The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-12-05, Page 14.Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 5, 1984—Page 14 Lucknow UCW holds Christmas meetings Unit 1 Unit 1 of the Lucknow U.C.W.• met •on Tuesday, November 27 at .the home of Bonnie Ackert for the Christmas meeting. Fifteen members and five guests answered the roll call, a Bible verse about the birth of Jesus. Bonnie Ackert gave the call to worship and Elizabeth Robinson gave a reading about the spirit of brotherhood. Mrs. Ackert led in a Christmas service. Mrs. Al Irwin read the scripture, The Story 0,1 Christmas. The main candle was lit for Jesus, the light of the world. Eight other candles were lit for the hopeless, the poor and"humble, the forgotten, the people at war, the children, the afflicted and oppres- sed, stile seekers and ourselves. This was interspersed with prayers and carols. The devotions closed with prayer. Winnifred Graham and Becky Ackert entertained with Christmas music. President, Mrs. Ross Shiells presided for the business. The offering was collected and dedicated. Committee reports were given fdr Friendship, Supply and Welfare, Social Functions, Christian Education and Stewardship. Mrs. Shiells gave the thought for the. day. 0 Come All Ye Faithful was sung followed by the benediction. A social time was enjoyed. .Unit 2 • I . , Unit 2 of the Lucknow U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. Victor Johnston on Tuesday, November 27 for their December meeting, which was held one week early. , Mrs. Walden welcomed everyone, and The December meeting of Unit 3 of opened with a Christmas call to worship. Lucknow U.C.W. was held in the church, The theme of the meeting was. Light; and 13 members answered the roll call with a Bible verse with, the word, Light, . Members sang the hymn, Gentle Mary Laid Her Child, with Mrs..Lorne Eadie reading a verse from the Christmas story between each verse of the •hy Mrs. Eadie gave a thoughtful meditatioi on the Christmas story. Joy to the World was sung, followed by a reading, Christmas Light, by Mrs. Ross Henderson; also a reading by Mrs. Eadie, The Christmas Spirit. One verse of several Christmas Carols were sung accompanied by Mrs. Johnston. Mrs. Walden gave some thoughts on. Christmas custoths, which have grown up • around the celebration of Christmas, No \ custom, except the "spirit of giving", is \ essential at Christmas. A large white, lighted candle centred the table, and as • each lit their candle from it, they were to pass the light on. The hymn, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, was/sung followed by a Christi/las Eve prayer by Mrs. Walden. The minutes of the November meeting were read by Mrs. Bradley, and adopted. •Mrs. William Campbell gave the treasur- • er's report and one birthday money was •added to the birthday fund. •• Following the convener reports, Mrs. Walden gave the announcements. • The committee served sandwiches and Christmas squares. All enjoyed a social time as they sat around a beautifully decorated Christmas table.• Unit 3 •• '• • , • ..ii•I 1 ' I i I iIl h1.1.1 • ,',..ij . \''1.'.."..`' ',,}111V1, 11 'i- It' Iiiii.,!,!'' . '111.'1 i' . • . 1..0 . I . i v. 1, ' ..',,i.._, 'd !!I' i. 1 , • r , ., $ • • k , „,,,1 1 ill., .1H,111:':,!'•• ( ). .,). 1111' ''' , , t1,1 I, .. . .1;,/ / ,...:, 4)0. ((/)1 e ,,,,,,,.,,, _!,..„,,,k, ,it,,,,.i(..1 .i.„, ,, _..„,,,• •T7 O • .. ..„ II......._-..._ . , . ....-- ..„. ..... .-.._-... ..1_.-- (0 •I• . 4, '11110 „ ,# 1>•-• (OW ,,,,' . 4 !; , v,•• • ...,, • -„ ,? ;,,,s--' e."•-_-_-:-:: --'-' -" -- --'-----• 7-1.-- .