worship
Bible Studies - Wednesday 10 a.m. & 7:30 p.m.
Phone 523-4590 McConnell St., Blyth
HIGHWAY 4, BLYTH--523-9233
Sunday 10:00 a.m. & 7:30 p.m.
Rev. Adrian A. Van Qeest
The Church of the "Back to God Hour" and "Faith 20"
Back to God Hour 10:30 a.m. CKNX Sunday
Faith 20 5:30 a.m. Weekdays, Global T.V.
MI 'Visitors Welcome Wheelchair accessible
From the Minister's Study
Ever been to a church funeral?
Pastor Tom Warner preached
from John 20: 19-31 on Sunday,
May 7, at Brussels Mennonite
Fellowship. He pointed out that
having doubts is not the same as
not having faith. Doubts can often
spur one on to greater under-
standing as one seeks out the truth.
Pat Pietrek was worship leader,
Mervin Lichty was song leader, and
Anne Hemmingway was pianist.
Continued from page 3
50th year celebration of World War
H. He told them the significance of
wearing the poppy. Men went over
to help protect people and to
establish freedom. It is important to
think about heroes in our faith and
in our church such as at Easter time
when we think of Jesus giving his
life, he said.
Psalm 23 was read, followed by
Gloria Patri. The anthem Great is
the God of Love was rendered by
the choir, accompanied by Barb
Bosman at the piano.
New Testament lesson, Acts 13:
15-16, 26-33, was read by Harvey
Snell. Rev. Huntley's sermon theme
was "Good News". Paul, speaking
to his brothers in the life of the
church there, begins by telling the
good news. The Christian story
(message of salvation) is told and
retold. The good news of the gospel
is that forgiveness of sins and
freedom from guilt are available to
all through faith in Christ.
Jesus' words were good news
because they offered freedom,
Amy Demaray played a piano solo
for the offertory.
The Grade 7/8 group enjoyed an
evening of bowling and fellowship
at Kochs on Friday evening, and
will have a games night next Friday
evening at Warners.
Next Sunday will be baby
dedication for the Metzger and
Siemon babies. A fellowship meal
will follow the Christian Education
hope, peace and eternal life with
God, Rev. Huntley said. However,
all news is not good news. The mt
damaging of bad news is gossip.
When you hear bad news, don't
think there is no hope for the
future. Remember God has ultimate
control and will come back to make
everything right.
Hymn Saviour Like a Shepherd
Lead Us was sung.
Presentation of Mission gifts
from the Senior and Junior Youth
Groups was made by Kim
Ferguson and Lorna Fraser.
Minute for Missions was read by
Kathy Fraser, followed by the
pastoral prayer and the Lord's
The closing hymn Stand Up,
Stand Up for Jesus was sung.
The UCW meeting is Thursday,
May 11 at 2 p.m. There is a Mother's
Day Tea on May 24 at 8 p.m.
Prayers are with those in
hospital: Mollie Grant, Wingham
Hospital; Grace Easom, St.
Joseph's Hospital, London; Ruby
Pattison, Clinton Hospital.
By James H. Carne, Pastor,
The Missionary Church, Auburn
Have you ever been to a church
funeral? I don't mean a funeral in
the church, but a funeral for the
church. I have been to a couple and
I can tell you that they are always a
sad affair.
How necessary is the church?
Canadians would be some upset if
their health and pension plans were
to succumb in these dark days of
fiscal restraint, but, does it concern
the average person that, in many
places, the church is disappearing?
The church is disappearing.
In our little village there used to
be five of them; now there are two.
In more and more villages, where
the church was considered, once, so
essential that it was among the first
buildings erected, there are none
left. Does it matter?
Many people wouldn't notice that
the church had died because it has
not been a meaningful part of their
lives. They have not needed it
except on those occasions when a
preacher was required to marry or
bury. A number more would miss
it, belatedly, because they have
depended upon it to teach their
children spiritual and moral truths,
something which they, themselves,
have felt unqualified to do. Some
who have been quite casual about
the church would miss it for
nostalgic reasons; their forbears
were among the founding fathers
and have been pillars in it for
I know a number of people,
however, for whom the church is a
vital part of their lives, and they
demonstrate that fact by their
devotion to it. They don't send their
children to Sunday School, they
Duet sings
at Auburn
Mary Stoll and Virginia Stright
sang a duet at Auburn Missionary
Church on Sunday, May 7. Their
singing of The King is Coming was
enjoyed by all.
Pastor Carne's message
"Fashioning The Future", had
scripture from Philippians 3: 7-14.
Today is a new day; a day to
change things; a day to make
something profitable out of it, he
said. We must bury that which is
behind. We Can sweep things under
the rug but they re-appear again.
Forget failures.
The devil can take any problem
and make it a spiritual problem,
Pastor Came said. "We need to call
a moratorium on our failures."
If we want to fashion the future
we must lose our laurels, he said.
The devil can attack you on your
talents and pride will take over.
People should focus on the
future. They should be concerned
that God gets all the glory.
Constructive criticism should not
knock people down. No one should
take delight in his own criticism.
Press on toward the goal to win
the prize for which God has called
you heavenward in Christ Jesus,
Pastor Came said.
The congregation gathered for
lunch after the morning service to
honour Bob Lewis, who received
his BRE degree from Emmanuel
Bible College in Kitchener last
The congregation was happy to
hear that Dave Rolston is greatly
improved since he was taken to
University Hospital in London
early last Monday morning.
take them. The men don't believe
that the church is just for women
and children; they assume their
proper place as the spiritual head of
the family by taking the lead in the
worship of God, both in the church
and in the home.
One service on a Sunday is not
enough for them; they come also to
the evening service and, on prayer
meeting and Bible study night,
their cars are lined up outside the
These folks demonstrate their
faith in God by putting their money
where their mouth is; they tithe and
give sacrificially to see accom-
plished the mission of the church,
both at home and around the world.
The church can be both vigorous
and vital. I see many teens who
have turned over their lives to
Christ and are daring to buck the
immoral and intemperate lifestyles
of their high school peers and are
living purposeful and meaningful
lives. I see young couples who are
living by the Bible and are finding
answers there that are relevant to
their needs. I see families of faith
that love one another and/serve one
another and, together, are the living
organism that is the church.
I know places where the
undertaker will be unemployed and
death will have been cheated
because the church is alive and well
and plans to live forever!
United hears of heroes
Molesworth hosts Presbyterial
The Spring Rally of the Maitland down in givings in 1995.
Presbyterial was held on Monday, The Children's Rally at Camp
May 1 at St. Andrews Presbyterian Kintail will be held June 19 at 5:15
Church, Molesworth. The evening with the theme "In the Circle of
started off with an excellent salad God's Love."
supper. The worship service was
Rev. Chambers welcomed conducted by the ladies from
everyone to Molesworth and Mrs. Gorrie with Muriel Neilson reading
Chambers led the children's choir the scripture and prayer and Mrs.
in singing several songs for the Chambers and Marion Mundell
enjoyment of everyone present. presenting a skit. Following the
President Mildred Dupont gathering of the offering Audrey
conducted the meeting. Treasurer Boron of Kincardine led in prayer.
Marjorie announced that this Muriel MacKenzie of South
Presbyterial was the only one to Kinloss was the recipient of the
reach its objective in 1994, but was Continued on page 26