The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-12-26, Page 4Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesd*Ys December, 26:, 1984 -,Page 4
Launchhmcl raising g campaign...
'ham page 3
'the validity of the motion. Hill disagreed
with the interpretation saying he felt there
was a breach of conduct on the part of the.
A committee of area residents. was.
formed to lead the drive to raise money for
the new emergency and out patient wing at'
the Wingham hospital.. The con nittee °
includes representatives from each muni-
cipality represented on the .hospital board.
The purchase of protective gear for firer
men to meet new safety standards will.add
to the Lucknow District Fire Department's
budget, , further delaying any action the
department hopes to take in . acquiring
• additional extra tion equipment for its.
emergency van:
The need for such equipment was
• emphasized when a.Lucknow man;: Eugene.
Gardner was • pinned beneath an ' over..
turned tractor 'and, Lucknow Firemen did
not have ant air pump, air jacks or air bags
to free . Gardner. 1
' . Three West . Wawanosh residents .whose
property overlooks the proposed site for
the . Lucknow sewage . treatment facility
attended a West Wawanosh council
meeting in May to obtain information.
regarding the project. Glen Walden, Gerry
Priestap and Ron Alton were concerned the
location of the facility near their homes will
' affect the real estate value of their.
Huron County . Council decided to estab-
lish strict employment policies and guide
lines after 'learningits clerk and deputy -
clerk accepted ,finders'. fees for investing
county funds. ' " . .
Respect for people, whether it be their
person, property or religious and cultural
persuasions is part of a valued , education ..
program, that will b more conscientiously
taught in Huron County schools, following
the Huron Board of Education's endorse
ment of a Ministry of 'Education ' report on
values education being part of the existing
A 12 member ad hoc , committee on
French immersion was . formed by the
Huron County' Board of Education to study
the cost of implementing and feasibility of
implementing a French' immersion pro-
gram in the county. The committee will be
comprised of, parents, trustees, and teach-
ers. ,•
• The new Kinsmen Community Ball Park
was officially opened ,May 21 followed by
an exhibition garde between the :Lucknow
Kinsmen Club and the Lucknow Lions
Club. The new ball diampnd estimated' to
cost about $27,00.0 took approximately ,500
man ' hours of work to complete,
Mildred Cameron of the Lucknow Post.
Office staff was honoured by fellow postal
employees on' her retirement after .a 36
year association with. Canada Post. .
• Lucknow Community SaleS Barn was
sold by public auction to. Gordon Brindley,,.
auctioneer or Dungannon. The sale follow-
ed the death of owner: Robert McIntosh.
Wingham and District Hospital sought
legal advice on the possibility of ' taking
action against the architect, over his failure
to inform . the board about , the parking.
requirements in the town zoning by-law.
The oversight held up, hospital progress on
its new wing for more than a month, while
the hospital attempted ' to acquire . "a
building permit from the town. A. frantic
scramble to find parkingspace required to
permit the issue of the building permit was
Despite their differences, overdetails of
the project sand' procedures in getting
approval for the project, the Wingham and
District Hospital Board emerged ' from a
lengthy closed door session to present, a
united' front on the hospital's proposed
expansion , plans: A motion was passed
following the in -camera session ,stating,
while recognizing the frustration ' of some
members of the board, the board proclaim,
ed its unanimous endorsement of the
project and all efforts to proceed with a
fund raising campaign to bring the project
to fruition:
Lucknow doctors Mel Corrin and Jack
McKim were .honoured' at a meeting of the
Wingham and District Hospital Board May
16 for their many years of service at the
hospital. They were presented with
certificates recognizing Dr: McKim's 23
years onstaff and Dr. Corrin's 36 years on
themedical staff. . '
H. D. Bud Thompson of Lucknow retired.
May 25 following 22 years as Administrator
of Brucelea ' Haven "and subsequently , as
executive director and' secretary of Bruce.
• County Homes for the Aged. The guest list '
reflected many aspects of Bud's, activities
in the community and beyond - the Homes
for the Aged, Bruce , County Council, the
Royal Canadian Legion, the Canadian
Armed Forces and Treleaven's Milling
bounty clerks receve finders fees
The Huron County .clerk .and deputy
earned : $4,000 handling the estates, of
Huronview residents in the previous year.
Both receivedfinders' fees for investing'
fIuronview residents assets and county
reserve funds. ' ' . , • . .
Fire completely; destroyed a barn on the
farm of Douglas and 'Charlene McEwan of
Kinloss Township. Farm implements and a
quantity of hay and grain were lost in the
blaze, .
Sixteen residents of West ' Wawanosh
and Ashfield Township Signed " petitions
objecting to the location of the tile bed
system for the Lucknow Sewage , Works in
the township near their homes. The
petitions were presented to West Wawa- ,
nosh' Township Council at . their June
Prominent Lucknow businessman Clar-
ence Greer passed away in France while
touring Europe to mark the 40thanniver-
sary of the D Day invasion of Normandy. A
former clerk -treasurer of West Wawanosh
Township, Greer owned and operated
Greer TV and Electric in association with
Bill Bolt on Lucknow's main street for more
than 25 years. . •
No employee of Huron County Board of
Education receives finders' fees for invest-
ing . school funds 'according to director of
education Robert Allam Allan was re-
sponding to a question by a board trustee,
following • a decision by Huron County
Council to look intoemployee guidelines
when it was learned the county clerk and
deputy -clerk earned $4,000 in finders fees
last , year.
Construction of a ,new emergency and
outpatient wing at Wingham and District
Hospital finally got underway after . the
hospital board was able to, put together a
plan to meet the parking requirements of
thetown. zoning bylavV.:
Dungannon Institute marked its , 70th'
anniversary at a dinner at the Dungannon
Agricultural Hall June 13.
E. T. Harrison, director of public health
inspections for Huron County, confirmed a
sludge drawn from the proposed treatment
facility for the Lucknow Sewage Works will
be odourless. Harrison said the tanks
where the sludge is stored will be vented to
prevent a buildup of odour and there is no
odour when the sludge is hauled away by
Rev. Merelyn J. Letson was inducted as
rector of St. p'eter's Anglican Church,.
Lucknow, Church of the Ascension,
Kinlough and St. Paul's Anglican Church,
Ripley. Rev. Letson graduated from Huron
College in April.; 1983, was ordained as
deacon in May, 1983 and ordained a. priest
in February, 1984.
Two of the more outspoken members of
the Wingham and District Hospital board
of governors did not retain their seats on
the board following the hospital associa-
tion's annual meeting. Archie Hill who had
been nominated for another term,, declined
to seek' reelection citing personal reasons,
"and (because) . I believe the board
chairman has recruited persons ` to run
against the incumbents"
In the election which followed Robert
Pike lost a three way battle to the two
"Tura to page 56'
The grade 4, 5 and 6 class at St. Joseph's Community School, Kingsbridge presented the
play,' Pandora's." Perilous Predicament at the school Christmas concert December .17.
Featured were from the left, Tammy Hogan Amy Olson, Jennifer Redmond and 'Patricia
{Photo by Joanne Buchanan]
Night Gowns
Scarves ..
. Jeans, Cords
Rugby . Pants