• 1 ' ' CH•URCH NEWS parlour with Mrs. Charles McDonald in charge of the business. She read a poem on the Nativity and led in P &yen A Bible verse on Christ's birth was given by 17 members. The reports were given by the secretary, Mrs. Harvey Webster, and treasurer, Mrs. Andrew Ritchie. A happy birthday was sung to Mrs. William Hum- phrey. Gifts and plans for shut ins for Christmas were given by Mrs. William Hunter with several members offering to help. Mrs. Allan Gibson gave a resume of coming events and asked for candy dona- tions by December 21 to be left in the church kitchen. A splendid supply report was given by Mary MacGillivray from the four units including quilts, regular and crib size, blanket fund money, nearly 60 bars of soap, over 400 boxes of clothing to Goodwill Industries in London, and night shirts and bibs to the hospital. Elleda Wightman reminded all to save used stamps. " • The program was chaired. by 'Mamie Henderson, who read a peom, The Quiet Stable. The Christmas Story from Luke II, , was read by Ellen Cardis. A story of Joseph's devotion was • read by Mrs. Harvey Webster and Mrs. Vernon Hunter presented a reading on Gift Giving. Four women, Mrs. Charles McDonald, Mrs. Don Cardis, Mrs., Vernon Hunter and Mrs. Eldon Henderson told of Yuletide Customs around the world. Mrs. Harvey Thin to page 236 • AilGlicAN CHURCH SPECIAL •CHRISTMAS SERVICES Sunday, Dee. 16,11 a.m. Speciatjoint Christmas Service featuring Children's • Drama, Ascenalon; Malone', Reception to follow. Sunday, Dec. 23; Holy Com- munion, Ripley 9 a.m.; Kinlough 10:30; Lucknow 12 noon.. Cluistinaa Eve 11 p.m. • Holy Communion, St. Peter's: Lutknow. All welcome. Rector Rev. Merelyn Letsonl LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN • CHURCH • SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9 Worship Service 11:00 LIM Junior Church Service, ages 4-8, 11 cm. • Sunday School 9:45 a.m. REV. ALLISON .1. RAMSAY, MINISTER Nursery Downstairs For Little Ones Under Four EVERYONE WELCOME LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN 'REFORMED CHURCH • Invites You To Worship With Them On SUNDAY, DECEMBE119 • 10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Nursay dOwnstairs morning & afternoon EVERYONE WELCOME LUCKNOW UNITED t. CHURCH • SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9 Sunday School 9:45 aim\ Worship Service 1100 i.m. Rev. Warren McDougall B.A.M.iliv. Nursery and junior congregation provided • EVERYONE WELCOME LllflHome ) Hardware , • • *'' ,,,iii;Pir""• ' ;“.:.7.•• ....-...::-•—• -' -•-• -- - p......—•••• •_,'L,_?.`. , j):4 . ,_...--;---. -------------I-— . 4. \ .,..r . . • • • ,.......- .-----.... ..::,,,' :...,'''.411ii-.i.,.„,,,:,i0..,,,. :.i,i• :---".--,4•••::: f:::•;--'.---$;•.•::::'; :"-A--11.Q:14.."7"1"-------•0,1,,Ai!..4,:ii$::V.4,,• •0, 004,,,,,,,,•••N•,•••••••:•!•••••••••4;•:,..........44•••• •P•40.6.44•40...ztk:••4>44,,F.y.t.t•••4:.•Wok.....?. .kgo.W.Y.W.....v.::::$;?..t,..$ I. ‘, 1! , ; 1;1 PHILISHAVE •42.99 &Wed" Gull 'Triple Header Shaver „„ ,52 PIECE 13 PIECE Tool Set 44(7 Drill Set Glue Gun 23.99 'KEROSENE • 1,11 r 99 Heaters Vice Grp a sv, • 41344' the,t Lucknow• Home Hardware 16 PIECE CORELLE Livingware • PROCTOR -SILEX • owt• CREATIVE Toaster Oven 69. Little Kettle • FOR MOM 34.9•9• • il/nd Bl• ender PROCTOR -SILEX• ••SUNBEAM COMBINATION Coffee er 10 CUP •99 Hot BrushCurling __ LITTON MOFFAT AakAik not LADY REMINGTON RECHARGEABLE Microwave Ovens FROM ZVY.'" Shover 10.99 9." 46." WELLER'S • FOR DAD 2 FREE DRAWS Cabbage Patch Dolls SAT. DECEMBER 22'84 5:00 p.m. FROM 79.99 BASEMENT• BASEMENT TOYLAND FOR TIIE KIDS TOYLAND ORIGINAL • a&o& Ttivial Pursuit 'AY.' Barbie Dolls 19.99 Baby Boomer 29.99.A Team Vans FROM Magic Carpet I 4 1 9 Get Mona Gang 19.'9 MINIATURE . • otot Tour desForct: •21.99 Farm, Machinery ." WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF ARTIFICIAL,CHRISTMAS TREES AND DECORATIONS visA LET THE FOLKS AT "HOME" HELP MAKE YOUR SHOPPING EASY OW Lucknow Home. Hardware 528_3 LUCKN Open Six Days a INeek 8 - 6 p.m. Fri. till 9 p.m. Dec. 17-22 till 9 p.m. 0081 master charge • 2 FREE DRAWS Cabbage Patch Dolls SAT. DECMBER 22 '84 • 5:00 p.m. :441111.1074...o..