The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-12-12, Page 8Lgclmow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 12, 1984, -Page 8 Rejects salary adjustments After a closed session and recorded vote, Huron County Council overwhelmingly re- jected a recommendation from its ex- ecutive conuruttee calling for salary'ad- justments for county department heads ranging from four to 16.8 per cent. Council voted 21-8 in favor of rejecting the executive committee recommendation that suggested the salary schedule represented a four per cent increase over 1984 plus certain adjustments due to re- evaluation of positions in relation to. similiar positions in other counties. Moments earlier council endorsed a mo- tion grantingcouncillors a four cent pay increase raising the 1985 per diem rate to $73 while councillors will receive $49 for a half-day session. In view of that, Morris reeve 'Bill • Elston said that salary in- creases should reflect_ the county guidelines of four per cent. • "We're setting a policy with our pay and it should be set for the rest of the county. At least that's my feeling," he said. "I'd be happy with four per cent or less because we have to keep things under control, I would support our raise if the others get four per cent." Warden Tom Cunningham said council was taking, four per cent as a guideline. Before going into closed session, Exeter reeve Bill: Mickle said the salary schedule ranged from four per cent to 16,7. "Council should be told why," he said. "It's too high a variance." Refuse to support objection A resolution from the township of Turn - berry asking for support in opposing On- tario Hydro's plans to run a 550 KV line throughthe county was rejected by Huron County council. While. the Turnberry resolution specifically solicited . the support of the council, it opted to endorse a recommenda- tion of the planning and development com- mittee suggesting that no action be taken until 1985 when Hydro's study process will be complete. 1 Reasoning that the .county' must take a "broad view".: of the transmission line study, committee chairman Russell. Ker nighan said the situationwas a difficult one. "We tried to take . a broad view of the matter. You have to understand that we all use hydro and the lines have to go somewhere,". he said. "But in Duron Coun- ty, first-class farm land is our main argu- ment in opposing the line. Class one land is not a large commodity in Canada. While the loss of prime farmland is a key consideration,'Morris Township Reeve Bill Elston suggested compensation for the loss of that land is also.a factor. "Hydro came to Morris because there already is one, line through there and in 1967-68when they proposed that line, they told me there would be three lines through there before hydro gets out of the Bruce," he explained. "They said there would be two 250 KV lines and one 500 KV line. That was 15 years ago and it's coming true. "But I' feel sorry for the farmers with towers who are carrying the responsibility for Ontario. It would be nice if soipebody else could bare the inconvenience: My peo- ple are reasonably happy with hydro. We need hydro but let's put it where it's best." County planning directors have been asked to. participate in the study ,process: and Gary Davidson of the Huron County Planning Department said Ontario Hydro will study Huron County for possible cor Torn to nave 13• Drop in for a "FREE" COFFEE and swell the „BARE OOHS". •Stoves • •Paint Rollers •Screw Driver Set *Axes •Rivett Guns •Wire Cutters *Hammers *Hand Guns •Black Wire *Brace Wire •Barbed Wire •Come -along Gear Pullers •Spreader Chains and Parts •Teakettles •Clocks •Gloves •Mitts •9 D.C.' Cell Batteries C r Cheez: Whiz $� 99 LImltedSupply 500 Gr. 4 Vinegar 4L. Jug $1 .95 Limited Supply SPecial Watches $3.99 USED BIKES, COUCHES, SLED, HOCKEY GAME, SMALL POOL TABLES DUCKS' AND GEESE ariminev . •a. .•. zirs. .gin::, . l•M r.,Iss s41 1s4� a9 16K Standard, Colour Computer 2 for an affordable start in computing. 26-3134 16K Extended Colour Computer 2 for advanced computing. Create hi-res graphics with one -line commands. 26-3136